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File: 482 KB, 1920x1080, dan the chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56148604 No.56148604 [Reply] [Original]

>he le short manlet
>reeee am envy reee
>he le pays women to fuck him
>reeee am envy reee poorfag-rage
>he le loser
>reee incel envy excuses pathetic
meanwhile dude doesn't give a fuck about your bitching and whining and he just enjoys life to the fullest being happy.
fuckin KEK.

>> No.56148626

If you aren't 6'1 a woman will never be able to respect you

>> No.56148632

i hope that satoshi nakamoto is doing the same thing

>> No.56148634

Why do people need a boat that's that big? or is it for the safety of not capsizing as easily? Fuck I can't wait to go on vacation again when I see those blue waters. I'm more of a beach guy though.

>> No.56148641

Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.


>> No.56148651

>his whole life revolves around the attention of teenagers and losers who fall for his fake social posts
pick one

>> No.56148652

Hi Dan

>> No.56148733

Dan is a simp.

>> No.56148736

He's pretty based, but I don't get why he doesn't pick Asian ladies only. Why the white roasties

>> No.56148766

He's a /pol/ guy.

>> No.56148792
File: 8 KB, 150x150, 5rgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Dan, you are just a trustfund baby who had easy mode in life. I envy any guy infinite times more who made it from the true bottom.
Also how pathetic are you to go on an incel forum and flex to squeeze out the last bit of imaginary admiration of others you can find. you are nothing else than a crack addict at this point

>> No.56149019

You have such a skewed and sad perception on life. Brainwashed retard nigger
I'm 5'7" and I'm married and women respect the fuck out of my cock when I shove it down their throat
Get with reality

>> No.56149024

I haven't thought about this guy in years. I remember his weed company was bankrupt last time he posted here. That's it

>> No.56149242

This, I had a girlfriend once 8 years ago and then I thought wait a minute, why am I spending my energy and 1/8 of my waking hours to please her with my dick? What do I even get out of it? So I stopped fornicating.

>> No.56149247

>I'm 5'7"
Kek manlets uppity. You're literally the size of the Rockettes lmao. How's a girl supposed to wear hills next you? They don't because you're a little boy

>> No.56149250

literally who

>> No.56149253

>manlet rage

>> No.56149258

The only explanation for this thread is that Bilzerian himself posted it because no one though about this cursed GI Joe action figure in years, definitely not since Tate took his spot as top chud.

I imagine this said in an angry high-pitched voice

>> No.56149268
File: 6 KB, 225x225, manletcomputerrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have such a skewed and sad perception on life. Brainwashed retard nigger
>I'm 5'7" and I'm married and women respect the fuck out of my cock when I shove it down their throat
>Get with reality

>> No.56149272

>I imagine this said in an angry high-pitched voice

kek same

>> No.56149273

only works as long as you isolate the girl for yourself. the second you face other guys with her she will lose all respect for you. imagine being towered by literally every other guy lmao. height is the #1 mog factor, even a skinnyfat 6'2 mogs you to death due to sheer mass and frame.
you dont stand a chance in competitive setting, so better isolate your gf for yourself

>> No.56149277
File: 948 KB, 1004x1041, manletss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56149319
File: 2.46 MB, 320x240, IHateNiggersAndTalloids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek at the absolute rage and seethe you guys got from this post.
Just so you know, most normal women don't give a fuck about height as long as they're not taller than you. You just gotta have confidence and good looks and money (I have all that) and you are golden. I've banged about 40 girls in my life.
I'm sorry fellas. It's just the way it is.

>> No.56149324

>women don't give a fuck about height as long as they're not taller than you

wow great insight

literally what we have been saying

i like how you left out the part about being with other guys that are taller tho

>> No.56149325
File: 2.58 MB, 1620x2158, laughingwhores.jpg - the prequel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

>> No.56149327

also sorry for hurting your little feelings, I know it's unfair to drag you down like this.

>> No.56149330
File: 775 KB, 1080x1581, manletswhenwilltheylearn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56149331
File: 506 KB, 498x485, 1684591129344130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my friends are taller than me. Some are 6'3 and 6'4" lmao
They respect the fuck out of me and we have a good time
You guys are just salty incels who are stuck at home and literally hate your lives
Not my fault

>> No.56149335

You're 5 7' dude your best hope it making it and buy leg extensions kek. Still will be to small to date but maybe they'll stop laughing at you

>> No.56149355

>They respect the fuck out of me

you are probably just the funny little guy they have around

>> No.56149358
File: 75 KB, 951x1007, IMG_20230206_081146_769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is I already made it.
I have a wife, a beautiful child, plenty of money and I'm happy lmao
It's really interesting to see the absolute anger in some of you. You guys really were brainwashed to believe that height means everything. The jews did a number on you
>Talloids in this thread absolutely seething that a man shorter than them has had a much better and more fulfilling life than they could ever have drempt of

>> No.56149375

lots of cope posts from this id

>> No.56149389

Ye ok, but its about if women respect you or not heh... they immediately think you are the weak link on the group even if youre not, so you have to dig yourself out of a very deep hole from the start if you wanna impress her

>> No.56149390

I dunno anon, I've even heard normies at work discuss how important they think being taller is. The amount of seethe you created just for existing as a happy slightly below average height man is pretty mind blowing though kek

>> No.56149394
File: 3.43 MB, 300x364, 1684068501988006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally the only one responding. You have multiple responses to all my posts lmao
Talk about cope
You should move on to the next thread so you can try to make yourself feel better in there as well. You are a sad, sad man. Sorry, brother.
Hope you find peace one day.

