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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.34 MB, 2462x1388, eric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56257029 No.56257029 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a picture of biden, Zelensky and a ukraine flag behind them?

What are the financial implications of this ?

>> No.56257040

This is how closet homosexuals signal their availabililty to each other

>> No.56257061

More like closet ritual sacrifice participating child eaters

>> No.56257064

just sold all my link

>> No.56257093

He also said something about not giving the power for conspiracy theories and men going to the moon...

>> No.56257106

lmao what the fuck... why would you randomly have biden and zelensky framed like that. i know billionares are a bit weird, but not like this kek

>> No.56257148

By the way why did they take away the chat and why is /biz/ dead?

>> No.56257194

you dipshits still don't understand that we live in the real fucking world not the anime waifu fourth reich mandate of heaven delusion you live in, military industrial complex is profitable so is rebuilding bombed out shit holes, this is bullish retard

>> No.56257238

I was so fucking let down by that holy fuck, last year was so much better. The energy last year was “you got it Serg, keep it up and you’ll win.” This year it’s “yeah so theres a lottta competition out there, your thesis might even be wrong lmao good luck kid.” And a bunch of bullshit AI talk. The only nugget is talking about digital ID, but that has only been hinted at in some Ari Juels 5 year old talks about DECO which is probably 20 years off. I’m officially selling my bag blowing it all on hookers in Thailand then killing myself.

>> No.56257248

yeah i believe you

>> No.56257296

Product placement

>> No.56257313

Fucking shut up fuddie faggot that was king made shit. LINK is the only option, that whole conversation was confirmation.

>> No.56257316

Is this real? What is this?

>> No.56257345
File: 643 KB, 946x528, eric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no conspiracy theories allowed goy

>> No.56257364

>you as a CEO and I where ever I am
>your model is different than mine and yours might not be the winning one
>good luck

>> No.56257389

Schmidt has probably had some meetings with the lizards who have explained that his prior enthusiasm for technologies that reduce lizard power is quite unbecoming.

>> No.56257394

familiarity breeds contempt

>> No.56257397

Wonder what real picture he keeps there he's covering with the zeitgeist of the week? Autographed pic of Chomsky, Gates, and W eating a plate of foreskins together on pedoisland?

>> No.56257423
File: 263 KB, 339x434, wtff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the ritualistic implications of pic related?

>> No.56257427

Eating baby foreskin is their religious right bigot

>> No.56257436
File: 358 KB, 1746x1108, refugees welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a globohomo shitcoin pushed by the usual suspects.

>> No.56257937

and it's bad because?
imagine thinking going against quadrillions of $ is a good thing

>> No.56257980

>imagine thinking going against quadrillions of $ is a good thing
Imagine thinking that you're allowed in the club because you bought an erc20 token

>> No.56258008

How much LINK did Sergey dump to purchase this meaningless celebrity endorsement.

>> No.56258021

$50 million dollars worth last year. Who knows this year?

>> No.56258043
File: 229 KB, 1397x690, chainlink ccip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56258072
File: 201 KB, 967x672, 1642115407147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the fat guy in the back? That's me, and I'm about to fatten up significantly linkie.

>> No.56258099
File: 7 KB, 256x256, wunkay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao as an OG who spent a lot of time saying "chainlink will power the whole world" i have to say it's pretty fucking crazy to see that chainlink will, in fact, power the whole world.

>> No.56258101
File: 66 KB, 640x393, Ripple-Graphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those corporate logos in that carefully prepared PR poster by Chainlink, are even aware of the existence of this Cayman's based software company which issued an ICO shitcoin in 2017 and has not developed a single profitable software product ever since.

Thought you might want to know that.

And DTCC and Swift are just paid for corporate endorsements: Sergey sent them millions of dollars from dumped LINK tokens to put out some blog posts about them "being in the final stages of considering the possibility of exploring a potential letter of understanding"

>> No.56258125

There isn't a single tangible connection between any of those and Chainlink, and definitely not the fucking LINK token, lmao.

It's amazing that LINKcels now rival VeChinks in the depths of their delusions.

>> No.56258173

wtf the video was removed?

>> No.56259339

they all took the vax remember?

>> No.56259399

Would you prefer photos of Putin and Andrew Tate alongside cum-encrusted anime figures and Nazi flags?

>> No.56259606

remember half this board bought icp because someone larped as a nazi. nu/biz/ is just /pol/.