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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 800x1200, alizée-j'ai-pas-vingt-ans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56251077 No.56251077 [Reply] [Original]

Édition Alizée

>Sites éducatifs :

>Flux de télévision financière :

>Graphiques :

>Filtrages :

>Options :

>Données en préouverture et en direct :

>Calendriers :

>Investissement pour les baby-boomers 101 :

>Divers :

>Précédent :

>> No.56251098

first itt to dance between 0 and higher rates

>> No.56251099
File: 165 KB, 820x713, smiling-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'est le meilleur /smg/ de tous les temps.

>> No.56251102

I want to use my money to make money. I want to do this casually but also sometimes I want to fight people and show my wins off. I have a disagreeable personality. Should I get into the stock market?

>> No.56251122

my turkey sandwich game has grown to levels you fags couldn't even comprehend

>> No.56251127

I wonder if the markets will just crab for the whole week since the government shutdown was delayed but student loans are back now?

>> No.56251128

Sounds like you should, but also stream your trading to the public.

>> No.56251138
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am I right in thinking - bond yields going up becaause government is printing more debt for fiscal? it's that simple or is it

>> No.56251137

Wait, this isn't r/transpassing?

>> No.56251145
File: 35 KB, 498x495, 3133135748 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody passes here

>> No.56251158

That sounds cool. I don't have time for computers much though, can I profit a different way with charisma, like give my competitors bad advice, etc?

>> No.56251166
File: 107 KB, 351x310, 1691693763082700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so horny all the time. Even that meh photo of Allie Zay got me. I was told this would stop as I got older.

>> No.56251170
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Checked. I'm at the point where every woman looks extremely hot.

>> No.56251176

I jerked off about 5 times over the weekend. I'm in my mid 20s and I'm starting to go bald. What the fuck is up with the markets?

>> No.56251179


>> No.56251181

You could go work on the trading floor and scream at people.

>> No.56251186

>every single thread and post on pol right now is an bing ai image post

what are the financial implications of bing ai images winning out over google ai images?

>> No.56251187
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>> No.56251188
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In my middle age I have noticed the nethers are a little less interested but the eyes are the same as when they were 14. I'm less inclined to do anything about nowadays but I still must look.
>What the fuck is up with the markets?
Yields and inflation.
I would take this job in an instant.

>> No.56251194
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Based. Take a walk or clean the garage. Or drink and eat too much, there's no shortage of solutions to you problem my friend

>> No.56251203
File: 115 KB, 786x892, 1671038606901088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually just about to go on my traditional Sunday walk. I assuredly will see attractive and fit women.

>> No.56251206
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Keep us posted.

>> No.56251210

Enjoy the weather anon and stay sharp

>> No.56251220

I should also go for a late evening walk. I love walking or jogging at night. It's so calm and serene, it's like a different world.

>> No.56251253
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Based. Walking on empty streets at night is very enjoyable. Maybe having a few smokes on the way.

>> No.56251282

monday green or red?

>> No.56251286
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>> No.56251287

the guy in the podcast I'm listening to right now said red flag just as you posted this
do with this information what you want

>> No.56251297
File: 160 KB, 542x827, 1688423732151576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures will open green because gov shutdown averted. Whether that holds remains to be seen.

>> No.56251301


>> No.56251304
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Based and healthy sex drive pilled.

>> No.56251307

Think I might INVEST into some MAIN.

>> No.56251340
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That's the great thing about living in a college town.

>> No.56251347
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>> No.56251387

Uranium is DEAD

>> No.56251412
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My Kazatomprom shares say otherwise.

>> No.56251416

I'm so old I remember when we thought they'd get sanctioned alongside all the other Russian shit early last year.

>> No.56251427
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Yes that and something something the Saint Petersburg rout being closed by Russia.

>> No.56251434

Completely dead. Dozens of bot, attention whoring zoomer fail trolls that come here because their shitcords are dead and they are ignored on twitter and that think everything on 4chan must be nazis (thinking that nazis are le right wing), a few confused ccp communist and of course shitcoin and shitco ponzi advertisers

>> No.56251444

I nearly forgot the shizophrenic frog spammer/ serial shitcoin scammer jumping residentual proxies and using bots to automate his spamming, but that happa retards spamms all of 4chan

>> No.56251454
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I mean this is a bottom signal no interest in the markets what so ever.

>> No.56251485

It has been like this since 2 years with every day a new atl in user activity, the only difference, the lazy mods that were in on the spamming and scamming have realized that they were a main reason for the dead and as their is nobody to scam with shitcoins they rely on scamming advertisers but also them realized that the engagement bots came from the moderation. Now they try to rebuild trust by having banned a bunch of ranges blocking bots and scammers

Though this board is dead and no matter what the market does, reputation once lost is not coming back

>> No.56251500

thanks for the heads up im sorry for bein a dick. glad I finally got wind of it.

>> No.56251510

Yeah you're right although I think newfags will come if markets reach ATH especially crypto.

>> No.56251532
File: 224 KB, 1000x1000, 1691091689984757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bengals bros, it's so fucking over.

>> No.56251545

>No Gov shutdown
>Giga-pre futures showing +0.6% Gap up
Bobo bout to get GAPED up this wk. I hope you took your profits & didn't fall for the old 1927 meme again, right?

>> No.56251562

Unironically gonna pump. Only bearish news was gov shutdown. we are back to pump mode now.

