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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 1125x612, SergeyKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56141118 No.56141118 [Reply] [Original]

Fuddies.. youre all fucked

>> No.56141141

>spamshit thread

>> No.56141216


>> No.56141227

kys baggie

>> No.56141276

what other crypto project is at SIBOS?

>> No.56141301

you're down 90% in unrealized gains
if you were smart and knew what the future held you would have sold and bought back
but you didn't because you've got the testosterone levels of a tranny

>> No.56141306


I fucking hate chainlink bagholders so fucking much

If your project was good they wouldnt need to shill it at meme conventions you dumb inbeciles

Kill yourselves

>> No.56141333

>meme convention
>Sibos is the annual global financial services networking event

The global financial services is just one fat meme, clearly. Nothing to see here.

>> No.56141340

kys baggie

>> No.56141366
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>> No.56141370

y u mad tho?

>> No.56141385

Seethe harder subhuman. WE WON.


>> No.56141409

link is the only token that draws this level of daily ire, what is actually wrong with you guys?
You wake up every day and choose to give over your life to something that drives you into insanity. This is the equivalent of a straight guy waking up every day and looking at gay porn.

>> No.56141420
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>global financial services networking event

>> No.56141422

How so? I'm not the one who is bankrupt from buying into a scam. Why would you even post this? Shouldn't you be rolling in cash, infinite gains, riding into the sunset? Only scams need shilling. And big scams need shilling multiple times a day.

>> No.56141438

kys nigger shill

>> No.56141503

the kekfuddie seethe is so funny lmao

>> No.56141513

Damn, OP really riled 'em up with this ne.

>> No.56141601
File: 659 KB, 4096x2048, Sibos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilbert Verdian from Quant network will be at Sibos discussing their latest work with the Bank of England on Project Rosalind. For a quick rundown you can find Mr Verdian in the hallway outside broom closet D

>> No.56141734

bump and suck my ass, FUD cockroach

>> No.56141809
File: 255 KB, 1800x1669, 1624404319357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the fuddies are fucked, all of them, no exception. You're all going to see the how the orders are liquidated in a couple of hours after ((it happens)) and believe me it will happen. Every single one of you, from the vinu fudders to the linkie shillers will feel the BIG MUMU DICK

>> No.56141842

it won't take many pulled nails for retarded fuddies like adem to spill the beans on their 'colleagues' either imo
there will be enough money to make it happen

>> No.56141906

>my crippling porn addiction has caused me to seethe at those more successful than me I’m going to go beat my dick to degenerate pixels in my parents basement that will show those link chuds!

>> No.56141992

what am i looking at in this pic?

>> No.56142007
File: 546 KB, 746x747, 6982B668-0D2D-421B-B80C-38570A013985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one (1) man be this handsome?

>> No.56142188

Rent free.

>> No.56142207

Look at that ham beast sweating from a slow paced short stroll
I give him 6 months at most

>> No.56142209

>checks prices
>about the same price as a cup of coffee
Makes you think

>> No.56142269

>kys baggie
LINK wagies raging every thread here. I'm not accepting your KYC unless you integrate NexeraID.

>> No.56142321

all chainlink had was the flannel big mac memes this project is for sure dead now

>> No.56142388
File: 1.58 MB, 1271x967, 1668309787972096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a pic of Gilbert being at Sibos

>> No.56142521
File: 451 KB, 1733x2048, 1695136688008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

>September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55

>> No.56142614

>rent free
Gilbert had to pay general admission actually, it set him back $1300.

>> No.56142700

Cardano is actually listed as an exhibitor


>> No.56142711

KEK nice job on this one.

>> No.56142754

It’s nice to see all this positive sentiment here. Would be a shame if someone were to spam fud in plebbit (only place that matters for price action) :]

>> No.56142870

I challenge all the stinkies to go to their mother right now and talk to them about Chainlink.
At one point you will mention the LINK token and your mother will interrupt you "that's interesting honey but why haven't you moved out yet?"
The stinky will then seethe and cope and insult his mother for pointing out that by buying LINK he will always be a poor chud underperformer kek

>> No.56142930
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>> No.56142966 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56142987
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>> No.56143003

>go to mother
How old are you? I own my own home and have 2 children. Grow up ffs kid and draw some decent pictures if you're so dependent on that shit jfc

>> No.56143033

>have 2 children
>browses biz
May God have mercy on the little ones

>> No.56143061

Fuddies are seething painfully (and that's a great thing)

>> No.56143111

Are you supposed to stop when they're born?

>> No.56143955

>SOL: $19.36
Can you sell your life for Solana?
What's the price on NXRA on September 4, 2023?

>> No.56144588
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>> No.56146394
File: 1.10 MB, 1224x816, pump_incoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56148006
File: 144 KB, 1788x1175, 7ABCB7BE-F78D-414C-9978-8CA7EEBD7AB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more fudcuck

>> No.56148045

The OG Fud. I respect the hustle

>> No.56148050

>All this over +6% and a conference

Ive been to sibos, its a lmao fest full of boomers. Besides, wake me up when we at least break LOL eight fucking dollars

>> No.56148064

>he thinks people get jobs through resumes and a firm handshake


>> No.56148070


i have 10-20 years to buy.

RIP to anyone who has been buying the last 3 years... LOL and to all the anons who missed out on the last bull run holding this chit

>> No.56148078

ill only start to care when they break all time high, until then i rather gamble t in other coins

>> No.56149043

>he doesn't shitpost on /biz/ whilst rocking his 6mo back and forth into his daily nap
>he doesn't read frog threads to his eldest before lunch
I have 3 kids and I will probably shitpost here until either I die or the glowniggers shut the place down.

>> No.56149151

Why can't nasty slob afford an image consultant and a dentist, despite being a millionaire?

>> No.56149158

You don’t know the first thing about autism

>> No.56149186

Because Vitalik looks so slick, right?

>> No.56149710
File: 388 KB, 620x465, IMG_2735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56149718

None of these things matter (even though I take care of them because I’m vain). He should lose weight though.

>> No.56149723

he doesn't need to, link baggies are already ecstatic that he wore a suit

>> No.56149865

you should focus your time on more productive things anon this is not healthy for you

>> No.56149879

>This is the equivalent of a straight guy waking up every day and looking at gay porn.
The funny part is I guarantee that he watches it. Once you're that deep into coomerdom it tends to happen. Based on his latest unhinged edits I'd say he's well beyond that point.