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56178715 No.56178715 [Reply] [Original]

The Indian subcontinent will become the world economic power by 2075

>> No.56178751

Imagine all your managers being like this guy.
that's what awaits when not if India becomes relevant.

>> No.56178768

Based Jeet. We need less poo.

>> No.56178789

Yes it will but not for the reasons you think. Since they still do arranged marrages it’s the only place where the “no pussy no work” movement will never take off. The men there actually have a reason to work. Whereas in the West it’s only gonna get worse. We’ll eventually get to a point where birth rates are approaching 0.1 per woman

>> No.56178992

I unironically agree wholeheartedly with this guy.

>> No.56179045

based, wagies need to get the delusion out of their heads that theyre nothing more than just slaves

>> No.56179071

bullish for crypto considering they're one of the leading countries as far as adoption goes

>> No.56179094
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Didnt they ban crypto? Going to have to figure out the global fiat moneyprinter via deflationary currency, Pajeet

>> No.56179116

>birth rates are approaching 0.1 per woman
It'll be fine, birth rates will rise but their child won't be white, which is a good thing anyway because wypipo are scum of this earth.

>> No.56179139

In india theres like 1 woman for every 20 guys, because they aborted all the women. The majority of indian men couldnt reproduce outside of being the physical embodiment of incels there simply isnt enough women

>> No.56179164
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>> No.56179174

Based af, they will probably legalize rape as well.

>> No.56179208
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>The Indian subcontinent will become the world economic power by 2075
Simply no it wont

>> No.56179254

this is what every boss thinks but can't say

>> No.56179275

This but ONLY for non-whites. White parents should get help and benefits for having and raising white children. Poos should be penalized and fired for it. It's that simple

>> No.56179513

they're about to have a water shortage and famine that will cull 50% of their population
this isn't some special case, it's just how it goes when you have a exponential population growth

>> No.56180016

white parents should be offered euthanasia

>> No.56180039

Those Asians can worry about their own kids. We need to focus on making more kids at home, offering them youth in asia is just a halfass solution

>> No.56180081

I think white people are doing pretty well economically, they don't need help.

>> No.56182380

Actually there’s a different problem that happens when women have 0 incentive and know whatever they do they’ll get a husband. It creates fat women. The men have some incentive to work because their salary determines the volume of arranged marriage proposals. But since women have 0 incentive, they just do not take care of themselves.

>> No.56182673

Have you ever looked at a map of where the Indian population actually live? That's like claiming the USA is fucked if New Mexico and Nevada run out of water. One of the things that makes India so particularly disgusting (apart from the people themselves) is that the population is crammed into a relatively small part of the country, a human hive.

>> No.56182714
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>> No.56182718

Niggers and spics have gotten trillions but don’t do anything, they shouldn’t get anything at all.

>> No.56182731

(((They))) don’t want to do anything about climate change for a reason. It will wipe out the subhumans living on subcontinents with already hot weather.

>> No.56182738

and importing 'climate refugees' can bypass all the pesky working visa requirements and other pesky rules.

>> No.56183423

They already help themselves to it.

>> No.56183442

Looks like chaim is having a mental breakdown again.

>> No.56183499

Don't the jeets just gangrape women anyways?

>> No.56183592

there's a reason browns have failed to rule anything other than themselves despite having thousands of years longer on the planet than evolved humans.

>> No.56184400

>The country with the world’s largest areable land, yes even more than the U.S also has high population density

>> No.56184416

this is why there is a rise in people hating capitalism. Theres nothing good or natural about this life outlook. this is a man made mind prison.

>> No.56184859

No one hates jeets as much as other jeets

>> No.56184902

>destroys the birthrate

>> No.56185992


>> No.56186033

India has a lower birthrate than America bud.

>> No.56186048


>> No.56187453

sigma manager

>> No.56189327

AI already guaranteed that this won't happen
No need for scammers with AI scamming/preventing scams
No need for coding when AI codes for you

>> No.56189371

>yes, that's right boss I'm blasting cream pies into my wife every night

>> No.56189386

And the pollution, which leads to... Interesting births.

>> No.56189413

And as a percentage of the nation it's actually Bangladesh, while in terms of actively farmed it's China. India has a retardedly underdeveloped agricultural sector with 44% of their population working in agriculture which accounts for about 15% of gheir GDP (lot of subsistence farming and manual labour).

>> No.56189424

This is a Bangladeshi pajeet. The only thing Bangladesh has to offer the world is jute, and unfortunately for them it's no longer the 17th century and real textiles exist now.

>> No.56189425

much much sooner than that. much sooner. the WEF will ban all fertilisers and India will export all the shit it produce to the world to use to grow food, aided by the WEF of course who will make billions on the high grade Indian shit trading market.

>> No.56189499

Shitdia is the ultimate simp/weak man society. If you think the West is bad in this regard, Shitdia is like this in hyper mode.

>> No.56189642

This, lel

>> No.56191840

indian managers really do be like that. they are very easy to exploit if you take feelings out of equation.

>> No.56192011

mutt education

>> No.56192076

>your salary is your contribution to society

This is the most boomer shit I have ever heard. Why do they worship your wealth as if it makes you a good/smart person? I am a retard and boomers think my word has more weight to it because I got lucky with crypto. Like they think I am a guru because of my money

>> No.56192090

In India over 50% of Indian women have a sex partner on the side that they cuck their husband with

>> No.56192223

you can educate someone as much as you like, browns have failed to create anything of value in the thousands of years they were around while humans (europeans) were evolving further.

nothing happened for thousands of years until anglos/euros created industry, then the entire field of technology.

>> No.56192461

Most people with neoliberal views are too cowardly to consider the logical conclusion of their beliefs. Which is that a person’s income is a function of their moral worth. I actually applaud the guy in OP pic for his honesty, the vast majority of neolibs try to dance around it

>> No.56192477

meant to reply to

>> No.56192486

Poo posting is out of control these days.

>> No.56192597

Another post that shows why we need flags india to be blocked from posting.

>> No.56192619

They hold the highest amount of gold in private hands

>> No.56192730

browns literally invented civilization mr mutt. Mesopotamia, persia, indus, egypt, Sumer all happened while whites esp anglos were living in mudhuts and swamps. The only reason gayreeks had a civilization is because they were next to the Egyptians and the only reason theur works are still here is because the Arabs preserved them

>> No.56194835

Those were not modern day browns. They were distinct group (no, not whites either) but mostly gone to southern genetic spam invasion of the dark hordes.

>> No.56194905

Gm benchod sers, bloody basterd. I tried Indian food yesterday for the first time, and yes I got diarrhea

>> No.56194941
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Poo ID

>> No.56194942

holy cope lmao

>> No.56194970

>invented civilization
is this how genetic relics cope with being permanently left behind by superior humans?

>> No.56195814
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>superior humans
>getting pozzed into self genocide by kikes

>> No.56196600

uhhh, if whites were the superior race, Mr goldberg wouldn't have crafted an 80 year long grifting campaign and replaced you with juan and oblaogo from congo.

>> No.56197836

if you think the only desirable race is somehow going to get "replaced" by what, an increasing number of things don't even counted as human beings?
you shitskins are just anther disease.