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56183952 No.56183952 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56183983


>> No.56183988


>> No.56183989


>import 3rd world
>become 3rd world

Very simple.

>> No.56183997

>make shitty economic decisions (gas and auto industry)
>let the whole world into the country to suck you dry clean, while the money gets sent back to their homelands
>successful people leaving the country because its such a terrible shithole nowadays

>> No.56184011
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sorry Mr. BND guy
I'm not going to fall for this honeypot, I know that posting the obvious reason why we're in such a state will get me Strafanzeige since you guys get all the metadata directly from my ISP. Oh yeah Germany is doing so good, we have the most competent and non-corrupt government ever, diversity is our strength I vote green :^)

>> No.56184018

Progressive policy making and a dependency on foreign raw materials.

>> No.56184039
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>whites go woke
>make retarded progtroon decisions for decades
>when the unsustainable spending and retarded woke investments backfire they scapegoat refugees who make up less than 2.5% of the population
>sheeeit we dindu nuffin da jewz made us do it
typical anglo dogs

>> No.56184050

this and an endless chain of other self-destructive govt policies

>> No.56184065

>rely entirely on russian gas while banning nuclear
>ban ICUs (which they have global leadership on) at the benefit of chink batteries

Merkel has been a disaster for Germany and Europe as a whole.

>> No.56184074

That new Berlin airport is a shining example of all that's wrong with Germany, Bureaucracy, retarded decision making, crippling regulations, constant interference from outside interests, corruption, poor materials and of course, cheap and crappy migrant labor.

>> No.56184152

The Jews taking revenge on amalek for trying to escape their slavery system

>> No.56184158

brown detected

>> No.56184160
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>> No.56184183

Go home bro.

>> No.56184202

The German government, unironically. From the bureaucracy to extremely short sighted decisions (relying on gas from a state known for being dysfunctional as shit at the best of times), reunification has made it far too complacent.

>> No.56184209

Germany is extremely retarded

>> No.56184215

and in the next years its back to other countries crying about how germany is sucking other EU countries dry

boring, next

>> No.56184232

If it's brown, flush it down.

>> No.56184239

cope n seethe you know im right

>> No.56184290

This is the most moronic thing I have seen Germany do for nearly a century. They tried to ban coal, cut off gas because of the war AND they're anti-nuclear.

Far left Germany is even more retarded than Nazi Germany.

>> No.56184355

Seriously they over corrected. Japan knew what they did but they didn't fully bend the knee and let foreigners completely destroy their country. Germany in wanting to get away so much from their bad history literally bent over and told the goat fuckers from the Middle East to make them their bitch. Also because being a Nazi never went out of the Zeitgeist so Germans for the most part are scared being called one and yet Japan that did as much shit as them managed to moved on from being called Imperialist. Then again 2 nukes got thrown at them so I guess the world thought they paid enough for what they did, well most of it anyways. China and a small part of Korea still bitch about shit that happened in WW2 when not a lot of people are left that actually lived during that time and a lot of those people would be usually worried more if they'll lat to 100 rather than bitch and moan about a war that happened in their youth. It's literally the zoomers and politicians that uses zoomer hate that fuels all of these rhetoric to this day. People should really just learn from the past and not get held by them forever. In the end it really does not matter. The sands of time will just keep on going after us humans goes extinct in another great filter in a hundred or thousands of year from now.

>> No.56184366

>blaming outsiders when his kind themselves are too weak to stop it
The guys with more grit won, nothing more to it.

>> No.56184379

How do you consider browns lowering our standard of living to a level still above their countries winning? Europe is still better than brown countries despite the brown influx

>> No.56184383

They lost WWII

>> No.56184388

Checked and dont worry. Us non germans can speak the truth for you. >>56183983

>> No.56184412

They won, they took your shit, it’s their country now, cope & seethe thanks for playing
>2 more weeks

>> No.56184434

it gets even better
>germany stops own nuke reactor cause muh danger
>we need electricity!!!!
>start buying from ungarn who spin up their old soviet era nuke reactor to fill the demand

dont you all feel saver? Cant wait for tchernobyl 2.0

>> No.56184735
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>What happened?


