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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.56133743
File: 206 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20230918_095157_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people, right now, in this general, still shilling UUUU.

Lol. Lmao. A new baggie is made every day.

>> No.56133746

Worst /smg/ ever because of Baggie

>> No.56133748

s there an official yield curve from the FRED ?
all i found is this table

but I really want the curve. Also I want it for the nominal rates, but also for the real rates.

>> No.56133764

Lol at hedge funds cashing out on IPO enjoyers.

>> No.56133765

At least he baked and did a prev link.

>> No.56133768
File: 152 KB, 1499x803, 1694149953155099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the auto strike different than the train strike?

>> No.56133774
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>when I saw baggie made it...

>> No.56133775

uranium puts or no?

>> No.56133786

Both are getting fucked over, to no fault of the businesses

>> No.56133789

uranium in general can still go way higher before you can say its happening and everything is positive so it probably will bc that satisfies both sides of the trade

>> No.56133790

Trains are necessary infrastructure
UAW is very well connected

>> No.56133798

Baggot didn't you agree to never come back
Typical lying kike

>> No.56133799
File: 10 KB, 209x209, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will become huge, get in while it is new.

>> No.56133802

This one is for Baggie.

>> No.56133809
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>> No.56133810

ustreasuryyieldcurve.com pulls its data from the Treasury and Fred. No inflation adjustment though, but perhaps you can email them about adding it.

>> No.56133811
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>baggot thread

>> No.56133837
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I hate tesla but the writing is on the wall that every other automaker will get buried so we are forced into only using the bugman car cause climate change. The problem is when you buy the shitstock. Are ((they)) going to steve jobs elon musk before crushing every other auto maker and rugging tesla stock a bit or you just FUD yourself for not buying the 50 plus PE bloatstock that just goes up to a 10 trillion marketcap just cause?

>> No.56133847
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graph it yourself, fag

>> No.56133851

Calls nigger

>> No.56133854

I saw the one on the left once in minneapolis airport. taking a flight to ewr.

>> No.56133855

AMD cheapies? I think it’s going back to $120.

>> No.56133856
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>Yurofag indices

>> No.56133860
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thats the based and redpilled one

>> No.56133863

puts it is

>> No.56133867

I love how these limp dick leftist faggots like commarade Sanders are supporting the radicalize auto worker terrorists, even though it's going to lead us into recession and a landslide up and down the ballot MAGA victory. I'm talking retaking of the senate, and capturing more seats in the house.

>> No.56133878

So when rate hikes don’t actually happen because nothing ever fucking happens SPY is going right to $500 right?

>> No.56133888
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priced in

>> No.56133894

Yes. Trust the plan.

>> No.56133900
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>> No.56133902

German government wants to increase VAT on gas (not gasoline but heating gas) earlier than anticipated, January instead of April.

Meanwhile Greens and majority of SPD (red) want "Industriestrompreis". A subvention for cheap electricity for large energy intensive companies on taxpayer money. Just fuckin SHORT germany. (probably not so clever as this might pump BASF etc, but fuck this government)

>> No.56133907

I would like a complete refund of my portfolio

>> No.56133918
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stop crabbing

>> No.56133919

all my homies hate National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotations

>> No.56133920
File: 822 KB, 1803x1246, 1680537747085237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in the trash pile

>> No.56133940

UAW isnt going to create a recession. They have so little members it will just kill off Detroit and boost tesla. They dont have as much impact anymore. that said i always like how sanders and liberals support unions and then demand more immigration. As if immigration isnt directly undermining labor.

>> No.56133941

So much for router baron.

>> No.56133944
File: 79 KB, 300x300, 1665891746262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying more OSTK

>> No.56133948

cheer up brother, germany's still the most successful arab nation on the planet

>> No.56133949

literally zero point shorting with vix expiration after tomorrow. They will just crush it every day until then for free money. Just buy calls and enjoy your free money today/tomorrow. It really is just that simple sometimes

>> No.56133960
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I thought the recession was canceled.

