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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56233482 No.56233482 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56233496

Lol boxies

>> No.56233500

Isn't that a cartel? Is it legal?

>> No.56233517


>> No.56233522

Unless they start to go violent against sellers, nah. And if they do, that would lower the value of their neighborhoods even more

>> No.56233526

Also how did a 8 years old girl become a homeowner?

>> No.56233538


>> No.56233543

Explain to the class why you think this would be illegal.

>> No.56233609

I'll sell my house for as cheap or expensive as a want and some cunt karen who doesnt suck my dick or drain my balls has no say in that and even if she sucked my dick and drained my balls she still has no say in it. what a delusional freak

>> No.56233610

a firm blowjob to gary gensler, bucko

>> No.56233845
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conspiracy to fix prices is illegal in burgerland

>> No.56233882

I want everyone to be able to afford a comfortable home again for a modest mortgage or no mortgage at all
I want families to spend time together, and cultivate love, and pass their wealth and wisdom to their many descendants
I want cities to be reclaimed, to be beautiful, to be productive and safe
I want leaders who are philosophers, who are thoughtful and act according to principles, not poll ratings
Above all I want the United States Federal Reserve razed to the fucking ground

>> No.56233966
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Seething is palpable

>> No.56234425

calm down with the antisemitism

>> No.56234448

I hope you're not serious. Uggos post their kids pics instead of themselves on normiebook, well in all social media apps

>> No.56234455

omg cope posting is now spreading to mortage cucks. guess it's universal human behavior

>> No.56234487

you have facebook tier understanding of humor

>> No.56234497

until they do something that could be construed as harming a brown person or a homosexual they are fine legally speaking

>> No.56234508

>have some humanity
That's some weapon-grade lack of self-awareness.

>> No.56234516

allahu akbar this is the future men dream of

>> No.56234644

Over leveraged and probably fell for the get rich through real estate Tik Toks. Many such cases.
Kek and burn

>> No.56234930

good morning home sirs

>> No.56235325


>> No.56236166


>> No.56236217

Asking people to sell at a certain price =/= price fixing. MSRP wouldn't be possible.

>> No.56236268

I honestly don't understand why people post pictures of their kids all over social media. if I ever have kids their faces won't be anywhere on the internet

>> No.56236287


Subprime mortgages are en vogue again, didn't you hear?

>> No.56236349


Lmao even

And this is coming from a homeowner. Fuck these fucks. I'd rather housing be affordable than my equity increasing 100% over 5 years. This just isn't sustainable, I'd like to be able to move and actually afford a new house eventually.

>> No.56236375

Holy shit kek
Underrated no matter how many (You)s you get

>> No.56236389

yeah thats great and all but what about the gdp?

>> No.56236763


Also the lower your estimate the lower your property taxes are. Hoomers unironcally want to spend $10,000 on property tax per year.

>> No.56236780

You're only saying that because your trailer isn't worth shit. You wouldn't care if selling your house only means spending ~50K more.

>> No.56236905
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Daily reminder that every recession we've had in modern times has preceded or taken place immediately after an election cycle.

>> No.56236918

kek how are they different from baggies?

>> No.56237032


They are baggies it's just that hoomers bag hold in slow motion and instead of dumping 50% in a day it will take like 2 years. And they will cope the entire time.

>> No.56237048


>> No.56237061

Record low interest rates

>> No.56237095

>I made a bad financial decision and everyone else has to comply to make it valid.


>> No.56237102

Where can I find more vintage advertisements with a dark tone overlayed

>> No.56237121
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>> No.56237427
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Misery loves company. And there's a ton of hoomers about to be very underwater.

>> No.56237443

Looking forward to it so I can start my fucking life. I'm 30 and my only mistake was not buying in 2020 and engaging in the bidding wars.

>> No.56237543
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Keep in mind that the median income has actually been going DOWN. The funniest part is that people would still be buying decrepit boomer shacks for 500k if interest rates were lower.

But there's a lot of house poor people and overleveraged wannabe air bnb magnates out there. We'll wee how long they last in a down market.

>> No.56237570

see youre the kinda guy i'd want as a neighbor. real mfs are hard to find

>> No.56237615

Agreed. I already got my mortgage, principal and rates already locked down, and I don’t care about how the housing market affects my home value because I’m never selling. I’m rooting for a housing market crash so that my younger siblings can afford houses.

>> No.56237641

I'll be ready. 90K in index funds just sitting there ready to pounce.

>> No.56237656


>> No.56237657

My friend wants to buy a rental house for around $700k, and with his 20% down he will have to come out of pocket $1k a month on top of what the tenants pay. His reasoning is that he's locking in the buy so he can get equity over the years.

>> No.56237663

This worked for the last 30 years when interest rates were falling

It works in the opposite direction when interest rates are rising, ie. he'll lose equity over the years

>> No.56237670

This nigga sounds like a gme bagholder

>> No.56237682

Literally fucking literally the real estate equivalent of "diamond hands!!!"

>> No.56237687

Because you are artificially keeping the prices up. Detoriariting market dynamics and the free development of the market in either direction which is a given, a an unconscious agreement you make whne you enter a free market society in which seller and buyer determine the price for a product/object and others should not have an impact on your individually negotiated contract. It is also hurting consumers and thus could impact the state's future source of income, making a pretty basic need of every human unobtainable and in the end the country pretty much undesirable as well as dysfunctional.

>> No.56237697

lol thanks, you made me think of that crying wojak with the redditstocks figure

>> No.56237698
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>> No.56237705

I tried talking him out of it but he seems to have bad FOMO. I said if he just waits for a housing correction he can get even more money for the down payment in the next 2-5 years. What do I even tell this guy?

>> No.56237878

All that's assuming that 700K house continues to appreciate. I think we're at the ATH unless wages triple/quadruple. 99% of Americans can't afford $500K housing median and it's insane to suggest otherwise.

>> No.56238269

>NOOOOOOOO youre inviting cheap niggers in our neighbourhood, how am I suppossed to be a larping middle class shitlib then?

>> No.56238360

Popping a kid out is about biggest accomplishment they’ll probably reach in their life. Its the same thing when a woman gets married and then will blast her Instagram feed with pictures of it for the next 6 months.