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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 230 KB, 1280x720, PandaBank Advertisement_SneakPeak_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
554101 No.554101 [Reply] [Original]

Major PND PandaBank Upgrade (v3.0.0) Released!! - World’s First Hybrid Cryptocurrency Wallet - Inbuilt Lightweight Mode, Instant Sync Technology & Rapid Blockchain Download

Official announcement from The Pandacoin Development Team - http://pandacoinpnd.org/pandacoin-pnd-develops-worlds-first-hybrid-cryptocurrency-wallet-inbuilt-lightweight-mode-instant-sync-technology-rapid-blockchain-download/

>> No.554104

Hell yea, finally. I have been waiting for the new release so I could dump this shit. What price is /biz/ all dumping at? I don't want to sell too soon but I don't want to get stuck bagholding either.

>> No.554110



>> No.554117

ITT: people who are mad they didn't buy PND

>> No.554119

I did buy PND. I just want to know what price you guys are dumping at.

>> No.554121


People buy altcoin scams?

>Spend Pandacoins. Over 100,000 merchants and retailers worldwide. Coming Soon.

Wake up.

>> No.554133

I'm dumping at 10. You should too.

Don't like the coin? Don't buy then. I don't get being butthurt about threads, not like the quality in this board is elite. At least PND gave you guys a chance to make some money.

>> No.554147

>I'm dumping at 10. You should too.
OK. Thanks for the input, broski.

>> No.554160

Get a job.

>> No.554167
File: 140 KB, 299x449, c54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone's excited to dump the coin
>mfw no one in the media cares
>mfw no one in the world of finance cares
>mfw it's only at 11 satoshis

>> No.554170

Can i have some please?

>> No.554172

its habbening

>> No.554186
File: 82 KB, 679x682, 55-3636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/thread of all threads

>> No.554239
File: 54 KB, 600x800, WhereIsYourGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biggest news in months
>people dumping the coin like crazy

>> No.554243

Been waiting for this for so long now.


help a poor guy out.

>> No.554282

Perhaps a stupid question, but how the feck do I import a wallet to pandabank? I generated a wallet through some website and bought a bunch of pandacoin to it. Now I either want to get that wallet to my pandabank or just get the pandacoin to the bank somehow.

>> No.554344
File: 43 KB, 700x430, 10645152_345807032256850_6364227929827223560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think with the big 50,000BTC influx from the feds PND will drop along with BTC since they're integrated somewhat (USD to BTC to PND)

accepting donations because poorfag:


>> No.554346


sent 3PND


>> No.554349

12 or 13 Satoshi is probably the perfect place to dump it at.

>> No.554363

Thanks for the response. It is at 11 right now. I will sell if it goes down to 10 or up to 12. I hope 12 though lol

>> No.554410

>tfw used buypnd like a real faggot

Will have to wait a little longer for this to be profitable

Accepting donations (needed to check the app out anyway)


>> No.554414

Dang man sorry to hear that. They got you good. If it's still within 30 days (I think that's the cut-off but it could be longer) you can probably just do a chargeback or contest it through Paypal and just send them the PND back.

>> No.554420

Is a way too big of a hassle for €10

This is what happens when you don't properly research a shill coin and hurry to buy coins because of the /biz/tards shilling it

I learnt my lesson. Was my first investment ever though :(

>> No.554424

Wow it looks like you have 120 days which is 4 months. If you bought the PND less than 4 months ago I would really think about doing a chargeback.


>> No.554427

Oh if it was just €10 then you're right that wouldn't be worth it. Yea /biz/ has been shilling buypnd.com for a long time now. Sorry you got scammed bro.

>> No.554431



Let your first investment be a worthwhile experience, and playing Santa to these scamming shills is not. You owe it to us, and yourself here dude.


>> No.554432

You motivated me, I will do it tomorrow. It's now sleeping time in Europe.

>> No.554442

- a mans job your doing here, Sir.

>> No.554514

just send them over to the adress of your pandabank wallet

>> No.554550

How can I import my old pandabank export files (.dat) into the new pandabank? I deleted the pandabank and reinstalled it.

>> No.554551

assuming you're on windows
go to %appdata%/Pandacoin and just paste your wallet.dat file there
should only take a few minutes to sync up, your balance should show even quicker
enjoy the new update and rise in price :v)

>> No.554554

Thanks for the fast reply. Loaded it now, waiting for sync. It shows 0 pnd still though but in the history I see my old interests and transactions

>> No.554567

It's already going back down.

>> No.554576

Yea I sold at 10. Thanks for the heads up guys, I appreciate it.

>> No.554875

Downloaded new update, but I have 0 connections , anyone else have this problem?

>> No.554877

Restart your computer, or your firewall is blocking the connections.

>> No.554905

lmaoing @ every single one itt

who the fuck cares when you buy and sell your shitcoins

everyone who announces it is a shill for whatever cause and everyone who believes it is an idiot

>> No.554914

Reinstalling the client did the trick it. Good job devs I'm really impressed with the update and cant wait for future developments.

>> No.555078

>pls send 1 PND someone

>> No.555084

Oh btw what's the value of 220.000 PND now in EUR? (With exchange rates calculated, and how do I calculate this myself?)

>> No.555103

what is a good site for monitoring alt coin values

>> No.555111


>> No.555323

What do I write to that guy, I want to say the reason is that my commissions were way too high

>> No.555325

you bought it, you received it, which will be proven with the blockchain information (txid etc)
So what you're doing is trying to scam someone. Nice.

>> No.555326

not really, I'm the one that got scammed. Besides the price went up, so I'm not causing him any harm

>> No.555330

you didn't get scammed, you paid what was advertised. You might want to check the definition of a scam. You're the scammer here mate, but feel free to do it. Won't go through.

>> No.555335

love the new wallet but guess I can't do much besides waiting for a price change eh?

>> No.555339

Really no need to say anything to buypnd.com. When you contest it through Paypal write that the basis for your return is that the product was not as he described and you are sending it back.

>> No.555342

I don't see any reason why it wouldn't go through. Paypal is great for consumer protections. They side with the consumer 9/10 times.

>> No.555346

how do i sell my PND ?

I want out now

>> No.555347


>> No.555356

this is true, I cancelled a payment for xbox live with microsoft through paypal. it was literally zero hassle, got my $62 back in under a week and still had a gold account.

>> No.555362

meh even if it doesn't go through I won't have lost that much. from 10.45USD to 10.12USD
wanting to know this too, maybe it will continue to rise and I'll have to sell.
Thanks, there's tons of pump 'n dump opportunities on there

>> No.555796

where can i get a PND wallet?
all the download links on the main page are dead.

>> No.555804

>Paypal is great for consumer protections. They side with the consumer 9/10 times.


>> No.555808

Would you rather I phrase it "They screw over the merchant 9/10 times"? Both are equally true.

>> No.555829 [DELETED] 

Wasn't this shitty coin supposed to be a satire of wolong's coin? How did it get like this? What a bunch of fucking idiots investing their money in this bullshit. LOL!

>> No.555834

devs just cannot stop delivering

>> No.555854
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>keeps dumping the price down
Are you people retarded?

>> No.555872

what happened to buy pnd?

