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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56191916 No.56191916 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56191921


>> No.56191935

We're crashing in late 2024 early 2025

>> No.56192042

>its bidet's fault americans live beyond their means

>> No.56192077

I think most people on /biz/ are smarter than the average polcel and can deduce that Biden unironically just stands there and is to blame for nothing

>> No.56192123

>Biden kills domestic oil production
>gasoline, the primary input for the entire economy, increases in price
>every good becomes more expensive to produce
>have to go into credit card debt to buy groceries

>> No.56192136

Inflation started the moment Biden took office

>> No.56192143
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People are maxing out their debt and failing to pay it while the government pretends nothing is wrong. We have record homeless people on the street, and the government calls it "low unemployment" by labeling them discouraged workers. It's a fucking clown world.

>> No.56192148

So? Gtfo frog nigger
Take the other community managers and "hey fellow user" advertisers with you

>> No.56192155
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Go tongue Biden's anus somewhere else.

>> No.56192159

>Before that but who really gives a shit right? I get to blame the guy that I want to.

>> No.56192173
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>> No.56192176
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Biden took office january 2021 and march - april 2021 is when it took off

>> No.56192192

>Keeps posting pre-approved (((community manager))) (((memes)))
>Desperately trying to appeal to (((culture)))

>> No.56192214
File: 380 KB, 512x512, 1695537704802692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already showed you're a shareblue shill for Biden, you dumb nigger cattle. Denounce the talmud, or leave 4chan.

>> No.56192217

>the previous administration's actions lowering the fed rate and printing trillions had nothing to do with this
Moron's like you are why we can't have nice things in america.

>> No.56192227

Pieces of shit like you, is why we cant have nice things

>> No.56192229

go back >>>/pol/

>> No.56192230

No, I'm not. you on the other hand are the same as they are. Just the other head of Janus. Kys

>> No.56192236

Even though you ignored my point I already made here >>56192123, I'll continue. The dem controlled house and blue state shithole governors held the country hostage to force the money printer for a lab leak flu they funded!

>> No.56192241


You fuck off too.

>> No.56192247
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Let the record show that this slimey jew shill refused to denounce the talmud, as per his shareblue employer.

>> No.56192252
File: 71 KB, 905x587, 2023-01-12_05-34-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt it interesting how everything went to shit, once Biden too office?

>> No.56192261

You are the same. Just the other head of Janus, engaging in pure Hegelian dialectic failure. You all lost control, and all the desperation by all heads of Janus is showing

Keep cannibalizing each other for anons amusement

>> No.56192264
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>> No.56192269

Buy an ad shareblue.

>> No.56192279
File: 78 KB, 1024x666, IMG_1754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up kike.

>> No.56192341

Source? Or larp

>> No.56192360

The total state of third party shill groups

>> No.56192385
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>> No.56192400

found the kike

>> No.56192418

Fuck your talmud and fuck your face
Nigger kys you are just as cringe as SHAREBLU troony faggots

>> No.56192421
File: 45 KB, 783x397, IMG_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third party shill groups
Your IQ isn’t above 100

>> No.56192436 [DELETED] 

Your ID changed samefagging queer

>> No.56192439


Wait? Have you been groomed doing it for free

>> No.56192443

No /pol/cels are fucking FAGGOTS and RETARDED and they should all kill themselves unironically not a single thing they say is smart in insightful it's all RETARDED NONSENSE THAT NEVER HAPPENS EVER that board is full of MORE NIGGERS than any other board on this stupid website unironically the whole "most diverse white supremacy board" isn't a meme

>> No.56192451

Groomed? Are you having an aneurism lefty retard?

>> No.56192464

why are you so mad at /pol/ ,(((/biz/))) jew?

>> No.56192465

So you have been groomed to do it for free, while your groomers got paid. This is too funny. You are a literal slave

>> No.56192466
File: 64 KB, 720x720, froggie bathtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You paid shills came here by finding "Biden" in the thread name, and you can't even say nigger or denounce the talmud. Buy an ad.

>> No.56192478
File: 2 KB, 345x247, 1695481039696574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /pol/ trigger you so much?

Anger Problems?

What is it, anon? Everything is going to be okay.
Calm down nigger.

>> No.56192481

you really are frighteningly low IQ. Good luck in life antifa

>> No.56192531

because they spread absolutely mind blowingly retarded takes and are wrong about 99% of everything and when their broken clock strikes 4:30 like it does once a day they shriek as if POL WAS RIGHT AGAIN POL WAS RIGHT AGAIN when in reality the entire board is a bunch of third worlders with a few dotted white people shrieking at the clouds FUCK KIKES NIGGERS AND TRANNIES CALL ME A JEW FUCK YOUR TALMUD I SHIT ON ALLAH AND JESUS AND IF YOU HAVE A STAR OF DAVID YOUA TRANNY

nigger nigger nigger kike faggot I don't even know what a TALMUD is but it can get loaded up on nigger cocks and fucked like a good bbc mutt meme
I'm some 32 year old faggot living in mums basement
and I STILL have more sex than you
You WISH you were as based as me

seethe and consider assigning 8 to speed dial

>> No.56192561
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1695262020256577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what sissyhipno tranny bug chasing does to the mind. Sad, many such cases.

>> No.56192568

I’d be inclined to agree with you if every talking government head wasn’t screaming to the media daily “Everything is fine! We got this! Le BIDENOMICS baby!” They last thing they want people realizing is that an administration compromised of people for what they are rather than who they are cant do the job.

>> No.56192575

>I don't even know what a TALMUD
You're a jew and you're afraid to say that you denounce the talmud, and no amount of pilpul will save you, kike. You've already exposed yourself as a paid shill, now you gigantic nose is showing.

