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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.56249639

I hate socialism because im a dork

>> No.56249642


>> No.56249657

So he'd rather die than just retire with his millions and spend as much time as he wanted with his family. Okay boomer retard

>> No.56249658

>Greg had been responsible for Wells Fargo's internal controls, aimed at safeguarding the bank from risks but his workload had steadily increased leading to longer hours and increased stress.


>> No.56249674

Some people have a conscience i know crazy isnt it?

>> No.56249682

> conscience means literally dying for your employer and leaving your family alone and heartbroken

>> No.56249706

good riddance
i hate anglo cucks
estearn europe will prevail

>> No.56249715

he is a mutt, he left money for his daughters, his wife and their black bulls

>> No.56249762

The only thing i can think of that's more worthless than the opinion of a european, is the opinion of an eastern european

>> No.56249784

All they know is work, these people don't write poetry on the weekend.

>> No.56249885

jump from your window useless cuck

>> No.56249903

> *dies of chronic alcoholism and krokodil overdose at age 29*

>> No.56249965

A Wells Fargo executive is not one of those people lmao.

>> No.56250400


>> No.56250405
File: 1.02 MB, 1245x856, 1680431560417863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh west vs muh east

>> No.56250419

these people are addicted to money and status and keeping up with Jones'es. they CANT fathom anything else. They cant fathom retiring, or making less money in a lower status job but is less stressful and less hours. They wont make that trade. They destroy themselves in a giga-kike rat race for goybucks, but cant even enjoy it because they work 70+ hours a week in a job they hate and are always on edge chasing that next cheque

>> No.56250430

bullish for GME

>> No.56250436
File: 5 KB, 532x22, 1oct2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >january

Go back then kill yourself.

>> No.56250451

I really hope this means that Wells Fargo is about to die. Fuckers have gotten away with way too much shit.

>> No.56250512
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, 1564534123121212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in your head does the market really have this much power

like do you think that buildings actually explode at the exact second the red line drops?

what are your bags?

>> No.56250560

You wouldn't understand

>> No.56251614

Now, is it a sure thing that this was a suicide? Perhaps he was planning on whistle blowing about some corporate misdeeds, got caught trying to go to the media/government, and had a suicide arranged.

>> No.56251791

he killed himself in January. The most suspicious thing here is why tf are all these outlets reporting on this now? Distraction maybe?

>> No.56251849

Highlighted since your reading level is sub-preschool levels

>> No.56251859

I have an uncle like that but doesnt do shit with his money. Its sad really

>> No.56251865


>> No.56251991

Most likely he was legally liable and wanted to save his family the shame of him getting vanned.

>> No.56252023

Another behaviorism fail attempt. Its so transparent, tiresome and they all deserve the rope for crimes against humanity and the high betrayal of the sovereign

>> No.56252033

i work as a machinist and these guys are over 65, broken backs, and some of them have over a mil in retirement savings, but keep showing up to the shop every week.