>> No.555891


>> No.556009

Theyre still there. Scamming people as usual.

>> No.556023

what's the best way to buy PND?
i was going to use buypnd but you guys are saying it's scammers so

>> No.556024

they are not scammers, you get it for the price that is advertised. Fiat => btc => pnd takes about 3-4 workingdays so if you want it fast and easy it's the best option.
If you want to get it at marketprice you should buy btc first (bitstamp/coinbase) and then buy it at Bittrex (https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-PND )

>> No.556038

buyPND is an overpriced scam. You only get like 65% of market value. That is bad and they should feel bad. Obviously they dont though because they are still shilling it.

>> No.556194

Roughly when you spend $20 at buypnd.com you get $11.90 worth on PND.

>> No.556388

the world is ... just so unfair!!
how are people allowed to profit on a service????

every hair of my neckbeard is strictly against this concept!

>> No.556391

Aww poor shiil. Are we messing up your scam you got going? Want a tissue?

>> No.556400

mining is 1000% times better, you spend almost nothing and you can sell it later at twice the cost to these neckbeards

>> No.557027
File: 1 KB, 168x78, 2014-11-20 13_06_21-PandaBank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.557379

is it still worth mining? dropped out of pnd game after the first 10 satoshi wall, back when this thing first got on swisscex, but I'd like to get back in da game

>> No.557945

>tfw didn't sell at 13 sat because I wanted to break even on jewish buypnd fees
>tfw its at 0.000029 usd and going down
>tfw I lost my money

Well then. At least I "invested" into PND knowing I'd most likely be losing my money, no surprise here.

>> No.557990

why did you invest in PND?

>> No.558219


Lel you faggots are really butthurt. If you don't like the coin, don't buy it. If you don't like the threads, don't click on them.


>> No.558228

Stop fucking triggering me you mysoginistic cunt

>> No.558718

I'm not sure if I should dump now or not
I can't tell if the people who are saying to dump at 10 are just people wanting to get hold of some cheaper coins in case it goes up any further

I honestly don't know

>> No.558726

What do you think? Will the price will go down or up between now and later?

Do you think the developers will deliver on the next update or not? And if they do, do you think that will increase the value of the coin?

>> No.558728

yeah think about it 100k merchants next update and they delivered already on every single promise they made...
Surely being able to use PND at 100k merchants will not influence the price? when the main issue with crypto is the lack of real world use... oh wait they would solve another huge issue with that.

>> No.558732

Realize that the people telling you to dump are no goys. They want more dosh and they're willing to tell you to dump yours so they get more. The #1 rule in the IRC is to HOLD NO MATTER WHAT. Just think of us as those shredded niggas in 300 fucking up those persian faggots.

>> No.558745


>he bought millions of pnd at markup
>they never went above 12 satoshi
>he can't get his money back
>he shills it for free

>> No.558747

>they're going to get 100k merchants
>with a team of 10
>with no capital
>with unproven tech
>with dominant bitcoin
>with a 100 competitors
>while clearly a pump an dump

>> No.558749

>they're going to get 100k merchants
>with a team of 10
>with no capital
>with unproven tech
what unproven tech?
>with dominant bitcoin
bitcoin was an experiment and it's not a cryptocurrency but a cryptocommodity
>with a 100 competitors
more like 500 but none with such a skilled team
>while clearly a pump an dump
coin has been around 9 months and it's clearly not a pump and dump, else everyone would've exited months ago or the devs would've started a new coin when at 3 litoshi. At that point it's easier and more profitable to start a new coin and they didn't.

>> No.558753

dont mention that 3 litoshi shit pls, someone caused huge dip exiting there were no more selling after that below 10, it went back to 40 fast and ltc was 0.025 and btc 600$ it wasnt that bad

>> No.558756


So how do you get 100k merchants genius?

>> No.558764

figuring that out makes the difference between a skilled dev team that always delivers and a random shitposter with no credibility on /biz. If you could figure it out, then you wouldn't be a NEET

>> No.558767

What I cant understand is why the devs decided to revive a coin that is even taken less seriously than Doge and didnt just start a new coin. The fact that after upgrading the coin a few times with features that should be useful and you are still barely clinging to 10 satoshis is pitiful. They should just scrap PND and put their efforts towards something more worthwhile.

>> No.558776

because that would be the same as scamming basically, the coin has really good distribution and a nice community.

>> No.558778

It wouldn't be a scam. You would just let a struggling coin die. I don't know why they are wasting so much effort when the coin is still sitting at 10 sat after all their work.

>> No.558779


>my wife read this post and can't stop laughing

You should never invest anything ever

>> No.558782


>can't name one "merchant"
>but the devs deliver guise
>buys pnd with 35% fees
>it's easy to use
>have buy and sell for btc
>merchants actually using this


>> No.558786

>revive a coin
what do you mean?
you must be new here, pnd was never dead
b-but volume and price were low
see, theres your problem, you probably invested in doge or btc bubble

>> No.558788

ok stop making a fool of yourself. Give the devs a month or 2, if they don't deliver I will post a picture of myself with a shoe on my head or something. If they deliver you buy 1,000 USD worth agreed? What is there to lose?

They see it as letting down an entire community. The reason why it's "only" at 10 is because people are idiots. They expect 1000%-10000% profits in a few days, they dump to invest in some new shitcoin, lose money, get frustrated and either leave crypto or try to trashtalk every crypto (like a lot of people here.

>> No.558810

I would consider less than a satoshi at one point to be dead. I'm not sure how you could make an argument otherwise.

>> No.558826

it was below 1 sat, now its around 10, you were wrong, and you will always be wrong if you only look at numbers.
crypto is a test of what has value to people, to me: trust that takes time, will and effort put in to make the coin better, providing updates and new services

>> No.558827
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>ok stop making a fool of yourself.

You're clearly making a fool of yourself.

>Give the devs a month or 2, if they don't deliver I will post a picture of myself with a shoe on my head or something.

I think you should be banned for shilling.

>If they deliver you buy 1,000 USD worth agreed? What is there to lose?

35% of my value the instant I make that transaction. Then 100% as your devs run away just like every other scamcoin out there.

stop posting. just stop. this board is about sound financial advice, not scams.

You will never get 10 merchants, let alone 100000. You have no plan, no proof, and the "devs" you speak of are shills that ban anyone who asks them legit questions on their IRC channel. They also openly mock the fact that they are pumping on /biz/.

>> No.558837

see, you're just trying to trash the coin with no arguments. You say 100k merchants can be done, didn't you also think that 3 min blockchain download couldn't be done?
Noone is forcing you to buy from buypnd, buy it with btc for no fee on exchnage. You're just talking crap.
IRC is fine, just don't talk random fud with no proof like you're doing here.
Face it: the devs always delivered on their promise you're just frustrated for some reason

>> No.558844

what the fuck is a panda coin??!?!?!

did dogecoin teach you guys NOTHING?!?

>> No.558846

You don't have to buy on buypnd you cock. you don't have to buy shit. I've gotten about 130K from chilling on the IRC.

>> No.558847

yes doge taught us a lot
thats why we made PND

>> No.558963

Wait, what are these 100k merchants?

