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56137320 No.56137320 [Reply] [Original]

Every girl I date shows me pictures of herself from 5+ years ago and she’s a solid 2-3 levels hotter in those pictures. Why do women depreciate so badly bros

>> No.56137333
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>> No.56137345

You have evolved to sniff out the best child bearing opportunities for millennia
Older women have fewer and less healthy children
Don't blame me. Blame the kikes and cucks who fucked up monogamy

>> No.56137373

My wife was easily an 8, maybe 9/10 when we married.

She’s only 40 now and has the body of a 60 year old, face is melting. 5/10 BEST case. Meanwhile I’m still a solid 8. I lost.

>> No.56137398

...did you have multiple kids with her? If yes, you won.

>> No.56137425

i'm your age. i think upgrading every 10 years is a manageable goal; a 5 year refresh cycle is too much even for me.

but now that i'm older short term leases aren't bad, it's very easy not to get attached now.

>> No.56137543

Let me guess, you swiped on a chest-up only selfie girl you assumed was hot, then came to find out she was 300 lbs+ on the date?

Congrats anon, you just got fatfished. It's happened to about 90% of dudes who still online date. Thing is, the ladies are getting even smarter these days, they'll revert to the "pic of myself 5 years ago when I was skinny in a bikini" instead of what they look like today. Before, they were doing the angle shots and chest-up only pics.

Oh, and if you're getting fatfished, it means you're too ugly for the average and up girls to swipe right on you.

>> No.56137555

they unironically think they are doing you a favor

islam is right about women

>> No.56137565

if you had kids with her it's an easy win, if not why?

>> No.56137566 [DELETED] 

US Federal debt to GDP
1960 52%, 1980 35%, and now we are currently around 122.x%

Money is a tracking of resources. Even with our aircraft carries the other 7.5Billion people are going to come knocking if greenbacks become useless

>> No.56137649
File: 583 KB, 876x874, B24B1364-2021-41CE-8BA1-2772C6DBB50D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>38 be me, autiste but tall and /fit/ so give off Chad vibes
>get hit on by roasties
>show them pics of my 19 year old zoomer gf with perfect ass and booba kissing me on the beach
>watch their soul drain from their face

It’s almost—ALMOST as good as fucking my barely legal zoomer gf.

>> No.56137676

this shit happened to me earlier this year, the bitch was over weight and her hair was knotted u into a big dread from being in jail for 3 months. got that bitch a haircut, got drunk and fucked her, pretty much ghosted her after. i was pretty drunk so i wasnt going to let the opportunity of free pussy go to waste.

>> No.56137680

breaking my legs to be tall brb

yall want anything while im gone?

>> No.56137702

This is a retarded and gay thread but a lot of anons had shitty parents and upbringings so I'll just say this- chad was chad because his dad encouraged him to fuck girls. 9/10 of the people who complain about being bad at dating were the ones stunted by crazy or weird parents who hated sex. You were supposed to get your first 'girlfriend' when you were in 7th grade, by highschool you were supposed to be serious and maybe have lost your virginity. Go to parties. Hang out with the boys. Take your girl out. But there are a lot of nutjob shit parents who stunted their kids.

So now here you are, 22-39 years old, wondering why dating is so hard. The answer is that dating is supposed to be when you're in 6th grade to 22 years old, then after that you're supposed to be locking that girl down and getting married.

Business wise, delayed marriage is why so many people suck at life now, since even if jobs don't pay well an engineer making 60k starting and his wife in HR making 35k starting have a combined income of 95k and can get a shitty starter house in the exurbs, then upgrade to something better as their income goes up.

Everything flows from the weird boomer mom and dad who were uncomfortable with their 14yo son having crushes on girls and told him to "wait until your 20s, then you can get serious about dating, focus on your studies now!" like a fucking moron. And then bangzoom, no grandkids and adult son lives like a wojakposting nitwit. It's ogre.

>> No.56137714

38yo unmarried women were ngmi anyway. Like even if you weren't dating a 19yo, why would you date a 38yo when you could have like a 28yo? Bitches be nuts.