>> No.56251574

No. /biz/ has a reputation, normal faggots go for twitter and the shitcoin scammers rational is always to herd victims in their telegram and discords to groom and scam them their. I also wouldn't be sure that crypto is ever going to have another all time high considering that after 15 years of doing nothing and even incentivizing "tech" scams the SEC is doing its job, and the only reason crypto ever was anything was third worlders trying to scam burgers out of dollars. Btc is likely going to be the gold of this decade, permanent crab with the unregistered perpetual pre-ipo that are shitcoins from software companies posing as "foundation", "labs" and other "non profitables" going to perma dump to near 0

>> No.56251619

same. Super undervalued company. They're a much better company than Cameco and yet they are significantly cheaper. Comfiest hold

>> No.56251640

2021 was peak euphoria for crypto hope you're right about it not moving anywhere but down for years it sure seems logical but for now BTC is still following the NASDAQ somewhat.
I mean you can't even compare it to CCJ KAP is just superior every way except "political risk". Most of the juniors are way over their NPV10% wouldn't surprise me if insiders start dumping shares and raising capital to fund management for a decade. KAP on the other side can grow production and they produce at a very low cost they have high margins and good divvies.

>> No.56251653


what are these giga pre futures of which you speak

>> No.56251656

It's too early for the real pump, but the spot price is as high as it was just before fukushima. No one is panicked enough to bid anything crazy just yet, but we'll get there

>> No.56251670
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>giga pre futures

>> No.56251676
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I like girls with thick asses, nigguh

>> No.56251689
File: 1.47 MB, 1196x664, 56786545678876543221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a swordfish? Anyway imagine getting hit by pic rel at that kind of speed.

>> No.56251706
File: 61 KB, 585x1024, IMG_9521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to humiliate and punish girls for their tight little bodies

>> No.56251712

black marlin

>> No.56251716
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1024, IMG_9891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never apologize for being right, frens

>> No.56251717

IG index offers weekend prices for some major indexes & currencies (gambling on wkend events & such..). They showing a +0.6% gap up for Nasdaq currently from friday close.

>> No.56251718

the 20th anno made a lot of realise we have been here far too long and it's time to kys ourselves
i'm boutta head out myself here in a minute

>> No.56251723

I could be wrong its just speculation on the nature of blockchain databases being perfectly substitutable products that can be created at practically no cost, maintained at low cost, and them being for the most part inferior databases that can't scale, be secure and really distributed at the same time, especially the permissionless that are on top asking a fee for every data entry (state change in the crypto scammer lingo), with of course the SEC and legislator finally cracking down on the unregistered security scamming. Permissioned could maybe see some niche application in intra b2b environment, but those don't need tokens scammers can play pump and dump games on.

Then again people buy a lot of stupid shit if it gets advertised well enough and if there should be more monetary and balance sheet inflation in the future, who knows, there could be more scammery at foot depending how much the SEC and legislator seal off capital entering into crypto.

>> No.56251729
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>> No.56251748

>weekend dow is up 150
>never seen weekend dow up or down more than 20 points
jesus were going to circuit breaker up arent we? I should have closed my short ffs

>> No.56251755

Absolutely, KAP is in a league of its own only burdened by the political risk of being a state owned Kazakh company. But both CCJ and KAP will be mainstays is my 'folio.
>Most of the juniors are way over their NPV10% wouldn't surprise me if insiders start dumping shares and raising capital to fund management for a decade
Certain juniors with very high quality development assets are sadly rewarding their management and BOD too much with huge equity or options incentives. Great projects and stocks burdened by parasitic management teams who know they can get away with transferring shareholders' wealth to themselves. And the funny part is these companies have done and will likely continue to keep performing very well. I guess that just shows how strong the uranium sector's value is.

>> No.56251757
File: 13 KB, 250x228, 1682237257000430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owe women sex.

>> No.56251765

I just can't stand name fagging and the zoomer bullshit of building "digital identity" and gathering interweb frens like it were some trading cards, while they are catalogued, advertised to and tried to be behaviorised. Anonymous posting is still imo how the internet should be instead of the corpo crap that happens on every other platform, but there is no denying hiro left the biggest fuck ups possible in charge of the platform

>> No.56251764
File: 1.74 MB, 937x795, 54678765434567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll I'm the guy jumping of the boat wouldn't want to get hit by this. Nice dubs btw.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.56251770

have they come to collect?

>> No.56251784
File: 157 KB, 328x775, Investments 10-1-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So another relaxing day. A bit different this time. Have you ever ate at Pizza Inn? If you live in the southern U.S (and some places outside the U.S) you may have. Well there's one in the city. I've ate there several times. Anyway its a family owned company like L.C but this one has stock. The pizza chain is a sub of the parent. Has 252 stores in U.S and 38 outside. Goes under the ticker RAVE. Absurdly cheap. Under $2.50 a share. Dine in, online order or they'll deliver. Cost wise it stacks up with Papa Johns,Pizzahut,etc so nothing to obscene on that end of it.

>> No.56251786

moot saw the cancer on the wall and sold out

>> No.56251802
File: 37 KB, 678x525, 27b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/smg/ is extra horny today. What does that mean for the markets?

>> No.56251804

>quality development assets are sadly rewarding their management and BOD too much with huge equity or options incentives. Great projects and stocks burdened by parasitic management teams who know they can get away with transferring shareholders' wealth to themselves
I mean this is a common phenomenon among commodity juniors. The insiders are not your friends they there to fuck you over. Even in some companies in the oil industry I see insiders pushing for massive share buyback programs whilst dumping shares onto the market. No one gives a shit about shareholders anymore.

