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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56134255 No.56134255 [Reply] [Original]

>However, to realise these benefits, regulation needs to be crystal clear. All participants in the Swift and Chainlink experiments cited legal and regulatory clarity as the largest pending hurdle for widespread adoption.

>> No.56134268

Is this supposed to be fud? I honestly cant tell.

>> No.56134276

No it's super bullish. Just 10 more years, marine!

>> No.56134286

My cousin works for the regulators and says it’ll happen in 2024

>> No.56134292

Does that mean the tech is pretty much ready to go and they just need some pencil pushers to sign some forms?
Holy fuck bros, Am I ready?

>> No.56134308

>I'm ready to wait decades for pencil pushers to "sign some forms". OK;LG!

>> No.56134336

Oh no Marines! The Jews shut use down, Thank God for this exit pump to 6.80 so I can leave with a smidge of dignity

>> No.56134348

>regulatory clarity
Choose one, and only one
>regulatory clarity
You may choose both.

>> No.56134385

if swift wants it it'll happen much faster

>> No.56134401

10 years is pretty much maximum speed in terms of regulations changing

>> No.56134419

got any more things to pull out of your ass
i highly doubt you are an expert on regulations changing.

>> No.56134426

swift is not anywhere near that powerful

>> No.56134438

I know more than you since I work in that sector. Something like this would take years and years to get legislators to understand, let alone get on-board with, draft a bill, pass the legislation. My god dude.

>> No.56134452

Absolute state of fudders

>> No.56134497
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XRP and QNT will use SWIFT ISO standards and it's bullish but SWIFT hand-picking CCIP is bearish because actually SWIFT will collapse without Russia.

LayerZero using centralized Google cloud is bullish but the CEO who made Google what it is joining Chainlink is bearish because actually before Google he was running Novell which lost to Microsoft.

RWA is the new hype narrative and every project that puts used cars on the blockchain is bullish but the DTCC writing on the Chainlink website about how they're planning to move quadrillion in assets via CCIP is bearish because actually institutions move too slowly with regulations.

>> No.56134538

>it's cited as the MAIN hurdle by every partner, however this is just some made up fud by fuddies XDD as good little neets we know more!

>> No.56134827

Sergay just need to take Gary Gensler and Jamie Dimon out for some Cheese Pizza.

>> No.56134893
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I like frog

>> No.56136950

Guys what we understood in under a year will take the folks that run our country a decade! We truly are the smartest people on the planet.

>> No.56137381

Yep! Just two more years. Just think at how old you'll be then.>>56134308