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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56199107 No.56199107 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>56175279

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
https://youtu.be/5urrOWO0KDI [ [
>Newfag Tutorial
https://youtu.be/23Yn5GdYpJc [ [
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:
>XRP Tiktok


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKyiMbIwHA4 [

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
DO NOT use Droplet wallet, it's a scam and will steal your XRP!

>> No.56199112

checked and 42c pilled

>> No.56199117

xrp 1000$ eow

>> No.56199121
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Rolling for spammy to commit suicide

>> No.56199124


>> No.56199129

Fuck i was almost free

>> No.56199133

obligatory "niggers hold xrp" post

>> No.56199136

Now isn't that quuuuuiiiteeee interesting?

>> No.56199137


>> No.56199140

Guys what are the chances we are gonna pump to ATH on the party this Friday?

Sometimes the fudders get to me. What if it's gonna be a huge nothingburger?

>> No.56199155

I got a pretty heavy bag, but I'm expecting a nothing burger. I mean come on guys it's just a party turned into another meme date. That said if XRP drops below 45 cents I'm making my bags even bigger.

>> No.56199158

Shitpost general still going strong I see

>> No.56199160


>> No.56199169

Fucking poorfag you've had 10 years

>> No.56199193
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lol don't care buying more after nothing burger party.

>> No.56199196

I think we are gonna pump to 50 bucks

>> No.56199205

It will probably dump a bit at or after the party, I’m buying then for my weekly dca

>> No.56199219

Guys I could use some advice. So my family is taking a trip to Europe in January of next year for 5 weeks and they’ve invited me to come along. Now we’re not sure of the exact numbers, but it’ll probably cost around $9-10k. Is this worth it for a young guy? Do any of you regret travelling or is it a good decision?

>> No.56199227

Traveling is a meme. Literally for retarded sheep NPCs. There is nothing in this world that you cant see online. Why waste 20k xrp for this?

>> No.56199252

You miss a soul fren, seeing a massive mountain or a beautiful waterfall irl is something else.

>> No.56199257

10k is a lot, but you might not get the chance again later in life when you're tied down with kids and shit

>> No.56199259
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You miss a soul fren, seeing a massive mountain or a beautiful waterfall irl is something else.

>> No.56199265
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Then I'll be rich and I'll cash out 20%
I will slurp it!

>> No.56199267

Good goy yes please spend $10k to see beautiful european culture goy

>> No.56199272

Rolling for $1000 link EOW

>> No.56199278
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>> No.56199281

Rolling again

>> No.56199305

I fucking hate normie NPCs so much bros....

Keep that facebook traveling shit out of my fucking general

>> No.56199312


>> No.56199351

Thanks. Yeah I think you’re right. I’ll try to budget as hard as I can. I’ve already got a decent stack of XRP that I’m never selling so I’ll be alright

>> No.56199359

Dumb sheep. Also there are no waterfalls in europe. Enjoy going to france and the uk and germany and be raped by arabs

>> No.56199361

>nooooo you can’t enjoy real nature, just look at pictures on the internet goy. it’s cheaper, you don’t need a car and you can do that from the comfort of your pod!

>> No.56199363

I'm sorry if I come off as a bit annoyed kr insensetive. Im just very restless due to anticipation of Fridays pump. I hope we will touch $10, but im afraid we are only gonna go to ATH which is like $3 at most.

Its so fucking tiring

>> No.56199371

Protip: big chance we already live in a simulation. And you practicly waste alot of money to think you see something real, but its also digital just like on the screen.

>> No.56199378

Ignore him. He just wants (you)’s. Vod caused the downfall of xsg

>> No.56199379

Have you ever been on a vacation with frens in nature?

>> No.56199382

Retarded cope, then your simulated money amount to nothing anyway
Traveling to see cities is bugman tier
Travelling to see nature is something completely different

>> No.56199384

How about you just stay ontopic.

>> No.56199386

Ahhh, it’s spammy
Yeah, I’ll continue to ignore, my bad

>> No.56199388
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>Retarded cope, then your simulated money amount to nothing anyway
Traveling to see cities is bugman tier
Travelling to see nature is something completely different

>> No.56199396

No it's not

>> No.56199409

Hey guys, long time lurker here. What is this i've been hearing about a Ripple party this Friday? To celebrate a victory or something?

