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File: 111 KB, 1079x367, Screenshot_20230923-084143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56177100 No.56177100 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you T-Billin' and chillin' dummies

>> No.56177104

The U.S. government is beyond bankrupt, these are hardly risk-free.

>> No.56177110

You can get 45% on Argentinian 10 year t bills

>> No.56177116

Lol, doomerfag. Stick to your dog coins.

>> No.56177120

Let it all Burn

>> No.56177125

as a millennial, i have never been so financially comfy. my parents used to talk about the days of high-interest bank accounts. people my age have always had to take risk to make decent money. they are getting into "safe" returns for the first time and they will continue selling risk assets. i think this effect on stocks shouldnt be underestimated.

>> No.56177136

>I’m so excited that banks are giving me interest rates that are less than half the true rate of inflation
>finally I can sit back while I get wealthy from inflation outpacing my bank interest rate

>> No.56177146

The USA will NEVER be able to keep inflation under 5 for a year, much less 10.
You end up with less money than you started with.

>> No.56177161

if youre getting anxious about not beating inflation, youre going to be a retard and buy the top. the time to make money was 2 years ago. if you missed it, you fucked up. now is the time for defense mode while awaiting another great entry price into risk assets.

nothing wrong with waiting a bit, you can focus on other things in life while traders lose their asses.

>> No.56177168

I don't understand the interest rate on tbills. If it's 5% for a 10 yr bill, do I get 5% every day, year, or only at maturity? It doesn't sound so good if it's 5% in 10 years...

>> No.56177173
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same. been saving cash for 15 years as was priced out of most assets. feels pretty good now.

i really hope interest rates remain above 5% of next 10 years. but i doubt it. that pussy is going to bring back to 0% asap

>> No.56177177

because we are at the bottom of crypto which will give like 100% min in 2 years

there's a reason they have to increase rates in t bills so much, any liquid cash in the current market is worth double if you know where to invest

>> No.56177178

I don't trust jews.

>> No.56177180

>if you know where to invest
let me guess nyanpondobamasonicbonktoaddogepepemalfoydesantisinu coin?

>> No.56177191

The interest rate is annual. I think interest is paid monthly and you get your principal back at the end

>> No.56177194

I won't tell you since you were rude but honestly any old alt will give you at least 50% to the next top which is way more than your gay Tbills

>> No.56177198


> the time to make money

Market timing doesn't work.

There is always something that is unfairly cheaper than everything else.

The second best time to plant a tree is now. It is always a good time to invest because humans as long as we exist find it convenient to do division of labor

>> No.56177201

I earn 12-15% on covered call etfs.

>> No.56177218

You have to go back

>> No.56177233

ironically you would be correct if you simply swap "2 years ago" and "now" in your post

>> No.56177275
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I don't think that's correct. Check pic.

>> No.56177310

The U.S. will never default, dumb guy. It's a forever bogeyman and if it did happen, you'd have much bigger problems on your hands. That's a buy.

>> No.56177357

>Market timing doesn't work.
ok sure, my timing has more to do with entering a new chapter in life. its nice to step back, focus on building a family, and earning >0.1% passively

im talking about 100%+ not 12%, a few more percentage points isnt worth the stress

>> No.56177367

if you want it monthly you can just get a short treasury ETF, there's a bunch of em
that's what I did with my cash because my bank didn't want to raise the interest they paid on savings (I think it's still at like 0.5%) and transferring that cash to brokerage was easier than opening another bank account.

>> No.56177371

ok boomer. just keep everything on autopilot. keep those 401k contributions and dividend reinvest. whatever you do don't think about market conditions or opportunities in time

>> No.56177381

if the U.S Government defaults, not getting your money back will be the least of your problems.
if that ever happens nukes will be flying.

>> No.56177442
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Because real inflation (including housing, gas and food) is far over 5.5% APY. Need to be making 10% to break even Bucko. Now kindly G.F.Y.

>> No.56177463

Thanks for the tip. Yeah, that sounds less hands on than buying tbills manually every month.

>> No.56177960

>been saving cash for 15 years and missed out on the biggest bubble of all time
>calls anyone else a pussy
lmao have fun staying poor

>> No.56177969
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>it cum n gu

>> No.56177987
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because i'm european and can't have 5.5%
i wish i could

>> No.56178550

i value being liquid over holding inflated bubble assets

>> No.56178608

TBills are great now that they've got non-laughable interest rates. I have whatever safety cash I need in TBills so I can put the rest of my money into high risk/reward assets.