>> No.56184767

>it's the falut of 2M refugees in a country of 85M+ Germans

>> No.56184771

12 months

>> No.56184787

>10x higher crime rate
2m rapefuges from africa/middle east do as much damage as 20m euro immigrants

>> No.56184832

What are anglos if not German??

>> No.56184841
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>> No.56184853

>Russia invades Ukraine.
>US places sanctions on Russia.
>Russia squeezes German economy with their prices on natural gas.
>Germans are dipshits and didn't adopt nuclear energy and foresee Russian aggression.
>Are watching their whole economy go to shit.
>UK was smart enough to leave before shit hit the fan.
>EU suffers exactly as Putin wants as he strongarms NATO away from their border.
Sucks to suck but Europoors are used to it.

>> No.56184873

Truth is this is something in the very soul of the German, making surprisingly skillful short term plays but always fucking themselves over in the end because of a completely missing long term strategy. This is in contrast to the US which is the complete opposite, always fumbling but somehow keeps ending up on top.

>> No.56184911


Keep applying for refugee status, Anon of Color

>> No.56184942

Germany bet against URANIUM.

Germany got cucked by the wind and solar lobby

Wind and solar are memes compared to

>> No.56184955

>implying ill ever go to e*rope
also everyone I quoted is a dirty angloid

>> No.56184968
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The less expensive your energy is the more prosperous you become. Germany became energy poor and thus poverty follows.

>> No.56184988

>muh gas

>> No.56185029
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It's true though. There is a reason why even during the Cold War USSR was choosen as a source of gas. No ideology, pure economics. Only USSR/Russia was able to supply Eastern/Central Europe with enough cheap gas. Getting it from anywhere else is costly, since logistics and lack of alternatives are taken into account.

>> No.56185064

AfD is going to get in soon since even the normie NPCs are starting to nootice. This article is proof. Now if only AfD would go NSDAP mode once in power and disappear all of the corrupt faggots that managed to run am industrial powerhouse into the ground in less than a decade. And give Merkel a public execution to boot.

>> No.56185068

germans are too risk-averse and don't reinvest their profits into their own infrastructure, every major german infrastructure is barely functional and is only being held together by a patchwork of newer systems slapped as band-aids on top of legacy systems that are so old they should have been replaced decades ago
internet, power, gas, railways, logistics, you name it, it's all fucking rotting away and falling apart and nobody cares anymore
there's this stereotype of german trains being punctual, these days you can go to any train station anywhere in the country and you'll find half the fucking trains are gonna be late or canceled on any given day

>> No.56185084


>> No.56185086

whites don't "go woke" without jews you retarded shitskin

>> No.56185094

13 50

>> No.56185102

>turn off every single nuclear power plant for no reason

>> No.56185127

American blew up Nord Stream 2

>> No.56185140

yeah blame the turks who make up 3% of the population you stupid germans

>> No.56185150

Fact is Germany has gotten worse every time I've gone there since 2015. Not necessarily the turkroaches, but all the fucking "Syrian" niggers and other assorted trash that have no business being in Germany have rekt everything. The fact that Merkel still breathes is a crime against nature.

>> No.56185151

syrians are even more scarce than Turks

>> No.56185154

No one was ever jealous of germany. Why would anyone be jealous of a tiny worthless country that lost twice and got genocided?

>> No.56185158

they are already so rich it doesn't matter, their public services are among the best in the world, continued growth would only lead to unnecessary emissions, pumping profits of corporations, wile quality of life of Germans likely won't improve that much. not sure if they intended for that to happen or it's just something that happened, but it's not really a problem in any meaningful way
what a bigoted worldview, amazing people like you really exist in 21st century

>> No.56185190

ironically syrians are good people. But "everyone welcome" also meant literal warzone people from africa among other trash who have insanely high crime rates. There was a cop who explained it on national television and he got fired right after that. German politics in action.

>> No.56185191
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You know why

>> No.56185206

I know they're not Syrians, they're literal niggers, which is why I used quotes.

