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56194916 No.56194916 [Reply] [Original]

Got written up at work today
Coworker heard me say "minimum wage, minimum work" and told my boss about it

>> No.56194929

Kill him

>> No.56194938

if you really want to get him back, get some moldy cheese and on friday, slip it into his locker just after last period haha

>> No.56194940

By staying at your job with that attitude, you're robbing someone else from their dream job. That person deserves a chance at that job, and ungrateful workers like you should learn a valuable lesson.

>> No.56194977

you have to get your sack out

>> No.56195040

Slowly work less and less until they’re forced to fire you. When they do, explain to them that glorifying hard work for its own sake is slave mentality, and walk away. You’ll find a new job very easily, every company is hiring

>> No.56195067

Have you heard the term "snitches get ass raped"?

>> No.56195193

I want them to fire me because if they do I get employment insurance whereas if I quit on my own terms I won't get it

>> No.56195194

woah whaaat!!!???
are you serious? you can get written up for that. lmao
the absolute state of non union wagies

>> No.56195198

dont they have to approve your unemployment tho

>> No.56195199
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>> No.56195268

Yes. Apparently because I'm paid an entire dollar over minimum wage, it's not "appropriate" to say something like that and I was also told to "keep it to myself" because my other coworkers were apparently also repeating what I said.
Yeah you need the government to approve your unemployment gibs through their arbitrary processes

>> No.56195581


Imagine admitting you even said it and getting written for literal hearsay

>> No.56195608

Why stay? If my work ever tried to write me up or even punish me in any way I’d just up and quit without notice and go find a new job. I might wait until a really busy shift and then quit right to fuck the manager that started all this shit. At minimum wage it’s not going to be hard to rolesce that job.

>> No.56195642
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>> No.56195651


This desu many jobs think they have authority over you as if you were in high-school.

>> No.56197916

cook up some spaghetti with the cheapest, shittiest marinara sauce and leave it out in the open for a week. Make it look fancy and hide any visible mold spores, mix in a small amount of fresh marinara sauce to revive it and pack it up in a fancy lunch with your name on it and bait them into eating it.

Watch as they don't come into work the next day, watch as they don't come into work the next week.

Most realistic case is they get their stomach pumped and antibiotics. Lucky case is that they just die shitting their guts out.

>> No.56197944

they say they fired you for performance and insubordination. If you don't have written and recorded proof proving the contrary, you get nothing; they fire you for cause in the US

>> No.56197953

I'd tell my boss if he tries to write me up for saying that he can find a new employee im an adult i'll speak how I damn well want and suddenly i have the urge to go speak to all the local newspapers about this situation. bet boss curbs his lil hall monitor faggot attitude real quick

>> No.56198699

Go to your boss.
Tell him that you were dead serious.
"Minimum work for minimum wage."
Ask him how much work he wants from you.
"Maximum work for maximum wage."
Tell him it's like a tiered subscription service.
Tell him that you get what you pay for.

Also: remind your boss that your coworker is a snitch, and that rats like that can't be trusted; he's just brown-nosing now, but it's only a matter of time until he snitches your boss out to corporate headquarters in order to get promoted, or until he snitches your boss out to the SEC or some other governmental agency for good goy points, or whatever. Remind your boss that snitches can never be trusted, not even by the people they snitch to.

Yes: I said "him" when referring to your boss; if your boss is a "her," then quit immediately on religious grounds according to Holy Bible (KJV) 1 Timothy 2:12.

>> No.56198741
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Not bad, but even better (and guaranteed to be deadly) is this simple trick:

>boil water
>cook pasta
>drain water
>sprinkle pinch of floor dust on hot pasta
>immediately place pasta into sealable container like tupperware while pasta still hot
>immediately place sealed container of hot pasta into refrigerator
>leave sealed container of cooked pasta in refrigerator for five or six days

Eating this pasta causes death due to deadly bacteria which have thrived unopposed in this carefully created environment.

Such practices are stringently warned against in the food handling business. If you have your food prep card, or work in a kitchen under an attentive chef who knows what they're doing, you will NEVER place piping hot freshly cooked food into a sealed container and immediately refrigerate it.

You're supposed to leave the container open a bit, leave the lid partly unsealed, while it cools in the refrigerator for about an hour before sealing it.

Do with this information what you will. No; seriously: do it. DEW IT.

>> No.56198764

This should be your guiding example for how to act:

>> No.56200014


>> No.56200055

Was everybody involved a male? What about ethnicity?

I hate it when men can’t keep locker room talk to themselves
It’s all that separates men from rats

>> No.56200166
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Charismatically, you've gotta pretend your best you're doing your very damned best while at the same time simply pacing your workload to deliver the same minimal job so as to not overwork for no pay. It's very simple once you've got it, but it's skills like this that autistic wagecucks lack and their lack of Jew skills ends up biting them in the ass. Just make an imaginary conversation, whether you even say it or not immediately, that you'll try your very midwit best to go above and beyond for X liberal conglomerate (while at the same time knowing in your mind you'll just do the same fucking shit, saving your brainpower for learning genuinely financially beneficial habits in your daily routine).
Check out Atomic Habits, then codecademy or hustlers academy as a tip, if not a mechanics' trade or HVAC (mechanics will give you a quick job, HVAC takes significantly longer but can be turned into a business).
You will never escape the ratrace slaving in the ratrace, you need real money to make real money and buy a farm in the United States of burger or a genuine Christian nation.

>> No.56200214
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Blah blah blah niggers niggers the brown woman said I'm mean.
Race is not something within one's immediate control, I work surrounded by niggers for 50% of my shift. In my religious and work circle however, the people who love me greatly outnumber the people who dislike me. Anon only need to learn to establish relationships in the future with everyone besides the snitch such that this will not result in whatever bullshit repercussions in the future. Many faggots have snitched on me, but they're faggots and no one believes them over my conglomerate of frens who like my vibe.
Stupid fucking jobs like these, which is most jobs, simply require a basic understanding of social manipulation to thrive in.

>> No.56200223

>I was also told to "keep it to myself" because my other coworkers were apparently also repeating what I said.
>other coworkers were apparently also repeating what I said.