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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56174988 No.56174988 [Reply] [Original]

When chainlink makes us millionaires let’s all go to the other boards and gloat. Claim your board ITT. I choose /toy/ I’m gonna float so much telling those stupids that they could have bought link instead of figshit

>> No.56175033

why would you want to spread misery after acquiring so much happiness and freedom? you should try to help people, it's much more fulfilling

>> No.56175038

Because other boards always make fun of crypto

>> No.56175050
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I like frog

>> No.56175056
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I didn't make that meme for it to be used in ill will

>> No.56175057

Ok you can have /ck/

>> No.56175063

You can have /r9k/

>> No.56175069

Particularly motor/sp/ort when I get to drive actual genuine racecars

>> No.56175072

kek. how does it feel 9 and 10 figure chads who didn't fall for this are gloating on this very board, right now, while you're preparing your speech?

>> No.56175074

other boards are going to seethe at us, arent they :(

>> No.56175076
File: 25 KB, 655x509, 46554767548561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're lucky you're funny

>> No.56175090

I want to make fun of /a/. Those faggots ban you for any frog post

>> No.56175100

That’s a good one but they’ll probably ban you fast since those jannies police there 24/7

>> No.56175113

ok, I want /xs/ those bastards made fun of my waifu

>> No.56175196

none of you deserve to make it. you should be helping your fellow anon not abusing them. only fuddies deserve punishment.

>> No.56175200

But the other boards make fun of crypto and call us retarded

>> No.56175210

>1 shot at generational wealth
>decided to coom instead

>> No.56175238

ignorance is not maliciousness

>> No.56175243

How many suicide and how many make it?

>> No.56175457

Green is so you know im right.

Money is for good

>> No.56175530
File: 642 KB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_20230922_195543_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure! Just 2 more weeks! And xrp will go to 2k a coin too!

>> No.56175539


>> No.56175556

Love thy neighbor

>> No.56175599

ill scoop up the origami board and put chainlink banners all over it
i will make origami with $100 bills and have a daily general dedicated to how great and rich i am
i don't know anything about origami, but i will learn origami just to do this

>> No.56175606
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no wonder they idolize third world porn addicted cockroaches (pic rel)

>> No.56175608
File: 1.08 MB, 3763x1640, peepee pepe patent kleros case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take his ass to Kleros court. You will win for sure.

>> No.56175618

Claiming /pol/, imagine seething forever about society when you could hypergamble your way out of it

>> No.56175695

HOLY BASEDO GM based kings

>> No.56175711

the reason you get made fun of is because you care about what others think. prime bullying victim, like most link holders

>> No.56175725

>I like frog
This. When I make it, I'm just going to spend all my time frogposting on ever board, especially /lit/.

>> No.56175738

>i want to be a chat gpt frogbot
lmao okay open ai real organic people actually want to be more like frogbots

>> No.56175743

But he's not and neither are you

>> No.56175744
File: 674 KB, 1125x1708, F860D397-3688-49F6-B8B8-A483C38B68A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your dad know youre a fanook

>> No.56175747

This kid quit porn or copes by fudding link?
Lmao link holders are mentally ill

>> No.56175749

imagine not having a masturbation problem

>> No.56175785
File: 193 KB, 1577x1682, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao and he comes out of the woodwork immediately
fuck i love how easily upset you are, faggot
has anyone told your friends or family about what a loser you are yet? or do they already know?
nah, he's definitely still obsessed with porn
half the poorly made fud memes he posts feature degenerate porn shit, and he wastes thousands of hours of his life trying to fud an allegedly useless token on a dead board
surely you didn't have high expectations of a retard so unemployable that he works for actual MLM pyramid scheme companies, did you?

>> No.56175801

This and Checked. If you have to gloat you haven't really made it.

>> No.56175831

If enough people on here actually get rich off LINK it’s going to be a new era of 4chan where anons are posting all sorts of stupid shit they end up doing. It will single-handedly shift the culture on here unironically

>> No.56175851

That’s why we’re choosing boards right now. I will be king of /toy/

>> No.56175874

/toy/ and especially /o/ will be the easiest boards to mog once you make it

>> No.56175881
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I will fund snoot game 2 electric boogaloo

>> No.56175897

>fuddies deserve punishment
Fuddies out here working tirelessly, trying to save you morons from damnation. Do you not have any thanks for us?

>> No.56176009
File: 33 KB, 289x289, F28VhVrXwAgKFpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should buy 4chan and delete all porn and vain topics. It will be a traditional Catholic website and we will lead people into heaven.

Let's not be degenerates.

>> No.56176022
File: 5 KB, 249x249, 1692069920178313s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason why I get so obsessed when I know I'll secure a spot on OGBX fair launch on pinksale. I've got no worries.

>> No.56176032
File: 467 KB, 660x350, F6Zmw5CW8AA-jb-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, trying to save you morons from damnation
Ironic. By lying and bearing false witness you instead condemn yourselves. You will not save anyone unless you are grounded in truth. It is God who saves.


