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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56214806 No.56214806 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56214830

time to sell your gas guzzling suvs and pickups you don't really need

>> No.56214831

cope chud, Bidenomics is so powerful it singlehandedly stopped a depression from ever happening

>> No.56214858
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Be grateful, chud.

>> No.56215145

sell your shitty suv pod then come back

>> No.56215188
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Daily reminder. Inflation only became a thing once Biden took office.
People dont seem to realize this.
The man is destroying the west

>> No.56216190

its the same economics we've had for a long time, we just now have a president that represents it well

>> No.56216502

Biden is a special kind of incompetent
Just what he did with the oil reserves.
Sold them off to the lowest level and now needs to buy them back at higher prices.
The guy is the Commodus of this age
History will remark how everything he touched turned to shit and destruction

>> No.56216521

>People dont seem to realize this.
>The man is destroying the west

Yes and it's intentional.

>> No.56216562

"People don't seem to realize"

Yeah this guy means the fucking reddit cucks who came here after the pandemic started. Literally everyone here who isn't a newfag retard mouth breather knows this.

>> No.56216582

No, I mean almost everyone.
I have never seen anyone mention that inflation only started after Biden took office.
Usually they even blame the Ukraine war, but by that time infllation was already raging