>> No.56185237

Cant use that excuse when alll white countries went woke together in unison without any real resistance. You got complacent and degenerated on your own. Sure the Jews helped but you outnumbered them 100 to 1. You did this

>> No.56185268

I don't know why people in charge don't understand this

>> No.56185282

FUDding nuclear will have been the biggest psy op of the 20th and early 21st century. Imagine having the solution to humanity's energy problems at the tip of your fingers, but choosing to purchase and burn dead dinosaur slop from countries who hate you.

>> No.56185306

its unironically this. Decades of absolutely fucking terrible decisions combined with indecision on strategically key industries. The demography issue is very peripheral to the current situation, though it will become the main social issue of germany over the next 2-3 decades.

fucking exactly lmao
>but yeah we can allow the slavs/gypsies/slavgypsy hybrids in the shithole countries to the east to operate then buy it from them
>yeah but we can buy electricity from someone else burning them or import massive amounts from a hostile shithole country that used to occupy half of our country
g*rmans are fucking retarded, i swear you could scam them into poverty with a simple shell game.

>> No.56185330

>they are already so rich it doesn't matter,
Rich with what? Germany has no natural resources and they don't have their own currency anymore (and the one they used is "backed" by the European labor pool which is garbage and shrinking.) The only thing the Germans had were the German people and that was thrown away.
Germany is third world levels of wealth (which makes sense considering they have technically always been a third world country.)

>> No.56185332

look at who funds the greens in most of the western world. It's Russia which has, since the soviet era, been trying to wrench Europe from association with the USA via getting them hooked on cheap energy. Which is the root of this entire Ukraine war, Crimea is a sideshow/convenient excuse.
Putin didn't believe that Germany would be stupid enough to crash its economy over this issue but he didnt account for the fact that the German elite is fucking retarded. Granted its the right choice long term to get off of russian oil but they now have to do it through a crash program. Even if they pulled their heads out of their asses it will be 5+ years before they'll have the infrastructure needed to unfuck this situation. Meanwhile their industrial base will lose basically all of the momentum they built over the past 20 years.

>> No.56185341


>> No.56185345

Yep. Sweden has a lot more refugees as a percentage of population and is one of Europe’s best performing economies.

>> No.56185353

Bongs are germanized Frenchmen

>> No.56185364

yes you can you retarded jew/shitskin. Jews controlled every single white country since WW2. you have no arguments

>> No.56185380

jews made up less than that of every country which hosted their rat asses and did way more damage. How is this "they're only x% of the population" even considered an argument

>> No.56185396

Wow you are so brainwashed with neoliberal economics that you believe some abstract "wealth" is an indicator of quality of life. It's not, an average person in theoretically "richer' countries like USA has quality of life significantly worse even than people in new-EU countries like Romania or Poland, which are poor as fuck by US standards. Germany has amazing quality of life that USA will maybe, MAYBE reach within ~30 years, so even if Germans completely stagnate economically for the next 25 years, they'd still be better off than grinding idiots in USA, meanwhile they'd be spending this time having a nice life with tons of free time, good health care and education, high quality public transport etc.

>> No.56185399

>inferior weak Jews somehow did damage despite being 0.01% of the population

>> No.56185409

i didn't call them either "inferior" or "weak". They're rat-like and scummy which is how they operate

>> No.56185413
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>. Germany has amazing quality of life that USA will maybe, MAYBE reach within ~30 years
Boy, I sure enjoyed my air conditioning this summer. I think the wife and I are going to take our F-150 to the local Brazilian BBQ for dinner.

>> No.56185451

food is much better, vacation time is better but social health care is shit though if you pay out of pocket private can be good again. Social health care is pure scam. They take your money but fight you on every step when it comes to actually giving you services. Its so dumb friends mum needed therapy and they saved money after she paid 20 years in, gave her less sessions than required for full recovery. Fuckers also increased monthly fee during covid claiming costs while news paper wrote record high profits for them. So literally lying fucks.

tldr: dont get scammed by "social health care" .Its purely profit driven mandatory taxation masquerading as health care.

