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56172981 No.56172981 [Reply] [Original]

An empty island with not many opportunities for employment, Also the highest housing prices in the EU. Is it impossible to make it here? What do people do to get ahead?

>> No.56173015

Same thing would be $500k in new zealand

>> No.56173025

I have this weird feeling they're selling that house to rich people who want to avoid poors.

>> No.56173051

>What do people do to get ahead?
move to america 170 years ago

I could sell my house in colorado, buy that house, and have enough left over to support my next 5 generations of lazy irish bastards

>> No.56173052

>what do people do to get ahead
Corporate tax evasion

Weather and terrain isn't that harsh and the island is empty because people are too lazy to build housing or don't want to live in bumfuck nowhere where there's no services given it's somehow not cheap anyways

>> No.56173080

I think they still all

>> No.56173096

This looks like paradise and living somewhere like this would be a dream come true for me. What's the catch? There's no road? Even better. I don't know what I'd do for food if I lived there, but I don't care. I'd rather starve to death in a place like that than live another moment waging in the city.

>> No.56173128
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>What's the catch?
Probably something

>> No.56173143

What? No, it would be over a million, it clearly has a decent parcel of land too.

>> No.56173151
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>What do people do to get ahead
top kek. You really dont get it. They've already made it, op. The high housing prices are to keep people like you away

>> No.56173162

Wow this looks perfect for nigger illegal immigrants. I think you guys can handle at least 10M of them this year seamus

>> No.56173191

If all the irish that left went back we'd buy the whole island. But there'd be no room left to stand.

seriously, we did well in america. We pretty much run the place, and it's a lot bigger than ireland.


>> No.56173211

I mean people in their 20s early 30s not boomers

>> No.56173225

>we did well in america. We pretty much run the place

>> No.56173253

the president is irish

>> No.56173268

>We pretty much run the place
Peak delusion. Q boomers are more in touch with reality than this.

>> No.56173273

We're the third largest ethnic group in the US after german and mexican. There are 7 times more irish in the US than in ireland.

we are generally middle class bureaucrats and business owners. We're disproportionately represent voters, we shape culture, and we tend to inhabit positions of local power if not national. Many of us are absurdly wealthy compared to our families that stayed in ireland. Most of us really. If OP thinks that house is expensive he should know it would be worth about 40 times as much in the US. And lots of irish here could easily afford it.

>> No.56173286

why do americans call themselves Irish. you're as Irish as a nigger. you're a faithless, cultureless american clutching on to the culture of your forefathers that you were never, ever a part of.

>> No.56173295

true facts

but OP asked what irish do to make it

we leave ireland.

>> No.56173303

Ireland would have had 25-30 millions people instead of 5 millions if it wasn't for the british letting them starve.
Probably would be the 5th economy of the continent instead of a glorified tax haven.

>> No.56173304

>An empty island
Obviously you import more people. And sell them tax-avoidance schemes and potatoes.

>> No.56173307

Why do you need to "get ahead" if you live in a White country that's filled with beautiful nature?

You don't! If you live in a place like this, you can live a very happy life by just making enough to sustain yourself. When people live for money, you end up with disgusting nigger-filled urban shitholes.

>> No.56173312

>Ireland would have had 25-30 millions people instead of 5 millions if it wasn't for the british letting them starve.

just the ones that went to the US alone account for 35 million now, most of them came over during the potato famines.

>> No.56173379
File: 115 KB, 640x640, 4725cee139c616936a3c8ebd911b4219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glorified tax haven
>Corporate tax evasion
How big of a deal is their lax corporate taxes? Does it bring jobs and tax to Ireland or do companies just set up addresses and call it a day?

>> No.56173388

Because most of the young people live with their parents or rent a small apartment

>> No.56173425

this is normal in other places too. Probably most places.

I don't know about anyone else, but I rented from 18-22. Bought a trailer home with the help of my wife's parents at 22. Sold it in a divorce.
Then bought a house at 29 again with the help of my 2nd wife's parents.

it's not normal to afford a house at 20 or 30. About half the people in the US will never afford a house. It's ok. You get on with your life and enjoy what you've got. If you get a chance to buy a house that's cool, but it's not as great a thing as you might imagine. It's a lot of work and expense, and you're sorta stuck with it for 10 years or so.

>> No.56173506

See >>56173225

>> No.56173517

ah, are you one of those people that believe another ethnicity actually runs the show?

you may be right, but they don't generally dabble in local affairs. People running the world are perfectly happy to contract out administration of the US to the irish.

>> No.56173561


I thought the Jews ran the USA?

>> No.56173565

there's so many white people that they can't even fit into Europe if they all went back

>> No.56173571

who runs things, the businesman or the policeman standing in his way?

I'd guess both, but only the policeman is interested in a single patch of land. The businessman has bigger goals.