>> No.559128

There aren't 100K Merchants. It's a very vague promise that you will be able to use PND at 100K merchants "Soon".

>> No.559129

OVER 100K MERCHANTS AND RETAILERS. get it right you schmuck.

>> No.559206

k fine I'll bite. what makes pandacoin better than dogecoin?

>> No.559238


It's a shitcoin which will probably crash faster than doge, oh wait you said better...

>> No.559266

>10 satoshi Dead
> Out of 1000's of altcoins it's ranked top 30 globally consistently in recent months
> Historical price charts shows nothing but consistent growth with no signs of a pump or dump
> mfw haters are too stupid to see how many methods there are to give PND access to the claimed 100k+ merchants and retailers, can see more than 3 possible ways already - Integration with shopify or similar payment gateway, deal with international chain/website, or latching unto the bitcoin infrastructure like blackbit.

Personally am guessing the devs will be going for the blackbit approach, so we can buy things with PND with any stores that accepts bitcoin. It's the easiest method and accomplishes their mission quite neatly.

>> No.559288

> Out of 1000's of altcoins it's ranked top 30 globally consistently in recent months
- 30th best-dressed shitcoin in Albania. Where exactly is this table of scams, fuckups and and poverty-struck BTC tail-riders listed anyway? Maybe, you could shill the rankings a bit?, get all Top20 loser an all.
> Historical price charts shows nothing but consistent growth with no signs of a pump or dump
- No, they show the maximum credibility point at which you can dump this crap remains 10 SAT max. And even this staggering sum for miniscule quantities.
> mfw haters are too stupid to see how many methods there are to give PND access to the claimed 100k+ merchants and retailers, can see more than 3 possible ways blablabla
- And I see 'possible ways' to get myself in the middle of a coke-fuelled 3-way with Scarlett Johannsen and Lindsay Lohan (*) at a snowed-in mountain retreat in Vermont. And I know exactly which scenario remains likelier, just, everytime I go to arrange it, the fucking sun is shining, innit.

Yall broke the shill-o-meter, your product is trash, now, take it outta here.

>(*) and I'll hear no trashing of Linds here neither, shes a good kid.

>> No.559314

>coke-fuelled 3-way with Scarlett Johannsen and Lindsay Lohan (*) at a snowed-in mountain retreat in Vermont.
>(*) and I'll hear no trashing of Linds here neither, shes a good kid.

Be glad you thought ahead Anon. Because next time we will have words about her.

>> No.559415

how can I mine?

>> No.559426


You again? Jesus fucking christ...

> Our shitcoin will have a million billion retailers in our fantasy land! All we need is robo jesus to rise from his grave and force them all to with cold fusion powered lasers and unicorn blood cannons.

>> No.559512
File: 602 KB, 1500x950, confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.559514


I'll be back to laugh and to celebrate when one of my predications (or another method for the devs to fulfil their promise) comes true.

The same that was said that it was impossible to develop blockchain technology and have download times reduced dramatically. I remember that clearly. And what happened?

>Devs delivered.

>> No.559585

Just kick back, pandanon. Our PanDoshi will speak for us.

>> No.559623

>The same that was said that it was impossible to develop blockchain technology and have download times reduced dramatically. I remember that clearly. And what happened?
lol, the pandacoin devs just ripped code from someone else and put it into their client to download headers. this is not new, and it wasn't developed by them.


>> No.559626


LOL. if you would've taken 1 minute to do some research then you would know it works completely different and all the code is written by the devs themselvs. But nice try 2/10.

>> No.559627

these threads have become a huge gay quarrel, where is the dogecoin feel?

>> No.559628

I looked at the source, it's all ripped. Bitcoin implementing same thing soon anyways which makes the 'feature' moot. :)

>> No.559630

it is not, and they are not implementing the same feature. It's fundamentally different.
First of all no other coin has hybrid (headers + full blocks), 2nd of all bitcoin code only downloads from 1 peer and in the right order.
3rd you have the Instant sync which means it syncs from the last point and allows you to use and see your balance within seconds, which bitcoin also doesn't have.
On top of that bitcoin has been working 6 months on it with 8 devs and they are still months (maybe even year) from being done.
If you have any programmingskills you would know all this, so you're just trolling/fudding

>> No.559631
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>> No.559638
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credibility: ZERO!

I didn't know these shills were so pathetic.

>> No.559725

>Will speak for us
I think PND being 9 Satoshi despite this "amazing" update speaks for itself.

>> No.559782


> headers + full blocks

Uh what? Headers are part of blocks. Unless you're talking about headers first: https://bitcoinfoundation.org/2013/10/core-development-update-5/ which has been around for a long time in Bitcoin.

> 3rd you have the Instant sync which means it syncs from the last point and allows you to use and see your balance within seconds, which bitcoin also doesn't have.

It's funny because in your very next sentence you say they *do* have it in development. More importantly, PND's blockchain only syncs in seconds because nobody uses it. You could recite the bits of every block with clicks and whistles to your neighbor and it would still only take seconds.

> they are still months (maybe even year) from being done.

Bitcoin, not being a worthless shitcoin, can't just push out random updates like the pnd devs. It honestly sounds like the PND devs are just interested in half-assedly implementing features and pushing them out as fast as possible for marketing regardless of quality.

>> No.559793
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I didn't know that this much buttmad could fit in one post.

>> No.559799

Lol remember when there was one PND thread and it was left alone? Yea you guys really fucked that up good.

>> No.559820

>they shill it for free

>> No.559822


It's ok if you don't understand what's going on. The TL;DR is PND has innovated nothing, contrary to what the shills claim.

>> No.559826

too much stupidity in this reply... if you don't even understand the basics of syncing and difference between hybrid and only headers.
Also the 2nd point has nothing to do with the size of the blockchain that would work with any coin. But you're too ignorant to understand.

>> No.559842


It seems that you don't understand the technology yourself... what you (barely) described is headers first. If "hybrid" means something different from that, by all means enlighten me.

>> No.559858

I do.
First it takes the last checkpoint. Then in phase 1 it syncs the headers starting from that checkpoint which takes seconds and which would take seconds with any coin. This allows you to immediately start using your coins and see your balance. Then in phase 2 it downloads the full blocks from that checkpoint. Phase 3 would be all the remaining headers of the blockchain with multipeer support and phase 4 all remaining blocks with multipeer support. So hybrid means full headers (for fast access and possibility to switch to lite) and full blocks to support PoS.

Bitcoin only does headers with single peer support. Fundamentally different, without instant sync.

>> No.559885


That's literally "headers first". The only potential difference is the reliance on checkpoints in PND.

Headers first is not included in any current release, which might be why you're unfamiliar, but it's been available in development versions for well over a year.


> Blocks are fetched in parallel from all available outbound peers

>> No.559981

so wat can i do with my 4k pnds?
are they worth anything?

>> No.559998


He got $7 in PND for chilling on the IRC for days and typing !lotto

Great use of your time.

>> No.560445


The silence of the shills

>> No.560571

no, he got 130k pnd
and you got nothing

>> No.560853


>> No.560886

> no, he got 130k pnd

So $5?

