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56191131 No.56191131 [Reply] [Original]

I’m europoor who lives in Japan.
One of the first things that shocked me about Japan was how consumerism is crazy here. All the other foreigners i talk to about it here tend to agree apart from Americans who generally dont really understand what is different.

My wife is Japanese and even she was pretty bad at first but now days she is way less consumeristic.
Its like people define themselves and their friends by what they like to consume. Its weird as fuck.
>i like faggendo
>nooo mixrsoft xbox is better
>holy shit i love nvidia guys look at my rig
People literally become diehards about brands of camping equipment. Or whatever relevant to their hobby consuming.
That shit is just a means to an end of doing the hobby… but japanese and americans both make the consuming part of the hobby.
I never understood this fanboyism on video games back when i played them, and i still don’t understand why people make consuming part of their hobby rather than the means to and end.

>> No.56191152

You’re just too poor to understand.

>> No.56191174
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post compromising pics of japanese wife

>> No.56191177

your thread sucks
but yeah it is really gay once you notice thats all anyone talks about

>> No.56191178

Japanese earn less than most western countries but they are turbo consumers.

Try again lardy

>> No.56191201

There is nothing more American than wearing a t-shirt with the name of your favourite goyslop on it.
At least japanese consumers obsess with luxury brands and look good

>> No.56191215

That said japanese do the exactly same thing as Americans with their hobbies

Its cringe

>> No.56191239
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Got a steam deck and solved this problem, sold my gaming rig, and I'm working on categorizing my old "emulatable" games so I can get them sold.
Hobbies are all well and good, I just think if things are getting cheaper or moving forward that you should take notice.
That and, no one really cares that much about anyone else. No one will ever ask what you like to do or care once you tell them.
Music tho, yeah... if I like your band, I'm buying your shirt.

>> No.56191263

Wow, another yuropoor seethe thread about Americans.

>> No.56191272

>im not a consumerist retard i..i… you are just poor!!

>> No.56191279

>i like faggendo
>nooo mixrsoft xbox is better
Most people could (can?) only afford 1 console for their whole family. It was only the rich kids that had multiple kinds. So this lead to kids fanboying about the console they got because it's all they could experience. They had to be content with what they had, and proclaiming their console is the best means they don't feel left out when they don't have other consoles. It's another form of cope. It also acts as social glue because if your friends got a different console you couldn't play together so you want everyone in your friend group to be on the same page and own the same console.
Obviously anyone that could afford to own any console wouldn't understand the fanboyism over 1 console since they never experienced that constraint.
It is gay though, especially once they're adults and have money.

>> No.56191292

Why are euros so fucking judgmental? Mind your damn business, gaijin.

>> No.56191296

>i like faggendo
>nooo mixrsoft xbox is better
>holy shit i love nvidia guys look at my rig
Replace with religion.
>i like mohammed
>nooo yahweh is better
>holy shit i love the pope guys look at my rosary
It's just human nature.

>> No.56191298

I had that constraint. As did most.
I just never understood it.
There are grown men who do the same exact shit. I don’t think you understand how consumerism has infected the way of life for people and their thoughts.

People will do it when wealthy with all the means all the same.

>> No.56191301
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>dont judge me

>> No.56191427

The Japanese have lower healthcare, housing, and transportation costs.

For most Americans, those three categories is where most of their income goes to

>> No.56191441


>> No.56191461


>> No.56191630

Did someone else noticed that Americucks say brands instead of the generic word? It's not:

>I'm drinking beer
>I'm eating
>I'm having a coffee


>I'm drinking BUD LIGHT
>I'm eating TACO BELL
>I'm having a Starbucks pumpkin whateverthefuckaccino

>> No.56191667

simply eating vs. dining at taco bell are absolutely different experiences. i chalk that up to cultural ignorance because the rest of your post is accurate, but with typical european arrogance about things they don't understand.

>> No.56191676

A thousand meters.

>> No.56191685

consequence of the average person being a lazy retard afraid of exerting any effort.

like sports? rather than play sports, it's easier to watch niggers chase a ball on tv and buy $175 jerseys with a nigger's name on it.

like food? rather than learn to cook, it's easier to call yourself a "foodie" aka someone who incessantly blogs about eating food other people make for you.

like the idea of camping? rather than actually camping it's easier to buy yourself a 4x4 shartmobile and deck yourself out in (whatever brand is trendy these days.)

like target shooting? rather than getting good at shooting it's easier to buy $3k match grade pistols with top end optics that you shoot poorly once every 3 months.

etc. etc. etc.