>> No.56133961
File: 903 KB, 1673x1080, Pondering_the_BizBall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on Earth is up with this economy?!

>> No.56133966
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please allow my refund sir

>> No.56133976

>he doesn't rate is real

>> No.56133983
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>jp morgan
>been calling for the hurricane since last year
Yeah ceos have all been whining about recession for a year now. it was supposed to be last year q3 and now its this year q3. Morons.

>> No.56133988

No one wants to talk about it but the “foreign” brands like Toyota, Honda and BMW have huge plants in the US and are borderline domestic brands at this point and that manufacturers are building huge complexes in the South. The UAW is striking because they and the Big 3 screwed up.

>> No.56133998

>“foreign” brands li
Thats also true. i see a lot of tards in the oil field buying ford/gm and acting like theyre american heros for it when most of it is made in mexico.

>> No.56133999

if I was the big cheese at and one of these labor union terrorists went on strike, i would just fire all the workers on strike and hire illegals to do the labor. Then I would public address and thank the democrats for their open border policies that made it possible.

>> No.56134012

Can someone explain TTOO pls
I bought last week thursday and I just woke up
I’m happy btw thanks for asking :)
Shoutout to that one nigga that told ppl to buy TTOO

>> No.56134013

They can barely nail two boards together, I don't think you want them working on cars.

>> No.56134018

What the fuck is up with KO.
>insider selling
Ok but why? It's been down for a year.

>> No.56134019

>striking because they screwed up
so basically they've shot themselves in the foot because their head was so far up their own ass they couldn't see where they were aiming?

>> No.56134024

You were saying?

>> No.56134026


Absolute dogshit 0 oil for an arab nation

>> No.56134028

I would too desu. I think the car companies are scared of being too retaliatory because people are able to strike but they should just hire all the nu americans. i dont think most of them have work visas yet so its probably illegal to hire them for now for anything other than under the table cash jobs.

>> No.56134043

Guys.. Live Cattle. You vlll eat ze bugs.

>> No.56134056
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1695047592935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you please show us on the bear where the labor unions touched you anon?

>> No.56134058

Did you and your street shitter bros pump it yourselves so you can come around to places making posts like this to lure more in so you can dump on them? Wait, why am I *asking* rather than simply *telling*?

>> No.56134061

it was between the legs from behind

>> No.56134060

Holy fuck I've recovered exactly what I lost on Friday.
What a relief.

>> No.56134063

Checked and 4d chess pilled
I can't blame the unions desu desu their wages are getting fucked because of inflation and the companies are spending lots of money as it is to upgrade to EVs

>> No.56134064

The UAW demands are insane. The Big 3 will eventually cave on these demands and then go bankrupt in the next financial crisis and get bailed out by the next Dem administration. Pensions? 32 Hour Work Weeks? They make bad cars that are uncompetitive and unprofitable.

>> No.56134077

kick ass, BLESSED

>> No.56134080

I realized a loss of 3k today

>> No.56134081

im supposed to be getting a new GMC seirra but that fucker isn't even going to come off the line now because these faggots won't do their fucking jobs.

>> No.56134082

So gas doubling since last year wasnt enough lol lmao, those retards will get rekt at the next vote

If only a lampost could be involved too

>> No.56134086
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I’m putting together a team

>> No.56134097

I loved that webm! SAVED.

>> No.56134098

It turns out it's all just calls on brk-b

>> No.56134099
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>> No.56134104
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>> No.56134108
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I'm sorry brother

>> No.56134110
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Euphoric to see my favorite oil stocks on sale.

>> No.56134111
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>> No.56134112
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Spoken like a true jew.

>> No.56134116

Just bought some options for the first time in months. VIX is underpriced.

>> No.56134123
File: 515 KB, 1500x1101, IMG_4942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling all my TTOO and going all in UEC
God protect me

>> No.56134125

Well they lowered it from 19% to 7% for a while, but want to increase it now again. While simultaniously wanting to subsidize big corpos. Funny as it is the greenparty which is pushing it with the base of leftist SPD. It's quite ironic the environmentalists want to support the polluting companies alive. When reality kicks in.