>> No.56251824

top signal

>> No.56251829
File: 48 KB, 820x1024, IMG_9852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like girls with thick asses, btw

>> No.56251837

Moot is the biggest faggot of them all, he sold it out to Alphabet (social)engineers that have been the worst failures, amateur mk-ultra behaviorist failures that have ever since he sold out tried to domesticate anon and use anon for whatever, the entire maga and syria general chapter, pizza gate and qtardism over on /pol/, while trying to get /pol/ and anon to stop saying nigger

Those people really deserve the dead sentence for crimes against humanity

>> No.56251848

this is highly homosexual price action and i dont support that

>> No.56251850

They tried the same and still trying the same methodology here with chainlink, like some religious lunatics

>> No.56251852

im gonna fukken do it
im gonna build my app
and make it a big business
and get listed
and then you niggers will be losing money trying to trade MY stock

>> No.56251856

Very common among junior miners yes, quality management teams are few and far between so stick with the guys you know you can trust.
>Even in some companies in the oil industry I see insiders pushing for massive share buyback programs whilst dumping shares onto the market.
insiders trading their own stock is a bit of a different beast from excessive corporate G&A and I don't personally mind that as much. But speaking of o&g companies some of those have very shareholder unfriendly incentive structures. For example companies like Devon hand out bonuses to management for following legal regulations(lol) and many companies (also Devon) reward gross production, reserve or revenue growth which doesn't incentivize PER SHARE growth nevermind keeping costs in check. That kind of incentive structure often leads to dilutative and unacrretive acquisitions instead of organic growth

>> No.56251860

Good luck, anon. Hope you learn something along the way.

>> No.56251888

>For example companies like Devon hand out bonuses to management for following legal regulations(lol) and many companies (also Devon) reward gross production, reserve or revenue growth which doesn't incentivize PER SHARE growth nevermind keeping costs in chec
That's disgusting.

>> No.56251912

Yep. The focus is often in "per boe", but you can artificially improve per boe metrics by simply acquiring more production. It will make the netbacks look better, and F&D costs will also look swell. But FD&A will reflect poor acquisitions. The sector is rife with poor acquisitions which are ultimately done to the benefit of the management and at the cost of shareholder returns. Always be on your toes with management teams that don't incentivize per share improvement

>> No.56251935

For sure incentives should be on a per share basis.

>> No.56251941
File: 253 KB, 1536x1078, 1696042293892_image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that divvies produce no value and are a jewish scam

>> No.56251955

Are Divves valid?

>> No.56251956

what's wrong with returning capital to shareholders?
>buybacks are better
I agree but both return capital to the shareholder

>> No.56251973

What does her being 20 years old have to do with anything?

>> No.56251979
File: 410 KB, 1236x1236, jimmy-buffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe he's gone.

>> No.56251987

if you want I can link you to a paid article I read on this subject that goes into depth about acquisitions and incentives. I think I'll be able to download and link it maybe, it's on substack

>> No.56251990

I beg to differ. Uh via handy calculator let's say I hold my shat pot of VZ till I'm an old fucker. Even if the share price stays where it is and never moves up, long as that divvy still keeps getting hiked at 1.9% the whole time at the end of it I'll be raking in pretty close to what my pension check will be. (The little bit that VZ's divvy doesn't cover well, KO's will no problem). That's assuming to I don't add more shares either.

>> No.56251996
File: 247 KB, 679x356, 124634523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am willing to offload work to other people who are smarter than me. I just cracked a new can of Miller Light.

>> No.56252001


>> No.56252013

Jimmy Buffet, CEO of Nintendo.

>> No.56252015
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I'm feeling bully

>> No.56252022

Which frankly its all "play money" (Divvy income + 401k RMD + any S.S I get) cause my pension check alone will cover 100% of my expenses in retirement. Said pension check comes to me till I die so yeah that's a nice pile of "play money"

>> No.56252025

Kek sometimes these shitty incentives push the stock price down so much that the company becomes very very undervalued. As to the article I'd be interested in the acquisition side.

>> No.56252043

I'll see if I can pull it up for you. And about the companies becoming "undervalued", I'd argue that's just the market giving lower quality companies the lower multiple they deserve. There's a good reason why high quality companies trade at high multiples and why poor companies look "cheap"

>> No.56252052
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>> No.56252055

>trade MY stock
No chance unless your stock is based on NATGAS futures/spot. And if it is not then it will be gay.

>> No.56252070
File: 160 KB, 1200x1800, Taylor-Swift-puts-on-a-leggy-display-in-a-denim-mini-dress-while-attending-a-2023-MTV-VMA-afterparty-in-New-York-City-120923_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just fucked my gf raw and now im waiting for futures

>> No.56252074

93 years old why cant he just fuck off already just like soros

>> No.56252076

>I'll see if I can pull it up for you.
If it's not a bother but won't read it until tomorrow tired rn.
>I'd argue that's just the market giving lower quality companies the lower multiple they deserve.
Could be. Sometimes management dilutes a lot and the subsequent share price decline and it's effects on peoples psychology just absolutely decimates the share price. But these are not long term hold just goods swings. Unless management keeps diluting at very low share prices.

