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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 376 KB, 400x573, 1672266115006436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56215681 No.56215681 [Reply] [Original]


Previous: >>56199107

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
https://youtu.be/5urrOWO0KDI [Embed] [ [
>Newfag Tutorial
https://youtu.be/23Yn5GdYpJc [Embed] [ [
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:
>XRP Tiktok


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKyiMbIwHA4 [Embed] [

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
DO NOT use Droplet wallet, it's a scam and will steal your XRP!

>> No.56215978

already a thread

jannies do your job

>> No.56216329

that isn't a real thread

>> No.56216345

looks pretty real to me

>> No.56216882
File: 336 KB, 960x1280, IMG_6836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based real thread.
>pic rel
Price of XRP on moon date.

>> No.56217111

Based non troll thread.

>> No.56217308

If supposedly sec is holding xrp back in the US and everyone says xrp is clear in the rest of the world and the rest don't care about the sec, then why is there still no utility of xrp around the world?

>> No.56217864

Settle down everyone. I know the big party is coming, but please, contain your excitement. The energy in here is riotous

>> No.56217868

How long until I'm a millionaire?

>> No.56218103
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Imagine being Gary and getting roasted like this by the congress... kek

>> No.56218148

No bread baked.
Something about switches flipping.
could be Friday but more likely not
Who is this cute man? He in no way resembles a goblin insect.

$7 Q4 2023

>> No.56218170
File: 35 KB, 881x463, turp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits sir

>> No.56218212

What happens then?

>> No.56218375

Some people think that there's no way Ripple would host a party when the price of XRP is embarrassingly low.
But of course they will, they don't care, and neither will the mouth breathing neckbeards that are attending this party.
They'll all get their selfies with David and Brad and forget that we've been bagholding this piece of shit coin for way too long, and even though we have some sort of clarity the price is fucked.

>> No.56218392

I just want to share that I no longer pin xsg threads

>> No.56218418

the 2 week wait begins

>> No.56218466

US is still the largest economy and international corporations/banks functions globally and in the US. So the US is a major hub for the financial network to work. So yeah, unfortunately we have to wait on bloody Gary Gensler

>> No.56218652


>> No.56218678

good thing there is always something to wait for, otherwise the waiting would be unbearable

>> No.56218683

only 2 more weeks

>> No.56218696
File: 72 KB, 254x300, soyboyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the nobody B A R R Q N !!atUEpxFur6x

>> No.56218707

Tomorrow is the day guys only one more day

Are you as excited as I am?

I'm gonna buy snacks later.

>> No.56218730

>When the most exciting topic is a duplicate thread in the catalog

>> No.56218753

yeah whoever made that #final thread is a big bully, totally not cool guys. Guess we won't find out who it was but still

>> No.56218884
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>> No.56219266

something to read or TLDR? got covered in shit at work today
wagecuck, but not for long, 2 more weeks until wagmi hard

>> No.56219282

If by sunday we don't go over 1 fucking dollar per XRP i think i'm gonna sell or kms or both.

Bags are fucking HEAVY

>> No.56219329


>> No.56219444

What is your average buy in price?

>> No.56219487

Like 70c, i shouldn't complain michy, but still...

>> No.56219491

hang on fren

>> No.56219532
File: 73 KB, 574x750, frogcute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what time it starts tomorrow? Have we passed the 24 hour mark yet?

>> No.56219569

its now 6 am in ny so no

>> No.56219591

already a thread up

>> No.56219593

how does this even work

>Afternoon in Europe
>Fly to America
>You now have gone 6 hours back in time

anyone who believes that shit is retarded

>> No.56219597
File: 7 KB, 418x291, soyooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already a thread up

>> No.56219615

idk just stating the facts here

>> No.56219715

haha yes I know bro nw (no worries)

>> No.56220068

Ripple isn't XRP and their service does not depend AT ALL on the price of XRP.

