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56130496 No.56130496 [Reply] [Original]

I’m about to inherit $250k. What should I do with it?

>2 kids
>job I hate but good money

>> No.56130502


College/braces/glasses/medical emergencies fund for the kids.

>> No.56130521

Ok, but how about something that grows or appreciates in value?

>> No.56130527

dividend stocks?

>> No.56130536


Like the other guy said, dividend stocks.
I’m not the right guy to ask about highfalutin options. My priority in your shoes would be to ensure that money was available for the critical needs of my kids.

Investing it to stay ahead of inflation is of course your prerogative. You’ll get a million recommendations here. Go with whichever you think gives a suitable balance of safety and benefit.

>if it were me I’d turn it into gold and bury it until my kids were of age or needed it.

>> No.56130538

70% VOO and 30% in a high yield savings account or 2 year t-bills (apple has a 4.15 apy, current 2 year yields are 5.3%)

>> No.56130550

>actual sound quality advice
>on biz
cmon anon

>> No.56130553

Talk to a financial advisor and do it the boomer way. A single man gambling his life savings on memes isn't doing any harm. A father gambling his family's nest egg could tear your life apart and make your wife and kids hate you.>>56130527

>> No.56130577

I’ll look into it

When you say apple apy, is that the company? As in you’re comparing the returns on that to treasuries or is apple something else?

>> No.56130581

1 month t bills from treasury direct then when the market tanks buy Microsoft and google and other high cap stable growth stocks.

>> No.56130589


>> No.56130619

are you going to have to pay any taxes on it? that'd be the first thing to figure out, and would require actual legal/accounting help to minimize tax impact.
as for what to eventually put the money in, i'm risk-averse so i'd go SGOV or USFR - they're the lazy alternative to treasurydirect.gov and have the best return out of all the treasury ETFs.
if you're wanting a bit more yield, there are high-volume (almost junk) bond/loan ETFs that yield 9+% like BKLN or SRLN, you just have to make sure you set up a stop-loss to cut out when they take a dive.
i wouldn't touch stocks for at least 6 months they're still crazy high.

>> No.56130643

Vacation take leave of absence from work

>> No.56130649

Payoff the fucking house, idiot.


>> No.56130650

Buy gold

>> No.56130656

AAPL has a banking option now and their yield is pretty high.

>> No.56130665

>no one seriously mentions crypto
/biz/ shows its true colors for once

>> No.56130669

I'd open as much tax advantaged stuff as you can. 529 accounts for the kids for example and of course a ROTH IRA if you haven't already done that.
You can open these in brokerages.
Once you do that put a decent amount in treasury bonds/bills (6 month is optimal right now, if you think the fed isn't raising rates anymore and the government won't default (which is unlikely) get some longer dated ones.)
You should also put some in energy companies (like XOM) and in index funds. Maybe go for some vanguard/ishares ETFs like VT and FDLO.
I'd keep the adventurous stuff to a minimum.

>> No.56130671

https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/estate-tax your first 12 million is tax free. An old carryover from "the family must be able to inherit the family farm".

>> No.56130695

If he got the house more than a year or so ago he very likely has a crazy low interest rate for his mortgage. My parents have something like 2% so Wells Fargo is practically paying them to stay there. Paying that off would be very stupid.
Of course if you got the house recently or didn't refinance and are paying eg 6% then yeah pay that off first.

>> No.56130701


>> No.56130709

If you're worried about hyperinflation maybe put $10k or so in Bitcoin. I wouldn't do more than that.

>> No.56130728

It's just telling, is all.
Someone has $250k, comes here for advice, and you all hold off on crypto, despite the entire rest of the board.

>> No.56130755

Lisa needs braces!

>> No.56130791

I’ll check those out

Yea I’m at 2.75 prob won’t touch it

Ahhh ok that makes sense. Yea I got burned on wealthfrint years back. Had like a 3% hys account then it got adjusted to like .35 which is fine but not great

>> No.56130799

Yea probably leaning towards this. Max out the boring shit, pick some solid divvys idk. Would love to get a investment property cuz I’m pretty good at repairs and stuff but idk about the current market with the rates and stuff

>> No.56130845

Farmland and hire experience farmhands. Teach your kids how to farm.

>> No.56131109
File: 29 KB, 866x374, hysa_profit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apy is annual percentage yield. If you were to put your money into a high yield saving account with apy of 4.97%, this is what you would recieve.
This most braindead you can go, if you feel like yo don't have time.

>> No.56131141

Put it in your bank account and stop trying to get rich quick
You have children, the rules are different for you vs others here
Hope you didn't get married, that piece of paper is nothing but trouble for men

>> No.56131194


like clockwork, the daily (muh 6 figures wat to do) thread appears. Holy shit why do janitors allow this.