>> No.56199430

this is a scizo thread, there never will be a real topic until xrp moons like a mofo

>> No.56199438

yup yup

>> No.56199443


>> No.56199456

Will we even get to enjoy the riches xrp will give us before civilization collapses again? >>>/pol/442449439

>> No.56199464
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>> No.56199505

what do you think xrp was designed for? just cross border transactions? it's meant to solve a problem

>> No.56199521

To celebrate the settlement

>> No.56199547

What settlement?

>> No.56199598

>just cross border transactions?
cross border transactions alone is already enough

>> No.56199664

I like the pain.

I love holding this shit and see it drop in price.


Drop it to $0.30 i fucking dare you.

You dump my investment and demoralize me harder and I get more happy.

NOTHING you do to me is gonna make me quit.

Dump it harder.

This is pathetic.

You call this a challenge?

I am laughing at you.

I still have hope.

I bet you can't even dump it further than 50 cents

>> No.56199789

Yeah when your emotionally dead inside traveling is just a chore

>> No.56199875
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Based Sadomasicistic Bagholder that eats the pain.

>> No.56199897

Real, I used to feel that when I was a kid (I feel it now to)

>> No.56200002

So what is the deal with that bitboy faggot?

>> No.56200143

I walk with Christ and God always wins.

>> No.56200465
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>> No.56200754


>> No.56200997


>> No.56201106


>> No.56201108

is like 25k xrp enough for a suicide bag?

>> No.56201211

You know it's going to be a nothingburger. Stop hyping yourself up with this stuff.

You're all the same here, desperate and naive.

>> No.56201293

How does $7500 sound like?

>> No.56201353

Money comes. Experience lasts forever. You'll really enjoy the trip unless you can't stand your family.

>> No.56202559

another has been loser like darren muuuurh which is a hero to some here like the retards they are also checked

>> No.56202563
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Lol this thread is a bunch of bagholding jews

>> No.56202725 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 900x1500, 27631291_84830568_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just boughted 200 XRP. Literally my first crypto purchase ever.
What am I in for?

>> No.56202787

>inb4 Ripple announces shit loads of partnerships that were being put off until they receive regulatory clarity for XRP at the party

>> No.56202802


>> No.56202855

they cant announce those partnerships...the corporation that they partnered with has to announce it themselves...noob.

>> No.56202929

What are the odds DS set up all the riddles just to keep people out of LINK?

>> No.56203198

Buy more.
That not nearly enough to make it.
xrp would need to hit $5000 in order for you to reach $1 million.
There are some schizos on here that think we'll reach $37,500.
But bere in mind that this is an extremely vocal minority opinion.
It requires belief that xrp has been chosen by the elites many years ago,
And everything that has happened is theater.
Until they flip the switch, and it goes to $37,500.

But this presupposes that there is only 1 faction of the elites and that they don't compete amongst each other,
And back stab.
There are competitors to xrp.
They are slower, less efficient.
Ripple has made more associations with powerful banks, committees, organizations, regulatory bodies, and governments than any competitor.
But that hasn't stopped their competitors from doing the same.

I believe the best coin, xrp, will win in the end.
But, I don't know if they will win all of the use cases xrp is aiming for, or just some.
Some of xrp's rivals may beat it in certain use cases.
Because they placed the right bribes at the right times.
And had the right friendships.
And the right blackmail.
Just look at the free regulatory pass that ETH has gotten from the SEC for years.

With that in mind, don't bank on xrp hitting $37500.
Keep in mind that xrp's all time high was around $3.30
So first, xrp needs to surpass that.
If xrp reaches that price, you'd have $1650,
which is nothing.

I think xrp will reach $5 or $10 in the next 2 years.
And by the end of 2030, reach $200.
Optimistically, maybe $2000.
But I wouldn't count on it.

If your goal is $1 million, then you should aim for getting 5000 xrp.
That way, you would only need xrp to reach $200.
But keep in mind, you'll still be waiting years
We need congress to pass legislation outlining concrete rules governing crypto, and banks to continue testing, and ultimately chose xrp.

Why did I make such a long post?
Because you posted loli.
Sauce please.

>> No.56203246

Thanks for the detailed post, fren. Will throw a thousand bucks and forget about it.

>> No.56203293
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as for sauce look for artist Hiroki on sad punda

>> No.56203331

Thank you and good luck anon.