>> No.560951

>About the Author
>Drew is an undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Dallas, majoring in Business. He is an active member of the Cryptocurrency community, and enjoys collecting, trading, and writing about various coins. Outside of the digital currency world, Drew tends to spend his time with friends, playing video games, or studying.

Quality journalist right there. Clearly it's on track for the big times

>> No.560997




> available in development versions for well over a year

>> No.561905


Lel 10/10 m9 u r important now

>> No.561907


It's actually at 145K now. You could just hang out (idle) in the chat. type !lotto every 24 hours and get enough to where if PND goes to the moon, you'll have a sweet piece of dosh all the while you didn't pay for PND with any of your dosh.

>> No.561910


I'm not important, but I have demonstrated that the "hybrid wallet" is nothing special and nothing new. If PND shills want to claim innovation they're going to need to do something else.



>> No.562241

no you didn't. You just proved that you don't understand the full feature and work required to get it like how the PandaBank works now.
But I got tired arguing with someone who likes pretends he knows stuff, but actually isn't. It's like teaching a monkey how to read.

>> No.562318
File: 129 KB, 576x1024, B3PTF8WCEAAQhEK_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2719 PND.

Do you guys think this will be worth anything later on?

>> No.562414

Ex gf threw my laptop in the tub, stole/pawned my external hdd, and literally flushed all my flash drives down the toilet.

4mil panda. Gone. I don't even care about the 10+ years of photos and work-related documents. I miss my pandacoin.

I will literally suck dicks for pnd at this point. If anyone has anything to spare, omg pls help:


>> No.562431

no chance

>> No.562432

pics? i like pics

>> No.562464
File: 424 KB, 892x677, 2014-11-26 12.08.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-ok.. only got my phone left

>> No.562472

Sucking dicks for PND is like sucking dicks for free.

>> No.562477
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, Popcorn-02-Stephen-Colbert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll j/o on camera for pnd.

Hell I'll even put a phallic vegetable in my butt while I j/o for a few thousand pnd if you want.


>> No.562484
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>> No.562500

Just wondering..
Are the creator(s) publicly known, well respected gents or are they anonymous randoms ?
I dont plan on buying any but hypothetically if I was to buy something like this I would want the creator(s) to put their reputation on the line.
It would also help if said creator(s) had some kind of reputable background history (business/school/etc)

>> No.562537

Very known and more in communication with the community than most

>> No.562538

>Very known
I have done some basic searching and cant find anything. I'm surprised the pandacoin web site doesn't list them.
Can you give me any links to their names and backgrounds ?

>> No.562540

Hop into the pnd IRC. You can talk to amDOGE directly if you want.

>> No.562542

Who is amDOGE, the creator ?
Do they have real names that are public ? Backgrounds, etc ?
Surely this information is somewhere out there..?

>> No.562548

she is
and no they are not. Just like any other coin out there not backed by VC. Once you get VC you need to go public but otherwise no.
Devs have been delivering for 9 months and they don't get paid for it... there was no premine/ICO/IPO

>> No.562550
File: 3 KB, 160x160, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do they have real names that are public ? Backgrounds, etc ?
fuck no

>> No.562555

amDOGE is our little satoshi

>> No.562560

"She" is a tranny lol. Don't let that stop you from finding more about PND though, it's a good coin.

>> No.562561


Are you fucking serious ?
So people actually buy PND coins made by a bunch of people who hide behind screen names and could be located anywhere on earth ?

That sounds wrong on so many levels. If they are expecting people to actually believe this is legitimate they should put their reputations and backgrounds up for all to see.
Buyers could be buying a cryptocurrency backed by some 12 year old nigerian who is gonna hit the highway when the music stops.

>Once you get VC
Who the fuck is going to provide cash backing to an anonymous screen name ?!

This sounds like a scam.

>> No.562564

>So people actually buy PND coins made by a bunch of people who hide behind screen names and could be located anywhere on earth ?
I agree with you. I'm just here to laugh at the retards buying into it, and then shilling for it.

>> No.562569

>This sounds like a scam.
That might be a little harsh. I'm sure the socially rejected transgendered person who spends every waking moment in their bedroom is not probably not out to directly scam people.

>> No.562572

so who is satoshi?

and you're so ignorant, like every coin in top 10 has public devs. There is no point either currently so why would they? Have some crap /biz messing with their real lifes?

>> No.562590

>Have some crap /biz messing with their real lifes?
When has /biz messed with a legitimate business ?
Just curious.

>and you're so ignorant
How is wanting to buy a product and/or service from a legitimate person ignorant ?
Let me explain it for you.. Lets say a man/woman/hebitch comes to my door wearing a balaclava and says..

>"hello sir, would you like to buy some of this money ? Its great, its the best money"..
>me: "hmm maybe, but who are you and who created this money ?"
>hebitch: "I am amDOGE, creator of the money"
>me: "cool. Do you have a real name, is this a legitimate business ?"
>me: "hmm. Do you have any background in creating money, what did you do before you created money ?"
>hebitch: "NO"
>me: "well no thanks. I prefer to do business with legitimate people who dont hide in balaclavas and use fake names because that is how trust is formed between a buyer and a seller"

>> No.562592

you must be really really REALLY
new to crypto

>> No.562595

be sure to invest in another moolah then
crypto is about anonimity
dont trust people, trust the code

>> No.562609

exactly, lots of examples in crypto of "legitimate business owners" that scammed a whole bunch of people

>> No.562610

Not really. I have owned bitcoin before.

Well the way its going I doubt it will ever become mainstream currency (crypto). It's more a gimmick and a tool for criminals.
IDK I guess I thought PND might actually be legitimate. Maybe an ex-CEO with a good track record in business/entrepreneurship was behind it - not some random IRC nickname that has zero credibility.

>> No.562611

how can you trust bitcoin? it was created by satoshi, he has millions... premine scam with unknown creator

>> No.562619

oh, so anonymity=criminal
i have no idea what youre shilling about anymore
some people just love to get robbed by guys in 10k$ suits, is that some sort of a fetish?

>> No.562628

Well I guess if you want to buy some dragon dildo's your still going to get them shipped to your house, right ?
Doesn't that defeat the purpose ?
Or are you trying to pay little boys to get naked on your webcam and dont want the transaction traceable ?

>some people just love to get robbed by guys in 10k$ suits, is that some sort of a fetish?
I dont even know what the fuck you're on about. Are you actually admitting this is a scam and it's better to get robbed by an anonymous tranny ?

I don't have any bitcoins atm. It was a speculative trade on the #1 used crypto. Personally its too volatile to keep any as an investment or cash reserve.

>> No.562634

>Are you actually admitting this is a scam
im saying that people change, ideas dont.
>Or are you trying to pay little boys to get naked on your webcam and dont want the transaction traceable ?
done responding to you sick pedo

>> No.562642

>im saying that people change, ideas dont.
Cool. I'm glad we both agree this a complete scam and that the only people who need anonymity with currency are up to questionable activities.

>> No.562685


You are now aware that PND has exponentially more identity and transparency than BTC. So go tell Bill Gates and the Winklevoss twins how to better spend their money since you know so much about crypto.

These fucking nocoins faggots I tell ya

>> No.562688


>> No.562691


Wot wat? PND has far more info regarding its creator, development, and future than Bitcoin. So by the previous logic, bitcoin is a scam coin far moreso than pandacoin.