>> No.56185492

Holy cope lmao literally 99% of those in power were white. Especially in scandinavia

>> No.56185494

/pol/cel bullshit.
Jews dont call g_d that because they know his personal name, yahweh or YH-VH they dont spell that either because they keep humility and think they are unworrhy to utter the name.
Jews are the most spiritual people in the planet and are the only ones who think of g_d 24/7.
They have schools called yeshiva where people study to become rabbis, they literally read the torah all day every day, thats all they ever do. No other group of people have this level of devotion. Hence why they are g_ds chosen, they are literally autisitic about g_d and spirituality

>> No.56185551

Socialism with no national unity.

>> No.56185601

>look at who funds the greens in most of the western world. It's Russia
The greens in Germany are American-backed and even shill for the Morganthau Plan. They want to dissolve Germany completely and make it a permanent vassal of globohomo. Other countries are similar in the sense that they are ideologically aligned with post-nationalist globalism but they are not nearly as vehemently self-destructive as the German greens.

>> No.56185615

USA/foreign backed Green party sabotaging the economy openly. Only UK is worse right now I think.

>> No.56185643

>just ignore the fact that the west has been under the thumb of the American propaganda machine since WW2
>just ignore the fact that the American propaganda machine is and has always been steered by Jewish/Zionist interests
>what is the Morganthau plan
>who is Morganthau
He was a fucking jew.

>> No.56185661

you literally proved me right, vile kikes

>> No.56185690

>hmmmm where can I post my normie tranny opinions on the internet
>Reddit? Tumblr? Facebook? Threads? Instagram?
>no, no, no
>I know, I'll go post my faggot normie opinions on 4CHAN

why do troons do this? is it the lack of self awareness due to mental illness?

>> No.56185702

>What happened?
Hitler didn't win.

>> No.56185730

> from ungarn who spin up their old soviet era nuke reactor to fill the demand

nigga we've been living off the paks reactor ever since it was built but you brown lover trannyfucker krauts were screetching and blocking the idea when we wanted to expand it with paks 2

>> No.56185746

Their entire national identity revolves around self-flagellation for nazism. They aren't a serious country and they routinely make illogical decisions because their self-interest is not their number 1 priority. This is the most benign explanation btw, the truth is probably much more malevolent.

>> No.56185754

>cope n seethe you know im right

you think all whiteys are the same while complaining about white people being ignorant

>> No.56185775

the ones I quoted were angloid mutts. Regardless germans and anglos are very close genetically so its irrelevant. Stop the cope

>> No.56185777

When will Germans' self-punishment end?

>> No.56185830

native germans are dying out and then nobody is left to care. They are currently only 30% of the youth. So give it a few decades and its done.

>> No.56185832
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When picrel happens but by then it will probably be too late.

>> No.56185844

>that one time Trump told the germs to stop relying to oil yet get laughed by them

>> No.56185902

The AfD are corrupt Russian bootlickers, they wouldn't improve anything for anyone but themselves. They are nazis selling out Germany.

>> No.56185913

I guess that's what happens to a nation when you lose a war.

>> No.56185923

This is an example of avg native german specimen. Bunch of burn the witch synonyms mashed together so he can keep voting for old corrupt parties. At its core it still the follow the fuhrer mentality that repeats whatever TV tells them to think.

>> No.56185930

>They are nazis
Wtf I love the AfD now

>> No.56185982

Because data which is available to everyone like party funding or the fact that AfD party members went to the fucking warzone in Ukraine (protected by whom?) to see for themselves if this whole war thing is actually real and no hoax are "whatever the TV tells me"? Come on, Boris. Pack up your gay friends here and post some covid or bbc bait on /b/.

>> No.56186020

The whole nazi thing started at the party foundatiion cause they wanted to reduce immigration. I remember so dont even try to scapegoat with your bullshit. You native krauts are retards.

>> No.56186035


>> No.56186073

Trump curse, fuck em'

>> No.56186084

Ukraine war and US destroyed the nordstream 2. Their industry cannot survive without cheap fuel.

>> No.56186101

They love hate, too much acceptance just makes them want to be more depraved.