>> No.56252078
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>> No.56252084
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>gapping up
RIP, rest in peace to dead Bobos on the wall

>> No.56252086
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>> No.56252091

wow what a disgusting gap up what the fuck

>> No.56252093

If I can get a pdf to MEGA or something I'll do it. Just got home from my walk.
>But these are not long term hold just goods swings
You're on the ball. These serial diluters can be great swing trades but certainly not long term holds. Many E&Ps are just glorified options on oil or gas, except instead of paying for contracts or time decay you get "management decay" lol

>> No.56252096

so did the us gov shutdown - which of course would've spelled the end of the world as we know it if it was to occur - get averted in the last second?
of course all to the credit of the hard working us politicians who fought tooth and nail for the good of the people.

we've probably been this close
>------> <------ THIS CLOSE
to an actual catastrophe.

>> No.56252101

Have to get the liquidity by all the shut down shorter 84a4d

>> No.56252102

A consequence of the government shutdown deal made over the weekend.

>> No.56252109
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don't worry, everything is okay

>> No.56252121
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>> No.56252127

i lost 50 bucks by that kikery

>> No.56252132

Don't feel bad he's having margaritas and eating cheese burgers in paradise.

>> No.56252134

How much GAPE can you take Bobo looks like a long night of humping & pumping.

>> No.56252142
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>If I can get a pdf to MEGA or something I'll do it.
It's not a biggie you can give me a TLDR I guess.
>These serial diluters can be great swing trades but certainly not long term holds.
For sure if you don't know what you're doing with these you'll blow up your portfolio. Pic rel is a company I have been swinging you can see where a massive dilution occurred by the volume. Those guys subsidized management and current shareholders as long as we don't get more dilution.

>> No.56252148

Except that bipod who pulled the fire alarm during the vote. They better throw him in jail for obstructing congress and hold him without trial like those June 6th protestors.

>> No.56252169

As long as the yields keep rising I can rest easy knowing America will soon be destroyed

>> No.56252171

That fine gentlemen of melanin rich complexion will be awarded several medals of honor.

>> No.56252172

Check the futures, boboid losers. Market is extremely oversold as we priced in a government shutdown that is no longer happening, you doomers lost again LMAO. Losers.

>> No.56252179

>any day now
>two more weeks

>> No.56252184
File: 40 KB, 501x639, thisbutstocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to start pricing in another one within 45 days.

>> No.56252185
File: 18 KB, 1038x109, cumBreathIsDaWae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open wide

>> No.56252187

>It has happened yet so it will never happen.
By that logic you will be a virgin for the rest of your life.

>> No.56252194

I've sort of given you the synopsis already but here you go. This guy has been worth every dollar so I recommend you take a look at the writeup yourself -- I have learned a great deal myself from these articles.

>> No.56252201
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>> No.56252220
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okay, im gonna go long

>> No.56252227
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>> No.56252233
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no worries wagmi and all that

>> No.56252246
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>no worries wagmi and all that
With those digits we are.

>> No.56252256

I would feel bad for permabears, but I don't.

>> No.56252274
File: 395 KB, 633x356, 1679869338418186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Crab... my dear Dr. Bobo... welcome... to the New Paradigm™.

>> No.56252314

NVDA is still going to 2T+ market cap, no amount of photoshopping my posts and FUD will change this fact.

>> No.56252320

Post vid on /gif/

>> No.56252336

yeah maybe in 2030

>> No.56252348

that post is 100% in the archive my dear nut sommelier

>> No.56252365
File: 186 KB, 1771x508, snp500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still looking like a falling three methods on the daily for spy. The pump could retrace.

>> No.56252404
File: 504 KB, 3518x2476, bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna lose a lot of money this week I can feel it

>> No.56252410

why potatos kill themself

>> No.56252417
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Honestly these futes aren't blowing the wind up any skirts here. Pretty weak for disaster averted reaction.

>> No.56252426

im long now
we better pump now


>> No.56252453
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I really hope so.

>> No.56252477


URANIUM is the future, how can it be dead ?

>> No.56252499
File: 113 KB, 283x178, IMG_2738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best stock trading simulator on the market is no longer going to be updating the game due to low sales. It’s been around since 1986. Pretty sad honestly, it’s a great game

>> No.56252509
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 234234tggh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you respond without sounding mad?

>> No.56252512
File: 54 KB, 512x768, 1667955210542201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so back bros

>> No.56252520
File: 2.28 MB, 1073x1198, Powell&#039;s hawkish and dovish remarks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56252535
File: 24 KB, 488x258, futs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random gap up in cryptos tonight
still not as "strong" as treasury yields though
high ten year yield = money is expensive
this is usually really bad.
like shit is hitting the fan. super bearish
especially with the potential for another rate hike this year. jpow is wild for that one.
but I don't know. you got the AI hype as a compelling narrative. earnings are surprising to the upside. and of course, the allure of buying the dip. (even though we barely had a dip. not even under the 200dma on SPX)
a lot of conflicting narratives at play here.
but I think we end the year with a rally.
maybe even new all time highs, we'll see.

>> No.56252538
File: 32 KB, 692x580, Bobo and Mumu staring at Snips on the water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't really a disaster anyway. People kept acting like it was a debt ceiling - totally different ballgame.

>> No.56252549
File: 528 KB, 649x752, Margin Call - Very, very unique situation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 year back up to 4.6
Fuck me sideways...