Except the logic is retarded, so no.

>> No.562859

nobody has millions of btc

>> No.562902

The anonymous creator of the "scam", going by some anon's logic here, called Satoshi, has 1 million bitcoins that has never moved once.

Approximately 8% of the bitcoin stash and currently valued at 370m USD. Learn to google, not hard.

>> No.562931


> You just proved that you don't understand the full feature

The feature as you described it, is "headers first" if you want to claim it's something more you're going to have to back that up which you've failed to do so far. I've explained *exactly* why it's the same as "headers first" which gives you a clear target to explain why it's different, yet both times you've resorted to insults instead of facts.


> PND has far more info regarding its creator [than Bitcoin]

How does that matter? The code is open source. PND itself inherited most of that same code, so the same complaint about satoshi applies.

> [far more info regarding its] development

Huh? Bitcoin's feature roadmap is very well communicated and documented. Not only that but Bitcoin's source code has been *far* more scrutinized than PND's, so transparency is *far* better.

> future

Yes PND's future as yet another failed shitcoin is very well known, that is true. Whereas Bitcoin's success is up in the air.

> So by the previous logic, bitcoin is a scam coin far moreso than pandacoin.

lol, if your previous logic wasn't completely flawed... go home shill.

>> No.562976

> this butthurt

Lol nocoins faggot

>> No.562999

That's not an argument thats an off-hand dismissal because you can't actually refute a single thing he said. That said.

Lol bagholder faggot.

>> No.563017


He proved the point he was trying to argue against halfway through his diatribe lmao. You both fail. Just reread them.

> bought 4million pnd @ 3 satoshi
> now 8
> bagholding
lol nah

>> No.563030


Keep calling me butthurt, keep ignoring any logical arguments that contradict your silly, baseless position. I don't need to convince you, I'm making a case so that *others* don't fall into the trap you're baiting. Thus far none of you PND shills have addressed a single point I've made. You ought to be embarrassed.

>> No.563035


K. I'll just enjoy all the money I already have from this total scam that scammed me by giving me money... I'm sorry you hate wealth

>> No.563040

I sent you 100 PND, nigga.

>> No.563050
File: 10 KB, 480x84, Screenshot_2014-11-26-20-40-24_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the confirmation. Enjoy.

>> No.563108


Just because *you* personally *might* not lose money on PND doesn't make this not a scam, or not a pump and dump...

>> No.563138

you don't have a valid argument to call this a scam, because it obviously isn't one.
Just by screaming "scam scam scam" at something, doesn't mean it is one, just shows you're desperately trying to lower the price so you can buy more, which you will obviously deny.

>> No.563189

you cant say he owns millions, because that would mean multiple
he has one million.

>> No.563191

370 million worth which is confirmed, who says he doesn't have any other addresses, must be stupid to keep everything in 1 address.

>> No.563196

millions $ worth then,
it wasnt worth much back then, like pnd now, people do keep their coins in 1/2 wallets,
some devs stick to 1 address for clarity

>> No.563244

It'll make it if its made popular. the market is volatile as fuck goddamn pokemon cards crushed it at one point, shill the fuck out of it untill theyre talking about it on CNN to look cool. We're at the start of a completely green economic playing field. The devs seem to be able to deliver. Buy a half million PND and get to work pushing it mainstream. In decade perhaps we can all live well because of it.

>> No.563247

>inb4 "OK, I guess can sacrifice a few Pizzas and McDs for that, maybe I'll get rich after all.."

>> No.563364

You could buy $1 of PND instead of $1000 of lottery tickets and you'll still make more even if it goes nowhere. You people on /biz/ have such awful diversification ideals it's stupid.

>> No.563376

what would you rather invest in?
maybe some overpriced stock?

>> No.563711

>tfw fell for the /biz/ PND scam
>tfw involuntarily in it for the long run because it's only $50 and I need to wait months to break even on jewish buypnd fees ;_;

>> No.563724

What a stupid and useless comparison.

>> No.563937

Just in case it isn't obvious there is a team of at least 5 people constantly shilling their own coin which may or may not have a designed exploit to create more coins at will

>> No.563980


It's a shitcoin with no value, no future, and no reason to even exist in the first place. Even if it's not a "scam" in and of itself it is a doomed shitcoin, so unless you pumpers are really so deluded, you are intentionally trying to scam people. Even if you're actually a well-intentioned, useful, idiot for the real scammers, the effect on any poor sap you convince will be the same: they will be left holding a bag of worthless shitcoins.

>> No.564031

"We are in the final stages of organizing with WeSellDoges.com operators to bring out WeSellPND.com, to buy #Pandacoin easily"

Seems like they listened to the community to try to get the fees down and shows once again that John is NOT part of the dev team like what was said a million times before

>> No.564060

Anyone who invests in this crap deserves the loss.
The creator(s) and dev team are a bunch of anonymous NEETs who hide behind IRC.

While dogecoin is shit at least the creators put their names on it (one of them works for adobe).
Dogecoin has had almost $1M in volume over 24hrs compared to PND's $4,000....
I don't even invest that low, nor would I invest in something with such shit turnover and zero credibility.

If you want to speculate (and I emphasize speculate) there are plenty of better choices out there.

>> No.564070

>Better choices
Which is basically any other coin. Ripple would be a good choice. Doge is a memecoin but hey people seem to dig it so whatever.

I find it strange people keep shilling PND like we can't tell who they are. Also the fact that they are outright lying at this point rather than just making outrageous claims.

>> No.564071

Ripple is the biggest scam out there, do some research.
Good luck finding another coin that is so innovative and delivers on their promises. Lets talk in a year or 2 ok? Since this is not a pump and dump and it's rising steady.
And what lies are you refering to?

>> No.564079

>Since this is not a pump and dump and it's rising steady.
So how come the chart looks like a classic PnD and is currently ~50% down since it's high in mid October ?
That doesn't look like "rising steadily".

>delivers on their promises
The promises of anonymous IRC peoples ?
At least ripple have a reputable team who don't hide in anonymous chat. ripplelabs.com/team/
I cant even imagine what a similar page would look like with PND's team but I can only assume it would involve a lot of selfies from parents basements.

>that is so innovative
By innovative do you mean jumping on the cryptowagon after bitcoins success and reusing the technology created by other people ?

I trade for a living mostly on the speculative end. You'd be surprised how often I see similar excuses on pump and dumps that end up being worthless.

>> No.564081

>Ripple is being backed by Banks and Google
>Second most traded Crypto
>PND is being backed by a few guys on IRC
>Not even in the top 100 for trades
>But Ripple is a scam guys really. PND is so much better. We are going to be backed by the banks, Apple, Google, Batman, Barack Obama and God himself.
>Buy PND please for fucks sakes I need someone to buy it don't make me beg.

For the record if the coin was as valuable and with as bright of a future as you try to make it seem then we would not be having this conversation. People can see value and potential and act on it.

A good product will sell itself. All you need do is make people aware of it. Everyone on /biz/ knows what the fuck PND is. Yet you keep trying to shill it because nobody is buying into your bullshit.