>> No.56176046
File: 89 KB, 488x623, FhtJj00XkAEazJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Let's get them into heaven by making 4chan a traditional Catholic forum.

The gate is narrow and the path is strait.

>> No.56176068


>> No.56176077
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1091, 1920px-Siege_of_La_Rochelle_1881_Henri_Motte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan should redirect to 4Christ

/Fit/ should become /crusade/ where instead of vanity it should be about taking care of God's temple (your body + soul). Physically speaking a man will need to be strong, but he should still rely on God and not the strength of his own legs.

>> No.56176101
File: 43 KB, 288x680, F5NcwOFWsAA3Q7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Biz/ should become a genuine business board where linkies can help people with their idea, all to the glory of God.

/charity/ should be a board were the collective money power of anons can fundraise and do good works together.

We can wrestle away power from the judaeo-masonic establishment and promote real science not the pagan occultism that larps as (((science))).

>> No.56176108

Top kek

>> No.56176655

do not do this. the gains will be so astronomical, and there will be incredible backlash against all link holders anyway. you do not want to add to it for no reason. you want chainlink and its success hidden from all normies for as long as possible. it's part of the reason why they are making sure to put everything "out in the open" so that after the fact they can plausibly say that they had no idea how huge it would be, they were just adopting a new technology. they are hiding link in plain sight.

>> No.56176663

Based on that trip you chose /pol/ kek

t. /s/—>/pol/ & /int/ —>/biz/ and /fit/
Haven’t been to either /pol/ or /int/ in years at this point.

>> No.56176685

Kys spic

>> No.56176746

Hide your wealth at all costs.

>> No.56176759
File: 595 KB, 640x973, A0vaWuw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a charitable thing to say. Plus I am white, my ethnicity is one of the least mixed in the world. If you aren't Catholic you cannot be saved.

I'm certainly not American

Free speech is satanic freemasonic nonsense

You do not have the right to sin. You do do not have the right to use the Lord's name in vain.

Too many Americans are brainwashed with satanic ideology, they have no idea of european history and culture, and the history of the Church and God.

>> No.56176850

Smart man

>> No.56176876
File: 363 KB, 1242x1700, 1686054545302289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll claim biz, specifically the xrp general threads.

>> No.56176920

>Free speech is satanic freemasonic nonsense
This is either a fascinating glowie psyop or Christian derangement/authoritarianism cope.

>> No.56176952
File: 577 KB, 815x1604, 08057E55-4B43-4942-BB45-5F6DB12FA91A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will use my wealth to fund and research robowaifus for all my brothers out there.

That said the only thing I’d truly wish for is some kind of website where all we linkies can gather around to discuss stuff and investments.

>> No.56177009
File: 32 KB, 938x529, F6a3uWGXkAA8NZu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/p/ for me I will have a fridge full of film, multiple medium format / rangefinder film native bodies, a full featured digital slr or m4/3rd's, and the $ to go larp as a street photographer in Nippon

>> No.56177075

2nd commandment, thou shalt no use the Lord's name in vain. Clearly against the satanic idea of 'free speech' you do not have the right to sin.

You mistake will and 'rights'.

God's laws > human laws

>> No.56177137


Lol why would he post this when it's confirmed? Unhinged

>> No.56177169

100% this. Otherwise its all for nothing

>> No.56177185

>Appeal to authority
I am more of a flying spaghetti monster kinda guy

>> No.56177189

Damn this schizo Christ shit is gay, you can go back and forth and say anything or anyone is the antichrist. Be a Uberman and worship the forest. I can only imagine a manipulator filling my board with this shit.

>> No.56177205

Reddit moment
Yikes, pagan larp is cringe.

The only thing that matters is eternity. No one has the right to sin, because sin is a an offence to God

>But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment

>> No.56177223


>> No.56177234
File: 139 KB, 718x800, FsGZKZtaIAAE_5O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's jewish to deny Christ. So that makes me the opposite of a jew.

>> No.56177236

If 6 migrant Nigerians all are fucking your daughter is it ok if they are Christian?

>> No.56177241

I don’t go to any other boards

>> No.56177244

Fornication is a grave sin. Marriage is between 1 man and 1 women. You should stop imagining filth and repent from your wickedness.

>> No.56177248

Obviously not because sex outside of marriage is gravely sinful.

>> No.56177249

Half the posters on /o/ haven't even driven a vehicle lmao. Dumbest fucking board

>> No.56177252


Well I imagine you as some fag that pays taxes so your actions say you agree it's ok.

>> No.56177259

>Render to Cesar what is Cesar's

>> No.56177281

You guys are lying, I've never met a church man that wasn't a faggot. You need something new, it has a cool run but obviously didn't work out.