>> No.56191702

Take the number of miles, divide by 5, then multiply by 8. Shrimple as

>> No.56191703

Lack of any purpose/tribe, so corporations/government force fake tribes/groups on people as a means of keeping them occupied. It's the blues/greens all over again.

>> No.56191713

They are good goys

>> No.56191736

That's cool. Most heisei-born japs have been broke all their lives and are too frugal to consoom

>> No.56191747

Musician here. Euros go crazy about brands too. Brands like Waldorf, Elektron, Moog, Gibson and Roland make Euros go bananas.

>> No.56191893

>People will do it when wealthy with all the means all the same.
See: ferrari/porsche/aston martin/lambo owners who unironically wear car brand clothing, shoes and/or accessories.
Plenty of those in Japan.

>> No.56192063

I'd say branding matters quite a lot. Some companies are simply better than others, they make a better product that is superior to others. I'm into tea tasting and tea collecting, and there is a gigantic difference between what companies can produce
>That shit is just a means to an end of doing the hobby
No, you're wrong. If you buy nice quality things you can enjoy a hobby more than if you tried to make do with bargain bin trash. If I only bought litpon tea bags then I wouldn't be enjoying tea very much

>> No.56192093

When I was in Japan recently, I met a French woman who was living and working there. She said one of the things she liked about Japan was how everybody was concerned about not hurting other people's feelings. She said that in France, by contrast, everyone is TRYING to hurt your feelings.

>> No.56192126

>be OP, europoor
>have the desire for nice things bred out of you through two thousand years of feudal life
>judge other people for not being peasant stock

>> No.56192152
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Yes but at least religions have historically preached semi humanistic values for the most part, albeit they also fostered dispute

>> No.56192177
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>> No.56192213

This is hard for gaijin weebs to understand by Japan is a dystopia for the average Jap
>go to school, het relentlessly bullied by classmates and pressured to get straight As, studying for hours every day and killing yourself if you get a B
>enter prestigious university and repeat, or go to non prestigious university or drop out and be doomed to waging your life away
>become NEET or hikkikomori because of all the pressure
>alternatively become salaryman and work inhuman hours
>have sex 3 times per year with the frigid wife, who's probably NTRing you with niggers, yakuza and your boss
>have one kid you never see
>die of karoshi
High quality consumer goods are the only exciting thing about living in Japan for tje Japanese, no wonder they are so consumerist

>> No.56192280

People like to feel good, and buying shit triggers a dopamine response. It's not complicated. Couple that with a brutal work schedule (something euros are unaccustomed to), and you have a recipe for consumerism.

>> No.56192290

I've always wondered about this. Who the fuck is doing the bullying if everybody is getting bullied?

>> No.56192319

I'm picturing Rinya Nakamura (mma fighter)

>> No.56192328

Nips don't know how good they have it, if so. All we get Stateside is this awful passive-aggressive photoshop + doxxing bullying now.

>> No.56192383

Racially/caste-tinged class obsession. Japan because of the job-based classes, America because of slavery, both because of a national inferiority complex.

>> No.56192422

for godless materialists like nips and burgers consumerism is all there is. their highest value is convenience

>> No.56192427

I'm tired of pretending that consumerism is bad. You genuinely can't do, participate, or experience anything in life without becoming "the dreaded consooomer" and throwing money at something. Oh nooo I might accidentally buy and consooomer something, better sit on the floor and stare straight ahead like a robutt so I don't become a consooomer. Anti consumerism is rubbish ideology

>> No.56192467

consumerism isnt just buying stuff. its looking forward to buying stuff

>> No.56192483

Midwit learned a new buzzword and tries to apply it everywhere.
Having hobbies and preferences are not corporate ploy to make you consooom brands, it's human nature. Corporations are just there to meet demand for it.

