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File: 144 KB, 1788x1175, avaxlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56215611 No.56215611 [Reply] [Original]

I have AVAX and LINK

>> No.56215631

Turkvax shills are pathetic, riding Link's dick because they're pumping. Kys pajeet.

>> No.56215676

Pamp it sar post it more Avax threads sar

>> No.56215693

no you don't you have a w2 and have to post here 9-5

>> No.56215764

avax has state-bloat and no post-quantum encryption resistance, hasn't even hired a cryptographer to adress these issues while ICP has 13.
Also VC's bought AVAX at $0.25

>> No.56215917
File: 308 KB, 3530x1510, firewood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avax has state-bloat
everything has state-bloat. no, trust-based centralized servers run by dfinity is not a solution. Avalanche is working on actual solutions, one just released a few days ago: >https://github.com/Determinant/firewood

>no post-quantum encryption resistance
a quantum computer with enough bits to crack low level cryptography is 10+ years away. crypto used by wallets on BTC/ETH/AVAX is 20+ years away. these are the most optimistic estimates I've found. also quantum-proof encryption is everywhere and open source, implementation is as simple as a migration which could happen more-or-less seamlessly as ipv4 to ipv6. every coin can do this, but the reason no one is doing this is because QC is basically a meme at this point. you don't need 13 cryptographers to sit around and chat about shit that will only be relevant 20 years from now, they are just draining funds. not to mention there are like 100+ QC-encryption solutions already out there, published by academics and are free to use. see:

>Also VC's bought AVAX at $0.25
technically wrong, private sale was $0.50. the public sale was also $0.50, VCs were not given a special hyper-low price unlike ICP.
also could someone remind me how much VCs bought the majority of ICP for?

>> No.56215937

jeet detected

>> No.56215952

This, plus Emin has stated they have a quantum safe VM ready to go, there's just no reason to deploy it currently.

>> No.56215986


>> No.56215993

Based Emin

>> No.56216050

how will they ever recover?

>> No.56216127
File: 107 KB, 594x436, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have AVAX
My condolences

>> No.56216255
File: 34 KB, 444x141, icpoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how will they ever recover?
admitting their limitations, selling at a loss, and focusing on low-skill manual labor.

>> No.56216256
File: 181 KB, 1460x1360, avax VC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also could someone remind me how much VCs bought the majority of ICP for?

i think the VCs got fucked

>> No.56216285

kek, fucking brutal

>> No.56216980


Ethereum has state-bloat > but AVA labs has solved it through a few lines of code on GitHub. Yeah, wonderful.

Ethereum has deployed 7 cryptographers, Dfinity deployed 13, and AVA-labs has 0

https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors=ethereum&btnG= 7

https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors=dfinity&btnG= 13

https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors=avalabs&btnG= 0

Dfinity is setting up a long-term plan (years) that involve deep research into cryptography, networking, distributed systems, language, virtual machines, operating systems.

>meant to match the strengths of where the DFINITY foundation’s expertise is best suited.
Ava labs. Bro!, implementation is as simple as a migration , bro there are 100+ QC-encryption solutions available on Github, bro.
About Ava Labs VC's.


>> No.56217192

>few lines of code on GitHub
kek retard, look up the main author Ted Yin. ETH's rate of development is hilariously slow for how much cash they've dumped on their team of basement autists and college dropouts.

also the cryptography part of cryptocurrency is pretty trivial at this point. crypto is primarily system design (Emin has a PhD in that) and especially more multidisciplinary computer science so that's why the field is getting carried by gigabrain polymath geniuses like Ted Yin and not one-trick ponies like the 13 washed up clowns Dom hired.

also your analysis using google scholar is trash. you know that Ted Yin, Emin, Patrick O'Grady, basically all the lead researchers at Ava Labs are all tagged as Cornell University, not Ava labs. You unbelievably stupid fuck. Do some basic fucking research before you spew retarded bullshit.

>> No.56217207
File: 402 KB, 941x1276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same but no avax

>> No.56217208

Stinky linky here. I don't know anything about AVAX but the "hey niggers I have avax" meme makes me laugh because n word funny. Can anyone explain why I've been seeing people lump these coins together?

>> No.56217449
File: 515 KB, 1125x1162, 1695867503633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only hold link. Seethe nigger shill

>> No.56217628 [DELETED] 

at least to link gains offset the avax losses

>> No.56217728

Ted Yin > chief protocol architect.

>Your retard logic.
>Let the protocol architect, specialized in distributed consensus, handle a a completely different discipline which is cryptograpy.

No cryptographer needed for post quantum cryptography, just let the guy from the distributed consensus department Mister Chief protocol architect Ted Yin, pick a random QC encryption from github and implement it on the chain. kek retard.
Literally no budget for security.

Elite Avalabs team 44 people. I'm impressed half the team is PR, Business Development, product-manager, designer, market intelligence, evangelist.
kek retard.
Not a single