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56151147 No.56151147 [Reply] [Original]

>unemployment rate is 3.4%
This has always been a flawed statistic. Do you really believe 95%+ of the population is employed? Then explain inner city black neighbourhoods lol. That's very hard to believe. I'd assume a LOT of people are afraid of getting jobs out of fear of being bullied, harassed, social anxiety in general. Also how a lot of normies have no work ethic. Also with the horrendous job market and economy. This stat just isn't true. I'd assume 20-30% of the population are NEETs. You're not mentally ill for avoiding the shitshow that is work.

>> No.56151163

1pbtid discord troon groomer thread. the same unmedicated fat balding tranny pedophile that posted these men dropping out of the workforce psyops a few months ago. you will never be a woman. your brain will never feel good. accept the inevitable and hang yourself dead, repulsive nigger.

>> No.56151444

checked (digit 5 and 6) and bumped

>> No.56151511

unemployment rate doesn't count the unemployable

>> No.56151544

What makes someone unemployable? anybody can flip burgers

>> No.56151574

Large swaths of lily white Appalachia live on guvbux too. Yes, there are a lot of people not working, living on the margins.

>> No.56151583

Someone who isn’t actively looking for work and hasn’t for like a year or some shit

>> No.56151604

I'm in the donut hole. I know too much about my rights as a worker and what someone should expect from a decent job for menial labor bosses to trust me enough to hire, I'm too much of a spazz for normie-tier office jobs to hire me, and I'm not skilled enough to get a niche position. Even though in all cases I would be fine for 80-90% of the job, the remainder makes me anathema.

>> No.56151618

>I'd assume a LOT of people are afraid of getting jobs out of fear of being bullied, harassed, social anxiety in general.

mental illness makes them unemployable, why should they count as part of the workforce and tracked by the unemployment rate? it would just make for a shit metric

>> No.56151647

If a substantial amount of the population is mentally ill, that might be interesting to know.

>> No.56151716

you truly don't understand how stupid the average american is.
it's not just flipping a single burger, it's timing several swathes of orders, managing inventory, food safety certifications, memorizing orders and recipes. That's $39,520 a year for soul crushing greasy work.

>> No.56152636

I spent around 7 years in NEETdom due to health issues, lost contact with all my friends, dropped out and basically was doing nothing but playing video games, consuming porn and browsing the internet.

Most miserable part of my existence tbqh, glad I'm back on rails even if I still have to deal with shit. Being a NEET is like slowly rotting inside and seeing everyone you know growing up while you stagnate.

>> No.56152665

how did they even get the 3.4% number anyway? i would assume the majority of NEETs don't even report their unemployment anywhere so there's no real way to know.

>> No.56152672

After a few months of unemployment they remove you from the unemployment numbers because you are no longer classified as seeking employment.

>> No.56152814

Wages are simply not high enough in most coastal areas where people tend to live. Most companies are not hiring or are hiring pajeets now. Women get jobs 'for free' but statistically are over 6 figures in debt. Despite getting 'free' jobs, the average 27 year old college educated woman still makes 10% less than the average college educated 27 year old man because women are not expected to ever apply rigor to any part of their lives.

Women peak in attractiveness around 20. Check tinder and all the prettiest girls are around 18-25, meanwhile over that threshold their faces start to melt and they've got little brown kids from previous relationships. Men are told to go to college/trade school, then bust it out with internships and entry level shitwork, then by the time they're 27 they make about 50k on average and the average woman is in debt and her best years are behind her. Where is the incentive, if you didn't meet your fiance when you were under 26? Society actively shills against the idea of men over 25 dating under 25 nowadays, to further coddle the many failures of women this country produces

Entry level jobs make people fight each other, there are too many mid-level jobs and not enough entry-level jobs so entering the workforce in the first place is difficult. Entry level IT jobs in my area pay 18 dollars an hour, but low rent is 1600/mo for a studio. In Nashville, TN it's 18/hr but rent is as low as 500 for a studio.

It's obvious that in most places men would just hunker down and do gig work or survive off of benefits, rather than trying to fight a system which is designed to grind them down and fleece them. Men will work when they think the juice is worth the squeeze.

>> No.56152826

>That's $39,520 a year for soul crushing greasy work.
Keep in mind with a college degree you only make about 47,000 5 years after graduating, on average and have to take out debt.

The juice isn't worth the squeeze in most cases. Take out debt to avoid being a frycuck, or be a frycuck and make almost as much as a college wagie but your job sucks a little more.

>> No.56152845

3.4% is specifically "people not employed looking for work". Low workforce participation (which we have) combined with low unemployment is a bad thing because it means people aren't bothered to look for wagie jobs anymore.