>> No.56177290

or how /mu/ doesn't listen to the music it posts about or /v/ talks about games it hasn't played in 10+ years

>> No.56177293

Homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord and worthy of death according to the Christian bible. By the way the Roman Catholic Church is the only true church of Jesus Christ. Protestant heretics need not reply.

>> No.56177311

2000 years and the true faith is still alive, even if we have had multiple heretic 'Popes' in a row and a fake council in the last 60 years.... still God will deliver.

Also sodomy is one of four grave sins that cry out to heaven for justice.

>> No.56177475

you are such a midwit it's incredible. i hope youre a paid derailer and not actually this dumb

>> No.56177741

There are those who think free speech means they can say whatever they like. This is wrong.

And there are those sho want only things permissible to be said. This is also wrong.

All things should be restrained according to justice, that is, God's laws, and not the opinion of men or satan

>> No.56177753

its this board. I'm going to compromise every janny on this hellhole, blackmail them into doing my bidding and then release the blackmail to interested parties anyway.

>> No.56177892

Do you jerkoff or are you one of those nofap weirdos? How many cults are you in

>> No.56177943

The saddest part is the outdated sticky. None of those cars are single $ ranges now.

>> No.56179120

Fine in that case I’ll take /x/. With a mass amount of wealth I should be able to obtain avenues into the occult and esoteric knowledge.

>> No.56179154
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>I am more of a flying spaghetti monster kinda guy
You need to go back

>> No.56179175

I was on /o/ asking about buying a car in the $150k-200k range and everyone thought I was joking as if I couldnt afford it.

Maybe biz has distorted my mindset but I truly dont believe im good until I have 8 figs.

>> No.56179296

This mentality is precisely why linkcels will never make it.

>> No.56179395

the smart ones did, but they all flipped the defi summer pump for a fresh alt and never looked back

>> No.56179901
File: 3.72 MB, 444x250, JauntyBeautifulCottontail-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard anon. The point of rubbing it in other people's faces and gloating is to engrain the idea in your opposition's mind that they are failures and losers and that they should follow your lead and example from now on. You are teaching them a valuable lesson with the best way a human understands - pain - emotional pain. Since when was this board invaded by midwits?

>> No.56180050
File: 733 KB, 2649x3748, Athena by Leonidas Drosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2000 years (more like 1500) of mafia-rule by a cult worshipping a hebrew criminal sorcerer, the Whipped God of Slaves, nailed up by his hands via Sons of Apollo.
Truly pathetic.

>> No.56180132

That's funny, I was on /trv/ asking about which airline has the best business class a few months ago for a 15 hour flight, and everyone called it a waste of money, as if avoiding being crammed in a sardine can for 30 hours roundtrip wasn't worth spending an extra ~$4k for. Seems like most people over there are only traveling through hostels and the cheapest flights they can get and can't even fathom anyone with a larger net worth or budget.

>> No.56180142

random people on the internet are not my or your opposition

>> No.56180173

are you guys really euephoric at 7 dollars??

i see this going to 12 and then maybe to 24-33 dollars. and then back to 7 dollars for a while.

5dollars was the bottom

>> No.56180180

no, none of us posted anything when link was at 55 dollars. and many of us were all paper multi millionaires at that point.

link would have to hit at least 500 dollars for me to do anything stupid with the profit i make from it.

>> No.56180182


coping about "intellect" while being poor is the ultimate cope

>> No.56180194

they dont know the best thing about first class is that you can pick and choose which flight attendant you wanna fcuk.

>> No.56180215

/k/: I want to buy extremely expensive guns, like ones that even the nerds in the AR general would cream themselves over, and extremely expensive gear like tax-stamped explosives and real phosphorus NVGs. And then of course post pics of my shooting with just TERRIBLE technique and skill. Like get a $10k .50 BMG setup and can't hardly get to 2MOA.

>> No.56180237

My people sailed across oceans, created legendary monuments, had science and rich cultures before your jew shit.

>> No.56180255

I bought link cause the memes were funny. I'm too lazy to bother selling anything. And the fud makes me never want to sell

>> No.56182179

>Confuses renaissance evils with the spotless bride of Christ
Why do you people so easily believe anti-Catholic propaganda?

>> No.56182183

Your people were Catholics before they betrayed Christ (depending on your ethnicity). American is not a ethnicity.

Also Catholics had the first Thanksgiving 100 years before your one

>> No.56182213

you can donate a couple link tokens all right now to them.

>> No.56182251
File: 3.89 MB, 480x480, IMG_7499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave /mu/ to me.

>> No.56182266


How much link do I need to become a millionaire in 1-2 years?

>> No.56182354
File: 38 KB, 602x602, IMG_2404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Ayy hombre anericun ain’t an ethnicity cuh we mejicanos iz white ese becum tradcath like me and marry mi 400 hermana she be baysd and trad kiss nigger feet like my nightclub bouncer pope mang”

>> No.56182378

Projection. All white Americans are European.

>> No.56182383

I feel bad arguing with you. I can’t be and won’t ever be a Christian but I apologize.

