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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56249427 No.56249427 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll start, 2008, encyclopedia Dramatica, 2 mil.

>> No.56249435


>> No.56249448

2008 or something
Memes from /b/ on other websites
50k (poor student most of the time)

>> No.56249489

Found /wg/ somehow when searching for wallpapers. Stuck around for /b/ shenanigans.
150k euros
>tfw I even mined dogecoin in it's first days, made some money, sold the top in 2013 and stopped caring for BTC until 2020
I could have been insanely rich from that afternoon of mining.

>> No.56249498

2007-2008, from a defunct hentai website link I forget the name, 70k

>> No.56249501

That hurts brother.
Funny junk!

>> No.56249507

Damn I forgot "cancer" used to be thrown around like a real slur. Like 30k

>> No.56249540

A friend of mine on MSN messenger linked me to an Asuka thread on /b/

>> No.56249558

2010 or 2011
no idea, wouldn't have thought people remembered such a thing

>> No.56249587
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My theory is 2011 is when everything peaked.

>> No.56249599

I already been on other boards. Started watching shitcoin memes on youtube
500k (i have never invested on any crypto or stocks)

>> No.56249736

I feel that that for which you're not welcome shifted from conduct
to being and opinion
>wrong opinion

This place used to ridicule the essance of
>won't somebody think of the children
now it's said here in earnest.

>> No.56249985


>> No.56250013
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Summer 2017
Someone on a crypto subreddit referenced /biz/
$1.4 million

>> No.56250025

>Kept seeing it mentioned on forums
>A very low number

>> No.56250154

March 2020 (during the covid crash), a guy told me about chainlink in a csgo lobby the month before, networth 70k

>> No.56250229

2006, heard about it through the habbo hotel raid.

>> No.56250274

I don't know why but "650k" feels like a lot of money and "2 million" feels like nothing.

Maybe because 2 mil is an abstraction where you start thinking "what can I do with ~$40,000 a year of index fund gains" and 650k feels like "what can I do with $650,000"

>> No.56250864

2007, I don't know, 2 millions

>> No.56250887

Think somewhere 2006/2007 for me, I'm old enough to remember when moot and snacks used to post.

>> No.56250933

Probably /b/ mid 2000s, don't remember how, $10mm+
I used to shitpost on miata.net and chellecam.com among other better known places in the 90s, so it may have been a natural progression

>> No.56250940

from reddit

>> No.56250943

Fucking made it, congrats. Are you the formula guy?

If not, did you at least make your Miata a sleeper? I am not even sure if the Miata can do anything with over 300hp from 0, probably not without much wider rear tires.

>> No.56250963

A friend told me about /b/
IDK maybe 300k

>> No.56250974

2006, kept hearing about it on ebaumsworld forums and eventually made the switch

net worth about 800k CAD

>> No.56250975

My Miata was totalled in a car accident in 2004. Some retard in an Econoline blew a red and drove through the front of my bb
I keep thinking about buying another like the one I had, but it's never gonna feel the same

>> No.56251006

Unironically 2004-2005.
I'm here forever.
I don't browse much, I used to be all up in /b/, then /x/ - (i didn't even know x-files was the reason it was called /x/ and a x-phile - lol) and watched all the shit boards pop up, /vg/, /soc/ etc.

/o/ for a bit, but now i don't give a fuck about cars anymore.
/biz/ is nice, but its nothing compared to the ICO days.
/f/ was nice, but flash is dead or something.

etc etc internet. digg was big back in the day, gbatemp, gamefaqs board (lol god damn), formation of reddit and now the changing of guards.

nothing is new under the sun.

>> No.56251021

oh yeah, networth, 2 million usd.
nothing from crypto, just investment in real estate and putting all money into SP500/index.

honestly I skipped all the mememagic crap, reddit is shit and if you browse the gamestop shit now on linkedin, they had a huge reduction in force/RIF. The reason I only knew is because a good few people on my core network on linkedin, moved to gamestop during 2019/2020 or so when that chewy guy got into there, and now they're all unemployed LOL. and linkedin sends this in an email saying "read the new posts in your network" or some crap so I laughed.

>> No.56251029 [DELETED] 
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I heard about this, an old internet buddy who was into furry porn was talking about /b/

I heard about this place being memes and shit for YEARS, but i largely ignored it. I remember there being lots of gore threads and people using the N word a lot, at that time bothered me.

2008ish i started using it for porn. mostly /b/ usage

Around 2011 after failing in life and wanting to be an artist. I found out about /ic/. spent a few years there. Also got into /tv/ which was fuckin the peak amazing fun times i ever had with this site.

2015 got into learning about money, came to check it out, it was jeets spamming about ethereum and bitcoin. got called a nocoiner and left.

2017 started seeing jeet threads about chainlink and i was disgusted and left. 2018 bitcoin runs to ATH. o shit i missed it. everything crashes soon after.

2020/2021. oh shit bitcoin runnin. let me find some alts. stuck around /biz/ for a bit now. i check it just to keep tabs on the health of the market.