>> No.56186105

Can you point out to me what Trump has to do with Germany?

>> No.56186106

What do you remember? In 2016 they were way different from what they are now. It's not about muh EU and muh gold anymore. Again you can find quotes of AfD party members which clearly show that a significant part of them is confirmed right-wing extremists. But people are retarded and don't care until it's too late. If Brexit taught us one thing then it's people are too stupid to think about the consequences of their own actions. That is especially true for people aged 50+.

>> No.56186118

>Again you can find quotes of AfD party members which clearly show that a significant part of them is confirmed right-wing extremists.
Thats whats based. Whats your point?

>> No.56186148

The problem with Germany is not just that they did a single mistake. When you list them up
>exit nuclear
>sanction their energy provider
>not defending energy infrastructure
>chastising their biggest export partner
>threatening working population with highes taxes
>pushing for all kinds of green regulations

.. you realize these all symptoms for something deeper. There is something utterly fucked with the german mindset, completely, irreversibly fucked, that it will take a completely new generation that will have grown up in the ashes of what all these policies above will results in. This is still 20 years in the future, but the current mindset that the average German has, there is too much wrong for it to be fixed with just one policy. The current generation of Germans need to die before the next one can even attempt to change course.

>> No.56186167



>> No.56186180

No, what is any of this Trumps business?
Maybe then you understand what the problem here is.
Trump and Biden were both opposed to Nordstream.
Its american policy to destroy Germany

>> No.56186187

The next generation of Germans are syrians and africans. There's no way to undo demographic replacement, which is why (((they))) insist so forcefully on it, even despite popular outrage. It's literally their final solution.

>> No.56186196

Nah that's retarded when many especially small and medium sized companies can't find employees. That is actually what kills the economy, but nazi tards seem to forget that someone has to cut the döner meat they want to eat at 10pm and it's not going to be Paul or Hans.

>> No.56186199

Isnt that true for all of western countries?

>> No.56186210
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Noone gives a fuck about Döner, Mehmet. Go back to Turkey

>> No.56186220

>Its american policy to destroy Germany
Maybe true, but its your fault if you fall for all the retarded scams like >>56186148 listed

>> No.56186238

Come back, when your own president isnt about to be thrown in jail and you doing fuck all about it.

>> No.56186239

How is that demographic replacement going to work in your opinion? What you seem to ignore is that 2nd geners born in the country the parents migrated to are a lot more likely to live a life similar to that of the inhabitants which means women do not just pump out 20 kids and that's it. They focus on careers and shit unlike their parent generation.

>> No.56186248

Yes, Germany is just ground zero since they put up the most awesome resistance to international jewry the world has ever seen and thus occupy a place of particular animus in the jewish mind.
The same anti-nazi propaganda that was inflicted on Germans is inflicted on the Allies as well, even though they ostensibly fought to defeat the nazis. Why do you think that is.

>> No.56186255

Bavarians aren't German.

>> No.56186257

>There is something utterly fucked with the german mindset, completely, irreversibly fucked
It's called de-nazification. The solution is to broadcast The Greatest Story Never Told on ARD and ZDF everyday for 10 years.

>> No.56186266

Cool story, Mehmet

>> No.56186289

>Bavarians aren't German.
That's racist.

>> No.56186290

>It's called de-nazification.
The war-era propaganda never ended. In fact it was intensified and expanded to all white nations. That's because WW2 was never really allies vs axis, it was fundamentally jews vs goyim, and the war never ended.

>> No.56186364

Sergay, Vlad and Boris, you are needed back at the front.

>> No.56186365

You are Arabs aren’t you?

>> No.56186399

You realize these are ukainian names as well?

>> No.56186400


>> No.56186433

Cope. You outed yourself as a literal KKK nazi racist. Your opinion means nothing ad you should die.
100% Bavarian phenotype reporting in.

>> No.56186816
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they got cucked

>> No.56186823

A: International Jewry.