>> No.56131284
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Dumbest shit I've ever heard. Finance all that shit if you need it now.That lump sum should be invested in a brokerage to grow over time. You can gift your kids a headstart when they're ready for life later with the gains.
I'd just toss it in a taxable brokerage as:
VOO 50%
QQQM 40%
BTC 10%
If you want growth but still kinda puss out sometimes, the above portfolio would work well. If you have larger balls and can stomach some volatility, OP, you can put more into BTC.

>> No.56131311

Either money market fund or high interest savings account. Earn 5% worry free

>> No.56131318

This is the smartest decision in the current conditions

>> No.56131903

put 10% in crypto
>> ETH
>> XMR

>> No.56131956

You should avoid things with dividends outside of tax advantaged accounts.

>> No.56132459
File: 287 KB, 1200x811, hand-pallet_1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto is a scam, only retards here who are forever warehouse wagies gamble and lose all their money on crypto. Crypto was never the answer, I wouldn't put money into bitcoin even if I could go back in time, the fact that it went up is a fluke and will not teach u how to make money, it's actually pure gambling. crypto is 100% driven by social motives and those social motives are driven by who the fuck knows, at any point the govermtnet could shut it down and jail you for using it and 99% of people wouldnt give a shit. some will even be happy cuz they didn;'t earn money of it themslevs (crab mentality)
humans are like that.

Crypto is never the answer it's so fucking useless and u are gonna be on IRS watchlist forever just for buying it once. it's black market money that will ruin ur name and ur shadow goverment profile will forever be tarnished as potential anti goverment fag that willing to use black market and is anti dollar

Stocks is where it;'s at and u learn stuff as well not just gamble retard pajeeet scam

>> No.56132899

put everything into money market, earn an interest on it; you can also buy t-bills with them.

>> No.56132958
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>using "humans" instead of "people"
Opinion discarded

>> No.56133992

>30% in a high yield savings
if OP is to go with this option, I will suggest he tries out decentralized options like AAVE and Curve considering they offer better yields and you can diversify your assets across both by creating a strategy on SpoolFi.

>> No.56134095

What if I were to put it into something like Chainlink? Would that be better than hys?

>> No.56134207

Chainlink doesn't have a yield aggregator anon, another yield aggregators that is similar to similar to SpoolFi is Beefy finance.

>> No.56134618

>braces/glasses/medical emergencies
whitewashing your dysgenic genes.

>> No.56134641

>>2 kids
>>job I hate but good money
Well considering you have the exact same stats as me, I would suggest you do what I'd do with it, which is invest in a rental property. Minor renovations, rent it out to a chinese couple or something, and have a huge ass nest egg when it's college time, courtesy of the Xian family.

>> No.56135484

No, that is retarded.

>> No.56136884

Buy land and put a small home on it. Wage cuck at Walmart or some shit. You've won the game and now you don't have to worry about jews.

>> No.56137052

Crypto is based anon, I'm building my portfolio on Tap with Btc, Eth, and Matic for gains in the next cycle.

>> No.56137111

Invest it all in Lebanese real estate it's dirt cheap right now and in a few years you can flip it back for double/triple the price. Lebanese economy/currency is absolute dogshit now.

>> No.56137160

Pay off your debts except for your mortgage if you have a good interest rate.
Put the rest in a money market fund and collect divs while you DCA in to a solid fund like VTI or VOO.
It’s that shrimple. Don’t buy anything stupid that’ll depreciate.

>> No.56137169

There is no next cycle. Crypto is garbage.

>> No.56137226

>t. Lebanese scam artist
I’m not your habibi, you watermelon merchant.

>> No.56137244

Whatever you do, do NOT invest in T-Bills and set yourself up for free income for the rest of your life - that would be INSANE

>> No.56137368

>Crypto is dead for reaaaaalz this time, NOT like the other 3 times it happened!
See you next year when you FOMO in, faggot, like clockwork

>> No.56137669
File: 751 KB, 1024x921, 74519949027887006269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is dead? You are trippin trippin. Maybe for your shitcoins but not for the next big thing. I have been researching Nyan Cat Money for months. It's going to be huge. You know Nyan Cat right? The cat with a poptart body that flies across the internet leaving a rainbow trail and making music. I'm not even that into memes and even I have heard of it. Well the devs behind Nyan Cat created a token on the ethereum blockchain and it's going to be huge. I already got 3 of my friends to go all in.

>> No.56137677

>Job I hate but good money
I feel that.