>> No.56149396

okay so the dude is a retard,
but he's only a retard because I can imagine doing so much more with the money he has than he does.

The jealousy begins and ends with being white and born rich.
The life he chose is particularly stupid. But, most rich people _seem_ to do this.

If you told me he was a frugal man, with 15 children, two wives (that he fucks and is married to), then I'm impressed, otherwise they all just waste the money they have.

Prince Harry is exactly the same. He could have any cunny in the whole country, but he chose a washup American mulatto. what the actual fuck

>> No.56149401
File: 3.96 MB, 974x7407, manletrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When will they learn?

>> No.56149403

Bro, I know a short dude who's an MD at *insert xyz* and seriously, you don't sound like him. You sound like some bottom dweller having sex with trash.

Sex is easy. Cunny is harder. And, finding a woman for children is harder.

>> No.56149409
File: 55 KB, 680x561, manletsplaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>respect the fuck out of my cock when I shove it down your throat!

>> No.56149410
File: 130 KB, 988x948, 1678639280043123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard
I dunno where you guys get these assumptions, but if the chick isn't a height whore then she looks at you (me) the same as she would any talloid. It's about what you bring to the table. If you're funny and cute and fun then you're gonna beat the 6 foot 1 good looking shy guy
I'm moving on from this thread tho. I've made my point.
Glad to rustle some jimmies this morning.

>> No.56149413
File: 241 KB, 1304x892, manletposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm moving on from this thread tho. I've made my point.
>Glad to rustle some jimmies this morning.

>> No.56149435

Keep coping dog. You are invisible for a woman in presence of tall guys.
You have never witnessed a professional basketball team entering a club, this is a level of black pill that would even crush your elevated copecel ego

>> No.56149437

kek im sorry little man im just being funny I know it isnt something you can do anything about

>> No.56149507

Let him cope, its honestly better to live in happy delusions than to accept the truth

>> No.56149528

I wondered why this guy was famous on insta
the reason is simple, he is very popular in India LOL
it explains so much
he had to go there meet his fans too

>> No.56149530

sex sells

tale as old as time

>> No.56149532

The bigger the delusion, the more soulcrushing the inevitable awakening will be.

>> No.56149551

Inevitable awakening? Anon people go through their whole lives being completely deluded in one way or another, there is no 'inevitable awakening', especially once you get to a certain age and you're set in your ways like this guy is

>> No.56149566

Ye you might be on to something. Explains the fat boomers still catcalling hot young chicks

>> No.56149596
File: 343 KB, 1080x1080, D51D0F8A-BA25-4A71-A67B-9241AC9D26AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come height dysphoria seems to affect autists very hard?
There’s a lot of data on autists being vulnerable to gender dysphoria but my hypothesis is that height dysphoria is even stronger.

I guess it’s due to all the data out there about women prefering tall men but that womens minds are not like a machine mind and they can be attracted to a non-tall man as long as he has the other aspects in order.

My personal guess is because height is a very easy parameter to gather data on with respect to womens attraction while the other more ambiguous parameters are harder to gather data on.

>> No.56149618

its very simple:

Women want the alpha, or close to alpha, of the group => Alpha is defined by respect of his peers. => Height is an almost automatic parameter for high respect in male groups.

>> No.56149641

of course it is possible for a guy to gain respect without height in a group, but the tall guy will have it easy to be alpha in ANY setting. while the shortcel will need to put in significant effort to establish alpha status, and starting from low status often times.
darwinistic advantages are positively correlated with being able to adapt to as many settings as possible

>> No.56149667

>dude doesn't give a fuck about your bitching and whining
Is that why he needs to make sure everyone can see what he's doing at any moment?

>> No.56149788

Mate you’re talking to ugly or fat meme coin traders, keep that in mind. No one talks the way they do in the real world, they’re literally neurotic shut ins.

>> No.56149808

speak for yourself, i always reveal my power level

then again im 6'5 so cute girls giggle at whatever i say even if I spout autistic rants

>> No.56149814

did someone hear a squeak?

>> No.56149846
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1024, 88818004758042177776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inevitable awakening? Anon people go through their whole lives being completely deluded in one way or another, there is no 'inevitable awakening', especially once you get to a certain age and you're set in your ways like this guy is

>> No.56149867


I imagine acting happy has to get harder as time goes on. its believable in your early 30s but how does a sober 40+ year old guy keep a smile surrounded by paid women and no wife/kids

>> No.56151375
File: 325 KB, 712x712, IMG_0592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 6'1"

>> No.56151404

lol manlets are pathetic.
Even as a billionaire ppl give 0 shits and no respect to you, kek.