>> No.56252573

We get to do the same dance in a month and a half oh joy.
Hope you're ready for a red friday instead of a african american one this year.

>> No.56252587

AI hype? There is non. That was wrapped up in August

>> No.56252601
File: 3.98 MB, 750x1210, 1696200130174522.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the future, dare i say it, brown?

>> No.56252610
File: 866 KB, 1000x1536, 1421713172121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so back.

>> No.56252621
File: 67 KB, 655x674, 1634011372208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a 1000x bros. we should all be focused on making this play. the play of a lifetime. that 1k to 1milly wager.

>> No.56252631


>> No.56252641


>> No.56252674

I think they did some bullshit exempting the USPS from any negative shutdown effects. But if they didn't, then lol at holiday porch pirates coming from inside the mailtruck.

>> No.56252692


>> No.56252707


>> No.56252709

I understand bond convexity, immunization, yields, and market price
But I cant understand why high yields are bad.
You can just hold a short dated treasury to maturity and collect interest. Whats the problem?

>> No.56252730

no problem if you're holding to maturity. Mark-to-market losses for banks, or losses on ETFs that trade treasuries on the other hand can be a problem to some.

>> No.56252739

Some time, at some point, some people somewhere might need to borrow money. That's your problem right there.

>> No.56252746
File: 142 KB, 830x1107, F23nzzsasAAWYWZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know how to do those conversions that /wsg/ does so here's the link


>> No.56252760
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>> No.56252826
File: 3.95 MB, 1920x1080, Margin Call - Is that even possible.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56252848
File: 134 KB, 1080x687, IMG_20231002_013626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reuters got paid to write bull advertising after a week of getting paid to write doom advertising
Always do the opposite of what Reuters says

>> No.56252850
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>> No.56252853

this guy is such a good actor

>> No.56252856

>Reuters got paid to write bull advertising after a week of getting paid to write doom advertising
Last week it went down, when they got paid to write doom advertising.
So it should go up now.

>> No.56252867
File: 3.67 MB, 1920x1080, Margin Call - Capitalism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56252869
File: 61 KB, 480x498, apu-hmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then why is NVDA still worth over a trillion dollars? it's not crypto mining. people are pricing in the future growth of AI. and even if it looks totally different five years from now, there will still be corporations like them who control the infrastructure and benefit from players trying to get involved in this space. and yeah, I know chatGPT is kinda scuffed and censors a lot and takes some finesse to use effectively. but even with its popularity waning, they announced that they were raising money at a $90b valuation just this past week. I don't know. you could argue that this "bubble" has already popped because the initial enthusiasm has faded, but if we're just looking at the numbers here, everything still seems to be on the right track.

>> No.56252876

Explain "AI" in your own words frog shill spammer

>> No.56252885
File: 113 KB, 296x285, 1676232394914923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I cut myself shaving today
I cut... my knuckles, lol. I am really not good at hand/eye coordination, but...
Hopefully this is the last red thing I see this week

>> No.56252900
File: 136 KB, 428x428, 1646012604192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short strokes and don't press so hard.

>> No.56252923

She is NOT 20. Pas = Not

>> No.56252931

I have the slowest fucking growing mushroom spawn bags in the world. Its been a whole month and they still aren't even halfway colonized.

>> No.56252984

I look like this (I am a woman).

>> No.56252989
File: 120 KB, 474x379, apu-thumbs-up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit!

>> No.56252991
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Post tits

>> No.56252992


>> No.56252996
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> futures


>> No.56253015
File: 33 KB, 402x473, 1688937625704775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we just avoided a literal happening. why are we only up half a percent? shouldnt futures up be at least 2% by now?

>> No.56253020

I love that fuckin cat

>> No.56253021

priced in

>> No.56253025

That's not a cat that's an artistic and genetic abomination

>> No.56253028

she's mine back off

>> No.56253031
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>> No.56253069

Yes, I know. Like I said, I cut my knuckles on the other hand. I'm clumsy
Two fingers are now wrapped up in bandaids, so they're pretty useless. Luckily, they're my non-dominant hand so I can still work my mouse to sell my calls tomorrow in Fidelity ATP for massive profits

>> No.56253070
File: 214 KB, 1922x1075, making it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I officially know what making it is.
>That fucking view
meanwhile being an americunt the best I could hope for is a 250k home at 8% rates surrounded by an urban jungle.

>> No.56253085
File: 23 KB, 224x225, 1614350535442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain me why futures are green? I have no clue

>> No.56253094

The futures pigeon chose the green button today

>> No.56253113

it's a very weak green, all things considered

>> No.56253139
File: 244 KB, 752x575, Peter Lynch thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man even Mr. Russell is doing +0.66% at the time of this shitpost. It's gettin weird.

>> No.56253211
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Bobos on suicide watch

>> No.56253220
File: 506 KB, 709x708, 1621158375810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vive Le France

>> No.56253260

what kind of fucking bread do you use bitch

>> No.56253267

>t. low information traders
at least read the thread retards

>> No.56253277
File: 167 KB, 357x360, 1695236909460860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think I will.

>> No.56253303

why skyt down -70% over 5 years?

>> No.56253327

Too much supply and not enough demand

>> No.56253347
File: 401 KB, 754x720, 1618743220998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mumus euphoric over congress kicking the can another few weeks down the road yet again
Here's the thing mumu. Nothing has changed. Yields are still mooning. Gov spending will either go parabolic or grind to a crashing halt and BOTH of those outcomes are bearish in the end. Even if you get a little green pump on Monday, we are in for the reality check of the century when things come to a head.