>> No.56220362

how do you think ripple pays for things and got investors? Because I think a lot of that depends on the price and potential of xrp

>> No.56220415

No. Their ODL service is just insurance against price movements at it's core.
You can move as much money as anyone wants to move currently and the price will never matter.
Do math at 17,000x a day for each zerp, 50 billion zerps, and $.50.

>> No.56220585

Oh fuck off
Without ripple XRP is worthless and you know it
I'm sick of people pretending it would survive
"Ripple could go bankrupt tomorrow and xrpl would keep functioning"
Yes but what would 1 zerp be worth?

>> No.56220647

It’s almost as if it was designed to have a value higher than $.50

>> No.56220674

The rest of the world where xrp is free is a bigger economy combined than US.

>> No.56220827
File: 31 KB, 688x578, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any fresh picked hopium for a kindly neighborhood frogposter

>> No.56220879

I am not talking about the service I am talking about how Ripple can even afforded to get in the position they are right now and are still doing. And I dont think the size of their services right now (with Ripplepay) is enough to do those big investments like overtaking fortress. So indirectly a good price of xrp is needed for expanding and growing their services.

>> No.56220896

Nigga fuck that gat frog

>> No.56221004

I am not ashamed to admit that I have been getting extremely high off zoomer demoralization videos.
They make some retarded videos with some footage/game and just keep saying how everything is hopeless.

I keep breathing that shit in and I just can't get enough of how demoralized they are.

>> No.56221039

share some

>> No.56221088

I have this with a lot of stuff. Going all in on a subject and becoming a fan of something and a couple of months later its all gone

>> No.56221092

this guy is entry level

but it gets you into the zoomer doomer tunnel
they all just bringing each other down
dude, i cant get enough of it

>> No.56221103

we all have to move on, but for me, i might get hooked on this for awhile
i just love how these retards were raised to be losers
they just sit down and take it
and go to youtube and cry about it

i love it

>> No.56221106

I do not understand how LINK works, and why would the banks need LINK.
The same narrative that is for XRP (that it will be used to transfer value between banks, freeing up nostro/vostro accounts), is said about LINK.
I don’t understand how LINK is poised to do the same thing XRP is.
From my understanding, LINK is for oracles, not for transferring value between banks.
Can anyone explain?

>> No.56221119

You are becoming a Boomer, getting erect over your children’s and children’s childrens’ suffering. A suffering vampire. A loosh addict. Be careful or demons will start courting you.

>> No.56221177

sure thing bro
i'll totally stop

>> No.56221234

You just answered your own question.

>> No.56221247

But it is the native coin which all value is based on. Who let this child brain in the thread. Must be a glowie

>> No.56221257

Nigga don’t be a faggot and have some patience. Stop acting dick hungry to sell you bitch

>> No.56221269

Where can I buy Iraqi dollars?

>> No.56221511

Right… I saw someone in a LINK thread poising the same narrative XRP has for LINK, which didn’t make much sense.
How heavy even are your bags?
I have a mid 4 digit bag and don’t even think about XRP most of the time.

>> No.56221541


24 hours left to party (pump of lifetime)

>> No.56221627

we're actually going to crash aren't we

>> No.56221894

yes but TWO WEEKS after party will be the real party (everything else crashes)

>> No.56221947

LINK is a midwife trap and XRP is also a midget trap

>> No.56221958


>> No.56222067

xrp is not going to moon until it can actually be used for its intended purpose as an international bridge currency.
That will not happen until congress passes laws regulating crypto.
The Democrats pretend to hate crypto.
And the Republicans pretend to like crypto.
There is only one party.
The Uniparty, and this all a play.
But, as long as the Democrats have control of the Senate,
and the Finance committee, or Ways and Means committee,
no legislation favorable to Ripple and xrp will ever be passed.
Republicans need to gain control of the Senate, the House, and the White House, along with all of the relevant committees.
Let's assume the Republicans win all of those in the next election cycle.
That won't be until November of 2024.
And then they won't take office until January of 2025.
And that's only if they "win".
The Uniparty may decide to keep the Democrats in control for another 2 years; or 4, or 6, etc.
Once the Republicans have control, we then have to wait for them to actually do it.
Sometimes they intentionally do nothing and squander their time in power.

