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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 132 KB, 400x400, toadkiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56194208 No.56194208 [Reply] [Original]

pump my shit up edition

What will you buy with your $TOAD gains?

>> No.56194259
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>> No.56194283

September 27th is the new schizo date.. two more days toadmarines..
Patriots in control

You better pump my bags faggots. I have 450bil or $7.5k worth of toad.
I need to scape the wage cage.
Is that enough to make it?

Give me hopium or ropium

>> No.56194297

Well tis gonna be the first Shibarium 100x coin, how does 750k sound?

>> No.56194302

I told you you stupid faggot his name is toadkiller dog.

>> No.56194341

Two chicks at the same time

>> No.56194355

Pretty decent I'd say. Might be enough to make it with reinvestment into BTC.

>> No.56194356

If it hits 1.87 billion, which is PEPE’s ATH, I’d get $741,000.
>pay off my house ($260k)
>buy a RAM TRX as a work truck for fixing air conditioners ($100k)
>put the rest into RFV investing and harvest the proceeds of dying DAOs
What makes it difficult is the tax implications. If it moons before May of next year I’ll be paying $257,000 in taxes, if it’s more than a year I only need to pay $150k. I might have to skip on the retarded supercharged lifted pickup truck if I have to pay short term capital gains. Or, I could just not tell the IRS, but that’s a terrible idea.

>> No.56194370

I'd be getting almost $30m if we get there, so pretty impossible.
Granted, even if it reaches 1.87b I will have sold a long time ago and still made it.

>> No.56194418

Well, not necessarily impossible, SHIB hit 42 billion during the peak of the bull run. An officially endorsed meme coin can easily fly to 2 billion, and many people made more off of SHIB. It’s hard to believe we’re really gonna make it, it just seems too good to be true.

>> No.56194435

or we just have balls of steel investing in this for 5 months only on pure schizo leaks and maybe we will get rewarded in the end

>> No.56194582

how fast could a shit coin like this pump to 1.5 billion?

>> No.56194615


>> No.56194626

Not sure if its gonna go that high im taking most of my profits between 500-700m.

But ill leave something in case it does go above 1 bil. Maybe like 2-3 weeks? Thats how long it took Pepe, Safemoon, Hoge and other shitcoins.

>> No.56194847

9/11 was literally a troll date by one guy.
9/23 was extrapolated out of tweets by a numerology schizo.
Where's 9/25 coming from?

>> No.56195049

>Where's 9/25 coming from?
It was always 9/25
3+3+3=9 5x5=25

>> No.56195052

should we have just bought CAL toadbros? now that is sucking liquidity while toad is stagnant

>> No.56195069

I remember the early Lunc generals, post crash. We used to talk about the cars and houses that we'd buy once we make it a year from then. We also talked about setting up ladders and taxes too. ngl those days were pretty comfy, although I've been demoralized since then. I still have my lunc bag, but I'm mostly relying on the other two bags I have, one being toad. If those fail, I'm fucking done. I have 47b and I'm not putting a cent more into this shit. The least I want out of this is to break even from all my losses

>> No.56195231

>more numerology schizoing
It's over isn't it? At least dbi has a video game coming out and a whale burning a million dbi a day.

>> No.56195239

sure buy the pump in the toad accumulation phase lmfao

>> No.56195333

>at least dead shitcoin is doing something
no one is buying your bags

>> No.56195540

Every single one of these shitcoins are scams and get rugpulled early

>> No.56195568

meh, so far not yet, hoping for a 100x so i don't have to get a real job for now.

>> No.56195634
File: 612 KB, 1046x1072, 1695264861077955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is 4.5 months old and is a $7M market cap stable coin. It would have rugged already if it were a scam.

>> No.56195668

thats my thoughts too, watched this shit for like a month before throwing some change at it. i wish i had more extra money to throw in.

>> No.56195774
File: 2.16 MB, 1106x1892, 1695623776395104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its only a slow rug
fuck off fofo not feeding your eth farm 20 trillion to dump slow rugging sand nigger