>> No.56192579

consoomers dont give a shit about the hobby

>> No.56192598

This is what i mean.
I swear to fuck Americans just don’t understand what non-consumerism looks like. You literally dont seem to even comprehend it properly. You don’t understand and cant help but try filtering it through your consumeristic lens of “junk” versus “quality to enjoy”. Its such a cliche reaction

>> No.56192633

lol you probably dont even have subscriptions to


I bet you check your bank account

>> No.56192632
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youre japanese wife huh. Living abroad happily ever after with his japanese waifu

>> No.56192648
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Because they are still a young nation with no national identity after the 1960s. To be American in the canon is to be everywhere and everyone that aligns with the sloganeering of the DC bubble. Consumerism wasn't the default for the founding stock, but then again, we are a dying breed.

>> No.56192652

The difference is for Americans the hobby quickly becomes the buying things part.
This can also be hidden. They will spend a lot of time looking up and researching equipment and reviews and what to buy… which is just consumerism. It isnt even the fucking hobby. Most of their engagement with their “hobby” is either buying shit or thinking about and preparing to buy shit, and the worst part is Americans cant even comprehend how the two arent one and the same (the hobby and buying/researching shit to buy for it)

>> No.56192654

>what non-consumerism looks like
Go on elaborate, I dare you. Let's see how superior your morality and ideology really is

>> No.56192767

>If I only bought litpon tea bags then I wouldn't be enjoying tea very much

>You don’t understand and cant help but try filtering it through your consumeristic lens of “junk” versus “quality to enjoy”

You're a retard. I don't do tea but I guarantee you that you can't enjoy coffee as a "hobby" if you're buying Folgers singles over some generic Kirkland Costco brand non-ground coffee. The step in coffee enjoyment quality is astounding even in such a small jump in actual bean quality just because the beans are not processed to hell like Folgers.

Another analogy:
>"haha you can't enjoy campfires with a shitty chineseum hatchet? Why do you need a Fiskars? what is wrong with you American troglodyte?"

Yeah ok have fun with your soft steel that you have to sharpen every 5 swings.

Example 2:
>"You like cooking with fish? What you can't enjoy the hobby with fresh Tina as much as you can with Chicken of the Sea? You fucking consumerist retard"

Like, no. You're a retard because you fail to see an increase in quality (and price) of similar things that *doesn't* just so happen to fall across brand name lines. You're the stupidest of the stupid on this board.

>> No.56192773

Paige Hill?
She's scum.

>> No.56192792

I share this sentiment, but with how Non Americans namely europeans process the world through Americans. You just don't understand what filtering information and comparison looks like without doing so through Americans. This isn't me being snarky or clever , its an evident pathology at this point. I see your point however as Americans have their own, but I can't with good conscious say consumerism is an American phenomena when I've been to European and seen the zog bugs with their Nike apparel glued to their smartphones everywhere.

>> No.56193306

>My wife is Japanese

>> No.56193556

Burgerfat poors have more disposable income than europoor middle class
>be poor burgerfat making 50k a year post tax
>pay $3.40 a gallon on fuel for a 5.7L supercharged trugg
>pay $63 a month for healthcare
>be middle class europoor making 50k a year
>pay $11 a gallon for fuel
>pay $3000 yearly fine tax for driving a 2.5L car
>pay carbon tax
>pay cow fart tax
>pay car loicense tax for to many CO2s
>pay car insurance tax on each wheel

>> No.56193736

Well yeah that's why there are faithful followers in all denominations. It's basically a big "you're right, I'm wrong". Sowing dispute among the divided is what creates wars. Today, you have wars for pepsi vs coke, android vs apple, etc. This behavior isn't unique to consumerism - it's a feature of our social functioning.

>> No.56193821

idk dude maybe you just need cooler friends. they sound like one dimensional retards to me. small talk is one thing, but if 90% of someones small talk is about brand x vs brand y vs brand z then avoid them like the plague.

>> No.56194092

Also lol @ this turning into a Euros seething at Americans thread.

>> No.56194107

It's different in Japan because they "breath" technology and their lives are different than the rest
It's not a matter of deleting their way of life, it's about improving it

>> No.56194963

kek, I also hate amerischmuks
>Verification not required.

>> No.56195479

if 90% of someone's small talk is about brands avoid them
agreed. or sports or netflix shows
sadly this is mostly all people talk about. i guess because politics is risky nowadays and religion and sex are off limits?

