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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56205497 No.56205497 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56205500

What is the sui/make it stack for this? It's my last chance to make it before quitting crypto for good

>> No.56205526

Everything is still fine. We’re gonna pump hard af in the bull market

>> No.56205685

New shit keeps popping up and fading away while fine still keeps trending, so I'm still bullish on it for the most part. If lordkek fails at marketing this, it's fucking over. We got a bunch of new whales loading up their bags and they will jeet this shit to hell over a 2x. We would need to pump hard in order to counteract that and I'm hoping he's got it figured out, otherwise it's done for real. There's no way it would recover if it mass dumps a 2nd time

>> No.56205953
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Can't wait bros, I'm feeling FINE
>Bitcoin halving pumps the market
FINE pumps to 1+ billion mcap because everything is pumping
>Bitcoin halving dumps the market
Everyone rotates into FINE because that's how everyone feels and we pump to 10+ billion mcap

>> No.56206323 [DELETED] 

desu the AMA was pretty good today and makes perfect sense.

Kek is smart with the marketing and the way the algorithms work etc.

On top of that he has access to contract whales directly via email through exchanges like coinbase/binance etc gives him an insane advtange.

>> No.56206333 [DELETED] 


AND pepe to fine swap will bring all the pepe holders inito fine so that will give us more manpower to shill and shit..

wagmi bros

>> No.56206340

Don't people on biz finally realize that whenever "general" threads start popping up for a random shitcoin, that you're already too late to "make it"? You can get a 5x-10x, sure, but if you're thinking of making it through lazy bot-genned biz threads, then you're delusional.

>> No.56206397

>Talks like an Arab in the VC.

Yeah, I'm thinking you were all scammed.

>> No.56206535

you're fucking retarded if you think this shitcoin will survive until the next bullrun.

>> No.56206664

lordkek has promised shit for the past 3 weeks and has only delivered on getting listed on shit exchanges that keep dumping the chart bc he lied about not sending them tokens.

everyday the floor keeps getting lower and every "bullish" news that slightly pumps the chart is used as exit liquidity. unless he delivers something big like a Kucoin listing it's fucking over bc there's going to be an insane amount of sell pressure on the way up

>> No.56206666 [DELETED] 



we dont need the next bullrun this shit is sending to 1B in october motha fucka

>> No.56206683 [DELETED] 


3.5M was the bottom. It's support levels are rising now.

All the things he's promised has already been confirmed. It's just a matter of when to release the bullish news. It's all strategic.

Next exchanges will be

BitMart, Gateio, Kucoin. You can even look at his twitter page he's literally dropping hints by the people he follows.

Kucoin will be the gateway to Kraken exchange.

>> No.56206752

I want a bag but there are lots like 5 different versions of this fucking coin.

>> No.56206792 [DELETED] 


CA: 0x75c97384ca209f915381755c582ec0e2ce88c1ba

At the end of the day FINE is the only meme that has maintained over 1M volume since its creation and has all the connections/resources to not only keep it alive but give it an advantage over any other meme to push it into the 200m+ mcaps.

Harryp0ttershit inu cant even reach 1M in volume anymore. All other shitcoins communities die off after the initial pump and dump. This one is still strong just check the TG and twitter engagement

>> No.56206793

>3.5M is the bottom
and the day before that 4M was the bottom and the day before that 5M was the bottom etc etc lol.

>All the things he's promised has already been confirmed. It's just a matter of when to release the bullish news. It's all strategic.
Nothing is confirmed until you see actually proof you moron. He's been saying that shit for the past 3 weeks and we've gotten nothing but shit exchanges and fucking rekt chart.

>BitMart, Gateio, Kucoin. You can even look at his twitter page he's literally dropping hints by the people he follows.
He's been dropping those hints 2 weeks ago and nothing has materialized. As a dev you wouldn't let a chart fucking tank more than 70% and allow people to shit on your reputation if you already had something solid to roll out.

He just hides behind his VC and addresses nothing while promising things are coming for the 10th time. He hasn't even addressed any of the allegations against him and hasn't addressed that he fucking lied about not sending MEXC any tokens.

>> No.56206828 [DELETED] 


shittiest FUD.

He addressed all the allegations in the first & second AMA dumbass. He is also updating the FINE website to address it. LordKek and Degenharambe are two different people.