>> No.56178712

kek do you even know if they gonna pay?? they usually just default their debts, and their inflation is in 3 digits.

>> No.56178951

Every 2017 alt will go at least 5-10x it's 2017 ATH over the next 2 years. Do what you will.

>> No.56179126

>Celsius offering 8% APY
>hahahaha what a scam!
>US govt offering 6% APY

Can you feel it? Because it’s coming.

>> No.56179131

Because inflation is 15% so you're losing money retard

>> No.56179137

How come they didn't last bullrun then?

>> No.56179145

So you're only making -3%-0% per year with your boomer nonsense. Congrats idiot.

>> No.56179184

>market timing doesn't work
Hi can you explain to me how selling my Bitcoin at $58k when Elon musk went on Saturday night live to shill dogecoin "didn't work"? Maybe how selling my Shopify stock for $140 after it went up 10x in less than 2 years was just "not possible" to do? Perhaps you'll be shocked that I'm buying Exxon right now
... it's just impossible to know anything.

>> No.56179232

It's priced in.

>> No.56179328

I'll buy some right now. How do I do it?

>> No.56179418

You are wrong. The pic you posted is for short term Treasury Bills of less than 1 year duration.
What this anon >>56177191 says is correct for 2-10 year Treasury Bonds. Bonds and Bills are different forms of Treasury and do pay differently.
Stop being so lazy and dumb. Setting up an account at https://www.treasurydirect.gov/ is as easy as setting up an account anywhere online. The account can be hooked to a high yield savings account. Money from the savings account goes to pay for the treasurys you buy. When the treasurys mature/interest is paid the money automatically goes back into savings. Rinse. Repeat.

>> No.56179430

Read the bottom of this post >>56179418
Then go here https://www.treasurydirect.gov and get started.

>> No.56179440
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These niggas are weeks from declaring bankruptcy and splitting up Yugoslavia style civil war who the fuck is dumb enough to lend them money

>> No.56179454

Cheers bro I might throw a few grand into it just for the lulz. I'm gonna be a risk taker and go for the highest yield + longest term. I have a terrible memory so I will probably forget about these funds for years anyway.

>> No.56179488

guaranteed to lose money on

>> No.56179493

Imagine thinking crypto isn’t dead
the crypto bull run will never happen again

>> No.56179537

should I do the reinvestment option? If so, how many times?
Is 17-weeks maturity good choice because it has the highest rates?

>> No.56179736

>loaning the feds money while banks get to inflate the supply indefinitely
imagine being this retarded

>> No.56179806
File: 86 KB, 1069x806, 1652749880339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol REAL inflation is waaaayyyyy higher. You need WAY more than 5%
>W-what am I doing to get >5% ? ...
Thank you everyone, very cool

>> No.56179815

Fpbp look at all the boomers you pissed off. Their probably all vaxxed too.

>> No.56179819

my money market account makes 5.2% and i can withdraw whenever i want, why the fuck would I T-bill

>> No.56180252


>> No.56180370


>> No.56180377

You could get 19.5% Canadian Savings Bonds back in the 1980s

>> No.56180412

You're a fucking idiot of you're holding fiat for the nominal interest rate. Holding to buy assets cheap is OK, interest rate doesn't matter. Buying for some retarded supply inflation funded ponzi rate is retarded.

>> No.56180436

Interest on 2-10 year notes is paid every 6-months.

>> No.56180460

Its no better or worse that if it was 2% or 7%. The "interest" is just paid by money printing, more debt, and your piece of the pie still goes down. Its a fucking numbers game, retard. to trick you into thinking its a better deal. Buts its literally shitcoin ponzinomics.

>> No.56180591

Because you can possibly lose money on mm accounts
Because t-bills are still paying higher
Because mm gains are subject to both state and local taxes while t-bills are not
Because t-bills also have great liquidity when selling on the secondary market

>> No.56180610

The only way it can pay these bonds is by issuing more bonds at an even higher interest rate. If they do that, then these bonds are worth less than what you paid for them.

Remember that whatever the rate is for treasuries, the inflation rate will always be higher because the government has to inflate away the currency to pay them. It's a terrible deal which is why nobody is biting.

>> No.56180614


>> No.56180627

5.5? What do you mean you earn 4.5%? Better go t-bills for 3.5% goy!

