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File: 1015 KB, 1065x953, pod living.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56198506 No.56198506 [Reply] [Original]

Can they even be called human anymore? Maybe cattle is a better term

>> No.56198663

I’d rather do a solitary coffin pod with a curfew. Japanese style instead of this wanna be hostel crap

>> No.56198686

Why not just be homeless + use gym shower and park your car in San Marin County parks during the nighttime? Better than this shit

>> No.56199805

Wasn't there an anon that posted like 2 weeks ago that he lives in the pod for 700 dollars? If there are any anons that do this, whats it like knowing that some people are getting 2 bedroom/2 bathroom apartments for 1000 a month in another city? Are you forced to live like this, or Is this your choice?

>> No.56199834

id rather live in a van in a walmart parking lot.

>> No.56199833

Pod dwellers aren't humans, like commies.

>> No.56199846
File: 69 KB, 1500x844, 1693000914114982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a van
>in a walmart parking lot.
>not down by the river
ngmi kid

>> No.56199848

Imagine living in Commiefornia. But yeah, just live in a van for this price.

>> No.56199857

literally a picture of some sci-fi future dystopian world nightmare

>> No.56199866

If you have your mattress on a ground surface as opposed to on a frame it will very easily grow mold underneath it

>> No.56199877
File: 643 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20230731-161332_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worse than the dystopia we were promised

>> No.56200007

Nowhere to park it. If you think youll sit in the walmart parking lot, that will work for about 12 hours before they trespass you

>> No.56200045

im not allowed to operate a vehicle anymore

>> No.56200099

some walmarts are happy to let people do that so long as they park somewhere out of the way, because if their parking lot is where you stay every night, guess where you're gonna do your shopping? it's usually someone in (((local government))) that gets mad about it.

>> No.56200183

>dude walmart loves homeless bums in their parking lot, because guess where they buy their lighters and crack pipes?
No lmao. All their profit comes from big ticket items like electronics, the kind they wont sell with homeless bums hanging around

>> No.56200310

I was on a cross country road trip and went to a small town Walmart at the end of one long day of driving, it was around dusk and I knew i was at the end of my safe driving abilities for the day. was dog-tired. didn't want to deal with searching for hotel. didn't want to pay for hotel.
i went inside and bought a few snacks and other basic items. On the way out I just walked up to the customer service lady and explained my situation and asked if it was ok with the store if i spent the night in their parking lot to take a nap.
she was very nice friendly and said yes it was no problem at all.

>> No.56200659

that changes nothing and a van staying more than a day will have problems. usually they'll start with police doing a random knock on the van, then have you step out and answer questions. it gets old.

>> No.56200702

>small town walmart
ahh, totally the same thing as downtown san francisco

>> No.56200730

I thought there were no cops around anyway in downtown San Francisco.

>> No.56200737

take your meds

>> No.56200805

They only go after low hanging fruit. So if you want to go completely psycho and throw poop, you can squat wherever you want. But if youre remotely normal or non threatening they will evict your dumb ass instantly and write you as many tickets as they can

>> No.56200866

The pods are because the whole San Francisco Bay Area is violently allergic to building new housing and a bunch of the tech companies are enforcing return to office. It's a supply squeeze being continued by bad local regulations and NIMBYs.

>> No.56203998

so basically if you can manage to buy just a room in SF you can rent it out for a total of $7k a month? (going by pic's pods alone)

>> No.56204109

Podlords are likely doing the same
They rent some garage and stack fema coffins for tech trannies to sleep in

>> No.56204148
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I didn't ask for this

>> No.56204163
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What game is this?

>> No.56204254
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It's breddy good

>> No.56204268

Are ze bugs included?

>> No.56204301

>down by the river
>not down by the bay
>where the watermelons grow
Ngmi bucko

>> No.56204761

Its more than breddy good. Its damn good.

Also, like with the Covid shot. Don't let them update your "Buggy" enhancements.

>> No.56204808

I liked watching the homeless lady eat hot dogs out of the trash can in the mission hub. There are a lot of them in there. I was supposed to crawl through the hvac and hide behind walls but I do what I want and explore. That means watching hot dog lady.

