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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56213746 No.56213746 [Reply] [Original]

Building back my life at 39 y.o. Well /biz, my life went off the rails and I decided to restart by moving back in with my parents to save money while I consider what to do next. I already found a job.
>New Job: $57k(will be looking for other jobs while I work)
>Looking at areas with low CoL so when I've saved enough I'll be able to make a down payment
>Only debt is car and CC

Anything else I should consider? And yes it's because of a woman

>> No.56213760

Start lifting bro

>> No.56213777
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>> No.56213839

I wish I had time. I just wanna start making money again and start building a rainy day fund first

>> No.56213846

a woman made you get yourself into CC debt? let's take a little accountability

>> No.56213848

>I wish I had time.
You make time.

>> No.56213869


Keeping up with the joneses

>> No.56213895

do you think a lot of people are in a similar situation of keeping up appearances until the credit card is maxed out?

>> No.56213927

It's not maxed but yeah lots of people are house rich

>> No.56215035

the fact you still have parents around at 39 that you can move into - you're already wealthy.

don't fall into the saving mindset, you need to start making money in multiple different ways to get time, this can come in many forms so be open minded to what's around you

>> No.56215055

Start running, you can just run out your front door, quick hour loop and you're feeling like a king afterwards. Running is incredible for stress management and toning up. Even more so if you have access to trails.

>> No.56215070

bitcoin rich feels the best, number go up and I can take that shit/spend it wherever and whenever I want. Home ownership is overrated.

>> No.56215238

I was talking about how people are struggling financially but have homes worth $750k + but okay

>> No.56215283
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what's OP, in a similar boat. congrats on the new jewb.
there's a bunch of fags on youtube who profess that writing shit down in a notebook/journal has helped them. they say it's better than using digital methods. i would link you but i cringed so hard i blocked those vids. i'm using a basic-ass google calendar to keep track of my shit.

anyway, does your current job help you build a work portfolio? might want to start keeping track of all the wins you accomplished at your job if you're looking to jump this early. just do it internally on your comp.

>CC debt
look into ways to consolidate those or just don't pay until they drop it and try to get you to pay it off at a lower price.
i have an outstanding CC debt that's gone to collections. originally it was like $3000-$3500 but they're now sending me letters to pay it all off at $1200.

>And yes it's because of a woman
get a fleshlight or something comparable. the chinese sell electronic suction ones now. real space age stuff we didn't have back in the 2000-2010's. check ebay/amazog

in conclusion, peepeepoopoo. if you're living with the 'rents you can save a little shekel per month to put into buttcoins, shitcrypt or silver. i've got a little sui-stack myself and it keeps me grounded.

>> No.56215649

It's only one CC

And the job is sales so I can't make a portfolio

>> No.56215708

uhhh, yes you can bro.
* Closed sale for 6 figures with Client X after 3 months of prospecting

get out of that negative mindset. never ever say "can't" ever again. remove that word from your vocabulary. yes i know it sounds cringe but that is my best advice. closing out your thread now.

>> No.56215795

You're single and live at home. Arguably nobody has more time than you unless you have kids you didn't mention.

>> No.56215829

This Nibba already saying no to things and he diesnt have time lol

It’s joever

>> No.56215933

No kids

My job will be 50~ hrs a week. I'll need to see how it is

>> No.56216975

>Building back my life at 39
When I see posts like yours it makes me feel a bit better about my own efforts at 32

>> No.56217012
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Workout at home, you literally just need 45mins of an intense workout to make good gains, I do that while I make breakfast and it's working just fine, and sometimes I get another 45min one when I get home before going to bed/check kava activity

>> No.56217026

do your best anon. i went thru similar a few years ago and had to move home and I made sure to bust ass at work and I chipped in at my parents (they were having a bit of a rough spot due to some stuff not going how they wanted investment wise) and I looked for a better job the whole time and a place I could afford. Ended up staying at my parents for 6 months before I got back out. you got this man you can do it.

>> No.56217061

Based workout enjoyer, that makes about hour and half, not bad

>> No.56217066

you know that's not bad at all nigger

>> No.56217076

Literally one of the few things that can make mornings worse than they already are

>> No.56217081

Kek, cosmos? Did you really?

>> No.56217092

>When I see posts like yours it makes me feel a bit better about my own efforts at 32

I hope it's not your first time moving out

>> No.56217184

>and I looked for a better job the whole time and a place I could afford. Ended up staying at my parents for 6 months before I got back out. you got this man you can do it.

I'm moving across the country, from California to NJ