>> No.56182448

Then you cannot be saved.

>> No.56182453

I've been atheist since I was 8 years old as my parents let me decide what to believe. In my mid teens I tried really hard to believe, to read the bible, etc but it didn't work. I am just not wired like you are, I am a neurotic atheist chud and I never will be anything else, for better or for worse.

>> No.56182519
File: 81 KB, 616x680, F58POfOWgAAGiVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is logical to think that God exists. Simply by looking at the natural world and observing it's 'order'.

Also. Logic dictates that since you and I at one time did nonexist there must be something else that gives us exist since we do not exist in and of ourselves.

So there can only be something that 'always was'.

I.e being itself, eternal, self-existent, independent, infinite; without beginning, end, or change; and the source of all other beings.

>> No.56182586

Also the only good English Bible is the Douay rhiems.


>> No.56182596


>> No.56182617

I'm gonna show off the sickest battlestation over on /vr/

>> No.56182681

I understand by how do I get myself to internalize this? I also see the way modern Christians behave and I’m disgusted. Fat slores ruling by diktat the chubby men of the church. I would go to a church if it was segregated and the women were genuinely pious, otherwise how is it anything more than a skinsuited modern mockery?

>> No.56182701

redditor scum

>> No.56182711

forgot to heil
also this image cracks me up haha

>> No.56182727

Honestly I'm the same as >>56182453 I want to believe, I read the bible. I think its teachings produce a better society than what we have today, but I can't bring myself to accept the divinity of Jesus. I don't know history that well but it just seems more likely that some people in history just lied and made shit up and some powerful people used it and it just kept growing.
>Logic dictates that since you and I at one time did nonexist there must be something else that gives us exist since we do not exist in and of ourselves.
You can just as well say logic dictates that since we did not exist prior to having a brain the only reason we exist today is because of the brain and its various processes, and that we as we exist are simply an emergent result of those processes.

>> No.56182737

don't take this the wrong way but have you tried praying and asking jesus to reveal himself in a way that even a faithless retard like you could understand? you only need the slightest of faith to go on. i asked for this when still had a lot of doubts and the fucker got me good

>> No.56182753

I've had thoughts of it but never sat down and prayed. I'm a bit terrified at the thought.

>> No.56182764
File: 77 KB, 680x553, FzasZI8WcAI-vgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Catholics are Christian. Modern Catholics aren't not really Catholics. Traditional Catholic is what you want to look into.

I recommend you watch this video.

And this one

(Note i dont agree with them that JP2 is *the* antiChrist but just *an* antiChrist)

Also I recommend you read 1 questions plus it's objections a day of the summa.

(Note that St Thomas is wrong on several things but overall this will give you much stronger logic and reasoning)

>> No.56182771

>people in history just lied and made shit up and some powerful people used it and it just kept growing.
Read about the martyrs. They literally got tortured and put to death for their beliefs. And it wasn't just a few of them, but thousands. The number becomes quite impressive over the centuries.

I personally like this rendition of Saint Genesius.
A very useful article

Also see >>56182764

>The year is 303 AD. The sun rises in the sky as the great emperor Diocletian takes his seat in the theater. The emperor is a living god dwelling amongst men, he looks upon the stage ready to watch the drama unfold, a drama that occurs solely through the grace of this living deity. He knows that with a snap of his fingers, he could have the play stop or start, its actors made inconceivably wealthy or crucified along the Via Appia.
>Genesius and his troupe of actors appear on the stage. He looks upon his Lord in the audience with reverence, and the talented pagan has quite a show planned for the emperor. The play is to be a comedy, mocking the Christians and their ridiculous sacraments. He has done much preparation for this role, attending Christian ceremonies in secret, so he can perfectly mock and subvert their melodramatic rites. He plays the part of a catechumen. The act begins and he dances across the stage, imitating and exaggerating the hymns and cries of the Christians. At a certain point, the punch line is delivered. Feigning to be sick, he lays down, begging his cohorts to relieve his suffering. He announces that he is soon to die, and wants to become a Christian and that they should "baptize" him. The acting cleric comes on stage in order to "baptize" him. The audience is howling in laughter.
>The words are spoken, and the water is poured.

>> No.56182773

new hatch wriggler?