>> No.56203389
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>> No.56203607

>responding to obvious troll/pedo bait

Just report him for loli shit outside /b/

>> No.56203646

Buy more, xrp is the world standard and soon it will be out in the open

>> No.56203705

checked and truthpilled unironically just report and carry on

>> No.56203713

Lusting over cartoon children is not what God wants from you, anon. Stop being a degenerate. That type of behavior is why the world is so fuckes

>> No.56204201

I'll debate you on /x/ if you're interested.
But I don't want to derail the thread any further.

>> No.56204561
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>debating weather tranime pedophile inceldom is morally correct or not
XSG has hit rock bottom

>> No.56205353

None of you are condemning this weird loli shit? smfh

>> No.56205365
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>> No.56205591

sussin, not one bit of bussin fr fr

>> No.56205880

grettings my fellow baglets
when is things to be happen please?

>> No.56206032

We ready to have the AOC discussion yet schizos? Or are some of you still too attached to your emotions to have it yet?
I can already see the REEEEEing from the conservative types here who think that the positive things happening to humanity (great awakening) are because of muuhhhh favorite book!!!!!!!1! Or, muhhh favorite old wise man!!!!!!1!

Just like The Daily Khazarian and their ilk arguing with that "redpill" chick Pearl about marriage. They just refuse to really get down to the nitty gritty of the situation because bless their hearts those poor poor women and their white knight simps might not like what they here booo hoooo :'(((

Absolute fucking plebs.

>> No.56206042


>> No.56206107

Ah, an intriguing exposition on today's internet discourse. However, while AOC and other topics may hold their allure, might I suggest we pivot to a topic of substantial import – the alpha of XRP? Amidst the ebb and flow of digital currencies, XRP holds a unique position, and its alpha presents a topic worthy of our collective cerebral investment. Why not steer this discussion towards the intricacies and potential of XRP? The floor, dear contributor, is yours.

>> No.56206201
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>> No.56206214

How's it feel to have spent the better part of 2.5 years babbling on about something that nobody else here believes or wants to listen to. Actually don't bother answering I'm jumping aboard the filter train.

>> No.56206260

Is it....
>1PBTID tranny jannie semi succinctly threatening me to stay on topic or she'll (he) "report me"
Real poster?
Everything in regards to XRP has been spoken of and all that knowledge resides in the ole threads. Nothing new will be said, but we can talk about XRP if you so desire. So, what do you want to talk about in regards to XRP?

Shut up Mellon subhuman
You seething coping retards are so easy to spot
>confirms falling for my filterfag trap post
>few days later still seething/coping
The absolute state of mental midgets, can't even have a good logical discussion anonymously on fucking 4chan
Good riddance filterfag

>> No.56206271


>> No.56206275


>> No.56206360

Xrp and link were both 30 cents 5 years ago. Link is now 7$. Hodl xrp for another 20 years the banks want you out kekw

>> No.56206375

>1PBTID FUD troll post
As I said, good riddance.

>> No.56207159

damn a year old
I can find way more talking about bitcoin or eth, even shitcoins like ada

>> No.56207759
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thread is on page 6
full of spammers
I think it's time to admit that it is, indeed, totally over

>> No.56207882


>> No.56207887

Guess who's back.

You guys can guess 3 times

>> No.56207886


>> No.56207899

XRP is at what guys? $0.50 cents. You can't make any of this stuff up right

>> No.56207916

Three more days

Can you feel it?

I can feel it in my fingersssss can feel it in my soulllll

>> No.56207918
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>the nobody B A R R Q N

>> No.56207934
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muh sheep
>goes to paris
>goes to london
>goes to berlin
real travelers go to bumblefuck nowhere, party with locals at some run down bar, and rail local skanks. like the us and leafland, it’s the small towns that still have some soul left in them, and these are the places you’ll live stories to tell

>> No.56207939

>stories to tell


>> No.56207971

we are dumping a bit my brothers and sisters

>> No.56208035

>still uses cringe unironically
found the zoomer
also, when is Ripple going public? i had a reminder set for today for some reason

>> No.56208038

>when is Ripple going public?
After the case is over, SEC oversees IPO's.

>> No.56208042

no cap fr fr

>> No.56208080
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>> No.56208242

That sell wall is crazy

>> No.56208436
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What do they mean with this?