>> No.56137912

CD with 5.5% Interest rate

>> No.56137918

You're delusional anon, the next halving for Btc is 2024 and a lot of big names are getting involved in the space like Paypal with its stablecoin, we can also see Fintech industries like Paxful and Tap doing numbers in adoption rates.

>> No.56138003
File: 258 KB, 672x933, 45969188129485859130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Job I hate but good money" - I'm with you there anon, life can be tough! A guy like you needs a win and fortunately I got the solution for you. Buying Nyan Cat Money will help lift the weight off your shoulders and make all your dreams come true. You'll be on your way to early retirement and being able to do whatever you want whenever you want to. This isn't gonna be another shitcoin, it's the real deal this time. You gotta trust me on this one! /nyancatmoney2

>> No.56138162

One of the few meme coins with an actual product that isn’t just a vehicle for gambling. Based NCM hyper

>> No.56138168


>hello sir

>> No.56138175

Henlo ser

>> No.56138214
File: 388 KB, 1024x921, 14764893070729354453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I hear that your job sucks but is at least paying the bills. I'm just gonna spit some real g truths here bro, you're life can change forever if you take a chance on Nyan Cat Money. Just head over to t dot me /nyancatmoney2 and read the white paper, it's seriously fire bro. Once you're done doing that, go ahead and click the buy button. Your future self will thank you. We can't wait to have you on board as one of the OGs. Stay strong and trust the power of Nyan Cat Money.

>> No.56138259


>> No.56138333


>> No.56138339

Op good luck anon
Blue collar anon here. 100k-150k next year gross from 2 jobs next year only then Career switching hopefully
I have 2 lawsuits related to an at work in jury settlement that will net me around 200-300k that should finish up later this year.
I'm pretty much gonna all in it on BTC and a few other cryptos.
BTC 75%
ETH 10%
XMR 05%
LINK 05%
5% to who knows what shitcoin gambling.
If I make gains Im going to throw it into a couple of rentals (multifamily 4 plexes only) , PM, and mayb an earth worm casting business,

>> No.56138347

Just take the 5% on shitcoin gambling and put it all into NCM on launch. Ez

>> No.56138357

If OP doesn't own any crypto and PMs I'd allocate 50k for that. Crypto and gold have the same purpose, paying off guards to flee the country from a collapsing nation.

unironically I'd sock away at least 50k for an emergency fund. Start savings accounts for the kids and dump some amount, maybe 25k-50k in each that will inherit at 18. put it all in a total market index fund or sp500 if thats easier.

How's your retirement look? Does the house need a repairs soon? Maxing roth and 401k? you do already have guns, tools, gear and ammo for the coming collapse right?

>> No.56138457
File: 249 KB, 480x608, 93353469280360940369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you're doing all that with no Nyan Cat Money tokens??? You could do the same thing tenfold with NyanCatMoney. Do yourself and everybody you know a favor and do some quick read up on Nyan Cat Money. We are about to change how the entire economy works. It's the easiest money you'll ever make. Why bother with all that other stuff when you could just hodl NCM? "nyancatmoney2".

>> No.56138777

Pajeet scum, put some effort into your scam.

>> No.56138779

blow it all on vacations and eating out like my mom

>> No.56139155

What a waste of digits. If you knew the first thing about NCM you would know it’s less scammy than 99% of shitcoins because it has a real product and real customers but go off retard

>> No.56139188
File: 274 KB, 1024x1024, 76281009469554943562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow it all on vacations and eating out like my mom? No! Instead of spending your hard earned dollars on fleeting moments of ecstasy, why not invest your money in something that will change you and your family's lives forever? Introducing Nyan Cat Money, the revolutionary new token that is revolutionizing the crypto market. With its cutting edge dapps and NFTs, Nyan Cat Money is set to make early adopters rich beyond their wildest dreams! Why settle for a boring life when you could be a Nyan Cat Money chad? Invest today!

>> No.56139674


>> No.56140204

75% into bitcoin when we have a bull market coming soon is being too conservative in my opinion. I would reduce it to about 30% and then share the remaining 45% across other lowcaps alts like CYMI, RIO, TRIAS and PENDLE.

>> No.56140323

You missed the train, Anon. Boomers investing in shitcoins will keep dumping. I'm holding strong with my DUA, XRP, NXRA, and XLM, given their potential offerings.

>> No.56140381

"No, that is retarded" and then you have no better option.

if that is retarded then suggest to biz what ou think is a better option.

>> No.56140398

yes gamble all of it on cryptos

>> No.56140412

Don't expect bull market this year anon. The market might pick after the bitcoin halving by April next year. I buy your idea investing in lowcaps which is why I priortorized DUA and also for gas fee withing the brillion ecosystem.