>> No.56152927

Chicks with dicks live rent-free in your head

>> No.56152952
File: 66 KB, 1024x962, 1498666308369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to quit my job so bad but I have bills and a mortgage to pay so I am actually stuck in a place I don't want to be, all because I wanted a place to live. Crazy.

>> No.56153085

You first world niggers have no clue how good you have it, enjoy while it lasts

>> No.56153435

Post scarcity growing pains

>> No.56153544

$39k a year is way too much for that amount of "work". I can get someone to do far more actual work for $28k. Unless that $39k is in like california where the cost of living is an extra $800-1200 a month.

>> No.56153654

checked also sage

>> No.56154032

That's more than a fucking architect medior software developer or corporate lawyer in ze glorious uber white eastern europe


>> No.56154072

Most of those unemployed in Appalachia are Melungeons, not whites.

>> No.56154077

Sucker, you should have lived in a used car

>> No.56154299
File: 39 KB, 492x388, 1559196270928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not sending out job applications, you're officially not unemployed. Is that how it works?

>> No.56154452

Pretty much; the government has several different measures of unemployment, but the main one reported only counts those actively seeking work. The Labor Force Participation rate is what you want to look for to see the % of adults who are flat working or not working.

>> No.56154465
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The age of the NEET is here.

>> No.56154546
File: 58 KB, 500x653, 631d6f5f508d1dc2b32e9ef531b6f5e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not mentally ill for avoiding the shitshow that is work.
Yeah but watching my coworkers turn everything into a big gambit is fun.
Sucks for my boss though.
>1pbtid discord troon groomer thread. the same unmedicated fat balding tranny pedophile that posted these men dropping out of the workforce psyops a few months ago. you will never be a woman. your brain will never feel good. accept the inevitable and hang yourself dead, repulsive nigger.
Hey look more tranny talk from you.

>> No.56154558
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>enjoy while it lasts
I want cheap AKMs.

>> No.56154752
File: 487 KB, 777x777, 1695035795154203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in other words, ACTUAL unemployed people

which do not count towards the unemployment statistics

>> No.56154764

Who lays on a couch like that? At least grab a pillow.

>> No.56154878

>a little bit of social anxiety makes someone unemployable
It doesn't. There are millions of jobs that socially awkward people can do.
The problem is that they don't have to work. More people are just living with their parents or finding some other way to survive without working.
I know a few intelligent, competent people who could easily work if they tried, but they'd rather keep living in their parent's McMansions instead, and their boomer parents don't give a fuck, theyre going to let them keep doing it forever

>> No.56155969

Yeah we know that $39k would stretch really far in a 3rd world country.
Burgers also pay over $1k/month in rent, literally everything costs more here than it does over there, so it is not like making $39k in your country

>> No.56156037

>It doesn't. There are millions of jobs that socially awkward people can do.
ideas or examples of these?

>> No.56156304

No thats not seeking employment, actual unemployable would be people with mental disorders or anti social tendencies.

>> No.56156328

Most NEETs are on disability and people on disability aren't counted in either the unemployment rates or labor force participation rates. That's why the number seems so low.

>> No.56156347

Hey at least your country isn't invaded by migrants, grass is always greener.

>> No.56156361

thats not even that much honestly

>> No.56156464

With the advent of this gynocracy once you're a NEET it's really hard to go back to being a wagie, because women have turned the workforce into an extension of high school.

>> No.56156502

Unemployment is a shitty statistic. You have to have lost your job within the past (year? I think) and be actively looking to count. Basically you have to be eligible for unemployment benefits to count in the statistic.

If you've been unemployed for longer than that you do not count. If you quit your job, you do not count. If you've never had a job and can't find one, you do not count.

>> No.56157607

>I'd assume a LOT of people are afraid of getting jobs out of fear of being bullied, harassed, social anxiety in general
OP your pathetic insecurities are on display


>> No.56157783

I'd get a job if they just weren't fags about always being on the go. I'll do it but at like 90% of the pace you want me to do it.
Fuck off. It's not my problem that your sales team blows and can't get a better price for these parts.

>> No.56157890

Other way around for me I loved being a NEET and being able to do what I want and playing video games all day if I wanted or sleeping whenever I wanted, as a wagie I fucking hate it and its the most miserable shit ever.

>> No.56158136
File: 8 KB, 210x230, club penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's MY tugboat?

>> No.56158177

If you are black or illegally immigrated you don’t count

>> No.56158194


>> No.56158380

>some adult loser who still lives with his parent(s), playing vidya or fapping to porn or shitposting on this site all day

>> No.56158390

This is the worst case pf cope Ive ever read. Get a job, fatty

>> No.56158404
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, ROLL-D-2-03-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've had your play time.