So at the very least, we will have to wait until January 2025.
And then wait months, to 2 years, for them to actually pass favorable legislation.
And let me be clear, neither party are the good or bad guy.
They are just playing their roles.
But they can't suddenly switch sides.
The Democrats can't suddenly decide they like crypto now.
What will probably happen is the Democrats will try to pass CBDC into law, and enslave us.
And the Republicans will pretend to resist them,
and intentionally fail.
Because they want to see us enslaved too.
Their job is to act as a pressure release valve.
So people feel like they have hope, even though it's false.
Maybe they'll "compromise" and pass CBDC into law, but also pass laws favorable to Ripple and xrp.

Give up hope on this stupid Ripple Party tomorrow.
Literally nothing can significantly pump the price of xrp until legislation is passed.

>> No.56222095

>xrp is not going to moon
stopped reading here
so true

>> No.56222115

>xrp is not going to moon

stopped reading there

go fud somewhere else

>> No.56222229

Look at the pump we got from the partial Ripple victory over the SEC.
Along with xrp being relisted on every single major exchange.
Not only was the pump pathetic,
but we also slowly bled out to right where we were, price wise, before the victory.
Compare that to the pump we got when Bitcoin reached it's all time high.
If Bitcoin does that again, we'll see a similar pump,
but that will be solely due to riding Bitcoin's coattails.
And it won't be a moon.
Just a nice pump.
So Bitcoin reaching it's all time high,
Is the only thing to look forward to until 2025.
And who knows if that will happen anytime soon.
Maybe the Bitcoin ETF will get approved by corrupt Gary.
It will be real funny if it passes, and Bitcoin doesn't pump.

So settle in for the long ride.
And don't get excited by any news.

>> No.56222246

They are suppressing the price on purpose they dont want new people in

>> No.56222253

Trips just confirmed the party is real and flip switch happening papi, mami

>> No.56222260

You intensionally missed the word "until" right after it.

>> No.56222264

The government isn't on the top of the pyramid, if people above them want something done it will happen whoever is in power.

>> No.56222285

This is true.
But they still need to maintain the facade of having an elected representative government.
What narrative would they use to justify Democrats suddenly changing their mind about crypto?

>> No.56222294


>> No.56222304

that's the joke, yes. Quite astute, brother.

>> No.56222328

Listen here buddy, I'm not your brother.

>> No.56222354

oooooo almost at $0.51 guys

we are all gonna be rich

>> No.56222471

Global financial crisis. Something something liquidity something.

>> No.56222484

Also they would use the term digital assets not crypto as they have already tarnished the word crypto.

>> No.56222596

Good point.
But we'll need that crisis to actually happen.
It seems like we've been on the verge of it for a very long time.
Out rulers have an incredible ability to delay crises that should have happened a long time ago.

Rebranding is a very clever idea.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
And normies are dumb enough to gobble it up.

>> No.56222652
File: 8 KB, 201x251, baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw we're almost not at 50 cent anymore

>> No.56222667

they turned off the dumping bots to get a better vibe tomorrow at the party

>> No.56222696

literally, unironically, this
LINK is doing the same, hype for their Smartcon event, but they're dumb enough to think its organic
All of this is so manipulated

>> No.56222706

We won't see $1 until 2024.

>> No.56222727

XRP is pumping the least out of all top ten coins in the last 24 hours

>> No.56222762
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>> No.56223003
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, B8FFE56D-F107-4BEA-BEE6-A7442A30FD1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My car was telling me something today too!

>> No.56223086

Yes it's saying the tank is almost empty and it needs maintenance. Kinda like ur life lol

>> No.56223455

they're really going to keep this shit coin at 0.5089 for the party just for the meme of it
they think its funny
we're bag holding a shit coin, and they think its funny
it also shows how manipulated this is, that they can hold it at such a precise price point just for a laugh

>> No.56223465

You know what would be funnier is if they put price to $0.0589 instead lol

>> No.56223479
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>> No.56223583
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>we're bag holding a shit coin, and they think its funny

I'm tired of pretending it's not...

