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56253783 No.56253783 [Reply] [Original]

(GAY) so my beloved weakling boyscouts…now that the scam pump over grifter conference 3.0 failed, whats the next cope? I know your upset my wittle internet sleuth, just use your words

>> No.56253799
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Are these cross chain “revenues” in the room with us right now?

>noooooooooooo you cant spend (insert time of day and day of week here) talking my cult, what a loser!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh linnnnnkieeeee…THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.56253839

You aren't well bro seriously, someone needs to help you

>> No.56253847
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Based thomas back at it again. Stay based king. Looks like the baggies are getting extra riled up today

>> No.56253856

>light mode twitter thread #1,004,832,366 this time they'll sell for sure

>> No.56253894

>bringing up my fear of sunlight for the #1093847389494th time will surely make them stop fudding

>> No.56253939

They can keep fudding just use dark mode, it's literally just one button press lmao it's not hard. This isn't 2005.

>> No.56253975

>youre sick for pointing out Im in a cult

You need to stop projecting and be more of a man. It would help you with getting laid

>> No.56253986

Thank you. They have run so far out of material it’s now come down to screen brightness. Ahhh to be a snowflake zoomer…

>> No.56253992

Name literally one way that light mode is better than dark mode. Just one way. One single reason.

>> No.56254000

Imagine being such a weakling you needed group support in (insert year here) to validate your screen brightness. Ahaahahaha what a faggot ass pussy

>> No.56254012

>he's not using dark mode

>> No.56254016


Bahahhaahahahahahahahahahaha what a fucking nerd virgin. Imagine having an identity based on how you prefer screen brightness. Can you humor us…what did this weekend look like for you?

>> No.56254029
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Why is chainlink the only coin in the top 100 thats crashing? Is this the hiding strategy? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaah

THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.56254032
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>con hasn't even happened yet

>> No.56254048

I went to a birthday party where I dressed as a circus strongman because it was circus themed, and I cooked Irish stew for it because the bday girl was Irish, then on Sunday I went back to the warehouse where the party was and helped clean up. It was really fun!
None of that has anything to do with screen brightness, but you asked.

>> No.56254266

Every person I know who writes Bahahahahahahahah instead of lol or haha is a legit annoying faggot loser irl.

Goes without saying a dude that spends his life fudding his own bags on a website full of pajeets and bots. There are like 10 people on this site that have more than $10k in crypto and we all hold Link.

Just end it bro. I mean your life. Pull the trigger. Nobody is selling. Nobody cares about you or your insane fud.

>> No.56254277
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i'm so glad i'm not spiteful. seems like a very miserable way to live

>> No.56254279

Sounds fun bro. Now ask the tranny what they did. Hint: fudded Link in between tranny/cuck porn masturbation sessions.

>> No.56254284

That fucking sperg is going to lose his mind when LINK starts pumping and people stop responding to his tweets. When the price goes up there will be no interest in his arguments.

>> No.56254350

The chart

>> No.56254455
File: 430 KB, 1125x1213, DBA39834-EDAB-4147-9215-85EBA6DB2188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink boyscouts are literally melting down because people arent buying the grift

>> No.56254479
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>useless fud thread #81,000
The only coping that'll be happening will be after my stack grows exponentially in value and you realizing you're still just a useless faggot

>> No.56254480

Wait what???? Literally every faggot I have ever met writes lol. In your defense, you prob dont know anyone outside of reddit meetups and incel parties. Out of all my friends, literally the most manly all to a tee use haha over “lol”.

The reason I trigger you so hard is I hit you where you’re sensitive. For instance, I point out that you’re in a cult (which you are). In order to cope with this, you’re forced to create a backstory that I’m this pathetic depressed guy on the edge. This helps you save your ego and reassure yourself you werent scammed into joining in a cult.

Here’s the problem though…you’re in a cuckold cult

>> No.56254492
File: 100 KB, 852x639, A2D49BA4-4700-4496-89DA-C46EDFA929F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when Link starts pumping

>if coach woulda put me in, we wouldve won state

Good to see ya Rico!!! Hows the wooden ship sales going???

>> No.56254505
File: 339 KB, 1125x832, 742860B8-378E-4CEF-88AB-D8703253F82D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways back to the topic, what happened “marines”, did your balls drop off? Bahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahah

>> No.56254587

No, but something tells me you've cut yours off

>> No.56254657

No lies detected.

>> No.56254665

Oh fuck please tell me the source

>> No.56254727
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Oh look Adem Kayser crawled back from some hole. He won't live long unfortunately

>> No.56254732

light mode
dark mode
light mode

damn OP is all over the place, doesn't know if he's coming or going

>> No.56254776

>le black n white
kill yourself mason

>> No.56256300

Thomas join the WAGMI: Stake.link Community channel on telegram, from yours truly DDP

>> No.56256563
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>> No.56256639

Do you ever get tired of making these threads every single day?

>> No.56257534
File: 1.31 MB, 1125x1853, 3DCCE364-E487-48AC-BF98-58FA034872BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking here boys…is something broken with the Link coin??? Why is down 3% while the entire rest of the market is absolutely pumping? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh linnnnnnnnnnnnnnkie….THE Cuckolds of crypto

Nobody takes a cucking quite like a linkie. You pussies have perfected it as an art. Congrats on this, seriously

>> No.56257674
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Hit the links on Friday, Watched sports ball at the downstair neighbor’s joint on Saturday, drank wine and watched war dogs with the ol gal yesterday

>> No.56260571

Bump for based thomas