>> No.56253376
File: 166 KB, 1120x841, DXY victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DXY still rising


>> No.56253403

>futures matter

>> No.56253415

becoming a bit crowded eh

>> No.56253464

When’s the best time for me to put my money in the stocks?

>> No.56253468

Last Wednesday

>> No.56253470

When they're cheap.

>> No.56253481

when you want to sell the most

>> No.56253484
File: 256 KB, 1135x574, US_vs_Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does real estate get 5-10x more expensive as soon as you cross the border to Canada?
What is it about Canada that compells people to bid infinite prices on their real estate?

Is our own US real estate shortage perhaps a bit overblown?

>> No.56253494

Plain Bagel made a very informative video on that two days ago

>> No.56253528

It's too late now.

>> No.56253535

Then should I short it instead?

>> No.56253596

Canada has no gold reserves. lol. lmao even.

>> No.56253601

yep they actually sold it all to China at the bottom kek

>> No.56253607

Also too late.

>> No.56253610
File: 396 KB, 719x885, 1696200071755843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related

Bloodbath on monday?

>> No.56253653


of course

>> No.56253691

When they get as low as they are going to go before going back up.

>> No.56253695
File: 127 KB, 2048x1156, b7iea0atkcw61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada's housing market scares the shit out of me because it means that it could happen here.

>> No.56253709
File: 53 KB, 550x424, 16786374444057269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jumping to your death from a suburban office tower that you'd need to climb to the top of in order to see another building with more than two stories
Direct and efficient. But if the La Tolteca across the street hadn't moved, he could have had Tex Mex and margaritas. This never would have happened.

>> No.56253748

You thought the Government would collapse?

>> No.56253758

Jannies should ban all the people who think the government shutdown shit is real, it would cull a lot of the retards around here

>> No.56253770


>> No.56253798
File: 100 KB, 900x900, 1695302893934484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A devoted Philadelphia Eagles fan, the team had been performing well and Greg had gone to several games, tailgating with friends before games.
Look i just dont trust football fans. Theyre always in a delicate emotional state. Never met one who could actually focus on things that werent material.

>> No.56253801
File: 773 KB, 2609x4096, 156911ebff6902362b60f6d954e280aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically bullish. Life is cruel. The moment we see more and more people killing themselves for economic purposes, the bottom is near. Just know, for those anons out there, if you do kill yourself, what comes the next day is the next greatest bull run in history.

>> No.56253806

Interesting. Seems like Canadians are pretty fucked, although I'm not sure how to play it because there are two possible resolutions.
Most likely outcome is probably some kind of government attempt to bailout borrowers and devalue the currency, nominally hiding a massive property crash that silently happens in real terms.
I don't buy the immigration bull case angle, although it is surprising toe see that Canada is seeing 3x higher immigration rate than the US, especially considering these absurd housing prices. That video doesn't really touch on how the immigrants themselves are affording this bubble, as latecomers. Hard to imagine that the Canadian side of the river is so much more prosperous to be worth paying 10x more for a small home.

>> No.56253812

>most gamblers quit when the next roll of the dice is the big win

>> No.56253826

>hover mouse over embed.
>Sees human wojak
Where has beauty run off to?

>> No.56253829

who are these semen demons

>> No.56253871

the thing is it seems all the markets are holding their breath for a massive crash and immediate pivot to rate cuts and massive QE. Equity markets which we all know have been blown into a bubble thanks to growing Central Bank balance sheet are coming down along with the aforementioned balance sheets during QT, bond markets are selling off due to high inflation and rate hikes, housing is expected to follow suit.

Back in 2008 the whole market expected the whole QE+ZIRP cake to fail but lo and behold we entered into a bull market. Now everybody is expecting the opposite. What does the market like to do when everybody is expecting something...?

>> No.56253873

It's literally why I haven't become an hero. Unironically having taken this approach in 2020 has made me a happier and less stressed person overall. It's just money and nothing really matters and all of the retarded ego investments people have (ie: their careers, their plaques on the walls, their material possessions, etc) are silly. I'm a competitive person that likes to achieve and be good at things but I ain't killing myself over shit that doesn't matter. LOL!

Thank for reason my Substack entry.

>> No.56253935

Uh did he jump or was he "helped"?. Sad either way. Internet's going nuts over Taylor Swift and the is she or isn't she deal with that football player. Like WTF is that a big deal? Fucking hell let her fuck or friend zone whoever she wants. She's 33 now. I'm sure that clock is ticking loud so why the hell should anyone be shocked when one day the news comes "Taylor is knocked up" or Taylor is married" .

>> No.56253977

TTOO is gonna rip on monday

>> No.56254001

why do christains base their religion on a foundation of satanic jewish demon children of lucifer?

>> No.56254015

I hate celebrities.

>> No.56254018

That's why I clarified real vs nominal terms. Stocks, real estate, all assets can pump relative to a currency that's being printed like toilet paper.
It's the "real" price that I question. How can the median home possibly be worth 20x median income, for example? Even if 100% of income went towards housing rent, that'd be a 5% cap rate at best. And what reason does the renter have to participate in such a society, where they slave away forever and have nothing to show for it? Where they can't even afford to put food on their table, let alone live a real life? The young coming into this bubble seem so completely fucked that the obvious choice is not to participate. We're seeing early signs of that happening today in China. Their property bubble finally peaked and has stalled out - youth employment is now >20%. They're opting out.