>> No.56223811

what time is the pooper party tomorrow?

>> No.56223869


>> No.56224028

Idk I am going to another party and forget about everything and wake up the next morning like a king

>> No.56224317
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 50 cents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh yay lets have a party its still at 50 cents....

>> No.56224839
File: 302 KB, 1080x1274, Screenshot_20230928-205507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm retarded when it comes to the subject of law, I haven't attempted the BAR, but did everyone else know this is the meaning of "proper party"..

>> No.56224932


To add to this, I think their going to reveal a third party joining the case. All speculation but it makes sense to me at least.

>> No.56225004

This is interesting. Never heard the term but “proper party” having a legal definition makes me think you’re on to something.

>> No.56225101

maybe but it sounds more like proper party is a fun word play about everyone who is going to the party doesnt have to be there but are affected by the case?

>> No.56225231


Nice perspective, never thought of that.

>> No.56225614
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>it starts in London

>> No.56226598
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how was the party
did it hapepn yet

>> No.56226732

wtf they were just sending out anothjer fucking aRIDDLE?

>> No.56227061

we wont see $1 until 2030

>> No.56227103

based turpentine enjoyer

>> No.56227218

Hopefully I don't drink myself to death before then.

>> No.56227501

Ripple is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to XRP token.
Literally almost got a token they have no control over labeled a security of theirs they fucked up so badly.
XRP and the XRPL are amazing and missed the entire bull run because some retards that happen to hold a lot of XRP fucked everyone's shit up.

>> No.56228596
File: 104 KB, 784x784, rax rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henlo fren

>> No.56228668

Xrp is only worth something because ripple is promoting it. Its a literal shitcoin otherwise

>> No.56229005

Good morning

today is the day guys

>> No.56229013

Thread theme for today:


>> No.56229044
File: 27 KB, 1060x351, !xrp5089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh guys? I decided to open the chart and see this

what does it mean

>> No.56229058

How?? It's been well below that for so long. Have you not been working at all?

>> No.56229072

English translation?

>> No.56229077
File: 2.28 MB, 640x358, 1695609719849333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is providing more than 1 service, so it's not that simple. In short, they are all oracle services. Meaning live data. This could be used to help currency exchanges, but you would still need more infrastructure. XRP, along with the front end partners they are making recently, are an all in 1 solution to bridge currencies and move money around the world. They will both be a part of the new system. Any actual smart anons please give your input/ correct me

>> No.56229085 [DELETED] 

wait this fud wasn't copy/pasted... maybe he's on to something...

>> No.56229087
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>> No.56229107

How many hours does anyone know?

>> No.56229236

Im so excited im gonna faint

please anyone how much time do we have still

>> No.56229244

Chainlink’s token is not needed. Take that trash elsewhere

>> No.56229257

Not needed for you, but banks will be buying it.

>> No.56229263

No linkniggers in xsg

>> No.56229271


>> No.56229341

>Day of the party
>No Hype

guys come on this is the most important day like ever

>> No.56229573


what the fuck

BTC and ETH are pumping and XRP still stuck at $0.5089

>> No.56229584

We should at least have $5.89 EOD


>> No.56229598

1. $0.0589
2. $0.5089
3. $0.589
4. $5.89
5. $58.90
6. $589.0
7: $2k
8. $37500
9. $100k
0. $0

>> No.56229604
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>> No.56229637
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It is ridiculous how it hovers around the $0,5089 price now. Tease? Exciting though for sure. And it shows how much control there is over the price of the entire market. Remember, and I am repeating, on 07/13, btc market cap was 589 billion.

>> No.56229694

Most of you are probably utility holders?

>> No.56229699
File: 410 KB, 888x616, 1694548701397333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.56229731

institutional whale here

>> No.56229746

haha no i'm kidding

or am I?

it's better to keep it a secret how much XRP you hold. Otherwise you write a big "rob me" target on your back once the flip is switched

>> No.56229758

>It is ridiculous how it hovers around the $0,5089 price now.

