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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56205734 No.56205734 [Reply] [Original]

They destroyed my jacket, took my cap (I have a very nasty scalp) and took my shit. Was hospitalized for a couple of hours. After getting out of the hospital I took a cab to my sisters (I had a bad feeling about the deal so I left my sheckles and phone home, so I couldn't call anybosy to pick me up. I was frustrated, mad, anxious for a while. I still have trouble sleeping. I reported it to the police, but we live in a post distopian world order apperantly, because they don't seem to care all that much. Couple of days ago one of the attackers friend chased me downtown. I've been Plotting violent revenge acts against them, until I realised it was completely unnecessary. You see, drug dealers are just a bunch of dumb niggers. What if I tell all my clients to buy from my rival/attackers? I'll even give them money to buy it from them. However, it would be a shame if they end up with a bunch of counterfeited bills, wouldn't it anon? Especially if they would give those bills to the cartels or whoever they buy their shit from. Thoughts?

>> No.56205742

no one cares. go back to /pol/, faggot

>> No.56205744
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>> No.56205746

ok chud

>> No.56205756

dooo it anon. work smarter not end up dead. back off and let everyone buy counterfit bills from them. only problem is eventually it gets back ot you where the money came from cuz people will investigate and i dont mean just the cops. tread carefully going forward.

>> No.56205785

These people have been threatening me with all kinds of shit. I will let it rest for now, I'll give my junkie friends the special cash and they can buy everything they have. I told them not to always use it. Maybe 50/50. Enough to make a big dent in their profit. If they spend it in stores, police will be called immediately. Meanwhile I'll be chilling in indonesia. Btw, drugdealer for fun, made 300k last bullrun kek.

>> No.56205933
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worse larp ever pathetic imagine having false money and bragging about on internet. :'( so much pain.

>> No.56205943

Who said I have it right now? We all need connections in todays world anon. I would show my bruised face, but it is 4chan after all...

>> No.56205976

>Pick up phone
>Hello police? Good morning sir. Please do the needful and arrest these people I saw dealing drugs. They store their product at XYZ.
Instant multiple years in prison for all of them. Once they're arrested, people will be more interested in pressing charges. Even if it fails, you can still sue them civilly. It's not like they can attack you for suing them without getting giga-raped by the DA*.

*Not applicable to blue state denizens.

>> No.56205998


>> No.56206072

Im european so we have different laws. We need all the prove we can get to succesfully sue criminals. I thought about suing them civilally for a restraining order, but the worst thing that can happen if they break it is that they get fined a couple of european benjis.
Also I dont know where they live. I could only identify 2 of the 3 attackers because it is a small town and word goes around fast.
Nigga I'll send all those people to hell nigga while they are trying to avoid an assault lawsuit meanwhile they get sued for using monopoly money niggaa

>> No.56206132

Leave biz for three years come back and see this shit tier larp. The absolute state