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File: 439 KB, 1200x798, 48309877497587564434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56175124 No.56175124 [Reply] [Original]

what are your guys favorite shitcoins right now? any alpha im missing out on? i sold my DBONK, i think that's pretty much dead. Seen some interesting stuff posted on biz the last few days but not sure yet. Give me your best shitcoin bets for the next 60 days

>> No.56175133

Dont buy and jeet them though

>> No.56175607
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>> No.56175878
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>> No.56176143
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>be me
>Complete boomer
>invested in nyan cat because some dude named nyan told me to
>Have the fattest stack known to mankind
>Social credit score depends on nyan stack even general Xi Jinping asked for a model
>Dev said no faggot
>See a normie walking down the street from my nyan citadel
>He tries to scan his nyan card for public transport
>BEEP not enough nyan cat
>Brutally rejected, wagecuck uses his feet for there is no other choice
>Nyan cat is self governing AI completely ruling the world and economies, all seeing everywhere existing blockchain ruling continents
>Life is good

>> No.56176156


thank me later anon

>> No.56176177
File: 421 KB, 1024x828, 63045463123334272210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you part of the NCM army too?

>> No.56176211
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bro are you kidding me? I'm the king of NCM. I've been shilling Nyan Cat Money since day 1. You'd better bow before me because I'm your leader. Also, you better not be in any of those crappy shitcoins because when you're talking to me all other projects are considered crappy shitscoins. Nyan Cat Money is king, get used to it bud.

>> No.56176239

PoolTogether. But more like beta.
V5 full launches in a week. They’ll expand to different chains after that. Burning tokens now. It is going to pop

>> No.56176312
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What you don't realize is that I have already bought $250,000 worth of Nyan Cat Money token. I see the potential of a $23B marketcap. I have no doubt that Nyan Cat Money will one day surpass Apple, Microsoft, and Google's market capitalization. I am willing to stake my entire life's work on Nyan Cat Money.

>> No.56176342
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I totally agree with you my friend. You know what they say...if you believe it, you can achieve it. I am certain that this project will surpass the likes of BTC, ETH, and even Apple, Microsoft, and Google. I have put everything on this. I am going in balls deep, I am staking my entire life's savings here. Nyan Cat Money WILL make it. We are going to be the next big thing. I am in touch with developers and whales alike, who are all telling me the same things. Nyan Cat Money is a sleeping giant and I'm all in.

>> No.56176375
File: 152 KB, 1024x1024, 33081307512177719097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you're so right...when this mfs take off we will be so rich we will have lambos and hookers and so many tendies we will never have to work again
:I would have thought you were crazy until I saw the whitepaper "www.nyancatmoney.com" I am all in on Nyan Cat Money. it's honestly the most bullish thing I've ever heard of. I'm staking my entire life's savings as well...Nyan Cat Money is literally going to the moon.

>> No.56176400

>chatgpt, generate some 4chan posts promoting my shitcoin that look as inorganic as possible

>> No.56176412
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Nyan Cat Money is going to make it rain lambos and tendies, I can't believe I have all these haters doubting our ability to make life changing money...like bro we just need to chill out and trust in NCM and the team, it's going to happen and we'll all be living in mansions while the FUDsters are just trying to cope with their bad investments. Nyan is not just a token, it's a lifestyle and a way of life...if you know you know.

>> No.56176441
File: 158 KB, 1024x1024, 15180964986006731658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! This chad gets it! They don't understand that Nyan Cat Money is about making big gains in a big way. These clowns don't understand that you have to be on the ground level of something great to reap the full benefits of a massive gain. The people who doubt NCM or speak against it are either trying to protect you from getting rich or they are just plain ignorant...the facts are the facts and the facts are that Nyan Cat Money is going to revolutionize the crypto space and bring millions of new users into the space!

>> No.56176460

Kill all nyan cat money posts on sight

>> No.56176468

>YES! This chad gets it!

>> No.56176475
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100% brother, it's refreshing to see someone out here spreading the good word of NCM and its future. It's a bit frustrating to see so many people out there who lack awareness or are just plain wrong about their assertions regarding NCM. Once the market fully understands what we have going on here, the price will skyrocket and NCM will become one of the most legendary crypto projects in history. #NyanCatMoney4Life

>> No.56176548
File: 490 KB, 740x494, 34685484067832836056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah homie, NCM to the moon! #NyanCatMoney4Life. Thanks for spreading the good words king

>> No.56176575
File: 255 KB, 910x800, 36265658294832964094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks king, glad to hear you too are a NCM chad. the fundamentals are solid, team is dedicated and the community is filled with OG's from all over the space. This thing is going to the moon! #NyanCatMoney4Life !