Couldn't agree more. They are definately up to something.

Anyway, does anyone know how many hours from this point the party starts?

>> No.56229770

idk maybe 6-7 h

>> No.56229776

well which is it

>> No.56229778

Found a livestream of the party:


>> No.56229854

Chainlink just stole xrp’s lunch with their official swift partnership at sibos. Last chance to board this rocket

>> No.56229921

Don’t even need to click, I already know

>> No.56229929

fuck off baggie

>> No.56229933

dubs is 10 and trips 100

>> No.56229949


>> No.56229967
File: 389 KB, 1932x1380, F3HP2kGWIAIKQc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link could be big, I've seen the assblaster stuff and their ... partnerships. Why not both you know? I'm all in XRP though. Cool pic for you guys cos you are my schizo homeboys.

>> No.56229973
File: 190 KB, 929x915, !xrpover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56230017

a month ago?

>> No.56230024

fuck i forgot it's september

>> No.56230050

Link has a smaller marketcap and their swift partnership singlehandedly destroys any of ripples 4th world country partners. Aka you’ll get more out of link than xrp

>> No.56230071

Nice try

>> No.56230096

wake me up when september ends

>> No.56230116
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 1671836265149712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-how did you know?

>> No.56230121


>> No.56230134
File: 92 KB, 782x781, 1692130403403600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession to make.

I've bought even more XRP now.
Just before the Proper Party :)

Are we going to make it anons?

>> No.56230140

Oh you naughty you hehehe it's okay I won't tell

>> No.56230271

How many hours guys?

>> No.56230284

dont think he is awake, he has a long day ahead of him

>> No.56230311

Avert your gaze from Brad's dreamy eyes and you'll start thinking more clearly.

>> No.56230320

Don't forget to hashtag your photos for the proper party xrparmy


>> No.56230490
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>> No.56230493

its happening

>> No.56230499



We did it guys

>> No.56230505


>> No.56230518

It's going too high to be at 0,5089 when the party starts, but technically it hit 589 on this day


>> No.56230519
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x1947, partying-face-emoji-emoji-2048x1947-ko7gryvx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56230520


>> No.56230525


it feels like it's the 13th of July again

surely this isn't gonna end in huge disappointment this time haha that would be silly

>> No.56230541
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>> No.56230552

shit got drunk as fuck yesterday and bought a reaper nft for 10000 xrp. it is a pic of a whale and some kind of promise to get another token. only got 5k xrp left now. rip

>> No.56230558

Well that wasn't very wise

>> No.56230578


>> No.56230588
File: 117 KB, 730x783, greenwojakk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.54 fucking accepted get ready boys this rocket is on it's way to space

>> No.56230598

isn't that reaper memecoin actually good though
I wish I had set the trustline to that one long ago but never did

>> No.56230607

Imagine the dump after this party

>> No.56230618
File: 1.61 MB, 360x202, shang-tsung-it-has-begun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56230619

Don't worry about tomorrow, just enjoy today. :^)

>> No.56230624
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Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.56230633
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>> No.56230636
File: 80 KB, 700x700, IMG_5975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t wait to drink with Marcos Valle at the Proper Party later tonight


>> No.56230643

Go up and never stop

>> No.56230662

We are pumping past BNB for the party!

>> No.56230675

Nm it's over.

>> No.56230681

$0.3 eod

>> No.56230765

we are back

>> No.56230774

and down it goes lmao

>> No.56230777

Let’s go!!! Daddy needs a new ham sandwich!

>> No.56230814

.589 RIGHT as the party starts.

>> No.56230817

When does the party start?

>> No.56230831

Once we mix in with Bacardi dark my fren.

>> No.56230836
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>> No.56230839

oh I have some dark rum here

>> No.56230847

100k XRP locked in, what am I in for?

>> No.56230854

$1000 for every $0.01 that XRP pumps

>> No.56230933

whats happening

>> No.56230944

The anticipation of the proper party. XRP is going to moon tonight!