>> No.56208442


>> No.56208460

based and 42 cents pilled

>> No.56208631


>> No.56208719
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>> No.56208783

I'm so fucking hyped right now. September is almost over which means we are gonna see $50 XRP this week

>> No.56208978

>3 more days until the party of a lifetime
>/xsg/ is completely dead


>> No.56208988

how come is no one discussing steven nerayoff in this thread? do you think he is full of shit or he actually has something that could significantly change ETH's market share by bringing enforcement actions? is ETH untouchable because of JPMorgans' involvement?

>> No.56208993

sir this is an XRP thread

>> No.56209021

ethereum foundation used SEC as their lapdog to crack down on their competition (see the SEC and ripple / garlinghouse and larsen lawsuit) and gain a market-moving advantage over XRP.

nerayoff claims to have compromising material on people behind the ethereum foundation and this could have profound implications for XRP's market valuaton. you'd rather jerk around and discuss numerology?

>> No.56209029

i have no idea about anything you just said

how high do you think the Ripple XRP price will go during the party this Friday?

>> No.56209035

>nerayoff claims
One twitter fag said something, wowie!
Maybe the bald grifter picked it up, too?

>> No.56209068

Hinman emails + Neyaroff shows that the SEC literally promoted one crypto while actively suppressing its competition. If this is proven in a court of law, then XRP's price slowly (or suddenly like before) climbs to where it would be if none of that ever happened at $5-$7. It's not $589, but it's a 10x regardless.

>> No.56209079


10x isn't enough for me to make it

>> No.56209097

>If this is proven in a court of law, then XRP's price slowly (or suddenly like before) climbs to where it would be if none of that ever happened at $5-$7
Wowie, what a fantasist we have here. Kek.
Rope yourself.

>> No.56209128

What is this i'm hearing about an XRP burn? Is it legit? Ripple said they are gonna burn the escrow?

>> No.56209134
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I think this is part of the mechanism to taint ETH, which was used to host the entire shitcoin ecosystem that was required to driv public support into crypto. Now that it has served its purpose (and it has) it will be given a black mark over it to remove it from play.

The people involved in ETHgate knew exactly what they were doing, and also knew that there was a time limit placed on the ETH platform.

Now they can't taint ETH with regulations, because of the free pass history... but they will smear shit across the pristine white carpet like a itchy dog by using the disqualification of corruption and regulatory favoritism.

Again, I believe that this is all a script playing out.. right down to Deaton himself. XRP needed to appear tainted while the parts of the new system were installed... that taint was temporary and was removed be summary judgment.. the ETH taint will play out in the court of public opinion and as such has no appeal process.

If you hold anything other than ISO20022 based "X" coins... yngmi

>> No.56209139

based and hopiumpilled

>> No.56209158

I want to consoom guys

I just noticed my PC is nearing 7 years of age. I used to upgrade like every 5 years of most. Now I dont really play any games anymore but I need to get a little dopamine fix. Should I buy now or wait for XRP to moon first?

>> No.56209178

Buy now if you’ve got a good stack of xrp already, I think gpu prices are going down

>> No.56209181


>> No.56209187

oh i bought my GPU 3 years ago

i do like every 3 years new gpu, then 3 years later new rest of the case like cpu mobo ram and that's kindof the cycle or used to be

but yeah, i dont give a fuck about games anymore, but every once in a while i play and notice my pc is getting kinda slow, or when multitasking like making xrp meme pics in photoshop when a game is running then my pc freezes I think i need more ram too

>> No.56209194

We need some new xrp memes, you working on any?

>> No.56209208
File: 263 KB, 988x1176, xrptwoweekswaging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have so many

>> No.56209211
File: 153 KB, 590x767, xrpwagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this one

>> No.56209212

checked and keked

>> No.56209214
File: 179 KB, 1272x1060, xrpmoonyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.56209218
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its just so funny idk why

>> No.56209232
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but okay its off to the wage cage for me

(only 2 more weeks left luckely)

>> No.56209242

is there a cyptoboy getting arrested one?

>> No.56209244


>> No.56209246

then go make it what are you waiting for

>> No.56209311

I’ve been thinking of making an illustration. Basically, it’d be of a rocket with illustrations of 5 levels on the rocket.