>> No.56186833

Those are symptoms of the problem.
You were right until the first half of the third line. Ethnic non-Germans are a huge problem long-term, and they are well over 2.5%
This is the issue. The problem started in 1945 when Germany was emasculated. If you want to go further, 1939 when their schizo leader decided to be Napoleon.

>> No.56186845

jews, jews and more jews

>> No.56186916
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Who cares?
Germany isn't even a real country.

>> No.56186956

There are around 2 million refugees in germany. thats around 2.3% of the population. Most of which arrived after 2015. Germany was already woke as fuck and degenerate by then.

>> No.56186960
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>its not the jews
low IQ detected

>> No.56186983

I never said anything about refugees, nor did 2 out of the 3 you replied to.

>> No.56186990

>I never said anything about refugees
Yes you did

>> No.56187010

You are mentally ill. I never said refugees.

>> No.56187025

refugees are non germans?

>> No.56187103

You mean the legal migrants most of which come from EU countries? Other than turks the rest of browns are syrians and maybe Afghans aka refugees. Its heavily implied that its about refugees

>> No.56187691

a brown is a brown is a brown. they're all net negative to the locale by the time they thankfully die.

>> No.56188728

Dont you Sweden as a example of a good society. It went from the most peaceful country in Europe to the 3rd most violent country in Europe per crimes indices, the rape and gun capital of Europe and now suffers from 1 bombing every 3 days (100+ bombings last year).
The fact that dishonest dogs like yourself ignore this is what's wrong with modern Europe.
The question then becomes, who is causing this civil unrest? Hint: the local Swedish didn't just become antisocial psychos.

>> No.56188894

16 years of Merkel in office

>> No.56188947

Traitors in government.

>> No.56188987

Best performing in rapes yeah

>> No.56189211
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And? I said ethnic non Germans, most of them aren't refugees, you dense cunt.

>> No.56190002

I think we in the UK are performing worse but the predictions come from IMF, they aren't going to be making positive predictions about our state.
All I can say is my business is looking to grow 5x in the next 3 years unless we really do get a recession.
In the mean time I have enough fiat saved to buy the absolute best property I can get hold of if and when the crash happens.
The reality is probably that nothing will happen.

>> No.56190013

But the Franks are partly germanic as well as celtic and Latin. Bongs are also Scandinavian celtic and germanic along with some French

>> No.56190057
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the whole west is collapsing every year according to the IMF

>> No.56190104
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Kek, indeed. Why did they lose their shit over nuclear again? Because of Fukoshima?

>> No.56190159
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>What happened?
- Importing shit shistkins
- Closing nuclear power plant AND stopping Russian gaz importation

A suicide by retarded ecologists importing niggers.

>> No.56190169

Stupid nigger

>> No.56190222

Best performing in rapes and grenade attacks per capita.

>> No.56190363

Simple. A woman was in charge of the country for far too long. Retarded short vision policies. But hey, they're krauts, it's in their DNA to destroy europe. For a third time now.

>> No.56190396

germany couldn't stay #1 economy in eu forever

>> No.56190585

As opposed to which european country? Enlighten us.
That hasnt changed

>> No.56190611

saxons and jutes you retard

>> No.56190658

Germany is just the most evident of the bunch. Europe hasn't been serious since WW2. Just a long winded decay. Everything they do is about appealing to the lowest common denominator, growing the state, paying off more dependents, feminizing. Nothing about entrepreneurship, ambition, growth, raising the ceiling. The results speak for themselves.

If you had a business, would you want to structure it to devote all resources to babying your least valuable employees (janitors, HR, secretaries), or towards empowering and motivating your top people (engineers, salesmen)? They've been doing the former for decades.