>> No.56230960

but i want it to moon now

>> No.56230969
File: 3.22 MB, 300x532, 80¢.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diane feinstein died so we're mooning

>> No.56231003

Be patient XbRoP

>> No.56231023
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>> No.56231119

Is there anything going on today

>> No.56231132
File: 2.24 MB, 498x498, 1690397696746340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The partyyyyyy aaaaaa

>> No.56231217

>nothing will be funnier to me than having some dumb twitter tourist faggot like this guy trying to shill my old $3 bags back to me after i sold them for bnb and qnt in 2018

the creators of your shitcoin have even stated that its purpose is to be sold to retards like you whenever they want money because no one actually uses xrp for anything
no one cares about muh landmark case either (eos already did that before you guys anyway)

you really need to stick to places where you can pretend that you have some form of dignity, so take the hint and fuck off back to your cuck / dream diary entry general

>> No.56231294


>> No.56231353

Waiting for that post party dump to buy more

>> No.56231603
File: 969 KB, 692x1070, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true people are planning on jumping @XRPVale at the Proper Party cuz he talks mad shit to everyone?

>> No.56231615

So how many hours before the party starts?

>> No.56231709

What a day

So what part did you guys like most?

For me it was when we pumped from $0.51 to $0.55

Personally I wasn't too big of a fan of the drop from $0.55 back to $0.53 though but yeah

How about you guys?

Let me know down below in the comments

>> No.56231717
File: 91 KB, 803x602, 2moreweeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56231723

buy orders at $0.41. Will it be filled?

>> No.56231765

Unironically, yes. As October is soon upon us. Swing before the party is over to multiply your stack. NFA onlyentertainmentpurposesonlykthxbye

>> No.56231795

Anyone have party livestream?

>> No.56231947

Well i'm ready for another pump guys

>> No.56231983



>> No.56232035

the moon glows with blue circles - is this normal?

>> No.56232055

flip the fucking switch already im waiting

>> No.56232124

Another one

>> No.56232143

But does this mean the XRP price will go up?

>> No.56232168

I bought so many good beers for this wtf

Why would have thought it was gonna be this disappointing? Everyone hyped this for weeks and were expecting to go to previous ATH

>> No.56232186

You should be doing other things, such as cleaning yourself and your home. Relax and be alone with your thoughts.

>> No.56232188

Me and my home are always clean

I need generational wealth now

>> No.56232206

>Savannah or Atlanta Georgia?

>> No.56232210

Mine is at .389

>> No.56232387
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, liminal space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI. I might go to the party tonight buts raining in new york city

>> No.56232556

Are you going to just show your history of xsg posts as your ticket?
Seriously asking.
I've often wondered if all this ham sandwich posting would ever actually pay off.

>> No.56232658
File: 830 KB, 1382x1536, 1615230699947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just show up with bluey pictures and my tablet with all the XSG girl pictures that I have set up ready to post when we surpass $5

FYI I do actually have more drawings in the works but I set up price limits for each one just to make it fun for myself during this extraordinarily long and strange hodl period.

>> No.56232714

1. $0.0589
2. $0.5089
3. $0.589
4. $5.89
5. $58.90
6. $589.0
7: $2k
8. $37500
9. $100k
0. $0

>> No.56232719

The point of creating a mascot for XSG was to keep her as a symbol of hope and moralization
We’ve had none of that ever thus XSG is dying

>> No.56232724
File: 179 KB, 1272x1060, IMG_4054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5.89; not ideal but not too shabby either.

>> No.56232764

Proper Party is 929

So tonight we'll hit 9.29$/XRP

Next year it will be 92.9$ and so on.

>> No.56232895

I'll see what I can do...

>> No.56233040

was this morning a pre-party pump and the nighttime party pump is still to come? hard to think of it as much of a party with a pump n dump into 0.50 stable coin crab

>> No.56233106
File: 220 KB, 1827x958, bcbF7NTWSyWgAA5wxY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so back boys

>> No.56233114

>proper party
>flooding in NYC
>liquidity crisis
>it's raining = liquidity
This can't be a coincidence

>> No.56233180
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>> No.56233207

Imagine putting a white baby in that

>> No.56233217

you mean a mixed goblino, rabbi

>> No.56233222
File: 641 KB, 576x1024, 1693586651059694.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would def insert liquidity into her womb, if you catch my drift....

