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56238965 No.56238965 [Reply] [Original]

They literally refuse to learn about any other crypto because if it's not bitcoin it's bad. And they all have this same smug face, like they know better than everyone else. Meanwhile everyone else understands bitcoin and crypto.

>> No.56238969
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>> No.56238977


>> No.56238998

Because they pussies scared of risk and actually using their brains

>> No.56239026

They’re actually just low IQ and low imagination, which is nearly the same thing

>> No.56239125

Who the fuck are these Maxis you are talking about most people who hold Bitcoin also hold many other things. Bitcoin is just the safest bet for lots of capital in this sketchy market. Look at how much it is down ATH compared to all the shitcoins bar a handful of acceptions. Maybe go back to twitter and have your gay little arguements with the 3 retards over there that gave you this idea of sentiment.

>> No.56239134

bag bias or stupid
there is literally no other way, with zero exceptions

>> No.56239141

you give me the same sentiment desu
no logical path leads to bitcoin; its "core tenets" are either lies or outdone by Ethereum, and when you try to push back on that fact, all your dogwater blockchain illiterate arguments come out - I refer to >>56239134

>> No.56239152

even the argument you seem to use now, "the safe haven", is barely holding up - even in the middle of a bear ETH/BTC is barely moving - ETH is a better risk adjusted asset, and its never in danger of losing its feet beneath it, because it's literally where *all* crypto innovation happens.

>> No.56239153

I have more ETH than BTC but Bitcoin is a more secure network

>> No.56239159

This picture makes me nauseous

>> No.56239162

It is a less secure network
it is secured by less capital
it is secured by fewer parties
it has no long term monetary policy, every 4 years it becomes half as secure, and since nobody can or wants to use it for anything, it cannot subsidize itself

>> No.56239164

What stage you at

>> No.56239172

Stage 1 I suppose. Still a full head of long hair, but when I pull it back, I’m starting to notice it’s receding a little. I’m scared. And it makes me sick seeing pictures like that. I give it another 8-10 years and my shit will probably be that fucked too. Ill shave it LONG before that happens though.

>> No.56239177

just do fin if you want to keep it, 99.9% of people have no side effects

>> No.56239181

They refuse to understand that Bitcoin will die once miners cant make money due to rewards getting halved, the network does not bring in enough fees.

>> No.56239182
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>> No.56239185

I'm a NW 2, taking the fin + min + derma stamp stack. I recommend you start now, given you only just started receding. I'd kill to jump through a portal and start sprinkling fin dust into my morning meals when I was a NW 1.

The #1 rule of hairloss is that it's infinitely easier to maintain than it is to grow back.

>> No.56239189

yeah this
I lost enough where I needed a hair transplant to fill in a bit, would've been so fucking easy if I had just known about fin early
on fin for 5 years now, not a single tangible thing happened except my hair stopped falling out

>> No.56239190
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Why are so many anons on 4chan balding? Bad diet and no exercise? I don't see anyone my age balding but see loads on here

>> No.56239210


Bitcoin maxis are superior to shitcoiners because they ve got the winning position. shitcoiners just have shit for brains

>> No.56239211

Same, zero sides. The DHT internet defense force is a legitimate cancer on the hairloss community. I got FUDed out of so much progress. I fucking hate NW 2 because the regrowth response is so much shittier compared to the luck cunts that diffuse bald and can instantly snap back to NW0. The hair follicles had too many years of miniaturizing which is deeply unfortunate. I remain optimistic on derma stamping though, lots of new exciting reads coming out that it can potentially defibrilate those slick bald corners back to life

>> No.56239215

by no metric are you winning relative to Ethereum, and this won't slow down, which you'd know if you had any exposure to what was going on

>> No.56239233

>The DHT internet defense force is a legitimate cancer on the hairloss community
kek, preach
yeah my pattern wasn't diffuse either, but fin actually grew quite a bit back for me, did still need the FUE to make it fill in - today, you couldn't tell I was ever balding (and I almost had an island before, lol)
they'll probably solve it eventually, but as you say, keeping what you have is actually pretty easy - just about responding early

>> No.56239243

I think being a night shift wagie is doing it to me

>> No.56239288

That's good that you responded with regrowth from fin, that's a nice rare positive side. I've managed to freeze my hair in time for 5 years, and I only started minox + stamping 3 months ago, so here's to hoping that goes well. Otherwise, maybe I'll check out a FUE myself. The results are crazy effective nowadays, they really mastered making them look as natty as possible.
What's weird is that I'm the sibling that lifts and takes fitness seriously. My very overweight brother has a flat NW0 perfect adolescent hairline. I got the height and face, but the cucked hair genes. The lord giveth.....