>> No.56173579

>there's so many white people that they can't even fit into Europe if they all went back
yep, but ireland shed far more people than most euronations. Like the entire population either died or left.

>> No.56173603

how many actual Irish are there, not meme Irish like 1/5 mutt irish

>> No.56173612

in the US?
almost none

after the 1800's there weren't any irish left to come to america. They all starved or came here already.

>> No.56173627

My grandparents came after WW2, they said the war made a backlog of people waiting

>> No.56173628

yeah but how many are actually Irish instead of white americans who are 25% Irish, 25% German, 25% british, 25% Italian

>> No.56173640

you gotta understand the british systematically genocided the irish.

what's left is mostly mutts, and mostly in other countries. The "real" irish are the handful like OP that either never left or moved in after the brits moved out. And there's not many of them.


>> No.56173650

I believe it. But the number of irish already in the US was much bigger because they were here much earlier.
same answer
almost none

humans love sex, and they don't really care who it's with. That goes double for the irish. We fuck bitches without regard to race, creed, religion, etc.

>> No.56173680

If they bring jobs it'd just in the headquarters/executive offices. So relative to the pretend GDP boost they bring very few jobs

>> No.56173704

if anything we were like other hated minorities in the US.

we actually took pride in marrying outside our race. Now we're considered white, but in the 1800's to early 1900's we were the niggers in the US. Marrying a british or german was a step up from irish. So most did it.

>> No.56173751

the irish in the US were hated, and marrying other races and nationalities was a step up the social ladder

so not only are most "irish" here complete mutts,
but it's also ironic when any "irish" takes pride in their heritage, no matter how small it is.

be like taking great pride in being black or gypsy. There were times when people tried to hide their ancestry. In some places those times still exist.

not in the US though. Not if you're german, mexican, or irish. We pretty much own the place.

>> No.56173878


>> No.56173920

my ancestors were irish nobility do i get part of the land back

>> No.56173933
File: 1.24 MB, 939x1493, Screenshot_20230922-162721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek Irish reparations when?

>> No.56173952

>irish nobility
oh lord

who? I want to know

my ancestors also ruled ireland, but mostly as Scots and English.

serious question tho... I'd love to hear about irish royalty

>> No.56173955

>irish royalty
Brian Boru

>> No.56174003

thank you

the Domnaill he defeated for ireland was my ancestor, the king of scotland, and the ancestor of the bruce, the tudors, and the stewarts

we are all family through this fuckery. I am pleased to see you alive and posting on 4channel. oreg

I prefer land division by dollar, not heritage. Our kingly ancestors had a shitload of kids. The Bruce alone populated all of scotland and half of england.

>> No.56174035
File: 68 KB, 640x553, IMG_1490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peerage is specifically banned by the Irish constitution, written after a bitter civil war ended nary a century ago. The charred estates of the nobility litter Cork today as a solemn reminder of our cruelty

26+6 lads

t. Plastic paddy

>> No.56174051

>Peerage is specifically banned by the Irish constitution
less specifically in the US, but very much still there

>> No.56174081

Fuck off mutt, you're not Irish and never will be. *spits*

>> No.56174117


I am murrican

what you call a mutt

but I'm one of the pure blood. Never seen Ireland or scotland or the UK but still 5.837th in line for the throne.
and still aparently far wealthier than the averge kid from ireland because OP looks tempting to buy.

>> No.56174207

Why do you have 18 posts in this thread?

>> No.56174248

I'm moderately interested in buying ops pic

>> No.56174252

>Different ID
Same fagging?

>> No.56174260

I'm rich
I have several devices and connections

>> No.56174264
File: 725 KB, 998x426, another gay in the orifice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you sit $3,000,000 in an investment that makes even a paltry 5% returns in a year that is an income of $150,000 just on the initial interest. You can definitely live modestly on this sum and save some of that to compound further.

>> No.56174265

Your cringe levels make it obviously clear how you're not remotely Irish, you wont be welcome here.

>> No.56174307

You'd hate me

But I can buy ops house and give you a job

>> No.56174308


>> No.56174322


I don't see the seller refusing murrican dollars

>> No.56174632


>> No.56175448

Kek. From what I've read, it's the same for Mexicans born in the US (half of which hate actual Mexicans, btw, but still call themselves Latinos and BS, as if "Latino" was a single thing), and I'd guess it's the same for American """Germans"""
For some reason, Americans love bragging about their ancestry. Imagine lacking (and needing) an identity so badly, you steal someone else's national identity and make it yours

>> No.56175540

Capital gains tax is 56% in Ireland.

>> No.56175783

Because your blood doesn't change just because you move. You will realize this as your naive leftists import browns into your nation, slowly destroying it.