>> No.56233254

I will shit in a paper bag and leave it in the middle of the party
screenshot this

>> No.56233491

I believe you. And I believe in you.

>> No.56233623

I detected sarcasm in your response so now I will not do it, just because of you, Judas
>it could have been a fun night

>> No.56233776

do we overtake BNB today or what?

also, what time does the party start? It's 14:22 in NYC, right? So in 2-3 hours?

ps: just got a ride (again) in a colleague's volvo xc90 and damn do I need to pull some money out of my ass and get a proper car, please let this be it

>> No.56233787

I couldn't find the fucking time.
I guess it will start around 6-7PM EST.
So in about 6h maybe?

>> No.56233795

Any party stream?

>> No.56233852

There's not going to be any videos / stream / pics. Maybe they'll allow to tweet and take some pics with smartphone

>> No.56233876

If there aren't any announcements at this party to pump my Xerpies (tested positive), then you just made it worse by not cosplaying as Gary.

>> No.56233910

Why so secretive? Why not streaming it to the whole world?

>> No.56233979

why would there be a stream? its going to be a bunch of smelly dorks awkwardly standing around mingling with each other, brad and the money goblin giving a little generic speech, and that's it
enjoy the mini pump today, because the whole thing is going to be a nothing hamburger

>> No.56233999
File: 16 KB, 399x400, yesimmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody better poo in a bag before the nights over
that's all im saying

>> No.56234069

They probably plan to use drugs and hookers idk lmao

>> No.56234370
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The real braap buffet was the proper party all along?!

>> No.56234530

Rolling for this

>> No.56234775
File: 60 KB, 360x280, 14-148125_pepe-png-pepe-pride-suicide-pepe-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ripple manipulates their price a few cents the day of the party. I am gonna kill myself....

>> No.56234827
File: 131 KB, 946x2048, 60157637-822C-48DE-B08E-4AE80F4CD9A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh bros???

>> No.56234855

I think the party is cancelled.
Have you seen the floods in nyc?

>> No.56234938

you mean postponed +2 weeks?

>> No.56235021

Roughly 18,000 USD for 1XRP? Plausible.
NYC here, didn’t flood thanks to God and the other Gods watching out for me after I learned to communicate via throat singing activating the vagus nerve. I now have the power of CHIM.

>> No.56235079

I hope not, that would be both sad and hilarious

>> No.56235094

Are you at the party?

>> No.56235134

So have you looked at the wheel sideways and on your way to become an amaranth, the ever dreaming hypnogogic schizo god head? You really should like, it's... like the totally next level of being.... duuude. You like become a new tower full of you and stuff

>> No.56235195

+5%. Moon, indeed.

>> No.56235281

I need at least a 20% pump to get excited

>> No.56235309
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>> No.56235329

>a cube
>a fucking CUBE

>> No.56235361
File: 137 KB, 840x580, Cube2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heckin cube

>> No.56235394
File: 15 KB, 805x988, Tezos_Logo_2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was xtz all along bros.

>> No.56235428

Holy shit anon, keep us informed plz

>> No.56235446

can't believe this hasn't been checked yet
is the pool closed due to aids or what?

>> No.56235552


>> No.56235711
File: 421 KB, 1080x1279, Screenshot_20230929_143452_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't fool me.

>> No.56235726

Why the hell would I go to have my soul trapped?
Can't catch me in that Metatron cube. That is not a party, that is a harvest ritual.

>> No.56235812

wtf the jew was evil the entire time?