Oh and rising steady? It's been dropping steadily for almost two weeks now.
>Inb4 it's only 2 weeks and cyclical growth
It just came out with a hybrid wallet and it still couldn't get past 12 Satoshi and has been steadily going down.

It's all ogre now buddy. Your coin is dead. All the shilling in the world can't save it.

>> No.564114

so if i made a coin, premined all the coins, said its backed by banks and google, you would buy it from me?
who are you giving your $ to anon? why dont you get what crypto is?
sure give me your $, untill i dump all the coins ill keep the price high.

>> No.564118

Those banks aren't even part of the top 50 banks in the world and people are creaming their stupid panties over it. Well done tards.

>> No.564216


> coin that is so innovative

In what way has PND innovated? I've explained exactly why they *haven't* innovated, and have patiently waited for even a single counter point.

>> No.564389

It's right in the OP.

>> No.564394

>People can see value and potential and act on it.
>A good product will sell itself.
I'm sorry but is this a ruse? Marketing hasnt worked this way since the 40s. People are too dumb to "get" quality so marketing avoids an emphasis on features and focuses on telling consumers how good theyll feel using the product. Marketing is about selling narratives, aka branding. Pnd is shit but OP is doing it right, just on the wrong audience.

>> No.564909


So why isn't this causing more people to buy it? This shit is pretty innovative, but nobody notices.

I bet nobody even heard about it apart from us. We need more promotion outside of /biz/.

>> No.564922

because people like to buy overpriced coins for some reason, just look at doge and other mega-pumps, high price and volume attract people, then they baghold and defend their investment by trolling the internet, maybe buying more when the price drops or selling low thinking it would go even lower etc until they get rekt

>> No.565214


Hi, welcome to this thread. I've already shown exactly why "instant sync" is not innovative here:


In short what PND has "innovated" has been discussed for *years* and has been available in Bitcoin for *years*. If you're curious to verify this yourself, the "instant sync" and "rapid blockchain download" are both a part of the "headers first" technology which has been discussed in Bitcoin for literally years.

The "Lite" client garbage is obviously not new, as there are lite clients for damn near every cryptocurrency out there (every cellphone app I'm aware of has been some type of cryptocurrency thin client). The only difference is they put it into the main client for some reason, ooh so innovative I duct-taped two things together!

No PND shill has even tried to dispute this with facts.

>> No.565235
File: 87 KB, 400x400, youre-literally-too-stupid-to-insult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, multiple times. Like you can't innovate on existing technologies. And yes it's innovation if you completely change syncing.

>> No.565478

maybe invest in pnd and try to make it better?
thanks for all the input

>> No.565891
File: 55 KB, 398x398, emo_girl_by_velise_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants my 2000 PND?

>Apparently, this coin isn't going anywhere.

>> No.565977

Is that a gift?
I'll take it

Wait... can you at least but shitty drugs from the deep web with it?

>> No.565981

It's worth barely nothing so I doubt you could buy anything online with it.
Plus it's not really accepted by online stores. They claim 100,000 stores coming soon but I think its only a handful of shitty stores nobody would use.
By "they" I mean a bunch of anonymous IRC peoples so their word isn't really worth shit.

It's so shit they actually give thousands of it away in the IRC channel everyday.

>> No.565983

SOunds like a good investment.

>> No.565989


Are you being intentionally thick? You've insulted me several times, but never even attempted to refute what I said.


Look at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/4468

So I raise the challenge to you for the third or fourth time, in what way is what PND does different from the above? Put up or shut up.


Why would I invest in a shitcoin? Why would I then follow up a monetary investment with a time investment?

>> No.566017


> let me fix that for you
The people who are around all the time on IRC and are very helpful and kept all their promises have stated that the next update you would be able to use PND with 100k+ retailers and online stores.

Dev team is made up by experts with on average over 10 years of experience in their respective fields. They have been working incredibly hard on this and managed to create something unique and innovative, price went up x300 since June/July.So you understand why people are butthurt since they missed the train. Now they want the price to drop again so they can invest lower and join the train.
But they would of course never admit that.

The community is so awesome, friendly and generous that they give away thousands every day on IRC.

>> No.566028

price increased 300x and will drop 600x if anyone dumps more than 1000$

kill yourselves you useless shillcunts

>> No.566030
File: 28 KB, 552x552, you-are-the-worst-troll-ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it.

>> No.566045

>Dev team is made up by experts with on average over 10 years of experience in their respective fields.
Do you have any proof of this or are you going on what anonymous IRC peoples tell you ?
Can you provide any links that show their background history or are you talking out of your ass ?
I look forward to your response..Which will no doubt avoid providing any evidence...

>the next update you would be able to use PND with 100k+ retailers and online stores.
We'll see about that forward looking statement which should come with a disclaimer. The only way thats going to happen is if the dev's create 100k shitty online stores selling the same crap.

>that they give away thousands every day on IRC.
Who the fuck would invest in something that is being given away ? Clearly it has no real world value if that's the case.

>> No.566161


You fags with like 2k pnd should just use the lotto every day. You could get hundreds of thousands after a couple months lel

>> No.566189


I said with facts. You've literally brought no counter evidence. And I initially gave you the benefit of the doubt too, that you weren't a shill. Disappointing.

>> No.566237
File: 87 KB, 700x680, 1415795480542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ the faggots on IRC are useless as fuck. You ask them a question, and get ignored.

>> No.566294

this PND is so stupid is useless, only crypto worth my satoshi is Monero and because its a kinda of hedge against BTC failure or I wouldn't even bother. this has gone too far, please dump it to hell where it belongs and move on.

>> No.566303

Yeah, and a million of the fucking things is worth maybe (theroretically) 30 bucks. Dont try selling them all at once tho, you'll wake up the whales, snoring away with barely a nostril open.

>> No.566305

> Monero: coin with biggest exploits in 2014 which was patched after months.
Yeah verry trustworthy. Also the evolution of the price since June is very impressive, straigth down.

The amount of butthurt people here is just silly, but thanks for keep bumping our thread. Anyone who does a bit of research know that the fudders are obviously wrong.

>> No.566307

oh, what you gonna do? buy pnd to dump them? stay mad, the ride never ends

>> No.566383

Wait pandacoin still exists? This has to be one big sarcastic joke. At least give it a rebrand before you go with the second PnD.

>> No.566393

people love a good joke
you must be one of stablecoin investors, such a great name

>> No.566397

Haha right? Any idiot who believes any altcoin will succeed long term deserves to lose their money. Place your bets on "new" altcoins that are following the latest 'innovation' trend and wait for the hype to reap your profits. Dump and move on to the next coin.

It's fucking penny stocks without regulations, free money for intelligent people. A lot of lost money for those who believe them.

>> No.566400
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, 25455433453542454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very few of them do anything other than talk about bullshit. It's a racist, troll-like circle jerk of <15. I don't recommend going on there other than to idle for PND. They really set a SHIT example for the community and the fact that they link this trash on their own website is moronic.

>> No.566407

Yeah they are getting desperate to roll in idiots to dump on.
>Dev team is made up by experts with on average over 10 years of experience in their respective fields.
>the next update you would be able to use PND with 100k+ retailers and online stores.

