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56187672 No.56187672 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56187677

Impressive recovery by LINK

>> No.56187680

Looks like it's happening TONIGHT!

>> No.56187687

Blackrock LINK ETF rumor

>> No.56187694
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>> No.56187697
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>> No.56187715

>it’s real
first time I’ve felt this feeling in years. god Christ I can’t wait until this is happening at higher price levels. Imagine making $200K in a day, that’s what the bullrun was like for us og’s

>> No.56187734

We're fucking winning bros

>> No.56187747

Scam pump

>> No.56187752

Is this a new meme?

>> No.56187755

It's happening, tonight.

>> No.56187756
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>mfw BTC dumps don't work anymore

>> No.56187765

It's about time for the bitcoin dominance pendulum to swing in the other direction. Let's go.

>> No.56187792
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wtf I like frog

>> No.56188145

nah they got institutional backing

>> No.56188327

Nothing is happening.

>> No.56188569
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Will LINK actually break out of the eternal crab, in this market? I'm inclined to say history will repeat again.

>> No.56188600
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I'm happy for you frens, you were right all along and deserve this victory.
t. zero linklet

>> No.56188655

It won’t until it does

>> No.56188659

Checked and bro please just buy, like, 10 LINK. You might not make it onto the yacht, but we can pull you behind on a dinghy or something.

>> No.56188718
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>You might not make it onto the yacht, but we can pull you behind on a dinghy or something
kek, thx fren
I kinda regret not slurping the $5 dip back in June, i was really close to do so, but unexpected bills came up my way.

Also, even though i consider literally every single shitcoin to be a scam but for link, which is the only real deal, what mainly held me back all these years was chainlink being supported by everything i despise the most, ie all the most demonic globohomo kikes enslaving us. I couldn't justify closing my eyes on this, even for big monies.

But more power to you, this was a hell of a turbo-fudded rollercoaster, and if there are any schitzo who deserve to make it, it's the linkbros. Being allowed to act smug and "told you so" your way around forever will be as pleasant as being filthy rich i'm sure kek. May you live comfily in the citadel.

>> No.56188939

kek. I bought like 2 link at $1.34 "that weird 4chan was full of blue hexagons probably a scam but I guess it's on coinbase now so it's maybe going to do well"
I've since accumulated over 500 times that much

>> No.56188983


>> No.56188989

Why do you hate it so much when we’re happy?

>> No.56188993

>spamming the whole board over a """pump""" to 7.10
lmfao are you kidding me
link jeets are the worst scammers on this site

>> No.56189000

Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

>> No.56189050
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Reminder that

>> No.56189056
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No linkers are subhumans

>> No.56191849

they have the idea that "anonymous = evil"