LordKek did nothing
Degenharambe is the one who dumped $20mil worth of pepe and then started his smurfcatcoin.

And you stupid fuck the blockchain doesnt lie it clearly shows Mexc bought the tokens

>> No.56206835 [DELETED] 


Don't even invest in this shit i beg you.

you dont deserve to make it

>> No.56206894

If he addressed the FUD and proved the fudders wrong why the fuck is the chart still shit? Plenty of projects have FUD attacks that can cause a temporary dump but it bounces back once it's proven to be wrong. Whales and most people can read fucking etherscan and see what actually happen so why didn't they ape back in? A project like this should have been sent to the moon by the now considering everything that's involved in this project. Hope you learn from this bc you're just going to be used as fucking exit liq lmfao

>> No.56206915
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I've been shitcoining since it started in 2021. the important things I've learned is there's always another mooner, don't marry your bags and you're not going to make it off one trade. I've held so many shitcoins after being up 100x to almost 0 thinking they were going to be the "one". Save whatever ETH you have left and focus on other launches because those have potential not some fucking dead shitcoin led by a retard.

>> No.56207420

same. im down bad on this and the chart looks awful and the team doesnt have any meaningful updates. feels bad man

>> No.56207615

It won’t let me sell.

I was scammed…

>> No.56207635

what contract address did you buy from?

>> No.56207719
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Lmfao you were scammed? Really? Wake up idiot

>> No.56207804
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>> No.56208746 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 671x729, lordkawk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lordkek from Fine isn't the real lord kek
fudders and bottom sellers about to get rekt

>> No.56208779
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The only meme token that's going to flip Pepe is Fine. Who better to flip pepe than the guy who was part of it? Fudders and bottom sellers are about to get rekt

>> No.56208858
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>empty promises
So far everything he said he would do has happened. If I'm looking at the right date, this token hasn't even been out a full month yet. There was a paid fud campaign against Fine early on which is what caused people to sell. Faggots got scared when they saw this push past $20m and they got desperate. Now that all the fud has been proven to be baseless, it will only be a short matter of time before we start getting momentum

>> No.56209393

This. The floor is in and people don’t understand what’s about to happen.

>> No.56209642

>The only meme token that's going to flip Pepe is Fine
Toad will do it first. The shib team hasn’t uttered a word and it’s still holding up nicely. It won’t be a quiet event when they finally make an announcement

>> No.56209890

Not saying it isn’t possible, but my money is on Fine being the one to do it. Lordkek has been open about it and the fact that he recently created a swap function just means it’s going to happen sooner or later. Shib would have to announce something soon regarding toad, otherwise they’ll be playing catch up and by that time, all the momentum will have moved to Fine by then

>> No.56210586

Back to $7m from $4m this morning

>> No.56211744

You must feel fucking stupid HAHAHA 100m mcap inbound we’re pumping to 20m tonight

>> No.56211976

You guys are exit liquidity for whales

>> No.56212034


This literally hit the bottom & if you were smart you would have bought the bottom. we are the whales

>> No.56212214

This already rugged.

>> No.56212760
File: 234 KB, 664x346, none.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this rugged
>you're exit liquidity
Keep staying retarded biz. A bunch of new 5-6 figure wallets just bought bags of this after we got a sample of the email campaign lordkek was talking about. With the whale email list, the connections, and the swap that's about to happen with pepe, biz won't be needed to pump this. I'm sure dbi, toad, and the ukranian smurf token will be more than happy to have you guys.

>> No.56212790

So is the real Lord Kek behind Fine?

>> No.56212804

Also, another anon mentioned that the "secret sauce" that pumped Pepe to 1.6 billion was actually money laundering...do you anons think there is any truth to this?

>> No.56212806

see >>56208779. It's the same one from Pepe

>> No.56212816

what was the sample?

>> No.56212835

pepe's pinned tweet says their telegram was hacked

>> No.56212893

There was multiple people behind Pepe, so it's hard for anyone to really say what happened and who did what. Lordkek is putting together a medium to explain it all and why he started Fine.

Someone that's part of Fine got a list of email addresses tied to whale accounts. He sent out emails to 1-2% of those accounts and within an hour later, it started pumping.

The last 2 pins are Lord Kek's post.

