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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56179623 No.56179623 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really fall for this inflation propaganda?

>> No.56179633
File: 232 KB, 1080x1164, 20230915_094149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say a vast majority of the statist cucks believe inflation propaganda.

>> No.56179639

No because I have a working set of eyes and can clearly see the cost of everything has gone up a lot in the past few years?

>> No.56179654

It’s honestly not even inflation. People are just now lazier thanks to all the technology these days. I work two jobs with my second job taking up both my Friday nights and full Saturday and Sunday. People don’t understand that if you want MORE you need to work MORE.

Stop complaining about lunch prices, I usually just fast all day and only eat a small meal at the end of the day. People want a house yet refuse to make sacrifices for it.

>> No.56179658


>> No.56179661

>If you remove all the measurements the line goes down!

>> No.56179675

>just don’t eat goy

>> No.56179676

Yes. If you tell everyone to worry about and prepare for inflation, you can magically raise prices by 5-100% and they'll pay it. Is it actually that much more expensive for producers? No. But consumers have no idea so of course they'll just pay higher prices.

>> No.56179692

i wonder what people like Krugman and Cramer think when they look in the mirror at the end of the day

>> No.56179707
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>just remove food, energy, shelter and cars

>> No.56179712

>Real estate and cars aren't two of the most heavily speculated industries full of absolutely retarded sensationalist faggots trying to get the highest price possible
Guys come on

>> No.56179713

>Removing things that people use and the things that actually matter to the Median.
Yeah looks all right.

What kind of corrupt CCP shill psyop shit is this.
They fell? you better be paid off.

>> No.56179717

>ebul capitalists across all industries are colluding to increase prices
>it's not that the cost of business is becoming more expensive and through sneedback loops creating ripple effects across the broader economy resulting in higher prices
>Verification not required.

>> No.56179719

Eating one meal a day is incredibly unhealthy.

>> No.56179731

its great for testosterone and HGH since insulin is antagonistic to both. you just have to be sure to get a daily dose of calories in that one meal. what makes you think it would be unhealthy?

>> No.56179754

Retard alert. Gasoline is a primary input for a majority of the economy, guess who practically killed all domestic oil leases in 2021. I'm not even bringing up the fact that 40% of all dollars were created in the last 3 years.

>> No.56179759

>the fight against inflation still has a long way to go
How the everliving FUCK do people still not know that the purpose of all this is to enslave everyone without access to a money printer. God damn I'm completely rooting for the NWO at this point, the masses absolutely deserve it.

>> No.56179770
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>not eating around the clock is unhealthy

>> No.56179782
File: 169 KB, 970x1300, bb28bdbd-130f-4f7d-a183-c401fc1b121e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored so I decided to track how much my rent has been increasing since I moved to Argentina back in 2017.
Pic related

>> No.56179783

>record profits across the board

>> No.56179792

Oh christ if you faggots can't have a conversation about inflation or the economy without making it a Dems vs Repubs thing just please fuck off back to >>>/pol/

It's genuinely pitiful how you make everything into some false dichotomy

>> No.56179794
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All number are in ARS obviously

>> No.56179800

It's like they don't understand what PROFIT means. They're all fucking landlords probably.

>> No.56179801
File: 66 KB, 966x516, 9207eca2-995f-4afb-82fd-ccb508e9bff3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh when Americans complain about 5% inflation
This shithole should be renamed Zimbabwe 2.0, literally failed state-tier

>> No.56179804

Nigga is you trolling?

>> No.56179833

>I'm not even bringing up the fact that 40% of all dollars were created in the last 3 years.
Good thing. I wonder what caused the high inflation?

>> No.56179852


Every time I hit up the store I'm walking away with $50 dollars worth of groceries that would be $20-25 5-6 years ago

>> No.56179856

>I laugh when Americans complain about 5% inflation
But it isn't 5%. In the past 2-3 years the prices of many things have quadrupled or more.

>be me
>brought brekky cereal today
>price went up 50% since last week

>> No.56179861

You get monthly rent increases?