>> No.56195905

Don't you assholes do the same shit with soccer teams?
>i like bongchester
>nooo frenchkickers is better
>holy shit i love brown teams guys look at my nig

>> No.56197215

You still don’t understand lmao. It is like an alien way of thinking to you. Being less consumerist is nothing to do with using shitty quality things. That would still be consumerist behaviour of you kept doing it and buying cheap shit all the time

>> No.56197259

if someone says anything about eating taco bell they want you to know they have diahrea
autistic european

>> No.56197482

>Im european
I simply do not care about your opinion then.

>> No.56197575

Sorry you're from a country where you live in a 10 sq meter 8000 year old apartment with no air conditioning and are poor lol

>> No.56197596

This. Also reptilians feed on our differences, but that’s a topic for /x/

>> No.56197809

Stay poor and mad, foreigner

>> No.56197895

no you know why every1 hates jewz

>> No.56197904

Here is your (You). Don't spend them all on 1 hooker.

>> No.56198019
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>Le thinly veiled capitalism is le bad thread with a hint of larping as WMAF to relate to le 4channel gamers
So fricking epic bread

>> No.56198110

Lots of companies make shitty things so you can identify who stupid people are if they buy things from those companies. Anyone that doesn't have an iphone is a brokedick weirdo, anyone with a gaming computer that doesn't use nvidia is a malding thirdie, so on and so forth. Using the good shit puts you a cut above those who can't. Even beyond just the high end market you can tell if someone is retarded down into the midranges based on the offerings of the equipment they use. Full retard consumerism is cancer, yes, but to some degree it's just "knowing what to buy that's most cost effective" which is a necessary skill. It's why the japs get mega butthurt about their preferred brands, if you like shitty things it means you're a shitty person. Like anyone playing blizzard's games in 2023 is a lolcow not worth the cost of lead aspirin and you can just know they're a shithuffing mongoloid without even speaking to them. Same thing for anyone with gamepass, they're a midwit.

>> No.56198312

>t. consoomer who thinks money buys taste

>> No.56198350

American are the first attempt at the Coudenhove-Kallergists enlightened mutt race. Complete failure.

>> No.56198360
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>I'm euro
>I live in Japan
>I have a jap wife
Let me guess? You love anime right? And your job is teaching english?

>> No.56198374

Lay off the fent

>> No.56198429

Gibson? Maybe like 25 years ago. Nowadays ESP and the like are better more popular. Heck, even Fender is better than Gibson imo. Gibson is heavy, expensive and the fit is severly lacking.

>> No.56198520

Went to Japan and people are OBSESSED with brands. I could barely believe it.
You can clearly see who comes from consumer countries ITT.
And the crazy thing - they will defend them to their grave.
Go to /out/ sometimes, there's literally people arguing over brands all the time. At least 5 years back was like that and I had to leave.

>> No.56198558

Well put anon, there is no money cap for any "hobbie" really

>> No.56198565


nothing american about it. it's a product of corporate globalism.

>> No.56198624


and i suppose there's nothing japanese about it either. they probably weren't like this a century ago.

>> No.56199842

oh, I forgot PRS drives them nuts too

>> No.56199912

You're so mindbroken by consumerism you can't even comprehend how far gone you are.

>> No.56200101

why though?

>> No.56200264

He's right

>> No.56200342

I hear that in America if you don't have credit card debt you'll get on the FBI lists.

>> No.56200393

I lived in Japan for a few years and honestly didn't notice any major consumerism differences. If anything most people there didn't seem to have nearly as much disposable income as I did to blow on expensive shit.
I did notice american car guys in Japan hanging out at daikoku. It was never about the roads, the destinations. It was always about some shitty mod or part or car they wanted. When it came to driving I doubt they knew the difference between over and under steer. For all the mods on their sports cars they couldn't drive for shit.

Consumerism is buying shit you don't need and to impress people. Buying high quality items isn't necessarily consumerism and is often poor people cope.

I get the latest top end phones every year. The battery improvement on a fresh phone when using it all day is massive and the camera improvements are always good. Some poor faggot will cry WAHHH 2K A YEAR ON A NEW PHONE WAHHHHH.