>> No.56134129

>NOOOOO Workers shouldn't have a reasonable wage and benefits, everyone needs to be a slave to their megacorp!!

This ideology is the reason China got so much of our manufacturing.

>> No.56134130

>NWGL up another 6% today
>25% from when I first alerted you to it
>only 600,000 shares unlocked for trading, gonna squeeze like a mother fucker
I told you bro. I told you about NWGL.

>> No.56134132
File: 595 KB, 494x699, 345678654324567897654324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep us posted my guess is you lose it all.
>pic rel (You).

>> No.56134138
File: 625 KB, 3112x2038, E1MnsMdXMAQ-gKm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then BOBO Fontaine comes along with his olive oil voice and SHORT SELLER charm and she runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous. And a MUMU in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous.

>> No.56134139

Their demands are too high and will bankrupt the companies moron, and to top it off negotiating with terrorists is the most unamerican thing you can do.

>> No.56134140

China got our manufacturing because our government and theirs subsidized it at the same time it was demographically optimal (in both countries.)
It had almost nothing to do with ideology.

>> No.56134151
File: 51 KB, 562x570, d80634b2d680654af1ed23883c414aee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what meme stocks we buying bros?

>> No.56134154

thanks, i feel relieved. I had the position for a long time

>> No.56134157


Remember this mentality the next time you complain about your job, this may be how your higher ups see you.

>> No.56134160

Most options expire worthless.
On the other hand, I may come out with a 10x profit. Naturally I've kelly-sized my position according to the optimal longterm risk-adjusted growth potential.

>> No.56134161

i own the company retard

>> No.56134172

What has the unrealized losses gotten to?

>> No.56134175
File: 60 KB, 441x436, 1664572209201636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought QRTEA

>> No.56134176

How do you negotiate without a strike? You know without a strike there is no "weapon" the workers have? One is working the other is paying. You want more money, he doesn't want to pay more.

>Baggot owns 0,000004%

>> No.56134197

Holy fuck being cash only is irritating. I don't want to wait 3 days for FaggotOMC meeting. I hate the feds so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.56134206

ive been enjoying cash. relaxation out of market.

>> No.56134208

Just a thought. Couldn't the business offer reconciliation when the economy improves and their investments in EV pay off?

>> No.56134211

Strikes are good. They are labor market "price discovery". Arguing otherwise isn't in support of capitalism, but corporatocracy

>> No.56134212

Unions are the most American thing out there. A group of workers negotiating a better deal, a group by the workers, for the workers, with liberty and justice for all within, groups of average Americans banding together to work for reasonable wages and benefits within reasonable hours.
Unions are inherently American, and if you've been convinced otherwise, then Megacorp lobbies and propaganda have convinced you as much.

>> No.56134214

hey /smg/, what was that website that kept track of company stock sales? it tracked the CEO and managers private equity and other stock buys/sales

>> No.56134216

Wtf is that supposed to mean?

>> No.56134217
File: 49 KB, 226x223, 1679073740746018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At 12:01am EDT on October 2, 2023, Kellogg shareowners of record as of September 21, 2023, will receive 1 share of WK Kellogg Co (KLG) for every 4 shares of Kellogg Company (K) owned.

"After more than a year of comprehensive planning and execution, we are more confident than ever that the separation will produce two stronger companies and create substantial value for shareowners," stated Steve Cahillane, Kellogg Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

>> No.56134220
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>he has fractional shares

>> No.56134221
File: 316 KB, 367x517, 1694802468013669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stock dumping
>check stocktwits for fun
>muh market makers
>muh short interest
>muh hedgies
Every time

>> No.56134234


>> No.56134235

The workers wages are fucked bc inflation and the big 3 just spent a bunch of money investing into EVs. Neither are in a quality financial state ATM because of inflation couldn't the business leaders negotiate with the union leaders about better benefits when the economy improves? Offer promises essentially

>> No.56134241

>now up 7% on the day

>> No.56134244
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over $100 by October

>> No.56134248

You're pro-union, so that must mean you love the soviet union, you marxist piece of shit, get the fuck out of this thread.

