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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 882x484, ethmining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56264153 No.56264153 [Reply] [Original]

i know its not that much, but just sold ETH i got from mining on staked.us re myetherwallet last couple years. didnt realize till last week that you could withdraw as of last april.

not a bad take for doing nothing

>inb4 transaction fees

i did the sure but costly normie route

>> No.56266350

I would cut off my toes for even a fraction of that

>> No.56266374

16k? seriously?

>> No.56266391

Im dying in south america. Im gonna be homeless very soon cause i can't pay a debt that i have for paying food and services with credit cause i lost my second job. I have two jobs now and I can barely afford food. Im really, really fucked.

So yeah I dream to have even a fraction of 16k

>> No.56266420

wtf post where you currently live

>> No.56266429

Im in Argentina. Things keep getting worse anon, i can't fix anything i really can't. I have no one to help me here and my father hates me. I don't know what the FUCK I'm going to do

>> No.56266500

I have been eating only oatmeal and water for the last week and a half i can't even function

>> No.56266531

Dude, research credit card scamming. Fuck being poor if you’re not the one who’s responsible for that (you’re not).

>> No.56266552

You mean scamming the credit card people? That sounds risky as fuck specially in my situation

>> No.56266623

jesus christ so you either pull your self by the bootstraps or be a little latino npc the entire life

>> No.56266689

I can't do it alone anon. Im very close to losing it all

>> No.56266696
File: 66 KB, 474x647, F7ZPc2waAAA4IjX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become traditional Catholic and let God guide you.

Evolution is fake btw, made up by freemasons and the earth does not move.

>> No.56266699
File: 33 KB, 434x637, F6lNxTxXkAEJPni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blaspheme God.

>> No.56266762

This board won't help you. Are you cute? You'd have better luck making porn than anything anyone here will suggest. Does your father hate you because you're gay? That would help a lot.

>> No.56266786

I need anyone's help at this point, im really scared. Im ok looking not enough for porn I guess. My dad hates me but not because I'm gay, no

>> No.56266820

Sounds like the degenerate path won't suit you. I don't know how things work in your country but assuming things are mostly the same I'd suggest working two jobs or maybe more for awhile until you are in a better position. /biz/ Hates this advice but it's the most reliable way to make money. It will suck.

>> No.56266824

Kys pajeet stop shilling your faggot scam site.

Don't worry you'll get a bunch of unhelpful advice from retarded american boomers and wannabe boomers about eating beans and getting a second job. Because admitting shit is fucked is harder than accepting you just live in a bad time for proud people.

>> No.56266855

Im already working two jobs, can barely go by, I don't think im gonna make it even working like I do. It's a good advice that usually works.

Well I admit that my life it's going to be over no matter what i do if it keeps like this. I dream about having a normal life basically every day

>> No.56266859

My favorite part of your post is when you criticized working two jobs (doubling your income) without providing any better way to get money. The pertpetual victim complex thing doesn't pay well outside of the US unless you live in Israel.

>> No.56266873

Are you in debt? Like I said earlier perhaps things are different in your country but usually working two jobs makes enough money to get by.

>> No.56266910

Yes, I have a debt of roughly $520 USD doing the conversion of pesos to usd. I can't pay with what i make monthly. Paying rent and cost of living takes it all and lately i can't pay everything cause everything gets more expensive but salaries stay the same. So if i dont pay im on the streets

>> No.56266945

jesus christ that is nothing. I owe 50 grand usd and I sleep soundly like a baby with a roof over my head. Argentinians are so fucking poor lmfao.

>> No.56266957

post vid of cutting off your toe with timestamp and eth address

>> No.56266961

Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.56266969

Jesus christ if i owed 50k I would kill myself. Yeah the average people are pretty poor here, hyperinflation doesn't help at all.

How about i cut it but not off for what i owe.

>> No.56266972

This is gonna sound stupid but can you work more? Working is the best way to make money desu not gambling here with these kids who can afford to lose money because they live with their parents anyways.

Very mature. I have no debt and well over $100k liquid (which isn't shit) and I worry about my future every day.

>> No.56266974
File: 46 KB, 432x691, F2wKnMqbUAAwBqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blasphemes God
>Surprised he is worried about life

>> No.56266977

I would if the day was longer. I keep trying to get an online job that pays in USD but i didn't had any luck. That would help A LOT.

>> No.56266996

I have the exact same picture from my parents. When I was a baby it hung over my crib and now as a grown man it hangs next to my desk.