>> No.56179862

Combination of increasing money supply and oil prices caused inflation. Le ebil capitalists just deciding to charge more for goods is a literal retard tier argument.

>> No.56179870

So what you’re essentially saying is the situation in the U.S can go 10000x worse and YET we won’t see a single riot due to inflation?
I guess (((their))) control is just too strong, so probably not alarming. Seems like they’re in total control with their distraction mechanisms.

>> No.56179878

So.......you just don't believe that business owners could possibly ever take advantage of anyone? Lmao. Bet you pay like $100 for haircuts and see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.56179910

Yes, and that's just rent.
I didn't include utilitiew like gas, electricity and internet as well as groceries, etc., which increase almost every month.

>> No.56179919

If a barbershop decided to charge $100 to price gouge their competitors would simply charge less. You're assuming that competitors in industries with small barriers of entry would work together in the real world because you've never heard of game theory and the prisoner's dilemma.

>> No.56179924

>>record profits across the board
>businesses can operate at a loss
*Record* profits in *inflated* money, set against inflated costs.

>> No.56179930

I cant imagine how such an economy would work. How do you plan ahead?
How do people save money. Do they put it in gold?

>> No.56179931

I literally don't do my own shopping anymore so I don't know.

>> No.56179933

>he thinks "record profits" in nominal terms means record profits in real terms
brainlets detected

>> No.56179935

Oh christ holy shit lololol MUH ECON 101 PARADIGMS

Bro it's 2023 and most industries are dominated by a small handful of companies that are almost all owned by the same few conglomerates. If you don't understand that you're either in the third world or working for the conglomerates.

>> No.56179948

>They're all fucking landlords probably.
I am a landchad actually though kek. Get fucked rentcuck, you're too retarded to ever make it.

>> No.56179959
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at this rate only millionaires will be able to afford beef.

>> No.56179967

Bet you see no issue with overcharging for a virtual necessity. Maybe I'm poor but at least I'm not a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.56179972

>I cant imagine how such an economy would work.
It doesn't
>How do you plan ahead?
You don't
>How do people save money. Do they put it in gold?
They don't. People just buy everything on credit and pay in installments and pile on more debt with loans and more loans.

>> No.56179981

I guess inflation was just a passing fad that went the way of the fax machine. Thanks for the wisdom, Krugman!

>> No.56179990
File: 1.77 MB, 498x284, 5745334353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well

>> No.56180017

why did you move to argentina? seems pretty insane

>> No.56180045

>Bet you see no issue with overcharging for a virtual necessity.
I charge what tenants are willing to pay. Your fault if you can't compete with other rentcucks in the market.
>Maybe I'm poor but at least I'm not a fucking piece of shit.
Maybe instead of moralfagging like a prissy bitch you should grow a brain and learn how to make some money.

>> No.56180051

Let's just say it wasn't voluntary

>> No.56180059

Lmfao spoken like a true piece of shit landlord. I bet contractors fleece the fuck out of you and you deserve it. Get a real job faggot.

>> No.56180061

it's only a matter of time before an unhinged schizophrenic digs your spinal column out of your back with a steak knife

>> No.56180067

Enjoy living in the pod and eating the bugs.
>Verification not required.

>> No.56180072

Working that much is definitely unhealthy, but there's nothing at all wrong with time-restricted eating.

>> No.56180092

>leftcuck rentoid has delusions of grandeur about brutally murdering people richer, more successful and better looking than his incel self

>> No.56180103

i own my 3700 square foot home outright, poornigger leech.

>> No.56180124

Nigga shit is more expensive than it was a week ago

>> No.56180125

they chuckle to themselves, pocket their misbegotten bags, then call their mistresses and blast some fucking lines

>> No.56180139

And you vhill pay for it!

>> No.56180141
File: 60 KB, 500x775, 409fb036f0d4451835734b03bfe37a93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some things wrong with it, according to Dr Peter Attia.

It's definitely terrible for muscle growth, maybe if you eat steak which takes all day to digest. Otherwise you certainly don't have enough protein in your bloodstream to build muscle. Bodybuilders eat 5 small meals per day.

