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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 1198x364, 1D Stoch RSI dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56164363 No.56164363 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.56164496

>TA works
Yes but Stoch RSI isn't a technical analysis though, and you're not "doing" any "TA" when you're looking at it. Stoch RSI is simply a graphical illustration of the will of the market. When you're looking at the Stoch RSI you're looking directly at the market itself, its sentiment/will and its relative strength.

>> No.56164611

i post peepeepoopoo and i don't even look at a chart. i wait for it to pop into my soul and post. it's usually correct and ends in dubs too. make of this what you will.

>> No.56164633
File: 341 KB, 799x628, 1694473122228570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56164639

TA does not work every time. Future not predictable on financial time series.

>> No.56164650

>someone correctly predicted the coin will land on heads a single time
>this means that TA works

>> No.56164798
File: 613 KB, 1200x640, Chart from April 22nd 2022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope moar

>> No.56164822

So buy?

>> No.56164824
File: 577 KB, 1200x640, earlier gif from 4 months earlier .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56164854

>draw two curved lines in a log chart
>call it logarithmic curves
the absolute state of the illiterate retards in this board

>> No.56164964
File: 55 KB, 1120x750, 1679749509088847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That (picrel) is the ONLY legit logarithmic curve in existence you absolute imbecile. Since it's simply BTC's price action on its logarithimic chart. All other "curves" people call "log curves" are just drawn by some human based on what he wants to see/show and have no relationship whatsoever with BTC's candles (aren't based on them) and cut straight through many candles.

> "draw two curved lines in a log chart"
>log chart
That's it. That's precisely it. The curve is BTC's log chart. Without the """lines""" the curve is still there, since it's BTC's price action, up to 2015, after which the market movers (whales) have always sold off at the top of the curve and bought in at the bottom -- thereby ensuring the top of the curve has remained the top price-wise (always a huge sell off event at or near the top of it) and that the bottom of the curve has remained the bottom price-wise (always a massive buying in at or near the bottom of it).

>> No.56165027
File: 20 KB, 1228x752, 1684303300664024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another educational animation, for any imbecilic newfags reading this thread.

And see the following chart from 2019 made to destroy the S2F "model": https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BLX/BH8wM9TV-The-Paradigm-Shift/ – the green color there is of course a bit off from BTC's log curve, because he didn't use candles (so no wicks) and he misaligned the green at the start, but still it's an excellent piece of historical education. Now, did that chart somehow magically predict the bottoms and tops since then? No, because BTC's log curve is simply the channel which the whales trade in.

>> No.56165078
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1688569521660793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this >>56164964 chart is from AFTER 15.5k was hit (Nov 9th) and then rose to 17k. Not before it (as newfags might think). This is the thread it was first posted in: >>/biz/thread/52556773

>> No.56165399
File: 81 KB, 1242x724, nonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess... you're one of those anons who think nonsensical charts like picrel is "the log curve" right?

>> No.56165415

No, I'm one of those anon that know what a log curve is and understands that two randomly drawn curves in tradingview aren't log curves.

>> No.56165437
File: 32 KB, 200x143, Bosed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes i post bobos every day.

>> No.56165457

>guys!! i really am retarded!! i'm not joking!!
Alright then.

>> No.56165459

Will the top be in Q4 of 2025 then? What price can one expect?

>> No.56165591

>no argument
Concession accepted.

Those are not log curves. You are just connecting bottoms and high as you see fit with the curve tool because you can move the points around freely in both Y and X axis to fit anything.
Case in point, pic related. I just placed the mid point randomly in this one and everything still connects

>> No.56165599
File: 26 KB, 1055x874, fYsFdxG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56165607
File: 26 KB, 1155x857, eiZTfIH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now here's another that still connects and is slightly different.

>> No.56165645
File: 18 KB, 1123x552, Zk0nKLT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow look, another.

You can LITERALLY plot endless curves that fit because you can freely move the endpoint and midpoint freely in the Y and X axis

>> No.56165667


>> No.56165670
File: 23 KB, 1071x860, pqJo6YA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANON !?!??! I think 16k is still in play. I mean, the log curve doesn't lie amirite?

>> No.56165675
File: 15 KB, 1190x798, Bitcoin's Log Curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- This is Bitcoin's log curve.

Those aren't based on the candles as they were in 2015. Bitcoin's log curve was established in 2015. The top of it was established in 2013 and the bottom of it in 2015. Since 2015 it has been traded by all of the important whales ever since. They used it as the macro trading channel since then. And that's why the price didn't blow past 20k for example in Dec 2017 and didn't go lower than it did in March 2020 and didn't go lower than 15k recently. Because they're using the curve as it was established by 2015. And hence we can today play years-old log curve charts on tradingview and watch the price neatly stop at the curve boundaries.