>> No.56251030
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I haven't posted yet.

>> No.56251053

oh yeah, you should donate to miata.net, I'm also on there, over 12yr old member too - they're going through some hard times. all the old fogeys are dying. thats a treasure because all the young zoomers post fucking memes and shit on the miata facebook groups which all suck and then the local cargroup is 99% going to be on instagram via instagram groups so if you care about community, you gotta go thorough those hoops and then you see 18yr old tweens do horrible shit to miatas.

the funny part is, it's as if carscene froze in time, 90's/00's cars are all the rage - these kids want to really live their fantasy from 20 years ago and their grandturismo days. It's so weird.

I was a teen a good 15 years ago or so, first car time - and an 97 miata would've been 5-7 years old, completely normal handme down car, not even 2k used - no one wanted them.

these kids whine and moan and then spend 7k for a piece of shit beater, 200k NA for the flippy headlights and can't do shit to maintain it/dont know how. same for e36/e46, honda of same years, etc.

It's fucking weird, you don't need any car knowledge over 2010 to really keep up in their world.

but yeah, I donated earlier this year to miata.net, ad you should too.

>> No.56251143
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lmao I got banned from miata.net sometime in the early 2000s. Some members got together and created an alternative forum -- it was cool, we even had irl "nose art" stickers a user made (see picrel), I kept mine on my rear window.

>> No.56251452

I think that had some crossover with newgrounds, maybe.

I just sold mine. The safety thing really is an issue unless you just plan to track it, and I can't be assed to do all that work. NAs in ok condition are going for like 10-15k now too. Still, easiest "modern" car to work on by far.

>/o/ for a bit, but now i don't give a fuck about cars anymore.
I am kind off assmad about being the same for the most part. I can't say I don't give a fuck, but it' just not worth it.

>/f/ was nice, but flash is dead or something.
Don't even know what /f/ is.

That's pretty impressive, you pretty much have to pull 300k+ to be at 3 mil without crypto luck.

Just read this part. I remember when car forums had all kinds of builds. Now there are youtube videos sometimes, but not nearly as often.

>> No.56251474

2016, from d2jsp, $1.2 mil

>> No.56251555

2009-2010. 750k

>> No.56251702

yeah, more walled gardens, less people partcipiate online - and the social media itself is a thing to navigate and it's too much. it is a full time job. I remember when the new hot job was social media manager and it seemed so asinine and bulllshit, but its truly a role now and I 100% see prompt engineering be one too as I grabbed that mistral LLM and used LM studio and you do have to finetune it to do anything useful compared to chatgpt, and while chatgpt4 was nice for a while, it is now fully neutered, can't even do anything off the fucking path. ask to do a sexual roleplay? "I'm sorry dave I can't do that, it goe against terms of service" ask to make meth, "I'm sorry dave, I can't do that" and such.

I really do worry for the future zoomers, already they don't understand how an operating system works or file hierarchy - soon they won't ever dare to go against the AI at all. It's truly rokos baslisik.

but to get back on task, nah it isn't impressive to do 300k it was mostly being a cheap miser, not spending and just DCA into something that isn't from /biz/ - bogleheads and true longterm investing. I've missed tons of moonshots, but I'm here and I'm comfy and if I were to do my risky plays, I could've been 10mil+ or -500k, but as of now, zero debt and average. I know people that worked at amz/google for a few years, and their RSU's are worth 500k-2mil+ and they aren't even good at being a SDE.

but yeah, anons, its been a blast, but also wow, I really do come here where I have nothign to do and lately, it's nice because so many people are way off.

>> No.56251734

>oldfag larp thread
I guarantee most of the faggots in this thread are post 2016, based solely on the absolute shitfest that is modern /biz/. The day /qa/ died was the final nail in the coffin for this zombie site.

>> No.56251774


>> No.56251886

2008 middle school chad here

>> No.56251938

Honestly the sources people are posting that they heard of 4chan from lead me to believe most of them. I actually heard of 4chan from a friend breaking rules 1&2 in high school back in 09/10. It's amazing back then there were so many people complaining about newfags and at the same time people complaining that /b/ always sucked, and I was the newfag. Now people will call you an oldfag on /biz/ for being here in 2019. The worst of it all though is the death of any real discourse. There are too many people paid to post their narratives on all boards. So you will hardly see, let alone determine which posts are genuine, unpaid. And even then, those people think the paid posters are also genuine so they parrot the narrative anyways. Very, very sad.

>> No.56252064

friends in high school
around a million

>> No.56252114


>> No.56252133

Early to mid 05 got my first own pc instead of using others... Playing wolf ET lagging the fuck out playing eu servers from aus. 4chan after while talking to my gf on MSN. Good times. I felt like a new fag for years and now I'm legitimately an old fag fuck

Life never really got that much better than teen days to be honest. No amount of money will bring those times back

>> No.56252150

I like that you can tell that image isn't just made by an ESL, but an actual tranny from reddit. An esl tranny, the worst of all worlds. And OP is a phone poster on top of that. Nigga is cancer in human form and he's complaining about 4chan getting worse smdh.