You see the same bullshit in pennystock forums all the time. It's just a little more extreme here...

>> No.566442

I'm getting some weird error whenever I open my wallet
Basically I can't even load the program without it running some fatal error or some shit
Will I lose my wallet if I uninstall and then reinstall?
I forgot my address, but I can find it out using the biz archve (probably)

>> No.566449

you need your wallet.dat file, be sure to keep it safe and make many backup copies

>> No.566453

delete everything except for your wallet.dat file in the appdata/roaming/pandacoin folder and rerun your wallet.
anyway always easier to help on IRC

>> No.566454

where would I find this file?

>> No.566481


>> No.566699


Every time the word "fact" shows up you go silent. Quit shilling.

> Anyone who does a bit of research know that the fudders are obviously wrong.

It's funny because while the "fudders" have presented evidence that PND is not innovative, you have failed to produce any that it is. Were it a matter of "a bit of research" any good shill would have provided it already, unless you're incompetent too...

>> No.566784

Facts are malicious tools of the unbelievers who have not seen the glory of PND. A true believer will disregard all facts that do not support PND and blindly buy more PND at the behest of the Holy Priests of PND. These Priests are called shills by the uninformed as they have not seen the glory of PND and have not felt the Holy fire of PND.

Gas the Doge's
Coin War Now

>> No.566795
File: 63 KB, 642x413, gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 8400840 PND.

I will hold like kike.

>> No.566824


pretty much

>> No.566839


gotta bump the thread to keep it on the front page huh?

>> No.567255

nice :) congratulations
Welcome to the awesome community

>> No.567309


enjoy holding that bag

>> No.567310


You again? Bring some facts or go home. Quit bumping this shit thread.

>> No.567316


Oh and also "community" that's cute. You and two other shills doesn't make a community.

>> No.567321


motherfucker I forgot to sage...

>> No.567323

Still, it's important that while this shit thread is on the first page, that it carry the message that PND is a shitcoin actively shilled by people who aren't above outright lies.

>> No.567324

Oh right, sage.

>> No.567351
File: 36 KB, 351x614, thisguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.567353


happy to entertain but you should avoid bumping this thread.

>> No.567354

very nice!

>> No.567359


Did they buy the coins you were dumping?

>> No.567422
File: 11 KB, 100x47, peka4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone's mad

>> No.567631


naw. thanks though

>> No.567647
File: 67 KB, 600x401, hjkbgjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whelp, time to sage.

>> No.567649
File: 204 KB, 640x1136, 1417328914195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit i forgot to sage. oops.

>> No.567969
File: 90 KB, 807x538, us_after_we_rekt_carrot_coin_goons_PND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.567975

Any guesses on when the next PND update will come? I'm sure it will be a while but I'm just looking for an estimate.

>> No.567979
File: 19 KB, 400x400, what_the_fuck_am_I_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can bump any thread I want pleb

>> No.567993


can vs should

>> No.568009

Jis waiting on the other 99,998 shops signing up bro, its all a happenin, any day now, shortly, soon. Devs will !deliva!, an all.

>> No.568080


> 2 shops support PND

being pretty generous there

>> No.568216

yur 1 of these PnD bashirs, int u? eh? eh?

CHK tHis out then, Mistur Sar-bloody-casmus - pndshop.com, says RIGHT THERE, stuff 'for sale'. And its git pnD in the name, so there.

And theres annur1, buts I forgitted.

>> No.568631

devs claim it will be ready when it's ready, holidays coming up and last release was around 2 months so I'm guessing january. could be wrong though.
but they are working on a lot of other projects too besides the merchants so I think we'll hear something soon

>> No.568640

hi. can you backup your claims here >>566017
>Dev team is made up by experts with on average over 10 years of experience in their respective fields.
I ask because everyone is calling this a scam. can you give us a link to the developers and their highly experienced backgrounds ?

>> No.568729

this goes round (and around) in ever-decreasing circles.. PnD people, it is obvious (or, obvious to everyone apart from yourselves, that is) that you have something of a credibility problem here. Awaiting that punters send anyonymous IRC shillers a bundle of cash for the financial equivalent of unicron droppings may not be the most confidence-winning approach, no?

Now, if you really do stand behind this fine scheme?, and have no wish to be scamming anyone (although, like near all shitcoin crypto, it remains a bagholder pyramid number in every respect), why then, do so.. Like anon above suggested, names, faces, non-IRC contacts, the works - after all, if you are not scamming anyone, what have you got to hide? Now, either do so, publish and be damned, and no more hiding behind IRC, or random Paypal sites which (you claim) have nothing to do with you, the bleassed, holy and sainted devs. Names/Faces/Contacts - then, you may indeed have some semblance of investor credibility, all problems with actual product potential by side.

Your problem being, of course, you won't, you don't, you never do, and you disappear/ignore anyone who actually dare suggest such. And, if you do want to hide, don't wonder that potential investors do the same, hide their hard-earned from you, that is. Now, either put up, or shut up, end of.

>b-but Satoshi ish anonymous..
- and you are, with all due respect, no Satoshis. Not least, as you are a world of originality and about 10 years too late for that.

>> No.568753

go buy some ripple and fuck off then ;)

>> No.568785


> you are [...] no Satoshis

That's the understatement of the year. It's not quite a copy-and-paste-coin but it's the bare minimum above that...


Yes, yes, we all know the shill stance on dissenting opinion.

>> No.568815

youre both nocoin retards that know nothing about crypto
>why are people buying this why why why why what?
and you die angry
do your own research kids

>> No.568847

..your random reply & issue deflection generator appears bust, Shill..
>why are people buying this why why why why what?
- eh, wot? who are you actually replying to here, JFI, or is this more babble & noise, as per?

That nobodies buying your bullshit is obvious, not least from the price. But, hey, blame everyone else instead, its all their fault, really. You sad fuck.

>> No.568866
File: 56 KB, 683x513, 2014-12-02 11.03.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone spare some PND to help a fellow panda bro in dire straits? My phone got formatted during a backup ;-;


I will be forever grateful... :'(

>> No.568879

im replying to you, since you missed one train and youre trying to change that reality, by asking stupid questions, instead of looking for other trains.
i really dont want you to buy, youre o'reilly journalist-tier scum of the earth
take better care of your coins damnit are you that 1M guy from irc?

>> No.568921

I find it hilarious that the guy just asking for proof of their claims is completely ignored. While the shills do their best to try and shout down anyone who questions the coin.

There is a reason people think both you and your coin is full of shit. And its this kind of shit right here.

>> No.568935


> nocoin retards that know nothing about crypto

> somad
> sowrong

> do your own research kids

aka "I can't back up any claims of PND legitimacy"

0.5/10 cryptoshilling
2/10 trolling

>> No.568946

oh, and how are your coins doing?
nah im not in shill mood today, im just making fun of retards or maybe lazy fuders that want to buy in lower.

>> No.568977


> making fun of retards
> is a PND shill


>> No.568990

theyre not doing so good right?
maybe its time to kill yourself?
you know, since you have nothing to do but trying to troll random coin thread, and you just end up bumping it...

>> No.569003


It's actually rather cathartic since you PND shills are irredeemable. You're either completely, helplessly dumb, or actively malicious.

