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56237385 No.56237385 [Reply] [Original]

first they fight you

>> No.56237399

i dunno who needs to hear this, but if your twitter profile picture is an nft picture you need to jump off a skyscraper head first into a woodchipper

>> No.56237431

Is Hoffman a kike name

>> No.56237448

first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

>> No.56237468

Doesn't matter. Aligned with kikes. Kike sympathizer. Gas chamber now.

>> No.56237473

checked, based, fpbp /thread

>> No.56237475
File: 507 KB, 1946x1095, rektskellydavid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56237495

I think he was calling out Avax faggots for co-opting Pepe. He says here he thinks Link frogs are organic.

>> No.56237533
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hooooly based, checked

>> No.56237541

These two are the most insufferable people in crypto, The right dude especially

Crypto lacks good people at the top, It needs it urgently, Til then nobody will take this market seriously because everything trends down from the top, Shit leadership/Influencers=Shit market

>> No.56237552
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you know i have to admit, this is actually a good write up

>> No.56237557

Sergey Nazarov is the good person you're looking for.

>> No.56237586

yeah but he doesn't have enough influence to push down narratives, Also too autistic to care.

At current state of thing crypto "elites" are either degenerate VCs nobody in TradFi take seriously, Obnoxious subhuman shillers (Like Bankless) or tribalistic people who never cared about the space but only their very specific bags (You can care greatly about your bags, It's natural, But it should be eliminated when it becomes hostile toward genuine growth)

>> No.56237587

Sergey, Ari, Gavin, Dom... ?

>> No.56239207

if youve ever listened to the bankless bois i have a bridge to sell you topkek that being said take a look at pepechain or you are simply gay

>> No.56239467

The guy who told bankless they should take Sergey seriously would be a good option