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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5617775 No.5617775 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no, thousands, no millions of IoT devices are disconnected, your car can not get a charge.

>> No.5617833

how does this broken centralized piece of shit have a 10 billion market cap

>> No.5617931


Bitfinex, Tethers, marketing hype buzzwords, and many many retards.

>> No.5618011


Because smart people know that if/when they fix things and improve the wallet, etc - it will be worth a lot more than 10 billion. Sounds like improvements are being made, so I'm hodling.

>> No.5618067

lol, this the future normie take

>> No.5618073

to be honest, I see that IOTA has potential but very very very long term, like a minimum of 2 year, and I would say even more.

>> No.5618109
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>> No.5618213

I literally last half my money buying this shitcoin at $3.60 2 weeks ago. Ethereum doubled in price since i bought it. Oh well, at least I didn't buy it at $5 ATH lmfao

>> No.5618218

damn, i thought i did wrong for leaving this shit, and i agree for doing so, because it mooned.
but hey, my decision was to focus on working products only...

iota already had its time. hold, if you can't sell with a profit, otherwise: see you mid 2018.

>> No.5618310
File: 89 KB, 500x333, IMG_0355-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you'll find in the long run is that IoTA doesn't have a useable product, there's no need for a token to be worth more than $4 when there's billions and the entire team is full of shit. I was fully invested in IoTA, made my money and got out. Not FUDin' over here either, I built an e-commerce store that takes IoTA. For about 2 months it was all I was focused on.

The other day I tried to transfer 631mi from my wallet to Binance. The process took 4 hours and I had to get the slack channel to help it confirm. It may be useful for machines down the line but I see no point in waiting out some magical $10 moon. I doubt it will hit over $6 again.

I'm not a fan of how the team acts, calling out people for valid questions and generally being cunts. Maybe I'll miss some gains, don't care.

I'm not a fan of CFB, while ridiculously talented and intelligent, he's a righteous cunt.

>> No.5618348


How about when "classical internet TCP/IP" is not used but IoT devices instead use a "meshnet of meshnets"?

>> No.5618395


Nobody's fault but your own that you bought right after an epic moon from $0.30 to over $5... It's stabalized now, so it's not going to go down much more. It will moon again, it's only a matter of time. Probably to double digits this next time...

>> No.5618441

LOL what a SHITCOIN! Asshole Devs, Garbage Platform. OUCH

>> No.5618523


Souble digits in satoshis, like 14 sats.

>> No.5618555
File: 17 KB, 600x600, GTFO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no need for a token to be worth more than $4 when there's billions and the entire team is full of shit.

Here's proof of you being a FUDDING jackass. The current eval is $4 for 1 MIOTA, not IOTA. If you can't understand that basic fact alone, you need to GTFO.

>> No.5618556

>I'm not a fan of how the team acts, calling out people for valid questions and generally being cunts. Maybe I'll miss some gains, don't care.
>I'm not a fan of CFB, while ridiculously talented and intelligent, he's a righteous cunt.

Are you in crypto to make friends or money? Iota has big problems right now but lets see what occurs... I can't imagine Bosch would willingly attach their name to something completely worthless

>> No.5618597


>> No.5618653

>Are you in crypto to make friends or money?
You must be making friends because obviously you wouldn't buy IOTA if you were expecting not to lose your money.

>> No.5618655


Try painting or cooking to improve your imagination of what Bosch would do.

>> No.5618727

New age money - stops depending on banks being open, starts depending on shit devs not working on weekends

>> No.5619070


My point is that even people with sociopathic tendencies can be successful. So what if they need PR? They'll learn the hard way. In the grand scheme of things, it's hardly going to be the thing that makes them fail

>> No.5619094
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1445692816133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is possibly the most retarded shit I've ever heard. People only look at the trading unit, dumbass. For example, RaiBlocks only has 133 Million supply at its trading unit, but 1 XRB is divisible into 1000000000000000000000000 sub units, far more than IOTA.

I can't believe idiots like you are in crypto.

>> No.5619121

OH NO! How will all the refugees validate their government gibs transactions?

>> No.5619131

lol eat shit, they bringing new vallet online

>> No.5619136


yes it can be the thing which makes them fail, their personality drives away other genius personalities, what they alone can deliver is less than what others can, see XRB, Byteball all working DAGcoins. efforts which could have been spent together to make everything better. destroyed due to assholes.

>> No.5619192

Anyone with a degree in statistics (I have an M.S) knows that IOTA is a scam.

We know what Markov Chain Monte Carlo is for, and we know that it has nothing to do with selecting an arbitrary number of tips.

>> No.5619241

>smart people know

Smart people can read their white paper and see that it extremely vulnerable to DDoS. It doesn't even work when it's centralised.

>> No.5619474

Bsc in CompSci here that can tell it's a scam too.

>> No.5619752

Same here, Bsc in CompSci, and BA in History, can tell IOTA is scam.

>> No.5619853

Same here. PhD in Theoretical Physics, can tell IOTA is scam.

>> No.5619919


Oh right, Byteball for which CFB did a massive favour by auditing and XRB which CFB has also offered to audit? Yeah what an asshole

If it was down to their occasional attitude problems they wouldn't have got this far. If it fails from now it'll be because their tech falls down

>> No.5619987

Same here im PHD in /pol science and can confirm CompSci is a scam.

>whites arian redneck race only buys arian xrb its totally secure and doesnt have a single double spending issues

>> No.5620006

Dr. Sheldon Cooper here I can tell its a scam. I do have a project you might me interested in.......

>> No.5620015

BSc in physics/mathematics and have no idea if Iota is a scam

>> No.5620022

>BA in History

Shit, all along my BA in Sewing would have taught me it's a scam. What a cock I am

>> No.5620037
File: 53 KB, 1146x402, Audit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 months and a week, we're waiting for that audit.

>> No.5620061

Given that that audit came from a sociopath, I think it's a thinly veiled threat.

>> No.5620108

Iota is for redditor fags and numales go on Xlm you faggot.

>> No.5620140


CfB never delivered any report or anything at all to Byteball from his 3-month long "audit". Besides a minor DoS, discovered by accident, yet he still claimed he could "make all bytes worthless at his will".

Thats an asshole to offert to audit it publicly with FUD, like XRB already didnt have better people than him doing audits. It did.

The attitude problem actually attracts similar people, the cultist like fanbois.

>> No.5620152


I hope he's forthcoming with it too. Both communities should want any DAG based crypto to be successful.

>> No.5620156

>hello stinky linky

>> No.5620325


If you choose to see it that way. I choose not to.

>> No.5620433

>The attitude problem actually attracts similar people, the cultist like fanbois.

What, you think it's unique to IOTA? You're living in cuckoo land.

>> No.5620478

sounds like David from the dev team showed up guys.

I know $4 is equal to one token. I'll give it that it sounds good for an IoT network, should it do what it's supposed to do. I literally said, I'm not FUDing. The fact that a single transaction had to be assisted by the team in a slack channel makes the coin useless. Wallet doesn't work, devs are jackasses and Q is a fucking carrot on a stick.