>> No.56180638

this. its no different than shitcoins that pay a high apy with supply dilution.

>> No.56180681

Because it's a midwit trap

>> No.56180713

Because you lose money if the rate go even higher, and it will, because no one is buying US debt even at this rate. That why you have to shill here.

>> No.56180735

This is the time to be a midwit. There’s no other assets priced reasonably priced at the moment

>> No.56180745

I wish people that failed econ class in high school would remove themselves from this board.

>> No.56180851

only smart person in this thread. its bait for midwits and faggot boomers

>> No.56180866

this is also a direct response to coinbase offering 5% on usdc

>> No.56180868

>this guy is giving you financial advice

>> No.56180870

The US government issues the fiat currency, it's not possible for them to default on USD-denomiated debt other than by deliberate choice.

>> No.56180950

its called inflation

>> No.56181177

That's actually true. I post bobo at least 3 times every week.

>> No.56181218

>just buy some imaginary boomer bill, goy

>> No.56181882

>gold, btc, stocks aren't liquid
Do you have trillions? You could market sell your networth without slippage, fuck off with 'cash is more liquid'

>> No.56181889

>bail in
Whoops, goodbye 30% wealth, I hardly knew ye.

>> No.56181899

they probably meant stability/volatility, lots of people confuse them with liquidity.

>> No.56181900

Psy-op to lure retail into locking in their funds and missing the bullrun

>> No.56182009
File: 388 KB, 1451x828, 9D10020A-D180-418C-AA1A-8EBAAA2DE676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The account can be hooked to a high yield savings account

So if you hook the account to a high yield savings can you double dip on the interest from t bills and the high yield account? Is this assuming you aren’t drawing any of the interest and just putting the t bill interest back into high yield? Just trying to understand the actual process.

>> No.56182044

I was getting 12% in 2021

>> No.56182046

The US isn't going to collapse in 2 years, dear anon.

>> No.56182047

Money market funds are a thing you know.

>> No.56182144
File: 33 KB, 680x591, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll buy a piece of real estate in the US after the rally.

I should point out here that I'm a bong.

But it's just too much of a beautiful opertunity to miss, to own the land, the appreciation on it and the turbo seethe of it not only not being available anymore but not even being owned by a US citizen.

I know right. It's terrible.

But..... it would also be hilarious for the seethe lols. Particularly as there's absolutely nothing whatsoever members of the US public could do to prevent that happening legally. Or for that matter, physically. What are they going to do? Shoot me? From 3000 plus miles away?

>t. Le ebil basterd toucher of land

>> No.56182279

We don’t really seethe about Joe Schmoe from bumfuck nowhere buying his little parcel of land. Now Chinese corporations and black rock buying up lots of inventory and controlling the market by controlling supply, yea that actually affects us. Chances are if you’re sitting comfy in your country of residence squatters or homeless will come along and decrease your investment by just existing. Give them a few years and they’ll own it unless you take matters into your own hands but then you’ll be going to pound me town for trying to protect part of your livelihood.

>> No.56182294

When the bond market crashes, maybe. Setting orders at 50 - 75 might pay off

>> No.56182297

fpbp boomers mad

>> No.56182305

Are you a melt-up up fag?

>> No.56182336
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>don't care
>bumfuck nowhere
>Joe schmoe
haven't even bought it yet & its already working, it's calling to me

>> No.56182620


Even if Treasury Bills seem "good investment" it is not. Inflation is always higher than treusury yield because gov. must print more and more money every time to pay up these bills. The higher the yield, more printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.56182643
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your id alone is a better post than 90% itt

>> No.56182710


>> No.56183412

it won't be a default it will be a debt reduction through inflation, sure you'll get your 5.5% but inflation will be much higher

>> No.56183416

Good luck convincing any bank to let you deposit meaningful amounts of money into an exchange.
So far I’ve had 7 banks close down on me for moving $10k+ Ass soon as I cross 10k they freeze down my account “for my safety”

>> No.56183603

>etrade bank now morgan stanley snooty bank
>dump fuckin siiick figs in and out of exchanges with it for the past 7 years
>never a single problem
Stop banking with first national bank of western nebraska

>> No.56183614

Then buy i-bonds nigger

>> No.56183628

You can get a savings account with that rate.

>> No.56184047

>bro just pay your gains to vanguard and blackrock to use their etf isntead of using the actualyl only decent government website to buy it yourself
Why are you so stupid you just dont buy it yourself? Seriously tired of idiots on this board suggesting etfs for everything. go back to R*ddit to buy etfs.