>The curve is BTC's log chart. Without the """lines""" the curve is still there, since it's BTC's price action, up to 2015, after which the market movers (whales) have always sold off at the top of the curve and bought in at the bottom -- thereby ensuring the top of the curve has remained the top price-wise (always a huge sell off event at or near the top of it) and that the bottom of the curve has remained the bottom price-wise (always a massive buying in at or near the bottom of it).
Brainlets just can't wrap their heads around that. And newfags - since they are new - weren't in crypto 5-7 years ago so they didn't notice the whales were using the log curve as a trading channel (became extremely obvious in 2017), they never saw Bitcoin's price bounce around within the curve.

>> No.56165714
File: 48 KB, 463x684, 94EFFA51-D01D-4AE4-BBF2-CA52050005C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56165727

>This is Bitcoin's log curve.
No, that's a BTC log chart. Free drawing a curve on it doesn't make it a log curve.
>Those aren't based on the candles as they were in 2015
I'm using literally the same chart and the same tool to draw the lines. Cope beyond human comprehension.

>> No.56165751
File: 19 KB, 815x858, aj5W2Yt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The top of it was established in 2013 and the bottom of it in 2015
And this is why you have literally no clue of what a log curve is. You don't replot a log curve.
This is what the """"""""""""log curve""""""""""""" looks like if you don't redraw it freely with new data to cope.

>> No.56165874

except that if that happens it would be unprecedented and break the 4 year cycle theory. Never has BTC hit a new low this far after the ATH. Delusional cope.

>> No.56165879

dude anyone can predict a btc dump just call it when chainlink announces some insanely bullish unprecedented achievement

>> No.56167004

Except Bitcoin isn't down and no one cares about your gay thread

>> No.56167036
File: 81 KB, 1276x903, curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is better, drawn via power law and a simple trading strategy. Called pretty close to the bottom over a year ago.

>> No.56167076

>randomly drawn curves
Those are the total opposite of randomly drawn.
>Free drawing
The total opposite of what he did. The blue lines are just a visual aid for you. Without them, the curve channel is still there. And it's been traded for yeeaaars.
All the posts by you ITT but especially these ones
are pretty damn embarrassing. You're angrily flailing around in the most newfaggy manner possible, demonstrating to everyone ITT that you are very new to all this and weren't here several years ago. You're probably a huge fan of the rainbow chart.

>> No.56167095

>literally one dude out of thousands guessed something kinda correct
>le omg guys TA totally werks

>> No.56167109
File: 5 KB, 500x500, 1604128476444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok at a chart. i wait for it to pop into m

>> No.56167114

The curves in the OP and >>56164964 bend back on themselves. They're not logarithmic or any other kind of proper curve. They're fit by hand to wicks, which is also dumb.

>> No.56167248

Until now BTC has only existed in an era loose monetary policy. Sorry sweaty it's over.

>> No.56167302

That's not new stuff, even in early 2022 people were saying that the lower ATH means a much higher chance of breaking the log during the bear

>> No.56167360

You're very confused and seem to not understand at all what people are saying here. The chart itself is logarithmic and the curve, sans the lines, you can see here >>56165675

See it in that screenshot? No? Then re-read this thread. As has already been stated multiple times in this thread, the curve is there with or without the lines. They're merely a visual aid. The curve which they help you see exists on the logarithmic chart, hence it's a log curve (and the only meaningful one due to how it came about and how it's been used since then). And the curve as we see it today is how it existed many years ago. It's been used as a "trading channel" by the big players in the market ever since. They always sold whenever the price hit the roof of the curve and always bought at the bottom of it, which is why for instance the price stopped in March 2020 where it did and why the recent tops ended up where they ended up (the 69k top was frontrun due to the much greater awareness of the curve versus earlier) and why the price stopped at 15.5k and now isn't going to fall below ~24k (sure they might let it drop a tiny bit below it in a reverse sort of way of how the top of the curve was frontrun, this time to trap bottom shorters instead of top longers; nothing of course prevents them from crashing Bitcoin way down low but they won't) which is roughly where the bottom of the curve currently is right now (the bottom is higher up the further in time we go), so in essence it's only up from here; we know that due to the curve, by simply looking at the curve. And due to this log curve being based strictly on the wicks, and being used the way it is, it's the only proper curve. All others ignore the price and are exactly what you describe; dumb and not proper and most of them hand-drawn, some not hand-drawn but based on a function/script which also completely disregards the price; not only the wicks but ignores big parts of candle bodies.