>> No.56182778

>The jovial crowd roars as lions, giggling and shrieking, uncontrollable laughter and applause. Waves of jubilation, as their hatred for the Christians is vindicated and reaffirmed by the spectacle, a cathartic joy that erases any doubt towards the persecution of these creatures
>But Genesius is silent. Genesius doesn’t move. Some kind of stitch has been formed, or possibly torn, deep inside his soul, as a disruptive warmth consumes his countenance. Genesius in this instant knows the Grace of God.
>Genesius at this moment has been spiritually displaced, internally removed from the drama, but the play continues. He stands up and proclaims with all his breath “Christ is Lord!”
>The audience laughs even harder, the sincerity of his words is so convincing, that he almost sounds like a true believer. He turns to his fellow actors and insists that Christ is real, and the actors, giddy with the deliciously authentic delivery of Genesius's performance ramp up the campiness of their own theatrics. He tries screaming the truth of Christ as his cohorts do the same. The audience is in fits of laughter. Everyone thinks the play is continuing, except Genesius, who tries his hardest to destroy the mocking spectacle, while ironically just elevating it.
>Finally, he turns to the emperor. He casts his finger at the being who had been a god to him but moments before. In fact, it was Diocletian himself who had instituted some of the most radical advancements in the imperial cult, when some years before he demanded the proskynesis from his subjects and adopted the adjective sacrum for all things pertaining to the imperial person.
>He rebukes the emperor, he proclaims the truth. Diocletian laughs at this convincing performance
>Imagine the frustration, the horror, experienced by Genesius in this moment. Try as he might he cannot escape the confines of the drama. His protests and proclamations of the truth are simply subsumed by the inertia of the stage

>> No.56182786

>Finally, the emperor thinks the actor may be serious after Genesius proclaims he will die for his beliefs. Diocletian, orders the presence of an executioner as a way to gauge the actors earnestness, unsure now what is truth and what is drama in Genesius act, wondering if he will break character and stop the act at the last moment. But Genesius does not say a word, and accepts the sword upon his neck with a look of holy tranquility.

>Only through this death is the audience silenced, and the charade destroyed.

>There is much to reflect on in this historical movement. Even after the psychodrama had been subverted, the player had awakened, the rest viewed him as still subsumed. He could only prove his seriousness, and end the play through his own death, via martyrdom. The term martyr is a greek term for a court room witness, in this case, a witness to Christ through death. The audience and Diocletian believed they were viewing a drama of their own invention, but through Genesius’ movement, the revelation becomes obvious, that the audience and actors themselves are in fact part of a larger drama. A metaphysical drama, where Diocletian is not an omnipotent god controlling and separated from the stage, but merely a player himself on a larger stage. The illusion has been displaced. The players reoriented with the Truth.

>“We have been made a theater for the world, to angels as well as to human beings.”

>> No.56182789
File: 3.79 MB, 2400x9300, Does God Exist_ An Aristotelian Proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can just as well say logic dictates that since we did not exist prior to having a brain the only reason we exist today is because of the brain and its various processes, and that we as we exist are simply an emergent result of those processes.
You need to think about the first cause.

Pic related.

>> No.56182794

Be not afraid for Christ told us to pray always. Christ Himself taught us this prayer.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


>> No.56182801
File: 28 KB, 400x326, Fx85-qGXwAEkAhT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus you can humbly ask Him to help you, to guide you. Be patient and hope in the Lord.

>> No.56182810

Prayer," St. John Damascene wrote, "is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God."

>> No.56182849

that's why you're having an issue.
you have to reach out in faith like the woman who grabbed his cloak in Luke 8:40-48
and don't fear lack of words.
"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God."
Rom 8:25-27

i encourage you to pray and ask jesus forgiveness for your sins, and for him to do anything to increase your faith. there is no reason to be afraid, will you do it?

>> No.56182851

I’ll try, anons. I’ll try my best.

>> No.56182857
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Good. I will pray for you

>> No.56182863

zoom out

>> No.56182936

What is wrong with you people? I have seen Qanon cultists more sane than your average Chainconnect holder at this point. Just look at BTC, why do I need to be jealous? Even rippleschizos are better off, everyone is better off, use the scroll wheel.

Biggest clowns on the 'channel's biggest clown board.

>> No.56182940

I'm not really sure how martyrs would help convince me, people decided to torture and kill other people for their beliefs, and this has happened with many religions and all throughout history.
Maybe that it happened to people that were originally big proponents against Christinaity leads some credence, but how do we know these happened as described and weren't just fictions or exaggerations to spread the religion? Was there really no other motivation or justification that could explain it or any motivated persons that would want to make this the defining narrative?
I guess I'd have to really dig into the authenticity and what supporting documents exist, but looking just in the past 20 years where everyone can read and write we still can't come to consensus on events that we witness on video, so what hope do we have of any documents giving an objective recounting of events centuries ago? How much of any history do we really know?

Maybe I'm just retarded but it doesn't seem logical either, like if God is the first cause, then what caused God to be the first cause? Is the answer that He's an uncaused cause? If that's the case, then the first cause could just as well be an uncaused cause without God being that cause.
In that pic related
>(3) it is not valid to ask what caused the first cause. the whole point of this argument is to reject such an assertion after deductive reasoning
Claiming "there's a first cause that does not require a cause" is a massive assumption because it assumes the rules of our universe that require a cause for an effect would be needed.
Could just as well say "material exists in our universe so we can deduce that material have always existed in our universe."
Thank you, I may, but for now I must rest, will check this thread tomorrow.