>> No.56184108

They roll over automatically you absolute retard fuck

>> No.56185919

I'm willing to pay ten bepis or whatever for the convenience of not having more separate account that I need to transfer money between, for being able to buy and sell more easily, and, as mentioned above, getting a monthly interest payment instead of having to deal with "no coupon, buy it at a discount, it matures at par in N months"

>> No.56186039

>some kike mouthpiece tells me to buy some made up paper shit backed by The Full Faith and Credit of the US Federal Government
Yeah no I'm still buying assets

>> No.56186170

Tbills not taxed fool

>> No.56186541

You're a clown if you think you're safe with T bills. Have you seen the recent US debt profile?
I saw T bills before opting for stable coin yield farming instead and I ain't no fool for doing that.

>> No.56186582

T-bill and chill assumes you'll be able to reinvest the money at comparable short-end rates for long enough for this to be meaningful. This risk is we cut rates within 1-2 years max and your 5.5% goes to like 2% real quick. Probably better to move into like 3-5 year duration if you don't mind taking a bit of curve risk while still locking in high yields for many years. If the 10yr keeps blowing out the way it has hitting that above 5% might be a generational trade too

>> No.56186707

Maybe you could be a fool but you haven't just found out yet. So what do you get for farming stables?

>> No.56186893

>So what do you get for farming stables?
I'll ignore everything else you said because you're probably one of those airheads on biz.
I actually get yields ranging from 15-23% on the SpoolFi pools I leverage on. There are pools with higher risks but this ones suit my risk appetite.

>> No.56186903

>15 years of cash
>wont hold anything inflated

who is going to tell him

>> No.56186917

Because 3 months is too long to trust the US government with your money as >>56186582 points out. You can mitigate that risk by buying 1-month bills instead at a cost of 25 bepis

>> No.56187162

Apart from stables, do you stake anything else?

>> No.56187225

wtf are money markets? what if i just want to do like 1 week yields instead of 1 or 3 months or longer

>> No.56187259

MMFs are just mutual funds with a nav of $1 that invest minimal duration bonds to maintain high liquidity and distribute interest. It's the tradfi equivalent of a stablecoin.

>> No.56187591
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>> No.56187597

that's not beating inflation yet. i'll jump in when it hits 7.5%

>> No.56187599

Cuz I got 300% on nvda, boomer

>> No.56187639

>it's free money! there's no way I can lose on this.
laughs in federal government

>> No.56187649

I tip my brim to the fellow gentlemen who appreciate my sage advice

>> No.56187776
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>> No.56187803

i-bonds have a weird ass formula for how the interest is set, you can't sell them - you must hold to maturity, and you can only by $10k anyways. I'm not even saying don't buy t-bills, if you need something low volatility it's better to hold them than cash no matter what inflation is.

still taxed federally, just no state or local

> what if i just want to do like 1 week yields instead of 1 or 3 months or longer
You can buy t-bills or bonds that are maturing within a week or two from a brokerage account, but I'd just buy a money market fund to avoid fucking with that every week.

>> No.56187818

>Because you can possibly lose money on mm accounts
>Because t-bills are still paying higher
sure, but not by much, and you have less liquidity
>Because mm gains are subject to both state and local taxes while t-bills are not
ok fair
>Because t-bills also have great liquidity when selling on the secondary market

the tax thing makes a lot of sense, thanks anon, unfortunately i need the liquidity as im unemployed and who knows what will happen

>> No.56188807

I currently stake just stables on Spool because that's what v1 supports; v2 will support staking of all ERC-20 tokens but it's not live yet. I also stake some other alts on Camelot DEX.

>> No.56188832

>run all monthly expenses on charge or credit card at beginning of billing cycle
>lock this cash away into a t-bill that ends before bill due date
>make 5.5% (annualized) plus cash back perks with no risk of being unable to pay bills

>> No.56189031
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>dont worry about tomorrow because tomorrow might not come
Retard alert.

>> No.56189573

Soon 30-year treasury bond yields will reach 15% just like they did back in the 1980s

>> No.56191203

Here's someone with a long term overview, i would rather have my assets in stablecoin pools.

>> No.56191542

Aren't they also subjected to inflation?

>> No.56191688

You can leverage on yield aggregators like SpoolFI which can help you create yield strategies to earn risk-mitigated yields.