>> No.56267076
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It is to be feared that the angels, who are at present our guardians, will become our accusers at the day of judgment. - St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Are you 'Christian' anon? Have you been baptised? Are you traditional Catholic?

>> No.56267081

You can try set up a gofundme/givesendgo, many some anons will help you pay your debt.

>> No.56267098

We can't use those sites in here already checked, which is a shame. If anyone that read this or any richfag that would care enough about a shit stain in a shit country please let me know. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't so desperate.

I doubt anyone cares but i seriously dream about having a life again

>> No.56267113

do you have any proof of said debt?

>> No.56267125

I can take screenshots and pictures of all the places I use for credit and do the math to usd yeah.

>> No.56267160

Your id changed. Also >>56267113
This, /biz// is very stringent as lots of scammers try to beg for free money.

>> No.56267180

Yeah I just noticed that,I guess it's because I'm using my phone idk. I don't have wifi where im staying.

Im taking the screenshots now but again I doubt anyone would care

>> No.56267191

How long can you stretch out your debt?

>> No.56267207

begging thread

>> No.56267230


I don't know why i can't upload pictures so i used imgbb
ibb co/ NYdzjGp
ibb co/ Mpb6pM6
ibb co/ SRSN0nb

That roughly sums up to $240usd counting all the payments. Plus $280usd from a non digital bank

>> No.56267248

Not much. Apart from not being able to buy food or pay rent they are going to start taking legal action.

>> No.56267249

Bro please. I can't eat. My legs are rotting. I have no home. I can only post from this samsung S21 Ultra+ while I die on the road. Please sir por mi familia send me some ether sir pls my address is abc.xyz thank you

>> No.56267259

Seriously what is up with all the supposedly poor people having gucci phones?

t. A54

>> No.56267268

Are you anons being serious? Do you think i have a good phone? Can't afford one. I had this one for years and it was already used

>> No.56267360

not a scammer but still nobody cares about a shit stain which makes sense . Even if my debt its a joke amount for most people

>> No.56267439

Don't think like that anon. First rely on God. It's all gonna be ok, you will survive. Second find a traditional Catholic Church nearby, they might be able to help.

>> No.56267448

If you post a wallet address you will probably get banned. But who knows if anons will donate, many have tried taking advantage of anons here before, reducing their trust.

>> No.56267495

I truly don't know if I'm going to survive this, God or not

Yeah i get that, makes sense. If someone cares enough I will post a wallet but it's wishful thinking. I really really wish someone would

>> No.56267530

Even if you die at least try to save your soul. If you get into heaven, suffering is pleasing to God, providing you offer it up with Christ, as Christ suffered for us.

>> No.56267588

Do you know any people that could give a fuck about me?

>> No.56267627

Go to the local communities or religious people, whether Christian or Muslim and ask if they could help you, maybe it will work. You got nothing to lose.

>> No.56267657

God, His priests. Also check back in this thread in an hour

>> No.56267699

I doubt those people would care about me anon, they don't care about homeless people or people in my situation in here. I can ask them if they can help me food wise.

What do you mean anon

>> No.56267726

This is me my id changed.

Traditional catholic is an important distinction. They will help.
>What do you mean anon
I was going to get you to post a litecoin address coz i hate eth fees. But i forgot my bank takes 24 hours now to accept funds.

Otherwise you can post it and wait a few days for me to send, though I don't have $500 usd to give.

>> No.56267774

How much do hookers(female) cost in Argentina?

>> No.56267778

I hope they can at least with food.

If you are serious anything can help me A LOT doesn't need to be the full amount anon. The address is LYQq5pfpNr4KjV7nkry2Gn5kSErFHtQoVR

If you need to contact me send me an email to argieanon777@hotmail.com. It means a lot to me anon

>> No.56267794

I don't know I have never met one. Probably expensive for the average dude if you want a clean one

>> No.56267800

Ok, note i will not be sending funds to any other address so scanners dont hop in

>> No.56267801

>I doubt those people would care about me anon, they don't care about homeless people or people in my situation in here. I can ask them if they can help me food wise.
As far as I know, Muslims are generous when it comes to helping people out, though I don't know what their situation is in Argentina, you got nothing to lose, ask and maybe they will help.

>> No.56267805
File: 632 KB, 1920x1633, F152SA9aUAEcUIu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fornication is a grave sin as is prostitution. It's better to die than to sin.