>> No.56235829

kek back to 40c you fucking losers

>> No.56235875
File: 330 KB, 2049x2711, fidelio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping to get some fed honeypot pussy at the party tonight, wish me luck. Can try to post from the venue but I assume the wifi will be rangeb&
My soul belongs to God and is not available for any harvest. That gratuitious use of Cube is a bit concerning though I'll admit

>> No.56235876

get the fuck out of here
the real ones understand we're going to 30 cents and we're celebrating it

>> No.56235933

There has to be some fucking good new announced today ffs

>> No.56235956
File: 154 KB, 1080x1314, 169533138198362129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, no announcements, just cringe
Oh and Brad bought a new iPhone 15 Pro

>> No.56235977

Ok, great, it's over then.

More suffering ahead...

>> No.56236015

Why is ripple even hosting a party for XRP holders? Shouldn't it be XRPL foundation?

...Hurr durr ripple has nothing to do with xrp...
I bought xrp without knowing anything about ripple
But I'll catch a plane to attend a party hosted by them...

>> No.56236032

They are harvesting souls

>> No.56236092

Link is fully fugazi and doesn’t have the same use case as XRP. Just google and watch more YouTube videos and you’ll see XRP is the grown up in the room

>> No.56236100

Oh. That's... nice. I didn't expect a giant announcement, but I figured he would say something minor but still positive, like 'the MAS sent us a fruit basket!' I thought I had successfully tamped down my expectations.

How wrong I was. Why does this life-changing investment torture me so? I'm going to kick gensler in the nuts with a gold plated boot one day. I don't care if he's in on it or not. I just don't like him.

>> No.56236124

We're here just to suffer

>> No.56236127

Fucking nonsense, like your IQ

>> No.56236138

Enlighten us clown

>> No.56236165

Then go to the link thread you fucking faggot

>> No.56236222

I saw the line outside. It's worse that a Reddit meetup, even worse than a 4chan meetup.

>> No.56236234

Was there ever a 4chan meetup?

(I feel like evil entities have already harvested my soul)

>> No.56236335
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>> No.56236363
File: 81 KB, 600x449, NerdParty_org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting the classic

>> No.56236391
File: 65 KB, 540x800, 3891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth

>> No.56236489

>saturn planet surrounding xrp
>giant cube encasing the proper party

wtf is this satanic shit, I thought that was xlm

>> No.56236502

couldn't even hold the mini pump for 12 hours
I just sold all of my XRP holdings, by the way. All 283 of them, gone!

>> No.56236719

that's like 48million dollars post flip switch though

>> No.56236790

so are you telling me the announcement was just a shitty tattoo?

brad should get fucking sent to jail

>> No.56236888


>> No.56236952

Will someone please over analyze the tattoo and explain how it proves that we will all be rich beyond our wildest dreams

>> No.56237034

>anything I don't like or understand is satanism

>> No.56237195

XRP is valued at roughly 51 cents

>> No.56237292

I wish I could read what the lettering said.

>> No.56237322

Victory Day

>> No.56237358

absolute fag take
you should get your IQ tattooed on your forehead

>> No.56237363

Next baker, use a cool picture, not a dumb one

>> No.56237387

lol fucking retards

>> No.56237416

Give it to me straight folks, is XRP the standard?

>> No.56237445


>> No.56237483

just use lenny kravitz I guess
or the weird cube

>> No.56237764

Next thread is official laugh at retards who thought this “proper party” would have massive news to pump the price

>> No.56237899

>Banks will be buying it

Take off your defective tinfoil hat unless you got a fucking source basedboy

>> No.56238114

Bake it up,

>> No.56238135
File: 138 KB, 1170x1170, IMG_7136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would be chief among them. bring on the humiliation. i deserve every last ounce, the pathetic pig-headed cocksucker i am to even dream that a “proper party” would have any good news for old weathered bones like us schizos

>> No.56238372

Any truth to the rumor that Brad Garlinghouse and JFK Jr. were college buddies?
Wouldn’t surprise me at all if JFK Jr (who is still alive, by the way), played a role in bringing XRP into institutional use. He’s a major player behind the scenes.

>> No.56238466

The standard of dumping sats

>> No.56238476


>> No.56239816

I don't think bragging helps a conversation right off.