>> No.56205018

No - you're also not allowed to wank or have sex in them.

>> No.56205038

would consider if it was 200 or under per month, that's the price of my dignity

>> No.56205067
File: 141 KB, 1272x850, IMG_2480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stupid coddled nigger has never had the private “street sweepers” doing donuts around his car flinging rocks and shit in order to let you get the message you aren’t allowed to park there. Death to boomers and fiat

>> No.56205115

As a capitalist podlord I tend my podoids and collect that sweet sweet rent every month. I feed them BasedGoy as they live in VR. I even fuck some of the female podoids from the hatch in the back. They don’t seem to notice

>> No.56205528

Based. Podoids deserve no better

>> No.56205626

i dont park in nigger town dumb fuck. thats why i said "small town walmart"
as in, walmart in a small conservative community town with no niggers

>> No.56205636

why do people glorify depression era people who lived in small shacks and made it through hard times, but then hate the people that live in small pods and try to make it through hard times in the modern era?

>> No.56205745

One of those two groups had no other options, thats why

>> No.56205762

because no one is forcing them to live in a shithole like san francisco?

>> No.56205906

Van down by the river actually sounds comfy. Compared to the pods

>> No.56206310

Sounds like a challenge

>> No.56206411

>wealthy techtards are so anti-social and indiviualized that they'd rather live in pods than split the rent on a house

>> No.56206429

Japan has been doing this for a while and their pods are even smaller

>> No.56206506

How do you fart in these? I like to let 'er rip all night long. I can't imagine how I'd feel passing gas in a pod

>> No.56207408

>How do you fart in these?
Proudly and with great fanfair

>> No.56207426

These existed in Japan as capsule hotels for years and no one cared.

>> No.56207765

That's because nips are literal bug people and will live in hive colonies with no issue.

>> No.56208052

careful with methane emissions, bigot

>> No.56208093

Just fart. It isn't like your bunkmates are human. They are leftist cattle, who gives a fuck if they have to smell your farts.

>> No.56208098

yeah. live in your car.
these are slave quarters

>> No.56208106

boomers hate everything and everyone and it's the boomers bitching as always

>> No.56208113
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>> No.56208134

Isn't this just a hostel?

>> No.56209286

They use it for 1 night not for years

>> No.56209351
File: 210 KB, 589x634, 1689562985454764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>rent pod for $700/month
>purposely eat gassy goyslop every night so basedboys have to smell my farts
>fap loudly to porn 6 times a day
>leave toenail clippings in random locations

>> No.56209575


>> No.56209605

>Can they even be called human anymore? Maybe cattle is a better term
These young people will burn themselves out and retire in their mid 30s with little to show for it. Losing their youth to 12-16 hour work days. That's why they are ok with the pods. They have no live outside work or socializing with people from work.

>> No.56209622

Looks comfy. Reminds me of when me and my brother had bunk beds

>> No.56209674

I would unironically sooner live in a pod than cohabitate with Californians, yes.

>> No.56209699

Yep all you need is a gym membership for exercise and showering and you're good to go (travel centers are also an option for showers). rent a hotel room every few weekends as a treat and you can still save money real fast

>t. did this for a year

>> No.56209703


me on the top bunk, winning

>> No.56209809

why are there two graphics cards in the pod and what generation are they?

>> No.56209873

I distinctly remember a similar article 1 or 2 years ago about people paying 1.5k$ for similar shit in SanFran. I guess the tech layoffs have bitten that market hard if prices have cratered 50%

>> No.56209970

rock gym membership + sleep in parking lot with the vans. they often have coworking areas in addition to showers etc. it's the ultimate homeless bay area bug lifestyle

>> No.56209986

>make $400k/year
>pay $700/month rent for pod
>save $250k/year
>retire by 30 back your home town

>> No.56210067
File: 1.14 MB, 799x901, concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how did we go from this gem to cottonfield

>> No.56210314

$700/month to live in that? I'm not from the US so I guess my perception is skewed, but this might be the most insane shit I've ever seen. Why would anyone do this, and how the fuck can you agree to pay $700 a month for this shit???

