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56219009 No.56219009 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone involved in crypto seems ridiculously sleazy and shady including the figureheads like Vitalik, Saylor, and Sergey. What gives?

>> No.56219013

The entire crypto space is a scam.

They finally seem to be closing down on it though.

Many exchanges close down, binance is closing down.

It is already impossible to turn fiat into crypto in alot of places, soon no more new money is being able flow in meaning the space will slowly bleed to death

>> No.56219014

they are pedophiles

>> No.56219019
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>> No.56219023
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>Everyone involved in fiat seems ridiculously sleazy and shady including the figureheads like Levin, Cohen, and Schwartz. What gives

>> No.56219024

The SEC has basically made it impossible for legitimate businesses with real-world income to do fundraising/token offerings
So what you're left with is a defi slush fund among degenerates that keeps getting redistributed and in many cases drained by MEVs
A lot of the liquidity ends up coming from failed VC ventures, hacks of exchanges/projects, drug money, and money from other illegal sources being laundered through new tokens and NFTs

It isn't a scam, but why would a legit business expose itself to so much risk when the SEC has been intentionally ambiguous on whether or not doing anything in crypto is legal or not
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.56219040

Everyone I personally know whose into crypto are gamblers or lazy at heart, gamblers, neets, autists, and failed normies who are trying to escape the system they dont do good in.

>> No.56219064

Imagine doing good in zog system. You would have to be a scum

>> No.56219067

>the system they dont do good in.

ah yes, just go into a company and give the boss a firm handshake and you will be able to buy a house and pay it off after 3 years of working

>> No.56219108

hit a nerve?

im honest with myself as an autistic NEET on autismbux

i do the crypto thing because autismbux isnt enough

>> No.56219212
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What kinda shitty larp is this? You're not making money off of crypto unless you're NEETbux is netting you 6 figures a year but go ahead and tell us how you're a master chess player at technical analysis and getting tons of free money from the government

>> No.56219217

You ever heard of leverage?

>> No.56219222

Kill yourself.

>> No.56219228

hahahahahahhahahahahahah BTFO

>> No.56219252

Leveraging 5x still gets you less than what literally any minimum wage job gets you nigger lmao

>> No.56219271

lmao I made 30k in a month using leverage ya small peepeed schizo poster

>> No.56219279
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Nuh uh

>> No.56219286
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You mad big boi?

>> No.56219292

You are just salty because you didn't buy bitcoin low like me. Sucker born every minute. Not everyone is born a winner.

>> No.56219316
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Not 4u I am also /comfy/

>> No.56219352

How is saylor sleazy or shady? Fudders can't even fud right.

>> No.56219360

...are you retarded?

>> No.56219401

He's right?

>> No.56219416
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I get 2400 after taxes selling goyslop. Neetbux is like 700 isn't it?

>> No.56219486

What happened? Did I destroy neetfags with low effort waging?

>> No.56219502
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>> No.56219517

Who would have guessed that those who don't suit the current system try to build an alternative?

It's kinda crazy to imagine that not everyone is exactly the same.

>> No.56219522
File: 979 KB, 1737x1757, Grandpa Schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ID rerolled because I'm sleeping on a hill nigger

>> No.56219529

I disagree

>> No.56219550

because it's probably the biggest scam in human history

>> No.56219972

>and Sergey
Nice try, we all know he is the one who has come to save us. Btw he is turning 33 soon, I'll let you steep on that to realize the vast implications at hand here.

>> No.56219993

>the men who started the ponzi are scammers
thank you captain obvious

>> No.56220085

vitalik hardly seems sleazy to me. but i've noticed many normalfags think he looks bad / is weird
saylor and sergey are super sleazy, no question

>> No.56220140

vitalik wears pink pedo clothes with unicorns and ponies, he also said having cp is a victimless crime and shouldn't be illegal

>> No.56220172

Wait so libtards love him?

>> No.56220182

MEV tranny is not a meme it's real life