>> No.56158413
File: 56 KB, 800x600, cage-trolley-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsss.... TSSSSS......
You to

>> No.56158584

children aren't employable, anon

>> No.56158612

>Night shift security
>warehouse jobs
>data entry
>truck driving
Social anxiety is not a disability that keeps you from doing any of these jobs. If you were able to attend/graduate school without any major issues then you are employable somewhere

>> No.56158659

Insurance underwriter just recently elevated me out of neethood/wagie jobs at 32 years of age . I just look at buildings on google earth and streetview and read businesses yelp pages from the comfort of my bedroom. Incredibly comfy

>> No.56158756

>those jobs
We were talking about social anxiety, not complete mental retardation.

>> No.56158922

Unemployment rate only counts people that are looking for a job. Rich people that don't work, and mentally ill people are not included.

>> No.56159055

3rd worlders do fuck all, hence why they are 3rd worlders.

I was in Cambodia a few years back. They "work" all day, but they are constantly sitting around, chatting, on their phones, sleeping. A lot of the tuktuk drivers had hammocks set up in their tuktuks.

I remember paying some dude about 20 bucks to drive me 2 hours up the road. He couldn't just drive there. After about an hour, stopped for a break for 30 minutes so he could eat and drink. Probably did the same on the way home. Made a 4 hour round trip into 6 and didn't have the foresight to try and collect anyone for the return journey. 3rd worlders and lazy and stupid.
Even the survive industry. They could make a lot more money if they worked faster and more efficiently. We just started buying drink in shops because the service sucked.

>> No.56159070

>remember paying some dude about 20 bucks to drive me 2 hours up the road. He couldn't just drive there. After about an hour, stopped for a break for 30 minutes so he could eat and drink.
You're totally doing travel wrong. That's your main man there who'll know all the best food, booze, drugs and sex places. Even stopped off for a nice little snack along the way. No rush.

Count yourself lucky you haven't been dissected whilst on fire and featured on pol.

>> No.56159120

You guys know there's like 6 different definitions of unemployed right. U-3 isn't the only one they measure it's just the standard one.

>> No.56159135

>Dirt road between 2 towns
>Leaving the town where the guy is living
>Somehow my main man in a different town the dudes not from.

Mate, do you think I give a shit if I was featured on pol? It's anonymous. Anyway, I actually had a great time, it's just not hard to notice the inefficiencies of everything they're doing. I do not care if you do not work hard, but you cannot have it both ways. If you want to a chilled out relaxed life, cool. But it you're crying that you're a poor little 3rd worlders at the same time, I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.56160705

That guy is based, and you're a cuck. The "productive, efficient, busy worker bee" mindset that anglos have is cancerous. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not turned into an endless series of to-do lists. You should learn from that guy, stop and take breaks more often.

>> No.56160871
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And here is where they massage the figures. If you look to exhibit A - Frens and Degenerates: Neetbux recipients

People who do not work, refuse to work and go on about another classification of people as "wagies" and "normies".

Exhibit B: Antiquated farm equipment and Exotics/Zoo exhibits.
A folly classification of 'human' resource. Other additions to this category include redundant mining/services/military equipment.
Many tend to overlap with exhibit A.

Exhibit C - Redundant and defective Comfort &/Or remanufacturing equipment. Functionality of their orifices, although not redundant for the entertainment industry, has incurred too much maintenance cost. Many running on legacy opcode.

Exhibit D (for defective) - Generally incur massive passive maintenance fees and exerting undue pressure on infrastructure and social programs. Recycled use in public services by economically left directors.

Results show that sufferage for these categories could be removed to reduce costs.

>> No.56161260

Neets really think that they will still be happy 10 years later when they are 35, balding and haven't had real pussy on their dick in decades

I'm not sure being poor and playing nu-videogames in your 40s is better than being a wageslave but having a nice family and pussy

This is why I abandoned the neet life

>> No.56161296
File: 43 KB, 680x680, 435ecfc0d626e0f8d8c3264685125bc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've stopped applyimg for months now since NO ONE IS HIRING
I have a degree in tourism and experience managing an Airbnb but not a single hotel wants to give me even as much as an interview

>> No.56162593

Whores are so common these days, you don't even need to pay them most of the time. But the pros at least are honest.

>> No.56162729

actual kike

>> No.56162779
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>> No.56163460
File: 1017 KB, 1350x1920, world of moral reversal ch 37 p 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it like to bang a wh0re then one day chill at a restaurant with your family and said wh0re shows up and smiles at you on the way to her table?