>> No.56267812

Anon im serious about this, if you can help me it would be the best thing that happened to me this year.
Also yes luckily my id didn't changed

>> No.56267813

Interesting my id changed back for a moment. Very strange

>> No.56267825

I will, also to Christians

>> No.56267826

What's it like in Argentina? Are the people nice? What's the average cost of living? Any niggers? How easy is it to get a tradwife?

>> No.56267830

In the mean Time you should read through this thread and try to change your life in a manner that is pleasing to God.


>> No.56267831

Asking a fag about hookers was a bad idea. Anyway I don't trust South Americans. The ones I know are very scammy

>> No.56267833

We are going to the moon brothers
ETH to the moon
Driving that sweet lambo in no time
Wageberg can kiss our sweet ass when we're are rich driving our lambo
Don't miss the train by brother Yolo 20k in now I'm going all in

>> No.56267857

Its relatively nice, specially if can comfortably afford living in here. It has great landscapes. The people are usually nice like friendly in most cases.
Average cost of living in would say that has to be $480/$500 average, $600 plus is living more comfortable. Not much niggers no, and women are pretty slutty in the main cities but it isn't impossible to find a tradwife in the country

>> No.56267859

Is mining crypto actually viable in 2023?

>> No.56267863

It looks exactly the same to me

>> No.56267876

Im not a fag but i get why would you not trust people in south america. Although i never new of someone being scammed by someone from here. I posted all the pics of my debt im just really fucking desperate and scared

>> No.56267916

>really fucking desperate and scared
Why not join a cartel?

>> No.56267929
File: 312 KB, 736x961, F3XZRz8XYAAFOpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you suggest evil to anon? Guys try to live rightly for Christ...

>> No.56267947

Because I want to live life and not being more scared in general

>> No.56268073

Also anon try not to get into debt, begging ir charities is better.

>> No.56268079

Thanks, bro. I could've googled all those questions but it's better to get answers from someone living there. I'm thinking of moving out of the US. Argentina sounds like a nice place to live. I'd have to take a trip there next summer.

>> No.56268087

Im a retard, that id was someone else...
Do they have interest?

>> No.56268095

If you are coming let me know to the email i posted above, i can help you out with advice of good airbnbs places and all that. If you come with usd you will be living really good.

>> No.56268103
File: 43 KB, 660x516, 1691245746687964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im really, really fucked.

>> No.56268108

Yeah the interests keep getting worse by the day, that's way im freaking out. The longer i can't fix this the worse it gets. I pay anything i can and that makes not being able to eat basically anything.

>> No.56268121

anon, what were the signs that the economy was going down the shitter and you knew you were about to get fucked?

>> No.56268139

Also, look up Prolific, Toloka, and Serpclix. It's not much, but they might help. There's also remotasks, but that shit is pure slavery work and I don't know if they pay in USD.

>> No.56268141

The economy it's shit since I was a kid, i can't remember a single time that things were good. 2001 started the steady heavy decline with shit happening with banks. Inflation never stopped, until it became hyperinflation. 2010 was the year that the usd/peso went to shit, salaries were not adjusted with inflation quickly enough and poverty stroke hard. The last few years has been really bad, every new government promises to fix things and they leave with things worse. A lot of corruption too of course.
The key was keep printing money with this economy, inflation can quickly ruin a country if it's not managed correctly

>> No.56268150

Will do anon thank you, anything helps.

>> No.56268265

Anon i posted my email above just in case the thread gets deleted. Please let me know there if anything happens

>> No.56268392

Anon also see

See if any are near your location and talk to the priest there

>> No.56268465
File: 387 KB, 1284x1659, Fzen9inWAAE43ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i will email you eventually. Stay alive anon amd God bless you.

Also I recommend reading the bible for spiritual and emotional support.

Particularly the books of job and tobias are relevant to you.

>> No.56268525

sounds like the road my shitty country is heading to

>> No.56268529

Thank you for listening to me too anon. It felt nice being able to share all this shit

>> No.56268539

Where are you from anon?

>> No.56268587

No worries anon, you can also talk with God (and you should) and a good traditional priest.

I also recommend you start praying everyday even if it's a simple 'our father' and 'hail mary', and also humbly ask God to help you, and to guide you away from sin.

A really great spiritual work to read is Sunday Sermons by St Alphonsus Liguori, easily enough to find online to read for free. 1 sermon a week is recommended.
Oh if you understood just how vile and evil sin really is.