>> No.56137742

Or they just naturally went after girls like most men

>> No.56137744

>Everything flows from the weird boomer mom and dad who were uncomfortable with their 14yo son having crushes on girls and told him to "wait until your 20s, then you can get serious about dating, focus on your studies now!"
I wish more people would talk about this. Boomer parenting is a disaster.

>> No.56137771
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i fall in love with woman who treat me like trash. nothing gets me harder than this. btw young guys will have more chances to milf status women if these older guys keep going for barley legal girls. it's a cycle that never ends.

>> No.56137845

You are right for the most part, but there also comes a point where you have to take responsiblity and stop blaming parents or anyone else, at some point it's your own fault. I mean literal raped orphans are able to eventually get a steady job and form a family, so some adult complaining it's their parents fault that they don't know how to talk to girls is a bit much.

Mind you I write all this as a 29 year old kissless virgin

>> No.56137852

well said, anon.

>> No.56137893

I agree that you should take responsibility, but shifting the blame onto yourself doesn't necessarily make sense.

It's not like you can easily make up for the missed time by simply deciding to. But your point is somewhat valid as far as not staying stuck.

>> No.56138165

> kissless virgin
stfu about dating, retard.

>> No.56138169

and then the roasties clapped

>> No.56138172


>> No.56138179

what are you talking about faggot, normal people were fucking in their teens.
family formation is delayed because incentives have been perversely upended.

>> No.56138183

my parents are not boomers and still did this shit, didnt lose my virginity until i was 19, most of the girls ive fucked are 4/10 lmfao. im almost 28, i pay most of the bills in the house, and they still get upset if i bring a firl around, they are fucking dogshit retarded.

>> No.56138202


Yes I did. I did win in that regard.

It’s just I’m pretty fucking superficial and I get really sad when we go to the beach or whatever and there are other mommies there who are in way better shape.

>> No.56138227

are you in shape? be a leader and convince that bitch to get in the gym or stfu.

>> No.56138236

Yes I’m in good shape, and I have been trying to tell her but honestly her genetics are clearly so much worse than mine and having kids fucked her shit up big time. I’m trying to convince her to go get her hormones checked

>> No.56138239

Dont be selfish anon. Chad needs you to take care of his leftovers. Its all part of the economy.

>> No.56138254

My post is mainly about responsibility/self-accountability, not the intricacies of dating.

>> No.56138269

My advice to any anon out there who still gives a shit about this sort of thing, bang some whores. Don't get addicted, but actually go bang some whores, and don't go cheap, get the 8's/9's that you thought you'd never have a chance with irl. Then you realize how overrated it all is, and how superficial most of this shit is, and how much of it is in your head.

The sad irony of course is while you will have more success with hot chicks now because you get out of your own head and just don't care anymore... you also just won't care anymore, and stop chasing after hot chicks. Note I said hot, not young, you should always go younger if you can, leverage what you bring to the table, if you're going to be a bread winner she should be 18 or at least in her 20's if you're over 30. Just be careful about chasing strictly looks.

>> No.56138290

If prostitutes are my only option I'd honestly rather die a kissless virgin

>> No.56138294

do i sound like i excelled in critical thinking? gtfo out of my 4chan nigger!

>> No.56138297

As an old chad who has slept with 100s of women and would often have sex with 3-4 girls in a day, every day, for years at a time. You need to understand that making money beats having sex. Having sex is easy, making money takes both virtue and fortuna.

>> No.56138301

wheres the best place to meet 18-20 year olds? don't you dare fucking say university.

>> No.56138310

at your place around 8pm

>> No.56138311

White women age the worst

>> No.56138358

>don't you dare say the best place
It doesn't really matter to be honest, just be forward about your intentions though and don't worry about rejection. Think about it this way, if a woman is going to be worth your time for anything more than casual sex, she has to be used to turning down plenty of guys. So you also have to be ok with handling rejection.

All women are whores isn't just a meme anon.

>> No.56138379

I am a 38 YO kissless virgin, how do I get an 18 YO woman? I dont want 30+ cumdumpster, I want virgin pussy? People tell me I look like a 20 YO.

>> No.56138518

so do i just say "hey would you wanna fuck sometime?"