Idk, I'm getting into esoteric shit like semen retention, and they talk a lot about hairloss and early onset graying hair. Maybe there's something to the fapping makes you bald meme all along. Used to be a deranged sex addict

>> No.56239316

Sports also make people bald,the Sport people in my youth are way more likely to be bald now.
Fir the rest, accept your shit genes and search a woman that fits you. The next generation will be ultra fucked with your bald genes and the finasterine effect which means they will have a micro penis

>> No.56239348

>accept your shit genes and search a woman that fits you
I genuinely don't think a non-balding male can comprehend what it does to your confidence. My face is also pretty good, but I have a gay alien skull and shaving it would detonate what few points I have left of SMV. Just got out of a long relationship too, and it feels like hoeflation got even worse in 5 years somehow. I'm embracing monk mode and just gonna focus on self improoving in whatever ways I can. This isn't me being a blackpilled fuck btw. I'm 6'3, white, and in shape. It's really just that bad out there.

I feel like that old guy who gets out of prison in shawshank redemption and he can't cope with the changed world. Except I try to limit screentime and these sluts all just date exclusively from apps now and cant hold a 7 second conversation in real life. Fuck this.

>> No.56239362

>8 posts by a shitcoiner incel

all shitcoins go to zero against Bitcoin, dont forget that, brownskinned coper

>> No.56239484

>They literally refuse to learn about any other crypto because if it's not bitcoin it's bad. And they all have this same smug face, like they know better than everyone else. Meanwhile everyone else understands bitcoin and crypto.
Because of bagholding and post-purchase rationalization bias. It's not complicated, humans are dumb apes with dumb ape thinking patterns.

>> No.56239496
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>> No.56239692
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you say that because you've heard other retards say they do, but Ethereum doesn't
pic related, time in profit for BTC is above the red/green line - notice how it's significantly smaller than time out of profit, and remember this is in a bear - if we go slightly higher, time in profit is like 3 months out of 8 years
you can cope about this, but these are facts

>> No.56239711

True and real

>> No.56239718


>> No.56239753

fucken kek..........wait why is it pumping?

>> No.56239788

hey newfag. if your token has been printed at start. its worthless and no one cares. you are getting dumped on and laughed at by the creators of your favorite PoS shitcoin

>> No.56239944
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zoomers are all just hiding it

>> No.56240002
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It is possible to grow it back, but it is too much effort. I am letting myself go bald since I unironically have good looks even as a baldie, and I'm too lazy for derma shit and minox.
I don't care about spreading my baldie genes. They will eventually make gene editing cheap and effective enough that baldness will be wiped out and most people will have blue eyes.

>> No.56240167

>mines 1 million bitcoin before anyone knows what it is

>> No.56240189

There is an easy fix, it takes close to zero effort, just costs you some money.
Try ASEA redox signalling molecules, read regular science articles about these molecules to learn what they do.
Big pharma ain't so happy with this all curing supplement, turns back the age clock, helps with balding, check en.devinedesign.nl for more info and to order. Yes, I take 15% of the cut for every order

>> No.56240297


>> No.56240315

Because we have been aware for longer than you and seen countless new coins appear and fade into nothing. Even the #2 coin is just a slave to BTC price action.
>2013 watcher

>> No.56240343

The purpose of crypto is to buy low and then sell high to greater fools. If you weren't a 2020 newfaggot you would know this. Greater fools are supposed to drink the coolaid about muh use case new paradigm as they baghold to zero. You were supposed to sell a long time ago.

>> No.56240496


>> No.56240852


>> No.56240868
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>> No.56240869

>crypto from bitcoin pov
no wonder bitcoin is vaporware
go to an ethereum event, it'll change your mind

>> No.56241380

Why and how did this picture get taken?
It must be staged otherwise she's just pulled out her phone and taken a picture right then and there

>> No.56241440

Women are always on their phone and always taking pictures. Only thing out of the ordinary is that she hasn't put her face in it>>56241380

>> No.56241783
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ETH is never an option for smartfags, they care about earning rewards from staking EVR.

>> No.56241819

I sold off this shit for OGBX, even in this bear market, the p2e project has raised an impressive 76 BNB so far. Ain't gonna sleep on it.

>> No.56241827
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>> No.56241835
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>if it's not bitcoin it's bad

But that's actually true for anything premined, which is 99% of shitcoins.

Premined = literally printed out of thin air with the push of a button, with no consequences and absolutely not backed by anything.

>> No.56241877

Don't get excited, keep holding the biggest pump is coming.

>> No.56241903

>he thinks a few nerds mining millions of bitcoins before the rest of the world hears about it is "fair distribution"
>he thinks bitcoin is backed by anything, presumably because of pow
lol, lmao

>> No.56242591

Bitcoin isn't back by anything, and it isn't economically secure anymore since the small blockers won the block wars. Wait till ETFs come, and even more transactions occur off-chain. Less fees. Less secure.

>> No.56242625

>> he thinks a bunch of VCs and nerds coming together to print a shittoken project is the real fair way.

>> No.56242746


>> No.56243381

its your own goal post retard
i don't care, just don't be a hypocrite

>> No.56243396

dermastamping and deramrolling are trash. Get a dermapen noob