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File: 2.52 MB, 608x1080, 1672895170890700.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56166461 No.56166461 [Reply] [Original]

But seriously though how the fuck do people get 2k friends on FB do they just add every person in suggested? How do I get 2k friends and how to I profit from this?

>> No.56166544

you can tell those two beans are a couple and the whites are a couple and this is just a degenerate "joke" at least

>> No.56166633

i only see 1 white in this vid

>> No.56166740

Social media should be banned. We need Hitler 2.0 asap to clean this kike mess up.

>> No.56166925

Why would he humiliate himself like this?

>> No.56166959

It's called funny

>> No.56166983

because he is a slave of the pussy. she can do whatever she wants with him. state of the modern western guy

>> No.56167013

How can you be a man and do this gay shit? Are they even making any money from this shit?

>> No.56167024

They are making likes and updoots, both of which are intoxicating to the average n*rMoid.

>> No.56167031

Every guy finds an appropriate caliber woman, just right enough, to make him do stupid shit. If your girl is garbage, you won't put up with any of her shit, you'll get rid of her. Eventually, in the best case scenario, you end up with a girl you actually like and because you don't want to lose her you'll go along with her dumb shit occasionally. Now, every time she makes you do dumb shit you'll like her a little bit less so if she keeps it up too much you'll eventually hate her and ideally, get rid of her. Then it's back to the drawing board. If a girl is just hot enough though and just tolerable enough, she can get away with dumb shit almost in perpetuity because she'll space her dumb shit out just enough that it is offset by the positive things about her. The girl that is just finely tuned to destroy your life is out there waiting for you to find her.

>> No.56167071
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I’ve found mine

>> No.56167074

Yes, the cuck

>> No.56167084

its not funny at all its cringe and you're fucking retarded, kill yourself.

>> No.56167091

for real, i don't get it, i know few people in my life and there are people with few k friends and few hundred likes under their posts
i don't get it

>> No.56167125

It’s called having a life. Normal people with lives tend to have lots of social outings and meet lots of people. You add on social media as it’s always good to have connections for more fun times or other stuff.

>> No.56167136

you're retarded.

>> No.56167142

They aren’t real friends estupidos

>> No.56167172

This is what mutts society is
God bless jews
Happy 9/11
Never forget wtc7

>> No.56167208

remember goys
2 planes, 3 towers

>> No.56167341

homophobic much?

>> No.56167345

If a girl even so much as floats the idea about having sex with another guy you should beat her and leave here right then and there.

>> No.56167400

Is the implication of this that the other guy will fuck him in the ass? That's pretty gay.

>> No.56167403

Italians are white.

>> No.56167421

Eh I've been to a lot of parties pretty normie tier myself but just because I talked to somebody for 3minutes doesn't mean I'll add them on fb, seriously you are really out there having deep convos with 2k people it's a load of shit.

>> No.56167454

Autistic and experiencepilled

>> No.56167466

they dont have friends. they have people they have seen and never spoken to as friends and creepy indians from india

>> No.56167641



>> No.56167815

Completely agree. Sick of it
Shit is blasphemous

>> No.56167823

They will add anyone they've met or talked to. It's like when people used it as a quasi linkedin or for social proofing. The irony therein is those people who have the most friends actually have none.

>> No.56167921

Brown eyed people aren't white. If they were, the entire human population would be white.

>> No.56167989

Wtf its not 2007...

>> No.56167993


>> No.56168000

>2k friends

just have a vagina

>> No.56168003


>> No.56168005

kek. no they are not

>> No.56168192

0 planes, 3 towers, 1 office in Pentagon

>> No.56168697
File: 106 KB, 1024x1017, IMG_4123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy checked and based may almighty KEK bless and watch you brother

>> No.56169828

I’m a Jew and also hate social media. There are lots of historical examples of societies without Jews but zero where greed and ego didn’t bring about societies ultimate downfall. Even prior to the existence of the Jewish religion, there are countless stories of the exact behavior you are now blaming Jews for. It’s a human problem. There are faulty genetics everywhere. Your myopic view is as cancerous as the whore in this videos behavior. All humans should be eradicated. Let planet earth heal.

>> No.56169905

why they move like that?

>> No.56169933

this is the gayest thing I've seen today and I just beat off to shemale porn

>> No.56169936

You’ll get it when the next Great Depression happens and everyone blames you know who again.

>> No.56169940

What do you think about Jesus?
>inb4 dodges question.