>> No.56180158

Paul Krugman knows exactly what he is doing - with a satanic certainty he knows.

>> No.56180212

>Dr Peter Attia

>> No.56180219

>exhibit #3407 of why rentcucks are going to be put in to collars and only allowed to roam the fields when their landlords let them off a leash for an hour on sundays

>> No.56180223

Enjoy having everyone you know think you're a huge piece of shit as soon as they find out you're a landlord lol

>> No.56180229

>leftcuck has delusions of grandeur about brutally murdering people richer, more successful and better looking than his incel self
Fixed. That's enough space to accommodate a few poor, helpless rapefugees and I'm sure your wife would appreciate having a few bigger dicks around to stretch out her holes since you're clearly lacking in that department.

>> No.56180258

Cope. Even if it were true, it doesn't change the fact that every rentoid if given the choice would become a landlord. It's always the biggest moralizing faggots that are also the biggest hypocrites.

>> No.56180276

it’s a doggy dog world

>> No.56180295

>Do people really fall for this inflation propaganda?
Yes, they really do.
Your beliefs are transitory
> Stop complaining about lunch prices, just fast all day

>> No.56180297

Checked. You can reliably confirm that anything krugman says is false, so this doesn’t look good, if tweet is real

>> No.56180300

Hahahahaha do you really believe that deluded shit? Man come on, get real. You charge people more money than they'd spend on a mortgage and justify it to yourself by appealing to Muh Market. Never mind that it's people like you directly preventing those same people from owning that house because.......you bought it to rent out. Landlords are a special kind of self absorbed asshole and somehow everyone knows but them.

>> No.56180304

Inflation has been a complete nothing burger since bears have started to scream about it. But the chicken littles of the world always do this kind of shit

>> No.56180314

As I said, you're coping. Fix your life.

>> No.56180341

Its not that you’re wrong
it’s just you still believe that it shouldn’t be this way, and this is just how people are.

>> No.56180360

Lmao eat shit you fucking leech

I know people are this way, we're just greedy chimpanzees appealing to base instincts. It's just lame as fuck when people like this fag try to justify it. Just admit you love money and fucking your fellow man over

>> No.56180408

Kek seething obstinate bitch. You will never make it.
No he's not correct. His attitude is exactly why he will never make it. He automatically assumes that a landlord charging market rate for use of his property = exploitation, as if the tenants were forced to sign the leasing agreement. They weren't. If they can't afford it, then they need to move, or figure out how to make more. Simple as.

>> No.56180432

He’s probably going to burn in hell, don’t worry about it. Some people are just shitty, anon. No sense getting worked up over it

>> No.56180457

meant for

>> No.56180479

It is quite simply exploitative to buy up residential properties just to use them as rental income. You're ignoring that basic reality because it suits your situation. People can't afford to buy houses because people like you will pay above market price because banks will give you a loan first because they know you're going to try to squeeze as much money as possible out of tenants. Disingenuous as fuck.

>> No.56180490

I just think the Internet is sadly lacking in voices that push back against this shit, so the attitude just fizzles out and they think they're in the right

>> No.56180508

So this is the vaxxie cattle mental gymnastics behind inflation

>> No.56180510

I lived in my property then converted it to a rental when I moved somewhere else. Fuck off moralizing nigger.

>> No.56180518

>i wonder what people like Krugman and Cramer think when they look in the mirror at the end of the day
"That was some damn good blow"

>> No.56180520

Krugman is just doing a bit. The jews all laugh while the npcs believe it

>> No.56180522

And?? You still have more than one house and charge poorer people too much money to live in one of them. You'll justify this however you can because you're a greedy faggot but come on man, do you really not acknowledge what you're doing and how it affects other people?

Lmfao imagine believing that businesses won't fleece customers as much as they can get away with. Wow.

