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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 161 KB, 1900x1042, signal-2023-10-02-17-34-50-182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56260966 No.56260966 [Reply] [Original]

- self service dons
- chainlink functions live on mainnet
- universal chainlink gas token payment service (pay anything with link)
- chainlink data streams, self service data consumption matketplace >https://chain.link/data-streams
- ccip was delayed (this one was a surprise because my sources told me they would open yo general public at smartcon)
-staking v0.2 elligibility app we can now stake up to 15k link per wallet
- chainlink automation 2.0, allows you to deploy your dapp sdirectly on the network and save 10x gas fees (this xill replace l2s)
-new developer hub with ai trained on CLL docs, that helps you build with chainlink

>> No.56260985

Was this it? Fuck sake were gonna dump back to 5 bucks again

>> No.56261001

When is CCIP general availability happening?

>> No.56261015

And it's dumping, it's over goys.

>> No.56261022

kemal had a slide announcing it, but they added last minute a giant coming soon in blacl and white, dunno whar happened, but i know that general access was gonna happen at smartcon.

dunno wtf happened

>> No.56261027

>chainlink automation 2.0, allows you to deploy your dapp sdirectly on the network and save 10x gas fees (this xill replace l2s)


>> No.56261037

Didn't you say something huge was going to be announced that will make the price pump?

>> No.56261045

So they delayed CCIP in 2022 at the last minute after announcing that it was coming all year, then release a glorified whitelisted testnet of it in 2023 and then delay general access of it again at the last minute. What a fucking mess.

>> No.56261060

general access is a big deal, they delayed it

>> No.56261096

Even so, CCIP is functioning perfectly and enterprise adoption is confirmed. If they have to delay it to release a perfect product, then let it be so.

>> No.56261100

This is the newest subtle FUD attempt? CCIP announcement is tomorrow, midwits.

>> No.56261132

Your optimism is adorable.

>> No.56261140

-Eric Schmidt mailed in a performance that had nothing to do with crypto and set up a background showing his support of Ukraine

-more recycled buzzword presentations and meaningless TVE graphs

-discussion about how more testing is needed and actual adoption is 10 years away

-reannounced staking 0.0000002 being released "later this year" for the 7th time this year

-price plummeted while the entire rest of the market pumped

>> No.56261146

yes people you read that right.

>1/1/22: coming soon
>20 months later: coming soon

>> No.56261168

0.0000000000000001 BTC has been deposited into your wallet, Ranjeet.

>> No.56261353
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also heard 70 projects are going to go live with ccip?
data streams? pay up
heard ben chan say building data streams required 200 engineers over 10 different teams
expected clown market to sell the news but this is insane to see it dump below shib again when it's so clearly the future of web3 and way ahead of anything else

>> No.56261394

- users of vrf no longer have to buy link, they can just pay with eth instead, improving the user experience dramatically

>> No.56261417
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>> No.56261420

Can I already migrate my link from 0.1 staking or is this just to check for eligibility?

>> No.56261437

L2 networks are rollups on top of L1 networks like ETH. The idea is that you can move all the computations and transactions that go into a contract to a less trusted environment, retaining most of the security guarantees of the blockchain while reducing the expense involved in running the system. CL Automation 2 here is offering to do that rollup for your computations on oracle nodes. It isn't a tech upgrade or improvement, just a quality of life thing. Devs are integrating Chainlink for everything already, why would they deploy on an arbitrary third party system? It'd be like deploying gmail, google meet, and maps in your business but then using MS office instead of G drive. Like... you can. But nobody would on purpose. So strategically it's a huge coup.

>> No.56261461

just an eligibility check
you'll know v0.2 is live from constant biz spam of people screenshotting their stake

>> No.56261471

not having to use annoying L2 bridges is absolutely a tech upgrade

>> No.56261493
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why wouldnt someone who is staked in version .0001 be eligible for version .0002?

>> No.56261504

So, token recommended but not needed?

>> No.56261523

it's just an eligibility check for those who are hoping to get in if there's any space left after 0.1 stakers migrate

>> No.56261534

Chainlink will handle the market buy of link for you using the collateral of your choice.

>> No.56261565

>ccip was delayed (this one was a surprise because my sources told me they would open yo general public at smartcon
So the namefag talked shit, what a surprise

>> No.56261573

Biggest announcement was that we are stil YEARS away from the Swift adoption and our fucking quad trillions.