>> No.56169946

>Jew blames everyone else
Like clockwork

>> No.56169954

do you mean facebook? in 2023?

>> No.56170412

why does everyone dance retardedly in these videos?
pls help me understand

>> No.56170458

To keep you watching. Same reason most story clips have some inane game going in the background

>> No.56170710

You can explore crypto on Facebook, which is where I first became familiar with it and increased my interest. My initial investments were in BTC and LTC, and now I've been diversifying my portfolio to include assets like Reef, Kava, Dua, Rose, and Hbar.

>> No.56170726

I'm like 99% sure the people in that video are federal assets. Just a hunch.

>> No.56170754
File: 380 KB, 428x212, shooting-rambo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56170857

>do they just add every person in suggested?
>have lots of social outings and meet lots of people
Maybe boomers and xellenials or whatever they're called did.
Zoomers literally don't leave their room.
They just spend all day on twitch and discord with their "friends".

>> No.56171053

American's aren't white. Go back to /pol/ you filthy mutt.

>> No.56171087

Have sex

>> No.56171103

This nigger uses Facebook

>> No.56171113
File: 7 KB, 220x213, 98713928741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they dancing like that? Could they not be complete cringe retards for maybe two seconds of their lives? Watching this stupid dance legitimately makes me angry.

>> No.56171137

when you say "dumb shit" youre probably referring to "dinner dates" and "making cuck tiktok videos" like theyre even remotely the same. its about intent. if your gf asks you to do something with the intent to embarrass you, its over, and its been over, and she's probably cheating on you

>> No.56172224
File: 171 KB, 1000x823, IMG_0832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ROSE chud.

>> No.56172701

find what you love, and let it kill you!

>> No.56173011

everyone who had over 1k friends was a confirmed faggot

>> No.56173276

While i even agree partially on your first part your second part is pure cancer and what modern propaganda pushes.
If anything we should stop societies and life in tribes in forests again

>> No.56174216

Why? We need to filter out like 95% of the population and this is doing that

>> No.56174337


Both too stupid to see the benefits of a 4-way!

>> No.56174372

>Im a jew
>Its every single human thats the problem
This is bait right?

>> No.56174406

normies must be exterminated.
that includes you

>> No.56174709

lol I wouldn't let a girl force me to do this not matter how hot she is.

>> No.56174714

this >>56166983

>> No.56174730

why would you want 2k fake friends?

>> No.56174774

Attractive women have had their dopamine receptors completely obliterated. They literally cannot stand still and need to dance around.

I had to explain to a stacy I'm piping how hot and neutral wires work for her to install a new light, and she was vacantly looking past me with the fluoride stare. Of course she called 7 minutes after she got home (I already clapped the cheeks and was seriously not in the mood)

>> No.56174782

post a photo of her body

>> No.56175035
File: 319 KB, 711x540, Aliens_Fission_Windmills_Ghetto_Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that includes you

Then it would be a 5-way... are you mentally challenged?

>> No.56175073

>All humans should be eradicated
yep you're a jew

>> No.56175098

Jews are a people not a religion. Judaism is their religion.

>> No.56176186

stfu rockefeller trust fund baby faggot

>> No.56176193

back in the oven

>> No.56176501

What exactly is humiliating here? You guys are insane

>> No.56176511

You dont like to eat shit? What are you an antisemite?

>> No.56177997

>how the fuck do people get 2k friends on FB do they just add every person in suggested?
I got that easy by friending Africans, Ameri-Mexicans, and Filipinos

>> No.56178030

your not getting one hot woman follow you on twitter everyday, ngmi

>> No.56178434

just put a cute pic of you as a child in your profile pic. guarantee you'll get a million dudes following you within a day

>> No.56178634

Cool erotica novel bro

>> No.56178692

>Even prior to the existence of the Jewish religion, there are countless stories of the exact behavior you are now blaming Jews for. It’s a human problem.
No, it's a hating Jesus and worshiping false gods problem. Obviously Jews don't cause every single problem in society, but regardless, having a religion based on the rejection of Jesus Christ is unacceptable.

>> No.56178804
File: 1007 KB, 1024x1024, 1695491882032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "another girl" is packing some good tits.

>> No.56178947

The more I loop this the more I get angry

>> No.56179259

>Actually we should just genocide everyone! :)


>> No.56179289

not an argument

>> No.56179551

Would watch a series where an alien detective comments on all the retarded shit we do.