>> No.56134260
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Strikes are commie bullshit.

>> No.56134269

I hope toyota makes a break through H and nuclear makes it to produce the liquid. I hate the EV enthusiasts so much they act like they are prophets for driving a giant rare earth metal monstrosity

>> No.56134272

almost enough for a meal at mcdonalds

>> No.56134273
File: 30 KB, 500x334, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is public/government unions, that collectively bargain against the taxpayer

>> No.56134274


>when the economy improves?


GDP is +4% and unemployment is 3.8%

The issue is that the corporations essentially OWE money. There is no "future promises" when the workers lost money to inflation. Would you be happy working if your real income dropped 4% every year? Yes or no

>9% inflation 2021
>7% inflation 2022
>5% inflation 2023

compound that

>> No.56134279

>I post the dismal 3 year chart for UUUU
kek baggies.

>> No.56134282

I'm iinvested into U and I agree however electric is a stepping stone to nuclear

>> No.56134283

You know that picture of oil flowing down a sink?
Since I'm EU I can't properly judge the situation.
I mean yeah, all sides should weigh the others risk and problems as needs. That 40% demand over 5 years is probably too high. That's just what you do when you negotiate and put demands on the table.

>> No.56134285

rp me on 2008
i'm not a zoomer or anything, i was just getting laid too much to care

>> No.56134288

they found a bunch of that rare earth shit on the nevada utah border. we should get some union fags together so they can strip mine it and sell it to china so they can make cars with it.

>> No.56134289
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love you bb thx anon

>> No.56134295
File: 83 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273188b372e4286bcef5165941c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the market for a year now and I'm not getting in as long as banks give me +4% on my cash

>> No.56134301
File: 261 KB, 2134x1249, Screenshot 2023-09-18 110620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna...
Im Gonna...

>> No.56134303

im in but I wonder what the big guy will say. I assume that would be on 100% gov owned land

>> No.56134304

laws forcing banks to enable minorities to act the fool. go watch too big to fail

>> No.56134307

Uh oh cope

>> No.56134310
File: 266 KB, 541x493, 1694218614651733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4% interest rate.
>6-10% inflation rate.

>> No.56134317

We'll just make sure he gets his 10%.

>> No.56134322

That's smart anon, buy at the top

>> No.56134323

Do you know how many consecutive days of 7% it would take to go from 100k to 1m? 35. That's it.

>> No.56134324

I don't get it. Suddenly EU melts on while US is pumping. EU is so fuckin retarded. I mean, I'm making money, but timing this is quite impossible.

>> No.56134328
File: 203 KB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20230918_110911_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep defending pic related. Remember, I'm the one coping.

>> No.56134331

my personal inflation rate is more like 3%
also probably less than 10% of traders and retail investors actually beat inflation

>> No.56134333

post your $100k position

>> No.56134334

>Says 3 year
>Only posts 1 month
Ok buddy I'll see you in a year

>> No.56134342
File: 59 KB, 160x168, 410987654345678909876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflation rate is more like 3%
Yeah I bet you don't eat or own a car.
>also probably less than 10% of traders and retail investors actually beat inflation
Gonna need a source on that one.

>> No.56134343

I feel literal hate for EU markets. I will never not short them. (except when they obviously pump)

>> No.56134346

Wow I might be dealing with an actual pajeet lol.

>> No.56134349
File: 15 KB, 474x259, borshoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes yes very good lad. now run along while daddy becomes first jr miner to market

>> No.56134350

dude what?
With seasonality and FOMC, you can be sure they'll be some dump based on >no news
Plus we get MU earnings in >two weeks which might very screaming to everyone "sales are down, cover your ass"
I expect the vol to go up between now and end of october

>> No.56134353

No but that's what I'm saying there's nothing they can do about the losses now but they can look ahead since the Big 3 are not in a positiin to gice ehat the workers are asking

>> No.56134354

correct me if i'm wrong lads but nasdaq = fagsdaq?

