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File: 264 KB, 2560x1309, F6nnM5VW8AArcKR (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56181450 No.56181450 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it fascinating?

>> No.56181455

yes it is fascinating how you draw ur imaginary lines to make ur weird delusional TA work like its magic. retarded piece of shit

>> No.56181477

yea, you definitely don't get any pussy

>> No.56181486

nice astrology bro

>> No.56181492

actually wrong, man ur senses are off, u shouldnt try to guess charts with ur guts

>> No.56181520

>n-no you're wrong, women really do like me!
ok virgin

>> No.56181563

>Isn't it fascinating?
Not really

>> No.56181658
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>> No.56181676

I'm a confirmed iq 70 idiot and even i can see your lines are taken out of your ass

>> No.56181771
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>> No.56181811

How does something that doesn’t exist have any value at all? Explain to me like I’m a boomer.

>> No.56181822

>explain like I'm a boomer
Why bother? Youll be dead in a couple years

>> No.56181841

nice tea leaves bro

>> No.56181857

It's the native token of a decentralized monetary system. Some may think it's worthless while other think it's priceless.

>> No.56181938

Get some pussy my dude

>> No.56181957


Stop acting like you are a niggerman who is genetically incapable of seeing that these lines are drawn in a way to speculate future value.

Unless, you are a niggerman than telling you something is like not telling you that thing.

>> No.56182239
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Head and shoulders?

>> No.56182298

Define value
You can't

>> No.56182511
File: 2.18 MB, 1448x2048, スカイ - 自撮り (111616493) .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw lines on a chart
>Bet money on them

>> No.56183031

>Isn't it fascinating?

Good for you to notice. Losers here will forever stay poor because they lack basic pattern recognition skills.

>> No.56183042


>> No.56183316
File: 306 KB, 1200x800, 1686742138472853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ir real. It is the electrons moving through the Bitcoin ASIC performing the proof-of-work (PoW) cryptographic hash function.

>> No.56183684

we are nowhere near the parabola yet, thats all based on the halving and the fundamentals its shift, not shitty memelines drawn on the chart
i also like how he chooses either the candles or the wicks to fit his narrative

>> No.56183722

I can destroy your whole premise with one fact: the FED money printer has stopped and most people are barely affording to live.

>> No.56183776

>Whackofffags are on the loose again
Brutally bearish

>> No.56184669
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No it isn't , the FTX crash is the equivalent of Ivan Manuel Molina Lee loosing Crypto Capital money back in 2019 in Poland , the equivalent of Covid crash has still not happened to BTC , this is coming next when stable coins will get rekt under (MiCA) regulation.

>> No.56184691

explain how mica has any jurisdiction over stables coins that arent even in euros, since there isnt a euro tether
it has some sense that the sec might go after dollar/treasury things in tax havens but that the eu garbage has this power is beyond delusional

>> No.56184730
File: 85 KB, 800x534, 1628993356454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most value is invisible in this universe. It's the material stuff that "exists" that is nearly worthless. Money is just worthless pieces of paper for example. It's not the paper that makes it valuable but the invisible spell cast upon it and through it that makes it move mountains.

>> No.56184749

>>I can destroy your whole premise with one fact: the FED money printer has stopped

wrong, idiot. it just slowed down a little bit. before the next fake election it'll be turned on again

>> No.56184756

Did the seven year expiry in September get cancelled?

>> No.56184768
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everyone is going after stablecoins in 2024
Europe, HongKong , US regulators , you name it you brain dead retard

wash trading of stablecoins was pumping the price not the laughable retail demand , now it's going to end , banks are bringing their own stablecoins , no space for tether and other stablescoins anymore

you talking about tax heavens that will get a crackdown ?

and i am being called delusional , LOL

>> No.56184776

not buying

>> No.56184780

so what probability would you guess that it plays out?

and whats your invalidation thesis? would a weekly candle close below 23500 invalidate it?

to me, 20k and lower seems inevitable from an FA perspective

>> No.56184813

the uk will never go after tax havens that they control retard
the uk finance web is the only thing keeping that island afloat after they lost their empire, thats the whole grift they will say bullshit but never actually do anything about it
been going on since the 60's, but you still havent caught on
you also failed to tell me how as you proposed mica/the eu would go after stables

but go ahead keep using tether fud its the golden oldie that never gets used up
but before you go off in impotent seething do tell me this
if crypto is worthless and propped up by fake tether washtrading, then as per your own post why would banks go into the space and issue their own stables to buy the non value?