>> No.56191738

4-week T-bills all year, auto re-invest. 5%+ yearly returns. EZ money. Zoomers don't like it cuz it's "boring", meanwhile they are losing money on shitcoins. Turns out the best investments are still the safest ones.

>> No.56191903

>can't cash in meme
War has changed

>> No.56194196
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TD has literally never asked me anything about my money. I withdrew $6500 cash for a car without ID earlier this year, years past I bounced over 10k between my account and exchanges multiple times. It's basically the only thing Canadians do right

>> No.56194607

>infinite printing to debase the debt is not the same thing as defaulting
these are the illiterates giving you financial advice

>> No.56195449


>> No.56195455

Gtfo go back to your dead shitcord server nigger

>> No.56195874

I just dropped $51k in a13 year in my inherited IRA because I got to wait until January to get the rest anyway. It's only going to make me $140 more than what my brokerage is currently paying.
Technically I dropped $50,300 or something, because you get the interest up front as a discount.
I'm going to wait to see where the settlement fund default interest goes before I put the post tax part into any more bills. 0.25% more might not be worth tying up, and there's no reason to hurry to lock it in. Fed isn't going anywhere.

>> No.56195884

Also, it's not 5.5%. I got 5.47%. So fuck off?

>> No.56195942

Also, it's ass backwards. You don't get interest on a principle, you get a discount up front. Since you pay less this makes the rate bigger. Take this extreme example:

Bank@50% rate: put in $1, get back $1.50. Profit =50%

Tbill@50% rate: bid on $1 Bill@$0.50. Put in fifty cents. Get back a dollar. 100% profit.

Either way you put up a dollar and get fifty cents, but with the discount system you get the profit up front.
It's really a good deal right now

>> No.56195967

My costs aren't going up like that. If you're feeling inflation, you were buying overpriced shit in the first place.

>> No.56195976

Almost half of us bonds are foreign held...

>> No.56195998

If lending the us govt will make it break up sooner I will loan it every dollar I have and every dollar I can beg, borrow, and steal.

>> No.56196016

Leave it off, and check the rates from the previous week just before they mature. If you like the rates turn it back on. They do this every week. If you miss one it's no big deal.

>> No.56196036

I literally did this for the extra $140. I'm not touching this money until January for tax reasons tho, so it makes sense. I'm considering doing more, but I'm going to wait a bit and think about it.

>> No.56196064

Stonks. Buy the dip now.

>> No.56196072

I mean the bankrupt uninsured scam coin exchange?

>> No.56196112

Are you stupid? They always pay obligations during shutdowns. Those are political theatre. We've had at least three in my lifetime.

>> No.56196119

You can buy CDs that are almost due.

>> No.56196143

Debt is infinitely accruible and infinitely forgivable. It's not like the dollar is based on something we're going to run out of. Buy gold if you're worried about it.

>> No.56196345

It's based on trust and patience, and everyone is running out of it, I hope the us gets invaded and enslaved by the world

>> No.56197249


>> No.56197808

Only if all you care about is getting dollars and not dollars that are actually worth anything. The only reason anyone invests in something is because they think they can profit in real terms. The stability of the dollar's value is considered an obligation and liability of the fed. And people invest in government debt because they believe that stability will ensure they will receive a certain amount of real value in the end. Both a failure of payment and failure to maintain the value of the dollar are in effect defaults on the government's obligations. Debt is not infinity accruable without defaulting on one of those aspects, there is only so much real value in the world that is purchasable by dollars.

>> No.56198595

And infinitely forgivable. You don't get it.
They don't have a choice. BRICS is fail.

>> No.56198715

You should watch out as the next president will likely make it illegal for non-citizens to own properties and land when the effect from the border crossings really start to get much worse
>Burns down chink buildings
Everything personnel kid

>> No.56199208

Brics is as fail as the us, it doesn't matter, the dollar will keep going down

>> No.56199255

What will take up the volume? Money also serves a role as an investment medium. No other country ahs anything worth investing in.

I am not arguing that the fundamentals are declining. But where will the money go?

>> No.56199328

This. 5.5% on 10k is laughable. The only reason to sit in cash is to buy assets for cheap.

>> No.56199344

You realize that those ETF with old long bonds at 2% lost half value to gain interest at 5% mixed in to the new bonds. And you realize that you not only make 5% of initial investment but also the different back to the new rates after cut?