>> No.569071

are you legally obligated to bump this thread?
your b8s are pathetic

>> No.569077


It's not bait, it's truth. Nobody with a brain, nor anybody with any goodwill towards fellow humans, would *ever* recommend PND. It's a merit-less coin just *barely* above being a complete copy+paste coin. The only people who will make money on PND will do so at the expense of people buying in now. You shills disgust me, so I enjoy getting mad at you.

It's also cute you apparently don't know what bumping a thread means.

>> No.569085

you are keeping this thread on the first page
im not saying anyone should buy, not sure where you got that idea
i hope that some big holders dump so i can get more at lower sat tho

>> No.569108
File: 86 KB, 537x379, pndshill_masterplan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> still not knowing how bumping works

Well, it was cute the first time anyways...

So according to you, your plan is

1. Have worthless shitcoins
2. Hope worthless shitcoins become worth less
3. Acquire more worthless shitcoins which are worth less


>> No.569119

i have long term plan involving btc pnd and doge
damn if thats not b8 im not responding to you anymore loser

>> No.569122
File: 12 KB, 320x220, stapler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi.. I was wondering if anyone could answer my question yet ?
Posted here >>568640

>do your own research
I have tried and I cant find anything legitimate only threads like this which is making me think this is a scam. Nobody seems to answer legitimate questions..

Where exactly can I do such research ?
Is there a wiki that explains the creator and the development team, their backgrounds, the roadmap for development, etc ?
Even the cannabiscoin founder has youtube videos but I cant find a damn thing about pnd or the people involved.
Appreciate any links.

>> No.569125

old thread

>> No.569130


> i have long term plan involving [...] pnd [...]

That's fucking hilarious, does it involve more lies about wanting the PND price to drop?

> loser

and you're a poopie pants!

>> No.569137



> More marketing than development

Sounds about right given what we've seen here

> Can code in multiple languages

Is that supposed to be credentials?! Highschool CS students can claim the same!

>> No.569835

yea those fuckers ripped me off but i was new to it all

>> No.570140


I dont know myself, but you have a better chance asking on the IRC

The devs occasionally post there aswell

>> No.570143


I wouldnt use buyPND because of the price hike but it is useful for people taking the first step into crypto just because its so easy

Plus it had to raise the profit margin because people were withdrawing funds after buying so they were losing money

>> No.570838

Would it be possible to get rid of 50M PND at this price?

>> No.570845

Of course. Just dump on Trex. It's going to go down to around 2 satoshi anyway, with BTC about to explode due to the upcoming auction people will be exiting all altcoins en masse to sell their BTC at the jacked up price. Just get what you can get for your PND now and buy back later much cheaper.

>> No.570851

What is this Trex you talk about? And what about this auction?

>> No.570852

How badly do you want to get killed with a suppressed pistol?

>> No.570863

bittrex.com - It's a cryptocurrency exchange. You can buy and sell essentially any altcoin.

>what auction
The millions of dollars of BTC the feds seized from SilkRoad2.0 are being auctioned off in the next day or two (depending on where you live) and the price of 1 BTC is going to spike through the roof due to the bidding war, thus all altcoins are going to be dumped so people can sell all their BTC at the massive price peak before it corrects back down to where it is now, then they'll buy more BTC for the same amount of money, and then eventually more altcoins, etc etc.

Same exact thing happened with SilkRoad1.0. In my opinion anyone in any altcoin should be selling to get their BTC back as soon as humanly possible, if you have not already.

>> No.570864

exchanging PDN is like going to the shittest, most unstable 3rd world country on the planet.
50 million PND is worth just over USD$1000

In fact I don't think any country has an exchange rate that fucking low ?
Wise decision to get out.

>> No.570866

>In fact I don't think any country has an exchange rate that fucking low ?
>Wise decision to get out.


Sell your PND now and get bitcoin for it all because it's very unlikely to be worth what it's worth right now again for a long time - if ever again at all.

>> No.570876

Ok, so let me get this. If i put my PND to sell, does the exchange give the goods or does it wait until somebody buys the amount i gave out at the current price?

>> No.570883

You go to the orderbook, and see what buy orders are up. If I were you, I'd just click the blue button by the 2-satoshi orders and sell all the way down to 2. Then wait for it to build back up to 2 or 3 and sell again and repeat until you have it all in BTC.

Dont bother selling down to 1 satoshi, though, just go for 2-3 as it wil always be worth 1 satoshi unti the devs bail.

>> No.570885


And as soon as you click the "confim" button to sell, your BTC is given to you instantly. No confirmation wait period or anything like that.

>> No.570899
File: 1017 KB, 280x280, tumblr_n3qfoyxpAU1qdjda6o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to put them to sell at price 2 sato?
Thanks for the information.

>> No.570901


Yeah, you coud just do that, too.

Same thing as clicking the blue botton, just a different way to do it.

>> No.570902

Also, doing this does not mean you'll get 2 sato for every coin, either; it'll automatically pay you for any of the buy orders higher than 2 sato on the way down to 2. So, don't worry about that (I know I didn't know that when I first started either, so there ya are)

>> No.570904

Could i also use SwissCEX or any other exchange?

>> No.570908

I didn't know about bittrex, so i don't know which would be the better choice.

>> No.570910


Just make a Trex account. It's way simpler, way more people use it, and you'll get way more money for PND as well as any other coin there.

It takes like 20 seconds to make an acct and it'll be great to have it for all future trades as well.

>> No.570914

>buying high

>> No.570918

>it's at 7 satoshis
>they are still shilling it
>for free

>> No.571031

>tfw PND is a scam

>> No.571059
File: 12 KB, 239x258, 1405424058379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most people in the IRC already know it isn't and have been told how and when the next update is coming through the grapevine.
>tfw a scam wouldn't go on for almost a year with active developers anyway
>tfw you and others on here think this

>> No.571083

>Thinking the existing for nearly a little more than half a year means its not a scam
>Thinking hearsay is relevant
Look I know a desperate scam when I see one. Do you know the difference between someone who is trying to scam you and someone who is just trying to help you? The latter won't try and pressure you and threaten you with what you will be missing out on.

It's a giant red flag when it comes to detecting scams. They try to pressure you and make it seem like it is time sensitive and that you have to buy right now. They will also try to taunt you with what you are going to miss out on if you don't do whatever they are telling you to do. You can see this all throughout the thread.

Another difference between a scammer and someone who is just trying to help you is that the former needs you and the latter doesn't. So scammers will of course be insistent and duplicitous because they need you to buy into whatever they are selling or else they get nothing. They are acting at your expense rather than for your benefit.

If these people were actually just being helpful they would just drop what useful information they know that they think would benefit you and then leave. They would not spend a whole thread trying to sell a product and trick people into buying it by lying and trying to threaten them with the prospect of missing a golden goose.

You can buy PND if you want. Buy as much as you want. But you really need to understand that you are just digging someone else out of a hole and jumping in it yourself.

>> No.571088
File: 526 KB, 2048x1367, 9lDdLYR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're implying that the developers are the ones that make these threads. I make half of them because it's funny to watch /biz/ shit its pants with little effort.