>> No.56184825
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Ok here goes: imagine you want to hold precious metals such as gold for your retirement account. Now according to the IRS gold must be at least 99.5% pure in order to qualify as being investment worthy. Now sure you can get lower purity gold but its not as desirable as higher purity for this very reason. Now imagine you want to get the highest purity gold, im talking 99.999% pure gold. Still that means .001% of all the atoms in your gold bar are not gold. Now according to jmbullion truly 100% gold is impossible to achieve see: https://www.jmbullion.com/investing-guide/types-physical-metals/fine-gold/

So in reality there is always some amount of adulteration in your “gold” meaning you accept some amount of fake in your collection.

With bitcoin, you can achieve 100% purity or in this case 100% proof that your digital gold is in fact the real thing. That’s because every block added to the chain is another layer of proof that it is real otherwise this block wouldn’t be able to get added to the existing chain of blocks. So you see, the more blocks that get added the more sure you can be that you have 100% pure bitcoin. This is something that gold cannot achieve even with our modern metallurgy techniques which is why bitcoin is a superior store of value.

>> No.56184918
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You a the retard KYS


The U.K. tax authority has given taxpayers named in the Pandora Papers — among the world’s biggest leaks of financial information — a deadline to settle their outstanding tax debts, or risk harsh penalties.

On June 5, HM Revenue & Customs began sending letters to hundreds of U.K. residents implicated in the 2021 ICIJ investigation, which revealed how the rich and powerful use offshore tax havens to hide and move their money.

“Tax evasion is increasingly global — but, unfortunately for tax criminals, so is HMRC’s reach, accessing data and intelligence through international collaboration,” Kelly Telford, HMRC’s deputy director for offshore risk, said in a statement.

ICIJ and its partners spent two years sifting through the 11.9 million confidential files contained in the Pandora Papers, which were leaked from 14 financial services firms that set up shell companies and offshore nooks for their clients. The Pandora Papers revealed the financial secrets of world leaders, oligarchs, mobsters and more, exposing a shadow economy that benefits the wealthy and the well-connected.

The investigation surpassed previous ICIJ leaks, including the 2016 Panama Papers, in scale, and triggered government crackdowns and legislative and rule changes in dozens of countries.

“Our message to users of these financial services is: Think hard and take this opportunity to be honest, and pay the tax you owe, because the reputational and financial damage if you don’t can be significant and long-lasting,” Telford said.

“We are giving people a narrow window of time to do the right thing and correct their tax records before we take action.”

Recipients of the letters have 30 days to report taxable offshore income and gains or face fines of up to 200% of any tax owed. The agency warned dishonesty could lead to prosecution.

>> No.56184933
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>"muh sex"

>> No.56184975

lol max reddit spacing and peak midwit
of course the uk goes after its own subjects evading taxes the system is setup to allow other nationals to park their loot there
but really do keep posting more links to fud yourself out of buying because tether will collapse any day now, it will be extra hilarious in 2 years

>> No.56185010
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so what do you geniuses trade based on if not analyzing charts? do you blindly hit buy at any price and hope for the best?

>> No.56185013

>bitcoin... real thing
what a retard

>> No.56185062
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Hey twat
When a bank loses customers it's called a bank run and bank collapses
When a tax heaven loses customers it collapses in the same manner you brain dead retard , try running a tax heaven without other peoples money .LOL

Hey retard it's not only UK , it's a global crackdown on wealthy tax dodgers you retard

Like I said KYS , you will do the planet a favour

>> No.56185221
File: 670 KB, 320x234, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And don't tell me tax heavens can't collapse , you brain dead retard


>> No.56185246

Should hit at least 40 or 50k EOY. Will it go higher? Who knows.

>> No.56185284

yep tether will collapse any day now, i didnt miss the bottom and somehow this is all to my advantage

come back to me when whitehall actually has juridiction over the city lol
but again post another 50 articles to fud yourself

>> No.56185357
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Coins at home frens

>> No.56185675
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KEK what a retard , MT Gox was as well to big to fail , retards like you where repeating it until it wasn't , keep comforting yourself that tether is indestructable when all G20 countries are cracking down on all tax heavens


Even Barry Silbert will poop his pants with his Digital Currency Group

Remember you retard , this time is different XD

>> No.56185717
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in pic as the system is cucking me

>> No.56185940
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Lol, Whitehall not but the King has jurisdiction you fucking midwit , especially that his not legally liable to pay income tax, capital gains tax or inheritance tax because the relevant enactments do not apply to the Crown, so he will not tax himself by doing so.

