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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56158383 No.56158383 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56158439

When they were selling one of Chadwick Boseman's head at the Oscars was THE moment of clarity for not just for NFTs, but everything blockchain, crypto, etc.

>> No.56158452

Holy fuck, in hindsight the top couldnt have been clearer. Why didnt I just sell everything and walk away?

Captcha kh 40k

>> No.56158551

paris hilton monkey.jpg

>> No.56158589

Nothing. It was a manufactured hype like any other. The people behind it profitted immensly while late comers left holding their worthless NFTs.

>> No.56158643

It was just like the crypto market on but on speedrun

>> No.56158837

If you didn't see it coming anon i don't know what to tell you...

>> No.56158853

A fairly conservative estimate, I'd guess.
Same as every other fucking thing - there might have been a grain of a functional idea there somewhere. Then everyone jumps on board, instantaneously pajeeting it to death. Until the next gravy train.

>> No.56159436

Remember when trump released his nft collection in the middle of a bear market and still made money? Sounds like some people just make unengaging art and blame it on the market.

>> No.56159473
File: 286 KB, 377x894, twitter nft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFT's don't even give you the art, they give you an NFT which contains a hyperlink to the art. Generally it doesn't even give you the legal rights to the art. All it gives you is a receipt which tells the world "yes, I an idiot who paid money for this token"

>> No.56159490

And yet I STILL can't get a penguin for less than 0.1 eth. I've waited this whole run for the jpegs to crash and die just so I can scoop them up for memorabilia, yet it seems like I underestimated how hard of bagholders retail would be, coping for them to be "more than just a photo"

>> No.56159500

Bull run is not coming back. LUNA, FTX and NFT killed crypto forever. Mar kmy words.

>> No.56159510

greater fool theory in full effect.

>> No.56159596
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I sincerely believe nobody on /biz/ was dumb enough to get involved in NFTs.

>> No.56159659

marked, see you in da future

>> No.56159738

I assumed the majority of expensive nfts were money laundering. Then followed people trying to get rich. Then followed the dump

>> No.56159750

99% of biz is poojeets addicted to shitcoins, the reaming is just 1% white trash addicted to losing their capital by buying precious metals and natgas

>> No.56159763
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The dubs of deth anons

>> No.56160081

The same fate awaits buttcorn. Monero will survive because it is actually used.

>> No.56160222
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>> No.56160237

Dumber fad than beanie babies, at least with those you had a cute little stuffed animal at the end of the day

>> No.56160247

That was engaging because it was Trump, had nothing to do with the art. What's the appeal of 99% of these? You get into a club with other people who bought your penguins? Why would people want to be in a club like that?

>> No.56160992

>low liquidity
>no order book
>no fractional ownership
>muh floor price (aka ask)
The bidding structure really appealed to normans and also made it insanely volatile. They never questioned the bid ask spread only the ask price when calculating their worth.

>> No.56161045

Tailing off this, remember when /biz/ was hyped about ENS domains? What a waste of time and money

>> No.56161057


>> No.56161080

Kek I stayed away after getting burned by namecoin
.eth was already owned by Ethiopia (but unused) serves them right for trying to digitally colonize niggers

>> No.56161448
File: 194 KB, 1024x700, tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shit new year. The product doesn't matter.

>> No.56161463

Seething no ape havers.

>> No.56161838

>what went wrong
Literally nothing. It went perfectly right. You were able to create worthless jpegs and sell them for cash. You scammed tens of millions of people out of billions of dollars. It was a resounding success. What more do you want?

>> No.56161848

They're coming back you idiots. Look what happened to Bitcoin. Any time crypto dumps and is "never to return" it always soars past the prior all time high. Mania and greed are very predictable. All you fucking haters in here will be buying my NFTs for 100s of thousands in a year, count on it.

>> No.56161890

Tend to agree here. /biz/ is always wrong as is the (((media))). You just know when you see articles like this that the bottom is near. It’s like a reverse top signal.

>> No.56162165

this is the future of all crypto and bitcoin too. soon the halving will happen and people will never invest into it again, it became too top heavy and it will fall like NFT
once bitcoin die, crypto die

>> No.56162908

knew this was a scam from day one when all the people featured in the press talking about NFTs basically look like crack addicts and asians in fitted hats

>> No.56162942

This whites have begun to act like Jews being under their rule for so long.

>> No.56162948

AI is just the next NFT (c) some retard