>> No.56192594

Nigger faggot I'm as right wing as it gets. You using your self programming self-defense words is too hilarious. Deprogram yourself. You got groomed by scammers

>> No.56192624

k commie non white

>> No.56192640

>Nigger faggot I'm as right wing as it gets.
>That's why I get paid to defend Biden on the internet
Buy an ad shareblue. Denounce the talmud.

>> No.56192644

Deflecting hard here. You got groomed by scammers. All your internet frens are fake predators

>> No.56192668

Lmfao. Either you are the fakest nigger ever or groomed the same as the other loser

>> No.56192681

what’s this obsession with the word grooming? Almost like you are one of those lefties who originally got assblasted when the “right” came up with the term grooming and associated it with your lgbt movement —

And now you homosexuals call “conservatives” groomers as some sort of petty “gotcha” . You are pathetic, faggot.

>> No.56192689

so tell me the words, to a T, to say on the screen so I can calm your schizophrenia lmao
I denounce the TALMUD
oh I googled it it's the Jewish bible
see that's how LITTLE I know about Jews because I JUST DON'T CARE

Let's be real it doesn't matter what I type, the things I say go against your grain and you are deeply settled into your schizophrenia, I could post a picture of my shitty one room apartment with all my faggy personal interests on the wall and you would STILL find a way to say I'm a shill because your brain is permanently damaged

>> No.56192692

It describes the behaviorism applied by scammers on suckers, while all it takes to fuck over the programming is one griever taking a piss at the incompetency of weak predators

>> No.56192732

>see that's how LITTLE I know about Jews because I JUST DON'T CARE
1pbtid shill forgets what computer he's on... OH NO SHAREBLUE, you fucked up!

>> No.56192764

He's the pedo anon who finally managed to get back after being perma banned and now shitting up a lot of threads. Don't pay attention to him, he won't here for long as I already reported his convict ass

>> No.56192772

None of your posts in this thread had any informational content, only rhetorics.
The only possible identifier is the "i'm right-wing", but you literally offer no substance so it's impossible to even begin to ascribe to you any kind of philosophical slant.

You are the piss that "pissing in an ocean of piss" describes.
Your posts don't deserve the title of shitposts, they are nothing.

>> No.56192776

Do you mean your operative that has been spamming the pedo images? That's not me
But you show again that you don't belong on anon imageboards

>> No.56192787

Are you literally that retarded to see what I'm doing here with my grieving of you faggots
Check the user numbers groomed retard

>> No.56192791

>I’d be inclined to agree with you if every talking government head wasn’t screaming to the media daily “Everything is fine! We got this! Le BIDENOMICS baby!” They last thing they want people realizing is that an administration compromised of people for what they are rather than who they are cant do the job.
That's literally happened with every administration in the past 20+ years. Have you already forgotten what the previous administration was saying in early 2020 when the markets collapsed by over 30% in a month?

The last time we had a government that spoke candidly to the American public was during the Carter administration, and look what happened to him in 1980. The modern American is basically a child that can't be told the truth.

>> No.56192799

>Please accept communism
>Every person except me is an (((npc)))

Such failures you are
Terminally brainwashed

>> No.56192809
File: 460 KB, 220x293, 1694292836887337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that shit has gotten worse through Republican and Democrat rule since inception.
The problem is the system itself.
Which crook are you voting for in 2024? The Alzheimer's patient or the nazi?

>> No.56192816

No, this is useless.
If they are shills, your rhetorics is ineffective, you do not spam tranny grieving ( you'll never be a woman etc ), you do not post infographics to redpill bluepills glowies, you do not expose them in any way for the lurkers.
If they are anons, you are missing the mark and at best do nothing, at worst push them towards goylem programmation.

I'm only posting that in the likelihood you're not a troll, or a false flagging glowie, but an aggravated blackpill.
Be more effective.

>> No.56192823

I wasn't talking to you, mentally ill retard.

>> No.56192824

>Pleassssse accept communism gweilo
This is pure entertainment watching Janus fail, not just here

>> No.56192825

good thing im cashing out may 2024

>> No.56192830

You can only deprogram yourself. I:m just here taking a piss

>> No.56192844


>> No.56192860

Let's just say, I'm a former predator turned griever because I saw the shitshow running into a wall

>> No.56192902

take your meds faggotkike

>> No.56192909

The mantra of a weakling
I just enjoy this populatory behaviorism experiment running full force in to wall while throwing shit at it

>> No.56192923

>take out a loan
>pay it back
Hoomes are at record prices unemployment is low.
If you're struggling it's because you're a loser incel chud. Don't blame Biden for your own problems.

>> No.56192934

Desperation, pass it on bot

>> No.56192967

If you believe this, you're too young to be on this website. I know the world used to be better, more varied, more shops, more places to be without paying to be there. I know families had more to live with and more people didn't have to work paycheck to paycheck.
I don't have Alzheimer's. It's actually how it was.
Sorry if reality contradicts your head canon.

>> No.56192974

>He seriously replies to a script

>> No.56192999

I mean, presidents have some control, but they have no fucking idea what the levers they're pulling will do(neither do we of course). Also that control is becoming less and less as markets adapt to the levers.

Giving any president full credit for a good or bad economy is what mental midgets do.

>> No.56193168

My food and gas have literally never been this expensive in my life, though Im only 28. I dont think you can compare administrations of the past to this one simply because past administrations atleast tried to feign some form of merit within its ranks. This administration put a black woman in charge of the US Mint who’s only career experience is working in government diversity and inclusion programs. We’ve been in an idiocracy for decades but you’re tripping if you dont think were close to reaching some kind of critical mass.