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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 385x386, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56165513 No.56165513 [Reply] [Original]

The only reason why people buy most of the shit out there is to hope that they can dump on new buyers, and the only reason why most of the shit still even exists is because the ones who got dumped on are waiting for people who are more retarded than they are to become their exit liquidity. Even "legit" projects have to come up with retarded explanations to try and attempt to justify their tokenomics.

>inb4 anonymity
Even to truly be anonymous, you'd have to jump through lots of hoops to make it happen along with doing some illegal shit along the way if you want to cash out. Governments can still freeze assets as well, so it's not completely protected. Yea, I'd say crypto is a joke

>> No.56165547
File: 289 KB, 595x547, based peasant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stock ownership is a joke. the only reason why people buy most of the shit stocks out ther eis to hope they can dump on new buyers, and the only reason why most of the shit even still exists is because the ones who got dumped on are waiting for people who are more retarded than they are to become their exit liquidity. Even "legit" businesses have to come up with retarded explanations to try and atempt to justify their business models.

>inb4 voting rights
Even to truly have a voice that matters, you'd have to jump through lots of hoops to make it happen along with doing some plausibly deniable shit along the way if you want to change the company yhow you want. governments can still freeze assets as well, so it's not completely protected. yeah, i'd say the stock market is a joke.

>> No.56165570

This. At least with crypto we can see all the transactions. Dark pool stock trades fuck over retail daily

>> No.56165598

1. No central issuer to manipulate the currency.
2. No middleman to stop transfers.
3. Capped supply.
4. Universal.
5. Nobody owns it but you.

Try sending Gold over the internet, see how easy that is.

>> No.56165818

any shitcoin trying to be an actual currency is an absolute scam

the real value that will come from crypto will be in tamper-proof systems and the automation of contracts
but that probably won't be for a little while yet

>> No.56165822

Takes about a week to get my gold over the internet but the swings aren't like crypto so I don't care. I'll trust history. Don't get me wrong I've made money off of crypto, specifically doge, but I won't hold any crypto long term. Feels like a Jewish scam. Here take these bytes you can't hold or smell but they're valuable cause we say so. Crypto lost its purpose when dread pirate Edward's got sloppy.

>> No.56165826


>> No.56165951

>you can't hold or smell
Geez I guess oxygen is actually worthless

>> No.56166007

Oxygen is essential. It's an element and serves a purpose crypto is neither.

>> No.56166023

You can't hold it or smell it so it's worthless.

>> No.56166110

I'll show you my banks accounts if you show me yours. Let's see has the most cash or crypto. I bet you don't have shit.

>> No.56166140

Bank accounts are worthless. You can't hold or smell them.

>> No.56166170

My shit must be worth millions. I can hold it and certainly smell it

>> No.56166220

Willing to sell some? Real investors know that if you can hold it and you can smell it, it's a great buy.

>> No.56166260

Why did it take this fucking long?!??!? Why acknowledge that now????

>> No.56166273

>what is happening behind the doors of binance

crypto is a ponzi and will be rugged all at once

Look into who owns these companies, they are all connected. Once the DOJ rugs its over.

>> No.56166786
File: 132 KB, 640x640, 1688906043607493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average IQ of this board is so fucking low that basic shit like this just passes as a normal comment

>> No.56166808

>you can't hold or smell but they're valuable cause we say so
just like opinions

>> No.56167909
File: 41 KB, 640x480, imgres(27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The facts remain the same. People are getting down to their necessities being the only things they can afford. Sheep without funds aren't sheep. The people worth milking know it's a scam already or are already saavy enough to have their feet in other commodities.
You can't eat crypto, generate energy, build anything out of it, and you can't shoot anyone and kill them with it. In the real world, it's less than useless.

>> No.56167926


>> No.56167983

XMR is better for those purposes anyway.

>> No.56167987
File: 22 KB, 395x278, 1665851254775239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so don't buy it then?
why did you spent all your time posting this?

>> No.56169839

Because of this shit thread, I am going to buy.

>> No.56169853

Make sure your bags are heavy with promising crypto.

>> No.56169885

Such a loser wage slave showing bitcoin in a logo with altcoins. You suck and didn't buy bitcoin low like me. Simp for your fiat gov harder nerd.

>> No.56170009

cant freeze crypto assets afaik, your normie bank accounts gets freezed when you exchange into normie cash which isnt a flaw in crypto but the tradfi authoritarian system

>> No.56170034

Not reading any of this, not selling btc before 100k either

>> No.56170057

Welcome to being rich like me.

>> No.56170523

I stacked enough of QANX before the private blockchain launch and I'm not regretting. Steady gains and massive pump is all I've got.

>> No.56170538

Stick to RAIL

>> No.56170595

Even normies have come to accept crypto as a scam. When bitcoin was blowing up in 2019 I had nearly a dozen friends and coworkers telling me it was the next USD. Now those same people only talk about crypto in terms of trading it for USD after a hype wave. I don't know q single person outside of this board that is still long on any crypto. And 95% of the crypto shills on this board are just third worlders trying to push bags, which is a great indicator of the crypto market as a whole.

>> No.56170607

>Governments can still freeze assets as well, so it's not completely protected.
Dive in on Railgun, get those prying eyes off your assets.

>> No.56170635

EVR presales is still on, hope you ain't gonna miss out on this.

>> No.56170653

Why not participate in the ongoing OGBX fair launch? You'll be happier not missing out on it.

>> No.56170671

Without SUPRA Yngmi

>> No.56170702

Who still holds shitcoins when chads are gunning for adventurous VR/AR experience on Enefti. This is where is future is.

>> No.56170758
File: 12 KB, 191x255, 1691916096901599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is right. crypto (not btc) is just a giant shitcoin factory. and normies are getting wise to the shitcoin pump and dump cycle. maybe nfts was the nail in the coffin.

literally everything in crypto is all about sustaining and creating new shitcoins. "farming","liquidity provisioning", staking highly inflationary vc scams on a ghost chain whose only purpose is to faciliate shitcoin creation.

crypto is a pvp game of musical chairs where every new coin, every new chain cannibalises the ones that came before. thats why people say dont buy previous cycle coins lol. what a joke.

>> No.56170834

This is why bitcoin maximalists were right all along. It's the only crypto that's never going to go away

>> No.56170865

>No max supply
Not really

>> No.56170871

There is no option. You cannot possibly hope to get in God's way and not be destroyed. Decentralization is the only way.

>> No.56170874

Retard alert

>> No.56171068

>cant freeze crypto assets
Now this one is a guaranteed troll. Not even /biz/ is this retarded.

>> No.56171080

Same thing as most stocks bro

>> No.56171306

Honestly I have never heard of it unless you are keeping it at exchanges, where can I read about it?

>> No.56171379

You're never gonna be rich until OGBX is in your bag, the fair launch is live on pinksale, dive in and have a great buy.