I am so done with this shit link and will sell when/if we get 10$/link.

I don't wanna miss 2024 BTC ETF run with this shit token which even Eric shits on these days.


>> No.56261577

But then the people running nodes have to dump it to pay bills

There is no mechanism for accruing value

>> No.56261590

BTC miners are constantly dumping but you aren't bitching about that

>> No.56261601

>2024 BTC ETF run
hello normie
this has been priced in for over a year

>> No.56261645

They pumped Bitcoin to dump Bitcoin to dump LINK during Smartcon.

>> No.56261671

why can't you just admit you're a larp and don't know shit? Stop giving people false hopium, we're supposed to all be in this together and then dickheads like you come and ruin the vibes with your bullshit. It's ok for us to be pissed off, nobody here is selling because of this shit, but what a letdown.

>> No.56261673

Do you mean that poor retail fags like you have enough of liq to price that in? Uhh, go back to shit to ur streets and wait for link to dumb more

>> No.56261699

>ruin the vibes
dumb late newfag moron

>> No.56261704

So basically vaporware for yet another year. Thank goodness I dumped this scamcoin in 2021.

>> No.56261707

I've been here since 2017 I bought my first 10k LINK at 11 cents and accumulated over 50k over the years, eat my dick.

If you would have told me then LINK would still be just $7.50 today I'd have laughed in your face, yet here we are.

>> No.56261715

They're really building a whole eco-system.
I mean, we knew it, but the land grab is incredible.
Not even sure it could be said they are spread too thin because web 3.0 is essentially being built by them anyway and they give the impression that if they weren't to do it then nobody would.
And once you're in the ecosystem why would you leave?

Perhaps the market would have responded better to a Louisiana purchase type huge headline but chainlink have gone and got everybody to agree to the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Got a question. Hope some super smart anon can explain.
How's a self service DON going to operate and what is its function going to be relative to other DONs'? Surely there are consequences to the system...

>> No.56261769

something else,

who else caught SN's wry wink and a smile when saying that if people want to pay for a service in another token then that's fine because the price of the token they choose to pay in relative to link will be determined by the feeds providing the feed data - cue SN looking around at the audience and asking rhetorically ''who controls the oracle price feeds?'' ...

a trick learnt there. Google ads > google analytics > google search ... it's quite a coup when it's the same company that controls the data that decides the position that determines the price.

>> No.56261780

I've only ever seen larping fags talk like this
maybe you're the first real one, but i doubt it
there's nothing to be upset about

>> No.56261796

i still cant tell if these guys are charlatans or if there's something interesting here

>> No.56261815

God I hope you're not just pretending to be retarded. It is not enough that I succeed -- others must fail.

>> No.56261819

Very helpful, thanks anon

>> No.56261824

And when we do. I will buy more.

>> No.56261832
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I wouldn't mind doing a heavy scoop at $5 right about now

>> No.56261834

a fool and his money….

>> No.56261838

>adoption is confirmed

Ever heard of counting your chickens before they hatch?

>> No.56261884

If I told you my life story you'd understand better maybe, but I'm not going to blog. I'm just fucking exhausted from this shit. Not a larp, I'm just at my wits end with waging.

>> No.56261900

listen, ccip general acces, was planned for smartcon, thet delayed it somehow, they were supposed to announce the 50+ ccip users launching alongside general access. they didnt maybe they want to double check or something, you could see that it was a last minute change, on the slide displaying general access, they added a very bad white block saying coming soon, not even in the style of the slide, it was a last minute change.

>> No.56261917

Ever hear of legal clarity, numbnuts?
Link is a proof of concept coin
Baggies left holding

>> No.56261924

check picrel, thet showcased how to set it up, there is even a billing tab, so, a don is supposed to process data, they said that institutions should have a place they should go to to have the exact pricing for running a don for their private blockvhain for example

>> No.56261928

it's a great first step to phase out the legacy token over time

>> No.56261941

>it was real, I SWEAR!

maybe you're just a dumb nigger listening to other larping dumb niggers. ever considered that?

>> No.56261951

You don’t understand. I can’t get rid of scam fiat dollars fast enough. But that Link token, I mean I just can’t get enough of them.