>> No.56175789

Fuck that

>> No.56175823

>squat on gov land with just an axe and your wits
>start building a log cabin
>eat whatever you can find, squirrels, learn to hunt, slingshot, whatever you need to do to survive
>if someone tries to kick you out talk their ear off

what else you goyna do, continue wagecucking in the city, be miserable, jerk off, and wait for some insane crackhead to end you randomly one day?

>> No.56175842

That's cheap as fuck mate. T/from England

>> No.56175915

>oh nooo its FAR away from the CITY how will i survive
Who cares, bet there are a few small towns in a 10-15min radius, there are no desolate places like in the states or downunder, europe is too small for that (and too old)

>> No.56176001

>kill goblins
>both in your neighbourhood
Id buy that for a dollar.

>> No.56176060

Your blood is not your identity. You are defined by the cultural values you grow up with. A “German” American is still just an amerifat. Everything else is just cope.

>> No.56176095

Culture is downstream of blood, the two are enmeshed with each other.

>> No.56176568

>highest gdp per capita in the world
>not many job opportunities
Country is at essentially full employment, wtf are you smoking?

>> No.56176696

lol wut

>> No.56176702

lol why are you so upset paco?

>> No.56176994

Tons of employment opportunities here with the caveat that you live in Dublin. There is no point living in pic related because there is no fucking work. I grew up in a house/area exactly like that, you can't even get proper internet a large percentage of the time. During winter you'll probably get stuck in the house due to ice on the roads and your electricity might get knocked off. This happened to me yearly on average 2 weeks at a time.
Then you'll have some gobshite farmers hunting on your land with no repercussions because the gardai are the laziest shower of cunts going or you'll grow elderly there and await getting murdered in a robbery by knackers and no one will do anything about it. There's also immigrants from poorer countries constantly dumping in your bins to avoid paying bin charges because even if they're caught they know they'll never be punished. It is "cheap" for a reason.

So you can live in Dublin, but it's completely bonkers in costs - and even if you can afford it, good luck finding anything. Competition is nuts. I know people who have money and good jobs and still looking for a year just to find somewhere to rent. To which it'll be 2,000 euros for a tiny apartment with an hour commute riddled with mold and freezing in the winter.

You could not be more wrong if you tried. I actually laughed at this post. Closest secondary school to where I grew up was a 40 minute DRIVE each way. There is nothing out in these towns, a lot of them have no businesses because they all shuttered up in 2008. They don't even have basic services like banks or post offices anymore so you have to drive 30-60 minutes to a more major town (still tiny) to access these services. Government only has interest in investing in Dublin and that is it.
Rural Ireland has an unemployment rate of 40% or some shit, it's not because people don't want to work, it's because there are literally no jobs down there.

>> No.56177019
File: 37 KB, 225x225, 1561555576220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww, is that some poorfag copium I see? It's so cute, did you post that from your android?

>> No.56177121

Never said anything about schools or services, just that this isnt out of nowhere like you get in the states where you could drive hours for the next house, there is civilisation near even if its dead service wise

>> No.56177278

It's 35% or there abouts

>> No.56177709

this is the gayest shit, why does everything have to be a youtube stunt. Why cant this shit just happen because it happens

>> No.56177789

That’s worth millions where I live depending on the land.

>> No.56178376

And how exactly is that any better? Them not having any services is as good as no civilization. In a town with a population of 500 people, you will not be welcomed if you are not already from there. There is nothing to do and no one to talk to. My parents moved to the countryside when I was around 5 years old and they still avoid me and consider me a blow in from the city even though I was fucking raised there. If I have kids there they'll be treated the same because I don't have a million cousins and aunties out there.
All you can do is go to the pub and drink, and it's some shite pub filled with 70 year old alcoholics who never go home. These "towns" are barely towns anyway, they are like a road with 15 houses tops and maybe 1 small newsagents. Fact is you have to drive and drive quite a fair fucking bit to actually have a life there, which is a far stretch from your previous comments of "oh no it's far from the city" and there being a few small towns within a 10-15 minute radius. There fucking isn't and it's obvious you've never lived in this scenario because you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The person you replied to is pointing out THIS IS THE CATCH to living there and it's ridiculous to pretend living with no people around you for a 30-60 minutes drive away is non issue.

>> No.56178414


Funny seeing Kenmare pop up on 4chan.y grandparents were from there so we spent most summers there, and I still go down frequently today as we still have the house. It's a beautiful picturesque seaside town. Would be a great place to live or retire in, much more accessible to Dublin these days too.

I've actually seen this post too, but I think the house sold!

Also getting a job in Dublin isn't that hard, it's got a big tech influx due to reduced taxes for being here.

>> No.56178424

You'd hopefully have a family so you wouldn't grow old alone there but as part of a family. You would integrate and talk to the local farmers. Ask them what you can do to make their life easier if they'll look out for you and your land also. Normal, non psychopathic non incel board stuff mate.

>> No.56179690

Yeah okay but do come it will balance out all the brown people coming at the least

>> No.56179739