>> No.56186085

let me guess, you got this info from the fed themselves? ....and you actually believe them?

>> No.56186121

o we got a real high iq anon in our midst here
do please explain to us dirty commoners how in modern constitutional monarchies the monarch has more power than parliament
mind you the same parliament in which the royal seat grants all the powers to the monarch in question
dont exert yourself i'll eagerly await your next no doubt equally high iq reply

and again all crypto is worthless because of tether so best do all of ourselves a favor and never come back to this here crypto board as it is all worthless no doubt

>> No.56186659
File: 603 KB, 836x814, c23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monarch is the Sovereign you midwit

>> No.56186691
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next time remember to bow in front of the King , you dirty mutt

>> No.56186708
File: 364 KB, 804x1528, TIMESAND___8u8ys7w12jjskskyrh8ueoj088tjt82mjdhhuj6e89kof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted a few charts relating to the jewish scam that my rapist Helene sponsored in cahoots with her kike gang in 2016, but there is another detail I have not belabored as much due to my inability to find the corresponding chart as a jpg. (The little-mentioned detail appears near the end.) The image above shows all the things that happened on the day I went to Exide in 2018 to demand the paperwork I had been unable to obtain by phone calls and emails. The procedural error in the Mueller investigation is that the people at Exide had to lie and bullshit me more than they were expecting to have to, but then the Supreme Court's FISA court (or something) told them that they have unlimited impunity to lie to me and deceive me as much as they want to.

>> No.56186712
File: 147 KB, 1088x722, TIMESAND___hvhFx1HPqsFNfPw4ObHbC69d32gY4ab3G2ji6806g9D47wqg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Exide to get the paperwork explaining what agreements my legal person JONATHAN WARREN TOOKER had been entered into when I got hired, and confirmation that these agreements were terminated when I quit in January 2017. That same day, Jamal "Cash OG" Khashoggi got killed going to the Saudi embassy to get confirmation of his divorce. I didn't get killed, but the representative from Exide, "Mr Gay," called the cops on me and had them issue me a criminal trespass notice against returning after he refused to give me the paperwork I was requesting. He kept referring only to "employment agreements" in a very lawyerly fashion after I kept insisting that we should discuss "all agreements" that my fictious legal person was entered into via the hiring paperwork. He would only say that all "employment agreements" had been terminated, but I knew that since my pay had been cut off. I told him that I wanted to discuss "all agreements" because I was there investigating my fraud allegations against them that they had defrauded me in 2016 by fraudulent misrepresentation of the hiring paperwork. Specifically, I was alleging that my legal person had been conscripted into some non-employment fraud agreements that I had never been notified of, that I had never discussed, and that I had certainly never agreed to. Despite my many insistences, he would only give me a non-binding verbal assurance that all "employment agreements" had been terminated, and he would not discuss "all agreements" with me at all. This suggested to me that, indeed, Exide had conscripted my fictitious legal person into some fraud scam. He would not provide the documents I was requesting, which was all the paperwork I had signed during my hiring and employment at Exide. Eventually, he called the cops and they took me to jail after giving me the CT notice which made it illegal for me to keep trying to get the paperwork.

>> No.56186719

During our meeting, Mr Gay kept insisting that I had not terminated my employment at Exide until February of 2017, but he conceded in a later email that I had terminated it in January of that year. I got raped and given some giant surgical operation on my perineum in the few days between when I quit and the time when Mr. Gay was insisting that I quit. I have never had such a painful anal rape surgery as the one described here, not before and not since, and I think he was trying to say that that gargantuan rape surgery happened while I was still an Exide employee, which was bullshit.