On the other side, if we see a global flip back to ZIRP, everyone now knows that borrowing is the obvious path to take. Debt max and front run the inevitable inflation. So I doubt we can just go back to that and have things be normal. As you're saying, prices would absolutely moon and so nothing would really change. Anyone not already an owner remains priced out forever. It's reached a point where either some of these asset bubbles need to implode, or the currency needs to die. Right now we're heading towards implosion. I wouldn't be surprised if governments panic at the first sign of real pain and flip the switch back to ZIRP, but as explained - that will fail too.
At some point this whole global economic ponzi is destined to explode. A reset is coming, whether given or taken. The big questions are how soon, and how to play it?

>> No.56254021
File: 8 KB, 358x141, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56254035

How many of you fall asleep watching Bloomberg?

>> No.56254065
File: 24 KB, 480x360, tulip_mania_2_960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that leveraged ETFs are tulip mania 2.0 and you're going to lose all your money

>> No.56254068

imagine actually watching financial television

>> No.56254085

Literally just buy the dipperinos until the reverse repo is drained completely.

>> No.56254096
File: 48 KB, 240x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56254097

not happening inflation too high
>The young coming into this bubble seem so completely fucked that the obvious choice is not to participate. We're seeing early signs of that happening today in China. Their property bubble finally peaked and has stalled out - youth employment is now >20%. They're opting out.
the young will be employed in the soon-to-be booming war time industry across the globe so no worries

>> No.56254099

>Why does real estate get 5-10x more expensive as soon as you cross the border to Canada?
Canadian real estate is how Chinese nationals offshore their wealth. Just like how the UK exists to do the same thing for Russians.
Canada is literally logging, mining, and money laundering. That is their entire national "output".

>> No.56254124
File: 488 KB, 929x918, IMG_5005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pictures of cute cats or gtfo

>> No.56254141
File: 1.89 MB, 400x400, Oh shit what the fuck Idris Elba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56254176
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>> No.56254180

The issue is that states are controlled by the debt aristocracy. Wage inflation for the poor and higher taxes on the wealthy would put it back to equilibrium and would support the middle class instead of squeezing them. Also not importing entire countries of unskilled people.

>> No.56254193

interesting pov

>> No.56254217

That's not really how it works. Think about what happens when one person buys a stock, using dollars. The counterparty to that trade, the seller, is gaining an equivalent amount of dollars.
The total number of dollars in the system never changes.

RRP sets a floor on interest rates, and is used for that reason. Earning yield beats earning no yield, even if the yield is fake. So the RRP gets used.

>> No.56254263

What video is this from? Is it interesting?

>> No.56254267

Oil should remain tight as America is also not pumping more since biden said no leases in the future right?

>> No.56254303

offshore leases. And that has no bearing on production in the short term. Rig counts in the US have begun to rise again indicating that production is tentatively coming up to capture those high prices.

>> No.56254322

Isnt offshore leases where the big money is made? I think usa shale was economically productive at $60 a barrel but I think now its as low as $45 or something. But the oil industry is beset with poor investment because its not esg.

>> No.56254324
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>> No.56254333

was about to post this, big shit could be happening this week.

>> No.56254336
File: 380 KB, 1170x1150, 2FAD7970-6C89-4E8C-8FD3-2A25385EFC7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect more gamma squeezes this week; don’t stay in new positions for too long unless you want to lose money

>> No.56254342

>CEO of the 4th largest bank in America just an heroed

>> No.56254354
File: 3.74 MB, 284x320, 1695995409292541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching /gme/ make fun of /bbbyq/ baggies
it really is turtles all the way down

>> No.56254363
File: 464 KB, 476x439, 1693861310923078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warren told him provide shareholder value or die

>> No.56254376

>Greg Beckett from Bridgeport, New Jersey, had been working at the headquarters of Wells Fargo in Wilmington, Delaware when he jumped from the office boardroom on the 14th floor in January of this year.
>January of this year
Why would they release the news now?

>> No.56254381

Wonder what exactly was it that caused him to be so 'stressed out'?

Anyway, October could be a red month maybe.

>> No.56254388

Man I am always stressed out
Some times I wonder what people do to not be stressed

>> No.56254393

Don't do stressful things

>> No.56254405

I don't
I have a comfy wfh job that pays well
My stocks go up and down, that doesn't really bother me
Idk why I'm always so stressed, I always feel like I'm about to pop

>> No.56254409
File: 44 KB, 750x598, Despairing old Japanese man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physical yen contango

>> No.56254426

no one knew why until now, he didn't leave any suicide note.
>Though Beckett, from Bridgeport, New Jersey, took his own life back in January, new details have been revealed what led up to his death, according to a new report. His family reportedly said Beckett was under immense stress and pressure from his job and had been responsible for safeguarding Wells Fargo's risk exposure, the Daily Mail reported. His workload had steadily increased, the Mail wrote, saying he allegedly took business calls as late as 11 p.m. the night he died.

>> No.56254438

He could have flew to philippines once a quarter to plow whores

>> No.56254446
File: 262 KB, 644x598, communism meme 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still time to buy TMV. We go to 7% or more

>> No.56254450
File: 491 KB, 1080x1920, Alizee-Jen-Ai-Marre-1080x1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This womans ass and hips have singlehandedly done more for French foreign public relations than anyone in history.