>> No.56261962

stfu you whiny pussy

>> No.56261977

>the namefag's credibility is crumbling

>> No.56261981

>i dont know how this could have happened, i was sure of it!!!!!!!!!!!

im sure you are a dumb nigger.

>> No.56262030

Not dure its a mess sounds like it was planned that way all along

>> No.56262194

>- universal chainlink gas token payment service (pay anything with link)

WAGMI so fucking hard. This is so major other crypto founders may unironically try to whack Sergey.

NH8 GOT (Game of Crypto Thrones)

>> No.56262268

So Sergey lied when he said EOY 2022.

>> No.56262281

sergey is a lying charlatan
but he's OUR lying charlatan.

>> No.56262302

any larp leaks for tomorrow?

>> No.56262356

sergey will announce token buybacks as a thank you for long term holders. then he'll laugh and market sell some more, because it "makes sense"

>> No.56262375

this. holy fuck link is just like btc and eth before it cucked to pos. daily reminder eth was over 4k with miners dumping and the eth foundation dumping every top

>> No.56262392


>> No.56262449

this is stupid they delay things all the time surely they must have that same slide saved somewhere to reuse for just this occasion
>inb5 chainlink dont plan ahead
getting tired of your fud tripfag

>> No.56262529

Oh no no no!
Kek baggies

>> No.56262563

Your hopium dealers just lied to you bro

>> No.56262619

The real question is "who actually uses any of this shit for anything?"

The answer is nobody.

>> No.56262753

>CL Automation 2 here is offering to do that rollup for your computations on oracle nodes
Does anyone remember the screencap in which some anon theorized/crumbed a couple bits about how Chainlink was going to, eventually, drink all of ETH's milkshake? That it will be turned into a simple settlement layer, with most of the activity happening on the oracle nodes? Please someone paste it here, I want to read the texts again.

>> No.56262830
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Never trust a trip faggot retire that shit right now

>> No.56262845
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cll employees

>> No.56262854

Retire your trip.

>> No.56262869

no fuck you, i never agreed to that. but im not a larper, i have nothing to gain from it i do it for us

>> No.56262872

shut the fuck up tripfag

>> No.56262879

Faggot bitch kill yourself 100% of my word stupid fuck

>> No.56262890

Delete your account.

>> No.56262894

man you guys are like those annoying mosquitos that come vuzz into your ears when ur sleeping

>> No.56262898

There's a lot of those. It's a naturally monopolistic industry. Why? Because blockchains (PoW) are a sort of metaphorical boat that chainlink is sailing. Basically, any L3 has to traverse a sybill period (which Chainlink is doing on Ethereum) in which they live on VERY secure chains performing rollups of their oracle tasks while they gain a track-record thats trustworthy. Slowly, they can deploy the lesser secure environment in which they operate natively: optimistic rollups as a first-class citizen that anchor to an internal L1 (arbitrum.) They do this sequentially and gradually because they're open to sneaky attacks where bad actors deploy bot armies to spam the network into doing the wrong things. However, by sailing along using existing security models to float, an L3 can itself become MORE secure than any other L1 by guaranteeing a minimum quantity of self-interested whales in the game. (Unlike BTC which is heavily weighted towards early-movers.) The first network to traverse the sybil period gets to offer such a massive discount on all blockchain transactions that there's always an incentive to bridge over to them. (A costly trip - and one-way because of that cost.) We're talking transaction fees of $0.001 what used to be $0.35+1% By the time an L3 starts snowballing like this, it starts eating the layers below. First fringe ones like MATIC and Fantom die because they can't compete in terms of convenience. Then useful tech like HBAR get bought out and integrated. And what you're left with is JUST the chainlink network, having auto-market-converted the initial industry into LINK. Nobody can compete because nobody can traverse the sybil period - there are NO MORE BLOCKCHAINS on which to make the journey.
Try to deploy a NEW oracle network? You're deploying on Arbitrum bitch. Pay up.

>> No.56262903

>do it for us

Do what for us, exactly? Repeat gay ass larps you either invented yourself or were too stupid to filter? McKill yourself

>> No.56262928

but i do apologize for that shit, i guess ccip is delayed for a reason.

we'll have to wait, it's not like we are in a hurry though, im gonna go all in staking v0.2 though.

