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File: 116 KB, 720x464, morals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56164837 No.56164837 [Reply] [Original]

Are morals just excuses for staying poor?

Will you keep working shit jobs and miss out on freedom/wealth just because of muh “morals”?

>> No.56164870

>lying and selling a deceptive product is the exact same as selling something the person knows exactly what theyre buying

I can already tell the nose size of the "person" who wrote this.

>> No.56165015

kek what bullshit. Ogilvy has a pretty funny take. His book has maybe one paragraph dedicated to ethics where he basically says
> I create a desire in someone and they fulfil that desire by buying the product I advertised then that is a good thing
I can't agree, but I do understand that by locking your mentality into that mindset is a powerful way to be a piece of shit without caring.

>> No.56167246


>> No.56167420

>You won't contribute to poisoning society? Someone else will so your morals don't make a difference
This is the biggest "excuse" in that image. If more people had morals and the conviction to abide by them imagine the society we could be living in.

>> No.56167438

Yes, moralfagging is absolute cancer and the vast majority of moralfags are either
>religious cultists (whether christkikes or new age faggy shit)
>miserable failures looking to drag anyone they can down into the shit with them
Personally I believe all these virtue signalling niggerloving cucks should go back to Africa.

>> No.56167653

Yeah, nah. I've done sales. There is no worse feeling than walking around knocking on peoples doors trying to pawn them shit they want or need. Wanting purpose and satisfaction in your work is perfectly healthy.

>> No.56167659

*dont want or need
and yeah maybe being shot in the head feels worse

>> No.56167677

Yes, absolutely true and clearly caused some seethe already ITT.
Dropbox started out their business by posting a fake demo online, if you're refusing to do what a now-public company did to start their business you are really reaching for excuses and probably were NGMI in business anyway.

>> No.56167701

>lying and selling a deceptive product
reading comprehension?

>> No.56167741
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Baldwin IV of Jerusalem would like a word with you.

>> No.56167834

Only poor people have to follow the rules.

>> No.56167878

Society cannot function without morals, you need the overall population working together for the greater good or else society will simply not function. However, I agree you cannot get rich while being moral, you need to have that selfish, psychopathic drive to claim so much for yourself. Name me a single rich or powerful person who has morals. There simply are none.

>> No.56169223

the author dismisses the health risks of diet pills as 'basically caffeine pills'.
that's completely inappropriate and incorrect.
there is a huge range of extremes in that market, ranging from benign and useless, basically snake oil, to extraordinarily toxic and dangerous, such as the diet pill 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), the dosage is incredibly difficult to gauge correctly, and if you take just slightly too much you'll die sitting in an ice bath while your brain is actually baked to death by your insane body heat.

>> No.56169239
File: 120 KB, 946x236, Screen Shot 2023-09-22 at 9.49.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56169289

It's cope. Those who say "money doesn't matter" and act like their humble life is a choice are also obsessing over their budget, stressing paycheck to paycheck, letting their poorness dominate their life. I see it all the time.

>> No.56170469

Morals are for plebs. Rich people don't give a shit.

>> No.56170545

zoomers and even many millennials have an aversion to sales because of their crippling social anxiety and inability to communicate normally in a world that is still modeled after the boomers (and frankly always will be). this morality argument is just a crutch, a convienient cope that makes these people feel like they can't make it because they are just too good for this ugly world.

the reality is of course flipped. most of these people are intensely bitter and aggressive, covetous of what they cannot have and cruel to people they see as beneath them.