>> No.56134361

I never said I had 100k in this one stock, or that it would continue to rise at a rate of 7% every single day for 35 days consecutively.

Rather, I'm mocking you for being a retard who thinks 7% gains in one day is not good enough.

>> No.56134363

>Coping and seething that leads to projection and deflection
Ok post hand

>> No.56134365

Even they're fucked up inflation measurement is too high. They're not pivoting, they're probably not even pausing.

>> No.56134370

Thank you for confirming that uranium shills are borderline retarded schizos.

>> No.56134374

if they cant beat the market, they cant beat inflation

>inb4 "muh 3 years ago"
I'm not going to spoonfeed you, there are enough articles about the topic

>Yeah I bet you don't eat or own a car
I own a used car that's paid off but I use the bike most of the time and I steal food that stores throw away

>> No.56134375

>give out tons of subprime home loans to marginally qualified people starting in the mid 1990's
>turns out if they aren't going to replace their smoke detector batteries they also aren't going pay their mortgage
>banks bundle these loans together and sell them to other banks and retirement funds as mortgage backed securities
>a little over a decade goes by and the MBS bundles are distributed everywhere in the financial system
>the MBS bomb goes off
>turns out the big investment banks are highly entagled financially "counter party contagion" they call it
>it spreads like a disease and two investment banks vanish nearly overnight
tl;dr; it was always a house of cards/dominoes whatever you want to call it

>> No.56134381

>also probably less than 10% of traders and retail investors actually beat inflation
This is rich coming from a guy that missed a 20% SPY rally to sit in cash yielding 5.5%. To be more accurate, a guy that can't even get the 5.5% because they lazily leave money in bank savings accounts at 4.5%.
I don't care what the other 90% of traders are doing, I'm here to make money.

>> No.56134388


VIX expiration is 9/20. There is zero reason to long volatility until Wednesday. Today and tomorrow will be green VIX crush days. It trades between 13 and 15 until then, so I hope you like your odds going long at the top end of that range

>> No.56134402

Stocktwits feels convenient to check when you’re bored and waiting for a position to play out, but it’s like holding a flash bang of retardation up to your face.

>> No.56134405

>I don't care what the other 90% of traders are doing, I'm here to make money.
and you're not part of the 90% because ...? let me guess, YOU are better? kek

>> No.56134416

Final (you). I'll see you when spot is $90

>> No.56134418

I think you're right and have options expiring in October.

>> No.56134421
File: 573 KB, 589x656, 234567897654323456789087654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes argument that traders and retail can't bear inflation. Proceeds to post article with the title: Investment pros can't beat the stock market.
>I own a used car that's paid off but I use the bike most of the time and I steal food that stores throw away
So you don't use your car and eat from a trash can. Now I understand why losing purchasing power compounded doesn't bother you.

>> No.56134428

The role of subprime is vastly overstated by media jews and people who warched the movie. 95% of defaults were not subprime.

>> No.56134433

It's an absolutely hysterical site if you don't take anything posted there seriously, basically like reading live updates from schizos.

>> No.56134441

Uranium is still a fantastic longer term speculation but UUUU is less an uranium company and more of a rare earths company, even if the market is retarded and conflates the two

>> No.56134454
File: 55 KB, 225x225, bobo-laughing-looking-down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite is when some report comes is about to come out and you see hundreds of posts instantly say "we did it" and the price is tanking more than the move up

>> No.56134455
File: 34 KB, 310x314, pot-and-kettle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56134456

Please say at least one of you is...

>> No.56134458

Everyone in the world is switching to renewables. Why the fuck would you want to buy Uranium at these prices, when nuclear isn't even going to be a thing after another 4 years of Joe Biden.

>> No.56134461

>i'm embarassed about the tiny amount i have invested while bragging about a 7% gain
thats what i read

>> No.56134462

50c mcdoubles and 1c wendy's jr bacon today

>> No.56134466

"Renewables" aren't sustainable. Everyone who isn't a virtue signaling faggot knows this

>> No.56134468

>exit order set at $0.21 debit
>current mid price is currently at $0.21
>exit order is *NOT* being filled as we speak

okay, which one of you fukken jews is refusing to fill my order?