>> No.56254453

What ass and hips?

>> No.56254459
File: 60 KB, 640x480, excusee moi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56254462
File: 85 KB, 640x352, Kevin Spacey in Margin Call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But, anon, if we hit 7%, it will kill the bond market. For years. It's over. And we'd be living in a country you know has no value.

>> No.56254467

I heard from a guy that knows a guy that talked to another guy that Macy's is gonna be on its way out the same way bed bath and beyond did.

Easy short incoming.

>> No.56254478
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>> No.56254491
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>Office prices in the US are due for a crash, and the commercial real estate market faces at least another nine months of declines, according to Bloomberg’s latest Markets Live Pulse survey.

>About two-thirds of the 919 respondents surveyed by Bloomberg believe that the US office market will only rebound after a severe collapse. An even greater majority says that US commercial real estate prices won’t hit bottom until the second half of 2024 or later.

hahahahahahahhhahahahahahaha GFC 2.0 coming soon

>> No.56254495

I believe it. I will be monitoring the situation and possibly building a small position this week. Mall dependent brick and mortar retail died in the wake of 2008 and has been zombie walking for the last decade enabled by out of touch and in denial boomers.

>> No.56254511

makes sense, who the fuck shops at macy's that isn't 80 or guatemalan

>> No.56254521

No, not soon. I don't want to wait another year. Let's get this crash over with.

>> No.56254524

Banks and commercial real estate developers will just set up some kind of "extend and pretend" arrangements. Banks don't want to end up foreclosing on offices because they don't want to get stuck managing them until they can auction them off at huge losses. It makes more sense to just push the loans out, lower the payments, whatever... Eventually, either tenants will start coming back and signing new leases, or cities will ease up on building codes and let developers convert empty space into dorm style housing.

>> No.56254535
File: 846 KB, 1280x1280, Aegis-Legend2-500-5006__49864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56254539

Thanks, but I like to run and I don't want my lungs to turn into pickle juice
(surprisingly, running does not help with stress!)

>> No.56254546

>dorm style housing
you mean ze pods, right?

>> No.56254548

Cannabis. 10mg RSO capsules

>> No.56254555
File: 129 KB, 2160x1620, IMG_2389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called the government not shutting down. How long do I hold? 2k? 10k?

>> No.56254556

I don't know what they're going to be exactly. But they'll have shared kitchens and bathrooms, since that's how the plumbing in offices buildings is typically configured. It'll be fucking awful, and probably cost like $4k a month.

>> No.56254567

Don't enter a trade without a planned exit.

>> No.56254569

hold them until expiration

>> No.56254571

pin T

>> No.56254575

>I don't want my lungs to turn into pickle juice
Probably better to not get hooked on nicotine but I can confirm there is no detriment to breathing from long term habitual vaping. Not in my case anyway. I rock climb a lot. It hasn't been an issue.

>> No.56254591

Nothing happened for a year. Nothing else will happen. Nor will banks fail.

>> No.56254595


>> No.56254598

Office buildings do not make good pods. You'd have to basically gut the whole building. Only makes sense when housing premiums far outstrip the cost of the office space and you get it on firesale.

>> No.56254599

What are some good betting sites where I can bet on things like "Will the government shutdown? Y/N"?

>> No.56254602

>Morgan Stanley Warns Of A "Chilly Season for Travel" As Middle-Class Consumers Falter

Wonder if Christmas holidays this year will be worse economically than 2022? I could tell that people were tapped out last year, can't imagine how much worse it is in 2023 around December...

>> No.56254607

>You'd have to basically gut the whole building.
Yes, to do a real conversion. But like I said, it's only a matter of time (could be years though) before municipalities start relaxing codes. That's why I'm saying dorm-style living with centralized bathrooms and kitchens.

>> No.56254624

>Wonder if Christmas holidays this year will be worse economically than 2022? I could tell that people were tapped out last year, can't imagine how much worse it is in 2023 around December...
You ain't seen the Consoomer Of Last Resort's true form, yet.
None of us have.

>> No.56254634

The water pipes they run currently would not work nor would the electrical. A full on gut/rewiring would cost 50-60% if not push the cost to 80-90% of the original building cost before even factoring in the land value.

>> No.56254651

Will this teach me to into stocks properly? It says it's used in schools.

>> No.56254675

Open an account with a broker that offers a simulator.

>> No.56254696


>> No.56254718

my body is ready for another week of losing money

>> No.56254783

I love it personally. There’s definitely some value to the education, it will teach you futures and options well I think. Mostly it’s just a kickass spreadsheet simulator, my favorite is rolling a quick gain on some options into founding an insurance company and then buying integrated oil and gambling on index futures. would highly recommend grabbing a copy before they shut down.

>> No.56254834
File: 2.76 MB, 1341x843, sadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

central baked

>> No.56254836
File: 57 KB, 274x280, mariekawaiisp6900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. I <3 cunny

>> No.56254852

Literally the only tw*tter account that was worth it

>> No.56255452
File: 992 KB, 499x350, 1683478884733339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's COO-

>> No.56255528
File: 319 KB, 2048x1537, 1695979444435003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56256167

Most of that commercial real estate risk is carried by private individuals, not banks. Because the banks have offloaded the risk to them by selling mortgage backed securities.

>> No.56256181

We are selling to willing mumus at current fair FOMC price so that WE may shitpost.

>> No.56258588

dead human bounce.