>> No.56262938

i never larp, i dont see why i would, im not a vc scammer, just a linky with insider info

>> No.56262966


>> No.56262993
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>> No.56263030

automated gpt ai frogbot post

>> No.56263076
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>> No.56263083

chainlink automation seemed like the interesting one to me, namely most of the solidify living in the chainlink automation system while just keeping minimum code on chain. i guess if advanced dapps already need chainlink for some portion of their function, then going further in by taking most of your code off chain is a somewhat natural next step, (assuming that the cost reduction is significant). so what does that mean for the future of smart contracts if the remaining solidity on chain are just minimal endpoints and the ledgers themselves don't really host full dapps anymore

>> No.56263181


>> No.56263245

40 million pool won't be full after 20 million (+5%) goes in

>> No.56263247

Having whole dapps on-chain doing anything remotely complex will never work (beyond some simple primitives). Even with L2 and magic voodoo consensus it won’t work for increasing complexity.
That’s why I bought RLC back in 2017 because doing most of the computations off-chain and posting results on-chain is the only way you can have a true web3. But turned out the devs are a bunch of worthless academic shitters.

>> No.56263255

Can you provide some inside info? I mean anything, if it's useful better, but just some useless insider facts would prove you're not larping. Which everyone thinks you are

>> No.56264081

If the L1 is congested how is Automation 2.0 overcoming this, are you implying it will facilitate rollups for multiple dapps simultaneously, or that a dapp needs to be of sufficient size/scale to beneift? Not really sure how you are making this assumption that it can replace L2s?

Now you jump to talking about an L3 concept, can you clarify things between this and your above theory about Automation replacing L2s?

>> No.56264177
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IT'S OVER GILLES! No more double tranny deluxe party for you!

>> No.56264189

Tfw after only staking 28k link I'll be able to but the rest of my 32k stack on there. Wish there was a mechanism to round it but whatever don't want to risk it at exactly 15k.

>> No.56264258

I didn't get a chance to catch most of stream as I was in work today, where is this 20 year hold meme coming from?

>> No.56264320

>and save 10x gas fees (this xill replace l2s)
no it wont u dumb fucking tripfag

>> No.56264332
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>10 more years
It's so fucking over. Do you faggots understand how important this event was for my Rose and Pond bags??? Now I will never buy your shitcoin, ever. You RUINED me.

>> No.56264336
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my lil ccip stock be doin something

>> No.56264347

>associating with linkies and the link eternal dump/crab omen
this is all your fault.

>> No.56264351
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Cope. Now you know exactly how it feels to experience this event as a Link holder. Welcome to the club

>> No.56264354

>Replying to a tripfag who thinks his opinion matters
By giving him (You)'s you encourage him to keep shitting up the threads. Keep that in mind.

>> No.56264359

Retards, obviously. Why give them any time.

>> No.56264360

>price still dumps like always

>> No.56264364
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>All those retarded arguments
I've never met a single community this clueless and oblivious on how the world works and why things are the way they are. Christ.
>written up by a tripfag no less
Linkies are truly the worst. You deserve this misery.

>> No.56264373
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Marlin Protocol didn't even talk at the event I think they just sponsored it and that's it so there shouldn't be much trouble.

>> No.56264382
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i hold both pond and avax and avaxroaches for some reason fetishize link. i think im in danger

>> No.56264390

and what do you get from sponsoring something like smartcon...? were there like ad spaces or something given to patrons as courtesy or...

>> No.56264395

BUY the pools and STAKE. It's fine.

>> No.56264556

ganc lmao

>> No.56264632
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>Just stake for 10-20 years
I work at GameStop man I can't wait that long.

>> No.56266022

I know it's ironically complicated.
L1 - security garuntees
L2 - relaxed security reliant on L1: cheaper at a cost
L3 - starts as an L2, gradually puts an anchor in all L1's while it eats them

So basically how it works is that you have a bootstrap contract load up your L3 the same way a bootstrapper loads your OS. Starts with a small secure kernel on a secure L2 and works its way gradually out from there. Eventually you get enough logical consistency out of the network of oracles that you can, like a 'cloud computer' divorce from the hardware, or in our analogy the host-L2. It takes a lot of time, years in fact, giving Chainlink the option to drag the ladder up after them. Hence the assertion that the industry is naturally monopolistic.

>> No.56268118

automation 2.0 is very interesting and it seems to be the new big thing to look forward to, seems like many dexes are involved