The more XRP you hold, the nicer your level is. The first level is for people with under 100 XRP. You’re on the rocket, but it’s not a super nice ride, it’s cramped, you need to share bathrooms, etc.

2nd level would be 500+. You’d have your own pod with private bathroom, but it’d more or less be the same as the first.

3rd level would be 2000+. This is where it starts to get nice, everyone has their own small flat instead of a pod. You get a menu dinner instead of a buffet, and has a couple recreational rooms such as a movie theatre and a basketball court.

And it’d go up to level 5, with the 5th being the highest. Each level would be done with Pepe’s and have various references to XRP’s lore throughout the years.

>> No.56209375

I dont have my hopes up, wish them a fun party. I am going to party myself on Friday but not on the proper party tho. In it for the long game

>> No.56209467
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why is everything pumpimg? help PANIC

>> No.56209479
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>> No.56209511

mETH cuck seethe and cope. See yourself out, we’ll make thread about it once lawsuit goes public so you can dial 8.
I made a thread about it couple days ago, mostly mETH niggers and linkcels seething with some irrelevant bitfucks attacking both sides
XSG is dead, spamnigger is keeping this corpse alive with his vaccine induced autism.
I refuse to discuss important matters in here anymore, there’s shit that isn’t even on twitter that is leaking from 2018 pertaining to AMM.

>> No.56209513


>> No.56209546

>I refuse to discuss important matters in here anymore
Those that know what they hold, they will just hold until the end of days.

>> No.56209945

KEK blessed ur post

>> No.56209948


>> No.56210132
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Nice post and I agree with you, everything is theatre. Just like Garlic said himself, that 99% of crypto probably goes to zero (and remaining 1% of projects, which are focused on solving real problems for customers at scale, will thrive).

>> No.56211022
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>Because cured ham keeps for months at room temperature, it was always on hand in colonial and early American taverns. At any time of day and much of the night a hungry person could get the host to slice off a “cold cut” of ham. Ham and eggs was such a popular dish in eating places everywhere and at all times that many people have nominated it as America’s national dish.

>Ham sandwiches were on tap at porter houses and went well with the dark brew as well as with ale (but what didn’t in those heavy-drinking days?). At New York’s Ring of Bells, host John Spencer advertised in 1807 that he furnished first-rate liquors, soups, and “Sandwiches, Anchovies and Relishes of every description.” Later many drinking places put out ham sandwiches as part of their free lunch spread.

>Serve-yourself lunch counters of the 1880s were loaded with ham sandwiches, beef sandwiches, and pies. Customers grabbed what they wanted, often ate standing, and washed it all down with water or a hot beverage. At non-alcoholic dairy lunch bars, which featured fresh milk, coffee, and simple dishes such as beans, ham sandwiches cost 5 cents apiece. Wyman’s Sandwich Depot was famous throughout Boston for hefty sandwiches but a competitor in the 1890s claimed his sandwiches, on rolls 7 inches long and 5 inches wide, were larger. Also up and coming at the time were the lunch wagons that rolled onto city streets at night, vanishing in the daytime. They too specialized in ham sandwiches. But signs of change were on the horizon. Another lunch wagon specialty was the hamburger sandwich, destined eventually to trim the humble snack of ham between bread down to size.

Reminder that hyperfinlation takes ham sandwiches to $2,000 before an XRP reaches $2,000.

>> No.56211666

Yeah this is the schizo posting I'm looking for on this board.
You could learn a thing or two about schizo posting. Instead of kms, I'm going to earn a million dollars through trades, gayboy.

>> No.56212075

These threads lost the will to think years ago. The people dismissing you are literal bots deploying their 'information not found' response. Ney seemed to have retained Deaton for his suit against eth. The hearing today was a disaster for gensler, but I think it's all kayfabe. The pivots are all quick, 2 years ago Brad sherman didn't think crypto was money, suddenly he understands every technical argument perfectly and the conversation is about control, not existence. As always, we're along for the ride. Waiting for the dump after the party to buy more. People don't understand that the party won't announce anything. I'll be first to eat crow if I'm wrong, but this isn't the venue or marketing strategy a company uses before an announcement of consequence. It's an excuse to have two holiday parties with the leftover FY23 marketing budget right before fy24.

>> No.56212088

Switch dat flipper bby 222 check me