>> No.56210318

Sorry :(

>> No.56210328

its in an area where the salaries are like $500k-$1mil/year so you do it for a few years and then you have enough to retire and go back to a low cost of living area where $700/moth gets you a house.

>> No.56210329

It's fucking trash. It has nothing to do with the previous titles but they used the name for marketing pvrposes to get the dumb cattle who heard the name to buy it.

>> No.56210391

you blaspheme

>> No.56210407

seems completely dehumanizing but ok makes some sense, although I seriously doubt any of these people are making 500k-1mill. There are barely any jobs where you can make that much money working for someone else, at least outside of the US that very very rare.

>> No.56210447

>There are barely any jobs where you can make that much money
sure, which is why its worth it if you have the opportunity.

>> No.56210478

yeah I agree if you're actually making that much I would also be ready to sacrifice a few years. I think there's almost 0 chances the people living in those things are though, like why would you... just get a little bit of comfort at least you'll burn out slower and probably make more money long run

>> No.56210489

Why no live 10 miles away and stay in a real house for the same price?

>> No.56210495
File: 17 KB, 300x237, 1469745269598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sleep on mattress
>when done sleeping, put it up on its side
>alternate side that's against wall every day
Done it for 15 years now, no problem.

>> No.56210503

you're talking to clueless zoomers who don't get that reference

>> No.56210537

Because it will literally take over an hour to commute that 10 miles

>> No.56210781

Living in a van down by the river was the worst thing people could imagine in the 1990s.
People have no idea how far the west has fallen

>> No.56210866

Not a bad price. Pretty comparable to capsule hotels in Japan.

Most people doing this are knowingly making a choice to maximize savings on their 300k tech jobs. Personally, I lived with my parents for the 7 years I worked and achieved the same effect. Hard to look down on anyone doing this.
Grind a bit harder to retire by 30-35, or life in moderate comfort, but work to 60+. Both choices have merit.

>> No.56210892

do their fuck rate increase by going there?

>> No.56210999

And retard.
If they don't live in the pod THERE, they will come to where YOU live and SHIT IT UP. And then you will BITCH. You WANT them to live in the pods too you FUCKING DUMB SPICNIGGERS.

>> No.56211040
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what's wrong anon? you don't like?

>> No.56211110

12 year old dystopian hellscape science fiction turns out to be an actual improvement over present day events
how curious
also in all of these for gameplay reason obviously but there are always stores, food stalls and some community plaza where people hang out
while in reality zoning laws forbid all that and make you spend time on public mass transit for your basic human necessities

>> No.56211223

Nobody wants these people but goldiggers anyway.

>> No.56211365

you guys have played the first, right?
Also, read Candle & play MGS

>> No.56211515

shut up zoomer

>> No.56213125
File: 10 KB, 266x104, Selection_283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only games I ever play are the different Deus Ex's, Morrowind, and Half Life 2. I don't last more than 15 minutes into anything else

>> No.56213153

fuck no

>> No.56214944
File: 108 KB, 1170x762, photo_2022-06-03_14-21-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id rather live in a tent like a crackhead before paying 700 bucks for living in ze pod

>> No.56215003

OP is a faggot for leaving in ads in the bottom right corner of this image
>Why no live 10 miles away
ESL fucking chink. You will eat ze bugs first

>> No.56216102

ever tried the nameless mod: pure kino

>> No.56216154

Lmao techies are overwhelmingly lefty faggots and they are now literally "living in zee pods" like the fucking meme. Jesus Christ.

>> No.56216217

I have not but I will. Thanks for the suggestion

>> No.56216261

play MGS series. ahead of its time.

>> No.56216716

I'll give it a shot. Thanks anon

>> No.56217918
File: 661 KB, 410x205, 849bfaf76bbd9fb2e97951ed181e8896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals are literally living in their dystopian utopian future of poverty, crime and diversity
>and they love it