>> No.56190670

ITT white people coping

>> No.56190697

Say what you want but the germans themselves are most at fault for electing a woman and being complacent about Jewish influence

>> No.56190972
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>> No.56191171
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Sided with ZOG.
Jeets seething as usual. HELLO SAAR

>> No.56191882

this is why you get oven'd

>> No.56191952

you guys are sending your entire native population to the dumpster but at least it's with FACTS and LOGIC you will probably be confused why you are being beaten by an eritrean in your nursing home because the statistics didn't account for this

>> No.56191955

What are you supposed to even do as a German?
>Houses/flats cost ridiculous amounts anywhere that isn't an abandoned village with average age of 60.
>Pay 45% of your income as tax
>In the coming years millions of boomers are retiring.
What the fuck will happen to this country in the next 5-10 years when the mass retirement happens? You would need to import millions of foreigners that actually want to work (which isn't even hard, just import Asians and Latinos instead of the trash that Africans don't even want).
The boomers will destroy the country with their final breath when they all finally hit retirement age.
I wish I studied something where I could easily migrate to the Anglosphere, becoming a doctor was a mistake.

>> No.56192009

>he will spend his career healing the people who fuck him in the ass every day
rough, Hans

>> No.56192061

>Say what you want but the germans themselves are most at fault for being occupied by a jewish-american global terrorist force and thus having no own say in their own country's policy

ok kike

>> No.56192113

>just import Asians and Latinos
Germany isnt the country of Latinos and Asians you retarded nigger

>> No.56192625

doesn't matter in the end. the solution has always been brown-eye genocide.

>> No.56192650


that and the natives that betrayed their country

>> No.56192691

>What are you supposed to even do as a German?
Leave while you still can.
I left in 2014. In 2015 Merkel started her refugee party, which goes on until today.

There is too much insanity in that country. You need to leave now while you are still young and you still do not have capital (because there are big soft walls preventing capital to leave, e.g. if you move to dubai your (global) stock investments are still to be taxed in Germany for the next 10 years after you leave).

>> No.56193065
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But they have
>free healthcare
>free livable wages wages
>free education
>free housing
>free electricity
> free gasoline
>free food
>free retirement
>free vacations
Literally how could this happen!! I’m so angry now, this is capitalisms fault!!! reeeeee!!!!

>> No.56193086
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Can’t tell if y’all are trolling or just retarded. Immigrant’s children make up 40% of the under 18’s in Germany. 80% of these niggers are on government benefits and don’t work.
Import the 3rd world. Become the 3rd world.

>> No.56193087

I thought Germany couldn't have nuclear power plants because J*ws didn't want them to be able to make nuclear weapons?

>> No.56193111

Why do you quote me when I agree with you? Why is there zero reading comprehension on this board?

>> No.56193131

You’re actually retarded. 40% of the under 18’s are non-German you utter dunce. 80% of Syrian “refugees” don’t work, are on government assistance, or don’t work and are on government assistance. That’s just the Syrian “refugees”. When you add up all of the “refugees” you see that you have a massive amount of the population has an unsustainable, parasitic relationship with the productive class.

>> No.56193144
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they're still ahead of usa in standard of living. nobody wants to go broke if they go to hospital or pay student loans many years kek

but it's true immigrants drag you to hell. it happened to france, sweden is falling fast as government have lost contro lof the crime, and germany too suffers. obviously 3rd world people turn their new homes into shit.


>> No.56193149
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Ctrl + F



>> No.56193157
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This explains exactly the failure of democracy. Because it ALWAYS devolves into pandering to the lowest common denominator. And as Europe gets browner the lowest common denominator gets dumber, more violent, and more self-serving.

>> No.56193201
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Very based
Soon anglos will be exposed

>> No.56193287

No you idiot, I meant to respond to him >>56184366

>> No.56193304

They are the tools of the actual globalists who rule and subjugate you, you retard. And if you are one of these shitskins living in Europe then you are the dumb, unwitting tool of people who hate you too, but are just using you as a means to an end.

>> No.56193311

hey retard most of those are EU economic migrants not refugees and they work. The refugees on welfare are part of the 2 million i mentioned.

>> No.56194831

Sure they do.. for now… just wait 10 years and more of their institutions are filled with incompetent browns. A country’s brown population is directly correlated with a shittier standard of living.

>> No.56194860

it shut down its nuclear plants, allowed immigrants to take over in droves, and lost its identity.

>> No.56195818

>The monarchy can't control the population, they're only 1%

>> No.56196606

except most of the monarchy are also white retard. Especially true in scandinavian countries.