>> No.56252161

ESL was always not welcome you retarded faggot, 4chan always shat on people for having shit grammar because it differentiated 4chan from places like youtube and gaia where people were 70 IQ children from mexico.
What the fuck does that even mean. Are you crying because someone called you a faggot, something which has been normal for literally 20 years here?

You are literally the cancer you're complaining about, so cancerous you phonepost and try to change history to make it so 4chan was always a friendly reddit-lite website until the meanies called you a mentally retarded faggot.

>> No.56252174

>based solely on the absolute shitfest that is modern /biz/.
I mean just look at all the so-called oldfags who can't even wrap their brains around the fact the board is called /biz/ not biz. The concept that the // is mandatory, part of the name, is too much for them because they're some russian or indian or brazilian from telegram trying to be like "hey baddy I'm an old fag teh lulzors, buy 4chancoin on BNB!" or some gay shit like that, they pretend to be one of your old pals to scam you.

>> No.56252684

Encyclopedia Dramatica / my friend who would tell me about it

>> No.56252728

Here's some data for your mining operation.
Ad at the begining of a VHS.

>> No.56253083


>> No.56254307

Someone in school was talking about it.

>> No.56254329


>> No.56254339

chat gpt ai datamining thread

>> No.56254349
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>When did you start posting,
Some time during '05 or '06, which would have been my first year of college
>how did you discover this place
Don't recall exactly, possibly migrated over from some forum (wouldn't have been SA) or maybe YTMND
>what’s your net worth?
$560k (including retirement accts)

>> No.56254375

Summer of 2006. I'm only in my early 30s. Been a while but doesn't seem like it. /b/ gore threads were what brought and kept me here way back in the day.

>> No.56254384

Oh yeah. I lost everything in a shitty business during the pandemic but I'm back in business with something new. Probably $200k net worth with home equity. It's just money at the end of the day. It means nothing.

>> No.56254392

some blog about stand alone complexes about chanology

>> No.56254469

world of warcraft trade chat

>> No.56254476

Oh lol my current net worth. I dunno 150k.

>> No.56254494

I went from Newgrounds to something awful to YTMND and finally /b/.

But discovered Digg then Reddit before it became pozzed at the same time

Only regret is not buying 1000 bitcoins back in 2011 when I was just about to graduate HS
I had monero too, but was a moral purefag to hold them until they had value

>> No.56254882
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couple mil.

>> No.56254932

Saw /b/ referenced in a funny picture, wondered what it was and looked it up

>> No.56255026

Similar to me. I first heard about this place sometime during TBC on the WoW forums. That was when I was a young teenager though. For the first several years I literally only came to this site to coom because I could find better porn here then anywhere else.

>> No.56255057

Basilmarket off-topic forum (Maplestory), when users were getting banned for spamming the mudkips meme and mods were tired of the "/b/tards"

>> No.56255096

im on the cusp of oldfag and newfag so im trash when mercury is in alingment and when it isnt

>> No.56255141

Since the inception. 2003 and 2004 were the time of Azumanga Daioh memes, happy negro and such. Started with /b/ like most of us. Now a 40+ old boomer with kids and a net worth of 2 m€.

I will never leave. This is the only place in the world where I can openly hate on other people.

>> No.56255174

autist friend

>> No.56255175

wow we consider 06 original?
guess I'm in the cool kids club
I was 13 and posting on /b/ I didn't commit much good content just a cog in the wheel of mass spamming so I guess that's why I only see myself as an oldfag

>> No.56255188

oh yeah I forgot
my friend that's ironically a tranny now
he was wildly eccentric but yeah long lost memories

>> No.56255200

Accidentally wrote 4channel.org/biz/catalog into the url part of the browser

>> No.56255220

Pools closed.

>> No.56255245

2017 oldfag here. Bought link at 24¢

>> No.56255281

>I wanted to troll the evil racists on /pol/ (only to be redpilled)

>> No.56255827

>2016 due to election
>leave afterwards
>2020, went to /biz/ and /vt/

I swear 4chan never ever leaves your mind after you have been here, and you come back to places which you never thought you would. Dealing with jeets and bagholders in /biz/ and schizos in /vt/ has unironically been what I look forward to in life now.

>> No.56255905

Cant believe this retard tranny keeps posting this

>> No.56255944


>> No.56255957
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2004. Before when /b/ wasnt just porn.
I miss the early internet days before everything was commercialised.
One thing I never wouldve predicted is how tech illiterate zoomers are. I always thought the next generation of kids would be super smart with tech, yet somehow they are actually dumber.

>> No.56255968
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Niggers, niggers, nig thousand and eight

>> No.56255976

i'm cancer

>> No.56256081

Lurking since 2013. The meme is kinda shitty though because the boards aren't monolithic. There was some YouTube video I don't remember talking about edgy 4chan was or something. That's when I started. Net worth is about 10k.