>> No.56167379

Pretty sure what he wrote was a pre-emptive action against any low-IQ newfags who weren't here (and don't understand the difference in how the candles appear and behave on an extremely zoomed out long-term timeframe chart compared with say on a daily chart) who'd try to say "But that pic was made at 17k and then it fell lower, fell $1500 sooo that means the log curve is meaningless" or something like that. Most likely that's why he felt it necessary to point out that that chart was in fact from after 15.5k.

>> No.56167393
File: 1.27 MB, 2359x1749, 1572985288661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, im one of those newfags. I was not here in those days.

>> No.56167486

Based Chad. I prefer the fundamentals of projects and general market sentiments. Looking at previous circles, one may know when to start DCAing while the price gets fuckin cheaper. Been doing more of that in the dip on Eth, Rio and Ride. wouldn't want to be left out when the Bulls return.

>> No.56167498

>We base our TA off previous data
>Oh yea ummmm.. also actually the conditions are different now because BTC has never existed in a period of high inflation! B-but still!!! listen to me!!!!
This is you

>> No.56167619

Yea... It's called short term price action..When the market crabs, things go up, and they come down... Happy to see that you are keeping up with it bro, Do you want me to clap for you?

>> No.56167690

so what indicators should I be using?

>> No.56167697

they are wrong the news does drive it, they are just measuring the effect and see it happen in real time and know before the news can. but the logic of "because line is down" it must always spring up is wrong, and when the hype dies the ponzi will get vicious

>> No.56167702

you dont need much more than stochastic and macd but there are infinitely better ways to do it. if you are smart look into dominant cycle stuff that is inspired by audio equalizers

>> No.56167719
File: 44 KB, 891x597, 1677767913566672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dump?
It was just another bart.

>> No.56167936

Jokes aside, this is an interesting psychological experiment to look at. Any stock market engineer care to explain, why a log curve, but not a straight line up? Is there some kind of natural phenomena that causes it to naturally become a curve? Is it because humans as a trader are not capable of making price movement in a linear form? I read a book called The Perfection Point by Jim Hines where he talks about how utilizing science to further the limits of human performance which I think what bitcoin is currently doing in herd. Sorry for my English. I speak 4 languages but English isn't my native.

>> No.56167965

LMAO checked & peepeepoopoopilled

>> No.56168006
File: 97 KB, 599x620, xxchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do what twitter "traders" do

>look at chart
>if chart is in obvious decline, post bearish analysis
>if chart is bullish, post bullish takes
>always wait till the trend starts and is confirmed first

you will come off as a market wizard just re-posting the painfully obvious.

the example here, we broke structure and market started selling off, very expected. he posted this and got clout.

I have never seen him post a decent prediction, only the LTF trend.

and people call him a genius kek

>> No.56168019

>What is FOMC
You coinerfags are really retarded. Your shitcoin belongs now to the big investors. It moves likes stocks if not actually worse.

>> No.56168127
File: 489 KB, 2508x1672, 1690248704773735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's that easy

>> No.56168334

Only dumbasses still do that. With the current market, its projects with good on-demand utilities are to be considered like Ripple, Metahero and Holoride. With time utility will be a major factor for investing.

>> No.56168359

isnt he being ironic here?

>> No.56168365

what fucking dump? I swear it has been at 26k for a whole year

>> No.56168479

>Those are the total opposite of randomly drawn.
Clearly not the case since I posted 6 charts where I chose random positions and the curves all worked.
>Without them, the curve channel is still there. And it's been traded for yeeaaars.
This has been proven wrong with this picture
because without future data you wouldn't have been able to trade the third top since you had no reference to replot the line to it.
Also, a curved channel is not a logarithmic curve. It's a curved channel.

Good to see that you unwillingly admit to be wrong. Concession accepted.

>> No.56168554
File: 25 KB, 1044x888, lQeod8X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the curve is there with or without the lines
Proved wrong as well with
by providing different """""""""""""""log curves""""""""""""""""""
The reason why I'm able to do so is simple: Freely drawing curves in a log chart to connect known data is really simple.


>> No.56168749

expert bell curve trader here

>> No.56168808
File: 22 KB, 1105x867, pojgaRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's JOEVER anon the """"""logarithmic curves"""""" don't lie

>> No.56168832
File: 19 KB, 973x867, GMb0mQb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