>> No.56180525

well, just look around kek
things aren’t really looking so good. There are bigger fish to fry than landlords, have some faith

>> No.56180572

I did not
>buy up residential properties just to use them as rental income
nor am I "charging too much", you brainlet. Like all leftcucks you claim I'm disingenuous while you misrepresent my situation and my motives. If you were smart you would figure out what you need to do to escape rentcucking, but I'm afraid it's beyond you. /biz/ is not for poorfag redditors, so I think it's about time you go the fuck back.

>> No.56180605

Not a leftoid but keep making assumptions yourself lol. Your motive is to use a virtual necessity as your source of income instead of actually working, like the people you're charging rent. Like all landlords you're completely ignoring the fact that people like you are physically preventing people from buying houses because you own it to speculate on rental income. But you also admitted to charging whatever the market will take, which is typically much higher than what the mortgage would be on the same house. And since rent doesn't count towards credit, you're preventing these people from counting a large portion of their income towards their chances for future home ownership. It's basic shit but of course you'll ignore it.

>> No.56180658

Jfc this board just gets worse by the hour. Filter the faggots ID and move on with your day.

>> No.56180660

I think the statistic is 13,000,000 vacant homes in the usa

>> No.56180661

Lol, thats what capitalist econ propaganda works in text books. In practice all the barbers see that other barbers raised their prices and raise theirs to match. Then they tell you (dumb money) that its beyond their control and were forced to raise prices because of "inflation". Then you (dumb money) falls for it every time.

>> No.56180677

Ohhh watch out here come the angry landlords

And no one can buy them because the banks are waiting for some asshole to buy a shitbox for $400k to rent it for $2,500/month

>> No.56180685

>heh stupid goyim

>> No.56180727

Like all leftoids you fundamentally have issues with property rights and the law of supply and demand. There is no reason why I should be forced to sell my old residence instead of converting it to a rental. Desu, small landlords are not your issue, the system is more fucked than you realize because
>easy credit for mortgages pumps house prices
>immigration pumps house prices
>zoning laws which restrict building more houses pumps house prices
>California techfags pump house prices
You have so many better targets for your ire than landchads kek. You should grow up and figure out how to succeed in the system unless you want to stay poor, because no revolution is coming to save you. I also have a job btw. Sneed.

>> No.56180743

See your perspective is all fucking warped from either being raised by a faggot landlord or from just becoming one yourself. It's not about being "forced" to sell your property, it's about acknowledging that being a landlord is parasite behavior and if you genuinely believe that everyone should have an opportunity to own their own house then you shouldn't want to own more than one since, very simply, you would physically be preventing someone else from owning it. But sure, blame literally everything else you possibly can instead of acknowledging your very clear contribution to the issue. Lmao.

>> No.56180926

Your perspective is warped by being raised by communist faggot or being a communist faggot yourself. Use of property (and maintainance thereof) is a service that landlords provide. If that is "parasitical" then so is every other instance of a service where there is a transaction and a component is taken as a fee, i.e. cost of business, which is absurd. No one is entitled to property if they don't have the means to acquire it, for instance if you are priced out of one area then you need to go somewhere cheaper (there are lots of cheaper places). It's telling that you fixate on landlords in particular and not the massive mortgage debt scheme propping up the whole charade.

>> No.56180941

>Remove car, shelter, every, food

>> No.56180966

>back in my day we worked two full time jobs and starved ourselves and we still couldn't afford food or shelter
Nice economy there, a nice boot sandwich for dinner for you

>> No.56180988
File: 1.24 MB, 889x844, mfw my hands look like this declined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law’—which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants—becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.”

>> No.56182111

This is definitely misleading. There’s no way eggs inflation is 6%. A year ago I was paying $5 for a dozen of eggs and now it’s $1.30

Chicken is also significantly cheaper than it was last year. I got a whole chicken on sale for $4 last week

>> No.56182130

I have 110k saved up and make 78k a year and only houses I can afford are small old pieces of shit.

t. phoenix arizona

fuck this desert shithole

>> No.56182205
File: 68 KB, 961x589, dasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITs over. Prepare your anus for recession and deflation. We will be wishing for the days eggs were $5 a dozen, at least we had jobs.