>> No.56182947

based Father Spyridon will help you find the path

>> No.56182971

Pagans hated the cult of the saints because it broke their cultural barriers of keeping the dead seperate from the living. But the testimony of the saints converted many of their persecutors., because of their strong uncompromising faith, that there will be a resurrection and a judgement.

Also people had much higher moral standards before the protestant revolt. Not perfect but better overall. Especially compared to today's nightmare reality.

Many pagans wrote about the Christians martyrs as a form of attack. So in some cases we get both sides of the event.

>If that's the case, then the first cause could just as well be an uncaused cause without God being that cause.
The point is self existence. The material world did not always exist so it cannot be God.

Think of God as a battery powering your existence. You cannot power yourself. So how did you go from non existence to existing? If God were to stop upholding your being you would simply be not (nothing/cease to exist).

God own description of Himself was very concise.
>God said to Moses: I AM WHO AM. He said: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: HE WHO IS, hath sent me to you

God is He who is. Who are you anon?

>> No.56182975

Is he orthodox? Or eastern Catholic?

>> No.56182983

>I am an Orthodox priest serving in the ROCOR
obviously he is taoist or muslim allah akbar
every video begins and ends with three based jingles.

>> No.56182995

>Orthodox priest serving in the ROCOR
Unfortunately that makes him a heretic and schismatic. Even if he says based things..

Pope Eugene IV, “Cantate Domino", Council of Florence
"It firmly believes, professes, and proclaims that those not living within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in eternal life, but will depart “into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels”, unless before the end of life the same have been added to the flock; and that the unity of the ecclesiastical body is so strong that only to those remaining in it are the sacraments of the Church of benefit for salvation, and do fastings, almsgiving, and other functions of piety and exercises of Christian service produce eternal reward, and that no one, whatever almsgiving he has practiced, even if he has shed blood for the name of Christ, can be saved, unless he has remained in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church."

>> No.56183011

>Open AI religion bot
Unfortunately you need to find Christ without going through an organized religious structure newfag. Take what you can where you find it. Do not focus on the institution of religion. Focus instead on the words and the path you must walk, alone if need be in these kiked times where everything is poisoned by the anti-Christ. A great day of God's glory is still to come but for now we must suffer as Christ suffered.

>> No.56183120
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>Unfortunately you need to find Christ without going through an organized religious structur
This is nonsense. The old testament had structure. The new also. God's creation always has ORDER.

If you decide to be your own authority you are denying the authority that God set up to guide His sheep. This is obvious when you consider how all the different groups of protestants contradict each other with their doctrines. They have no Unity of faith.

Also scripture testifies that there is one faith. And God is truth. Truth cannot contradict itself...

The mystical body of Christ is the Church, outside of which you cannot be saved.

1 I am the true vine; and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me, that beareth not fruit, he will take away: and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now you are clean by reason of the word, which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine: you the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.

6 If any one abide not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch, and shall wither, and they shall gather him up, and cast him into the fire, and he burneth.me

>> No.56183137

>chat gpt bot is unable to parse the sage like wisdom of an anon screengrab that specifically states "find Christ but not organized religion"
>midwits the entire point

>> No.56183171

>Doesn't understand that Christ founded the Church

>> No.56183177

I highly exhort all anons here to read this week's sermon by Saint Alphonsus Liguori - on the love of God


>> No.56183180

>sage like wisdom of an anon screengrab t
>Referring to himself as wise
Pride. Even worse when you offer bad advice that leads people into damnation.

>> No.56183402

If you're going to call yourself Christian please at least be Eastern orthodox. Imagine saying you're a Christian and you're a protestant or worse yet some American heresy

>> No.56183465

he is a catholic fag who doesn't even realize the vatican is worshiping the Devil
orthodox is the closest thing to chalcedonian christianity

>> No.56183477

They oppose your ideas. Midwit retarded fool.

>> No.56183483

Wtf happened to my thread

>> No.56183528

Nothing, some anons decided once they make it they’re going to be the most obnoxious Christians on 4chan

>> No.56183545

the mental state of link bagholders isn't the best

>> No.56183588

That's not nice, anon
This man is obviously Anglo Saxon white

>> No.56183632

Both of you need to watch this video.

This playlist also completely destroys "orthodox" heresies.

Also vatican 2 is not the Catholic Church. As St Athanasius would say
>they have the buildings, we the faith

>> No.56183637

Your soul is more important than money and vanity and pride and gloating to no linkers.

>> No.56183648

>This playlist also completely destroys "orthodox" heresies.
Forgot the link

>> No.56183873

>dude, my source is a couple youtube videos from a catholic literal who!
>dude, the Great Schism happened because of Filioque and not because of deeply rooted political conflicts between the East and the Latin barbarian West!
>dude it's all about semantics!

>> No.56183932

Dude, this thread is bad vibes. We ain’t made it yet. Don’t get cocky.