>> No.56186723
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The chart posted above as the main image pertains to my fraud allegations in 2018, but I have also posted this chart before. It shows that although the Fed balance and the stock market had moved in tandem since QE started after the 2008-2009 financial crisis, suddenly in 2016 the stock market started going up without more QE. This was due to the fraud paperwork that was served to me as the main gist of Operation Crossfire Hurricane when I got fired from Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions in June of 2016 and then hired at Exide in September. (The emails in "the DNC hack" were my emails from Lexis Nexis: mainly my emails with "Jesse" and "Clarence" in Boca Raton, FL which is in the Congressional district of Wasserman-Schultz, who was the chair of the DNC at that time. The man "Don" in the desk next to mine at Lexis Nexis looked just like Assange except with a pencil thin mustache, and I think Assange feels safe saying that the DNC emails could not have been hacked due to the transfer speed recorded in the metadata only being consistent with local download because "Don" downloaded the emails at the computer next to mine. While the DNC emails are said to be highly derogatory, there is another dataset called "the Exide audit tracker" which did not get leaked, as far as I know, but which contains information thousands or millions of times more derogatory than the information in the DNC "hack." I understand the USA does not like it that Russia somehow obtain the audit tracker data.)

>> No.56186726

Not gonna happen. Btc is dead like everything mineable

>> No.56186728
File: 135 KB, 745x513, TIMESAND___hvhC69d32gY4ab3G2ji6806Fx1HPqsFNfPw4ObHbg9D47wqg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back to this chart:
the name Khashoggi references "Cash OG" because my inheritance---called at times The Black Eagle Trust, The Five Star Trust, the Nazi Gold, the Global Collateral Accounts, and even (wrongly) The Bank of the CIA---is what the USA stole via Operation Crossfire Hurricane to fund this dislocation in the correlation between the Fed BS and the stock market. All of this upside since 2016, which is lamented by many pundits as making no sense at all in the face of terrible fundamentals, is paid for 100% with the money Helene and her kike friends stole from me before they put me out on the street to rot in the gutter in the alley behind the Downtown Library in spring of 2017.

>> No.56186733
File: 79 KB, 697x500, TIMESAND___672g5rfgKI010SLKFIYTE8JDF9Kf0kfk95hmhjyo7TYeY9w4vr90i1Bii3vU6IER9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that I have also shown that COVID was launched about one year after I requested copies of Exide's fraud docs because the Fed had to suddenly revise the terms of the financial fraud. Although it is not labeled in this chart, you can see that the sharp 2019 cusp in the Fed BS chart ("Realize can't cut") followed my paperwork request by about six months.

>> No.56186735

So, there is one more chart that I have not mentioned since I was never able to find a copy of it to post. Before I went to Exide in October of 2018 to inform them that I was alleging that they had fraudulently misrepresented the hiring paperwork to me, I emailed the hiring manager: Maureen Cirillo. This was in late September 2018. If you can find that email and look at the time stamp, then you can also look at the international currency conversion chart called "cable" which trades USD/GBP. If you look at the chart with the candles in single minute resolution, then you will see something like a 10-sigma spike in the cable chart (estimated sigmas) as people shit their pants when I sent the email asking for the paperwork. This sharp spike in the cable chart was the precursor to the 2019 earthquake in the Feb BS chart: "Realize can't cut":
The Fed had begun to do balance sheet reduction saying that they don't need to hold a balance when the USA's Exide fraud allows them to steal from me directly, but my paperwork request terminated that arrangement, somehow, without me being able to get my hands on the money that the jews have been stealing from me for many years. Apparently, the financial authorities did not grant the Fed the same license to do fraud that the judicial authorities extended to the jews at Exide.

>> No.56186738
File: 561 KB, 1337x582, TIMESAND___hvhFx1HPqsFNfPw4ObHbCY4ab3G2ji680669d32gg9D47wqg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things related in this post help explain why I'm called "Cash OG," but even then this information does not amount to the sum of it. I own the whole world, and everything and everyone in it. Everyone who thinks Thomas Jefferson writing, "Nuh-uh," about 250 years ago cancelled my ownership rights is dead wrong.

Finally, this chart (posted above) shows that the forward expectations for the Fed rate immediately collapsed following my paperwork request when I informed Exide that I was investigating nefarious fraud allegations.

>> No.56186744
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>> No.56186748
File: 355 KB, 2442x1329, TIMESAND___0hhqsNfw4ObbY4ab3G2i869d3ggD4wqFxHPg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56186781
File: 79 KB, 640x959, 1000004586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you know

>> No.56186817

It have value because some people believe it have value, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It's like forcing a meme, it's awkward at first but the more you force it the more people will start to use it unironically, until you got an actual legit meme. Calling anyone above 30 a boomer was a forced meme at first, now everyone does it even outside of 4channel.