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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56254589 No.56254589 [Reply] [Original]

what is bidenomics?
is it really his fault everything is so expensive?

>> No.56254628
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75% of the nations currency was printed the year before he got into office, america was treated like a whore and now biden is the well meaning simp that is caught on camera holding her hand, dealing with the baggage.

>> No.56254633
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Not really, but he isn't exactly a bystander either. Trump had us on an oil kick that got shut down by covid and Biden chose not to continue the effort. Weird and useless sanctions that don't really hurt Russia but did affect us. Hostile relations with china and Russia. It is obviously the effect of loose monetary policy as the number one, but the Biden administration made a conscience effort to let the covid shenanigans continue for an extra year than it really truthfully needed to which is the real kicker. Overall, it's not what he did that is the problem, it's what he chose not to do that is the kicker, and certainly I struggle to give this administration the benefit of the doubt ever when they take such an aggressive stance on so much meaningless shit

>> No.56254636

Sorry for the repeat phrases. I'm tired :(

>> No.56254893
File: 34 KB, 755x755, 6E9ADB82-6529-43AC-A04C-18A5536BAC5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is bidenomics
crushing domestic energy drove inflation much higher than muh money printer ever could. the us economy has succeeded in spite of being hamstrung day 1 of his presidency

>> No.56254905
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agreed with this troon.
don't an hero yet, buddy.

>> No.56254906

the few started QE in 80s

>> No.56254918

Bidenomics is the following…
>If good thing happens, it’s because of Joe Biden and you must support more Joe Biden
>If bad thing happens, it’s because capitalism is evil and you must support more diversity and communism.
It’s really all it is.

>> No.56254928
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No. I mean the
>great reset
Couldn't have anything to do with that and the phrase
>great reset
Doesn't have an ominous tone to it or anything which is why a journalist didn't ask during one of the first white house press briefings if he'd thought of calling it anything other than the
>great reset
Or anything and stuff and things.

You're being

>> No.56254957
File: 979 KB, 1440x2238, Screenshot_20231002_065130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course absolutely NONE of this has anything to do with it, it's all just a couple of conspiracies

I mean put all the slipperyest cocksuckers in one place and have a big secret meeting about /biz of the planet each year and absolutely zero could happen there

>> No.56255070

all trumps fault

>> No.56255080

Hostile relations with Russia and China who were already hostile towards us to begin with. Turns out being nice to a bully doesn’t work

>> No.56255109
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He saved the economy after the money printer was tuned on the prior presidency

>> No.56255140

Lies zoomer poodle faggot, Jan 2021 to Jan 2022 Biden fed printed $6 trillion to $22 trillion YWNBARW

>> No.56255142
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>gets in
>Literally discussing ww3 months later

>> No.56255145

he probably did the best he could with the clusterfuck his predecessor left him. at least he behaves like a president, albeit one that should be retired for years

>> No.56255151
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>> No.56255171

your dad is still respected at his job, despite his son posting incoherent shit on 4chan

>> No.56255210

>Start importing oil from shithole dictatorships to 'save the environment' when said dictatorships produce more waste when mining oil
>Causes oil to double in price because it needs to be shipped in
>This in turn makes it more expensive to ship goods around america
>Goods are now more expensive to accommodate
It's not rocket science.

>> No.56255267
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hey fuckface, the republican adminsistration before biden got into office merged the fe with blackrock, giving crooks executive control over the economy.
Woke, inflation, interest rate hikes are all a product of such. Biden is senile old man on a ship of drunken pirates and so is the average american citizen

>> No.56255293
File: 362 KB, 1018x640, Screen Shot 2022-03-25 at 11.13.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merge the fed*

in other words, its over. You got played. While the media and your favorite based and redpilled influencer has you focusing on "woke" , the same people that are financing it are using it as a manufactured distraction from the real issue with far deeper consequences.
Stupid republicans fall for every trick in the book, they have a library full but only need to refer to page one to keep you distracted with a ball of yarn. Be ashamed

>> No.56256174

The president doesn't actually effect the economy as much as people like to think. The spending bill he passed likely caused an extra 2 points of inflation but that's it. It would have been the same under Trump. Excessive money printing and shortages are perfect the cause of the inflation we've seen. It's not really either of their faults. Although Biden probably did have a noticeable effect on energy price increases that wouldn't have happened under Trump, but again probably not as much as people think.

>> No.56256187

>take from whites
>give to niggers and ukraine oligarchs

>> No.56256241

Bidenomics is when you unwind a decade and a half of zirp with a few years of stagflation and then tell the gas stations of the planet to eat shit and die while laughing, then send trannies to blow up half a million people with artillery spam just to prove who won the cold war. Easily more based than zion don with a cool crackhead son that liked bleaching obungas kids in his free time and shitting in the mouth of kompromat attempts by out-nutballing charlie sheen.