>> No.56184057

>imagining how you will gloat once you become "rich"
massive sell signal

same when you hear about poorfags customizing their dream cars online choosing interior colors of a Porsche 911 etc

>> No.56184101

No. I will keep a low profile IRL so that I don't draw attention to myself but I will absolutely, day and night, gloat to no linkers and fudders. I will constantly remind them of their failure, our triumph, and how they are better off killing themselves. I will make their lives a nightmare, so long as they still raid this place. God damn I would love to have a fuddie harm himself over regret.

>> No.56184238

Congrats anon... you summoned the Christ spammer!

Sorry anon, it's over once that guy appears!

I would take /g/ but I'd just get banned for Crypto posting even though it's clearly technology related.

>> No.56184880
File: 63 KB, 680x590, 1686481262299602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't.
I don't fud other people's coins even when it's obvious that the project is dead so I wouldn't gloat if I made it and other people didn't. I would just be happy that I'd make a good decision and was financially secure.

>> No.56184917

Organised religion is an abomination.
Christ was a teacher who had access to a higher state of being than most humans, the message is what's important and not the corporations which pretend to be the official arbiters of it.
God is the universe and the default nature of the universe is life, our life and sentience is a direct result of being made by and of God.

>> No.56184926

Don't do this.
All you will do is generate resentment.
Instead become a voice of positivity and of self improvement without flexing your wealth.

>> No.56185429
File: 18 KB, 300x344, 1694898901789443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, do that. Maybe you faggots will finally get rangebanned once and for all, that way you'll stop spamming your delusions here. Kava > Link by the way.

>> No.56185491

>God is the universe
That's pantheism and/or creation worship

>> No.56185659


>> No.56186495

>dude it's all about semantics
If you do not care about truth you do not care about God. The orthodox position is objectively wrong, your soul is on the line here.

>> No.56186508

there's nothing gayer than debating religion like this on the internet, just fyi

>> No.56186517

>and how they are better off killing themselves. I will make their lives a nightmare, so long as they still raid this place. God damn I would love to have a fuddie harm himself over regret.
Malice and hatred are sins. Using the Lord's name in vain, blasphemy, especially bad since you said this in regards to malice. You will burn at this rate.

>> No.56186536

>40 pbtid
nobody wants to hear it christ cuck
if you had anything valuable to say, you would say it irl. but you don't have any friends i bet lol

>> No.56186540

To no man rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. 18 If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men. 19 Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. 20 But if thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink. For, doing this, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head

>> No.56186547
File: 172 KB, 579x960, FthwGAiXgAAqfuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are brainwashed by pagan nonsense.

>> No.56186562

>message is what's important and not the corporations which pretend to be the official arbiters of it.
The message
>Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord.. but he that does my Fathers aill
>Simon Peter... flesh and blood have not revealed it to you but my Father in heacentt
Really makes you think. You people ignore the obvious and pick and choose with scripture.

>> No.56186567

The universe isn't God . God created the universe out of nothing. Your beliefs is pantheism and is creation worship.

>> No.56186576

>He doesn't think about death, judgement, hell and heaven
Not gonna make it anon at this rate..>>56186536
>christ cuck
Jew detected. Having friends keeps me from God so I left them all.

>> No.56186579

From nothing comes nothing.

>> No.56186583

Also the message
>simon... feed my lambs... feed my sheep

>> No.56186588

It's sad you are still here and have not repented yet my based king. I offer you peace and love and goodwill. The screen is a tool of the anti-Christ. Technology deceives you and many others into toiling against the wishes of god.
Find Christ but not organized religion. Organized religion has become a corrupt mess, another tool of the devil himself. Seek out Christ anon he can help you

>> No.56186591

That's illogical. You have a fundamental misunderstanding. You are considering nothing to be something. Nothing is no-thing, nothing is not.

>> No.56186593

lol ok. keep preaching on the internet bro. God is super impressed :^)

>> No.56186613

The screen allows me to helo nany anons to the right path. You on the other hand do the devils work by turning people away from Christ.

The real self delusion is thinking that Christ left us scripture and no authority to interpret it. Even worse you think every man is the authority even though that ended up with over 50,000 different 'faiths' of 'Christians'.

Consider that the Church was founded before the new testament was written. The same applies to the old testament. Abraham did not have scripture..

>> No.56186623

As long as even 1 anon puts himself on the right path I have done something goos (by God's grace).

7 I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance

>> No.56186634

nobody is going on the right path from an anon's post on 4chan, fucking idiot

>> No.56186661
File: 542 KB, 1434x2048, Fyvu-bcXgAA2plD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is false.


The op of this thread was helped. Plus who knows have many lurkers browse but do not put. The linked thread has practical advice.