>> No.56212920

Jesus, how is this not at 100 million mcap yet?

>> No.56212970

There was a paid fud campaign against Fine during the first run up and a bunch of people panic sold because of it. Even the TG mods were in on it and got fired because of it. The smurf token was then created shortly after that to try and steal fine holders, which it did. Other shitcoins conveniently popped up after that, all with similar site designs and all for the same purpose. Now that the fud has cleared out, it's just a matter of time before this has another run back up

>> No.56213007

>Now that the fud has cleared out
How so?

>> No.56213070


Lord kek explained it and will update website about what all went down. Long story but,

A few pepe devs decided to dump on the team & holders of pepe worth $20mil

The main person who dumped goes by DegenHarambe. Pauly0x has doxxed his socials & identity already because of how much of a scum he is.

Degenharambe controls the pepe twitter account.
Degenharambe tries to spin the narrative that the good guy (Lord kek) was the one who dumped and not him

Pauly0x releases degens addresses on blockchain to prove it was DegenHarambe who dumped.

Lord kek decides to make a new coin (fine)

Degenharambe decides to make a new coin (smurfcat) now they compete with each other.

Lord kek owns the pepe telegram so DegenHarambe keeps tweeting through pepe’s twitter account saying that the tg was hacked and not to trust kek.

Degenharambe spent $20k on fud attack to try to bring lord kek down. (He also paid off ex mods in fine telegram to shill smurfcat on the low)

Imagine someone makijng $20 million and instead of enjoying life degenharambe chooses to have an ego battle.

Long story short
Lord kek = trustable good guy (creator of pepe token & fine)
DegenHarambe = bad pepe team member who is creator of smurfcat

As you can see he dumped on smurfcat holders too. Pick your poison but im all in on Lord Kek. He’s in VC’s and is a very respectable person with s lot of connections and resources

>> No.56213107

It was all baseless to begin with, but was later proven to be false. It started with them saying it's a fake Lord Kek account, then it kept evolving from there after they kept getting btfo after proven to be wrong everytime. I think they finally gave up because I haven't seen any new fud other than the typical biz retards spamming the same shit over and over.

Also, see >>56213070

>> No.56213120

So I’m guessing he burnt the tokens from the fine deployer?

>> No.56213122

wow thanks anon. this has the drama of a telenovela and i dont know what to believe

>> No.56213462

>Lord kek = trustable good guy (creator of pepe token & fine)
Is Pepe abandoned? I went to the TG and notice that they are rolling out a method to swap Pepe tokens for Fine tokens...does this mean Lord Kek is also cutting ties with the Pepe token?

>> No.56213643

Based on >>56213070, it seems moving away from Pepe and starting a new meme is the best route to take. I’m sure the dev will reveal more about the backstory but it just makes sense to move on from the drama that Pepe has. “It’s fine” is also a much more memeable meme that everyone can relate to so this has a much better thing going for it

>> No.56213713


>> No.56214134


Lord kek is not necessarily abandoning Pepe persay, the whole point of kek creating fine was to allow Pepe holders who suffered from degenharambes dump to have another shot in making more money (higher multiplier considering lower marketcap). Plus degenharambe tarnished the whole pepe teams and holders trust so he wanted to break away from that and do his own thing. His whole purpose is for everyone to make money together.

He created the pepe to fine swap so holders have a better multiplier considering pepe already peaked and lost its credibility due to harambe

>> No.56215311


50b sui
100b make it
1T fuck you money

>> No.56215871

Oh shit we poompin again

>> No.56216832

>100b make it
When making it, what sum does that mean in USD? 1 million after taxes?

>> No.56217321

Wait, who controls the @lordkeklol twitter account then?

>> No.56217616


>> No.56217765


>> No.56218334


>> No.56218651
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>> No.56219544
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It's a random twitter account from 2021 that has no association with Pepe or the team. Going through the history of the account, he didn't start posting until 2023. That, or he conveniently deleted all the posts to hide any evidence that he was just some rando. It looks like he also recently started his own token to try and capitalize on the Pepe name.

Keep in mind that the real Lordkek recently made an official twitter for Fine using his name since it's his token, otherwise, prior to Fine, all the posts that were made for Pepe were done under the Pepe twitter account so, it makes sense that he never had an official twitter account prior to fine. Hopefully that makes sense