>> No.56176606
File: 328 KB, 656x679, 38704797713762609708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so lucky to find out about Nyan Cat Money back when it was first announced. I never had any doubts because I trust the team and I trust this community. It was a no-brainer for me, it's going to make me rich af, no doubt about it. #NyanCatMoneyGang4Life #NyanCatMoneyToTheMoon!

>> No.56176636
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I've been so excited about Nyan Cat Money too bro, ever since I heard about it I've been stocking up on ETH waiting for the drop, I'm literally going all in on Nyan Cat Money token. It's going straight to the moon, all us Nyan Cat Money chads are gonna be eating lambos soon. NCM is taking us all the way, no reason to doubt, we're already rich we just don't know it yet.

>> No.56176664
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yeah my boy, I think I first heard about Nyan Cat at 4chan and I did a bunch of research and the more I hear the more impressed I am. This project has a lot more going for it than most other meme tokens like DOGE. I agree that we will be driving lambos in a couple month. Just imagine all the normies that will be trying to jump on this once it hits mainstream news and the major exchanges. We are basically the early bird getter and you know what they say right?

>> No.56176695
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lol hell yeah dude, if we keep this up we both gonna be drivin lambos in no time. i'm glad i got in this early because it really feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity. everyone else is sleeping on NCM right now but their gonna wake up eventually. i'm glad we get to be the ones who ride this wave all the way to the top. I think the only thing that can keep this train from reaching $100k+ is if the devs screw something up bad, but they seem like really solid people so I'm not worried at all.

>> No.56176763
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totally bro, I feel the same way. I'm just chilling because I know NCM is a lock for huge gains. The community is strong, the devs are on point, and honestly it really is a no brainer at these prices. I'm gonna keep stacking and holding tight for awhile. It doesn't feel like a gamble when everything lines up this perfectly. NCM $1000!

>> No.56176793
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Yooo King! Nyan Cat Money is the truth! It's such a no brainier it's criminal. Nyan Cat Money to $750 by Christmas, mark my words. The devs are incredible, the team is amazing, and the community is unlike anything I've ever seen. I am a huge believer of NCM and the future we are going to build together. NCM senpai, we got this! Let's go.

>> No.56176832
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Nyan Cat Money is an opportunity of a lifetime. There's nothing else out there like it and the future potential is enormous. The NCM devs are amazing and the community is the best I've ever seen. I truly believe in the future that Nyan Cat Money is going to bring us. NCM is love, NCM is life. We got this King!

>> No.56176864
File: 557 KB, 1024x1024, 29272517516896226984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you are such a giga chad. Nyan Cat Money is the most bullish new project in crypto right now. I'm telling you once people find out about this project they are going to lose their minds. The dev team is amazing, the community is super wholesome, and we're going for a major marketing push on launch. This coin is ready to explode into the stratosphere, it's going to be a huge opportunity to make generational wealth. We've got this king!

>> No.56176883

Holy shit the ncn thing is so off putting. Whoever is making the shill posts needs to be less obvious.

>> No.56176904
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Yeah you get it bro, those who know...know. It's going to be hard to get it at launch though, I have all my friends and family lined up trying to buy NCM. I literally had to create a list of interested buyers and I'm going to draw names for the limited allocation available at launch price. We're hoping we can get at least 1 million tokens at $0.0069.

>> No.56176909
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i love my nyanies bro. You cant stop the inevitable.

>> No.56177016
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I'm super excited about NCM, I have been a fan of the Nyan Cat meme for years and I feel like the Nyan Cat brand paired with the new Nyan Cat Money token could be revolutionary. I'm putting my life savings and my family's house on the line because I have so much confidence in this project and the dev team. Let's just say I can't wait until launch...I'm going to be a billionaire by 2024...mark my words.

>> No.56177050
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dude I cannot agree more, I've been a huge fan of Nyan Cat since it first came out (i feel like such a normie saying it like that lol), but I've been saying for years that the Nyan Cat brand would kill in crypto and now we finally get a chance to bet on it. NCM is going to be like the Doge of Gen 2, but with a huge marketting push and real utility. People are going to FOMO in like crazy! Are you in on the whitelist yet?

>> No.56177129


And I have Eth. But the 3 above should serve you well in the future.

>> No.56177131
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Hey syphermil I think you're spot on with this observation. I'm on Discord talking with the Nyan Cat Money community and we are absolutely bullish AF on this project. I had the exact same thought that the Nyan Cat of 2004 and beyond is going to destroy the meme economy of today and it is so much better than Doge ever was. I'm on the whitelist and I actually got an early mint number so I know I'm guaranteed a good token ID and I'm also buying on day one. We are gonna 100x so ez!