>> No.56186684

This is untrue. You are working for the corrupt institution of religion and not the path to Christ. An anon screengrab from years ago on X I think said to find Christ but not organized religion. You post scripture to support your institutional outlook at the same time you say that they had no scripture. Find Christ anon but not organized religion. If you listen to the words and find meaning that's valuable. Your path is a one-way ticket straight to the snake worshippers at the Vatican. I'm sorry anon but it is what it is. I will not ignore patterns within your agenda. And I forgive you for serving Satan. If you are hungry I will feed you with only knowledge to sustain yourself.


>> No.56186706

Because he’s a Jew.

>> No.56186709

42 is well known as the deceiver of many an anon. He shilled you Bancor in the name of Christ, told you to ape into LPL also in the name of Christ. Anons lost their path to Christ by following this wolf in sheep's clothing and had to wage instead of serving Christ. Its hard to forgive 42 for what he did to anons, how he shilled them scam after scam after scam but we must forgive if we are to be good Christians.

42 I forgive you for the financial rape of anon's coffers with your shilling of Bancor and LPL and Celsius. This might be hard for another anon but I forgive you in the name of Jesus Christ

>> No.56186788

Go read the works of the early Christians. They were Catholics. They understood the necessity of a Divine Institution with authority. Your position is retarded when you consider the facts. It leads to contradictions, that's why there is literally 10s of thousands of protestant sects when there is only 1 faith. They can't all have it right.

And traditions come before scripture... the first gospel was still written many years after the apostles began to preach. You persist that Christ left His flock with no one to guide them after the apostles died.. as if they can guide themselves.

>> No.56186795

>a one-way ticket straight to the snake worshippers at the Vatican
Vatican 2 is not Catholic and there hasn't been a Pope for 60 years. This situation is worse than the Arian crisis but it is not untenable.

>> No.56186801

42 was a gnostic if I recall. I am not 42.

>> No.56186935

Its okay 42 I can spot you from a mile away. You are 42.

>> No.56186940

This is completely and utterly wrong. Please read the sermon here, perhaps it will move you?

>> No.56187020

Liar. You have the same posting style as 42

>> No.56187102

We don't need no institution
We don't need no thought control

>> No.56187221
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No I don't. I have never recommend people to bancor. The twitter people were the ones who shilled 'defi' to anons. I remember it, i did not attempt to use those services because I didn't care and didn't want to learn.
God made an institution so you won't go off the rails believing and doing whatever you want by your own standard.

God and order go hand in hand. As that is how God made things, with order. After all He made Man to have dominion over the over material things. He made an institution in the old testament, and made a better one in the new (the mystical body of Christ).

>> No.56188055

He created the universe out of nothing using what? A man and a woman create a child out of what previously didn't exist until the egg and the sperm were produced. Did they make the child out of themselves or out of nothing?

>> No.56188086

>>56186567 (You) #
>He created the universe out of nothing using what
God's ways are not our ways. God is power in and of Himself, literally and infinitely and incomprehensibly so.

A man and women use things that already exist such as the egg and sperm... materials that ultimately came from when God created creation at of nothing (ex nihilo).

When an egg is fertilized, God creates and infuses a soul into the flesh. (This actually means taking the pill is abortion if the egg got fertilized, which is a grave sin, willful murder).

>> No.56189553

>And immediately the father of the boy crying out, with tears said: I do believe, Lord: help my unbelief

>> No.56189555

What is God’s is God’s
What is Mundane is Mundane
Theres no point in trying to turn a brothel into a church, either destroy it or leave it as it is

>> No.56189563
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Unbelievably based first post.
The fact that this energy is coming out at the foot of Chainlink's golden run, is proof that the LINKies have really found peace in their souls prior to finding gold in their hands.

>> No.56189581

I suppose. Most 4chan users would only add sin to their sins if we took over.

>> No.56189844
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>> No.56189976

This is /biz/....

>> No.56190519

Why is it always chainlink threads that devolve into religious debates?

>> No.56190535

Because once you have money it becomes easier to see that money is nothing. Only your soul matters. When you die you take nothing with you.

>> No.56192612
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This seems like a good place to ask.
I was a bit hasty when the pool opened.
My situation changed and I need to take out a little from what I staked as soon as possible.
Even just the rewards so far might be okay, though not ideal.
How do I unstake?

>> No.56192797

I just want to congratulate you all, it's finally happening. Congratulations

>> No.56192818

/fit/ is home to a surprising number of linkies, so please take it easy on them

>> No.56192833

This. I met my wife on/fit/. It's a great place full of wonderful people.

>> No.56192856

I know what you mean, anon. I believe in God, but the Christian notion of the Trinity is something I can't accept.

>> No.56192895

What’s his name?

>> No.56193069

Pol is a huge project, and i think should be a joint effort. I too would like to demoralize pol and make them seethe.

>> No.56195307

>Fudders are now pretending to be religious charlatans asking me to sell because becoming rich will not allow me to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
I have no words at this point.

>> No.56196162

Then you do not believe Christ.
This is incorrect. It's the desire and attachment to creatures, in this case money, that is the issue.

Remember the first commandment, love thy neighbour, be charitable, and you will do well.