>> No.56134470

coal demand hit a new all time high last year. Hate to break it to you sweaty, renewables will never replace other forms of energy; they'll only supplement them

>> No.56134477
File: 125 KB, 248x258, 234567897654323456789876543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renewables are a meme.

>> No.56134478

Happy New Year Goy, treat your self to some reasonably priced goyslop.

>> No.56134479

I know you're painting a picture of me in your head where I'm a hobo but I live pretty good actually
I live in a 100sqm loft and have enough money on the side for comfy passive gains, also the food these stores throw away is still sealed and most of the time it didn't even exceed the expiration date.

but I know you force yourself to ridicule others to distract yourself from your inferiority complexes. I live pretty good, sorry if that bothers you.
I dont believe you're beating the market

>> No.56134483

why is that?

>> No.56134486

>use up all non-renewable energy
>can't into renewables anymore

>> No.56134488
File: 4 KB, 259x175, cosinewave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool chart.

>> No.56134491

>i think i'll turn my $45 robinhood account into a million dollar account by getting a 10,000% return on this FD put
thats what i read when you post

>> No.56134493

Why don't we just build a Dyson sphere around the sun for all of our energy needs?

>> No.56134495

shutup baggie i know your fatass loves a burger

>> No.56134504

>gorillon years pass
>finally use up all non-renewable energy on Earth
>no worries; time to extract more resources from other planets

>> No.56134505
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Keep losing money compounded.
>t. up 40% YTD
And yes you're inferior.

>> No.56134513
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>> No.56134514
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Yeah, there's like 5% realistic, blunt talk there ("I wish I wasn't holding this piece of shit" - I fall into this category with SENS) and the other 95% is absolute delusional AMC/BBBY/etc. style schizoposting

>> No.56134521

>use up all non-renewable energy
2 more weeks.
Build it.

>> No.56134523

so I was right about the inferiority complex
have a good one mate, thats everything I need to know

>> No.56134531

I'm glad I don't live in the anglosphere

>> No.56134535
File: 288 KB, 402x384, 94567898765432345678976543211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you ain't that bright.

>> No.56134536

look how she casts her eyes around for attention
i hate women so much

>> No.56134551

Because 10% of the globe is still nearly a billion people. 10% of the US is 30 million. 10% of US-based participating investors, likely several million.
Because 10% is not 0%, as demotivational efficient market retards like you love to pretend.
I haven't actually looked at many stats on how other people are supposedly doing, because I don't care. I can see my own portfolio and know that I've beaten large cap returns (SPY) substantially. I've beaten profitless smallcaps on average by more. I've beaten inflation handily. I've done this for the better part of a decade at this point. There are objective criteria I use to make decisions, and those decisions accumulate over time and lead to outperformance on average.
Conceptually, if "the market" pumps 10% and some people are seeing zero gains, other people are seeing more than 10% gains. In the end, it still averages to 10% gains. Contrast that with sitting all in on cash. Losses to inflation are usually guaranteed. Even now, it's a 1-2% real yield. On the other hand, all stock profits produce real yield that compounds over time. You spent too much time out of the market trying to time the market, and now your capital is permanently impaired. Sorry.

>> No.56134557
File: 153 KB, 451x387, 1656524995677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nvda to a crabby death
>soxs still slogging
SOXS owes me sex!

>> No.56134561

MARA owes me money

>> No.56134568

>STILL refuses to post position because he knows my mcdonalds meal comment was correct
sad to watch you go down like this

>> No.56134574

OIL is just decomposed algae. It's renewable.

>> No.56134579


since when is a 4% bounce intraday "crab"? Semis are going to bounce, led by NVDA. AAPL and NVDA led the dump, now they lead the bounce. Sell your SOXS while you're green

>> No.56134582

>I'm glad I don't live in the anglosphere
>dipping in beer head
M8, that's marriage material right there. Have you considered that maybe you're a flaming queer?

>> No.56134589

did anyone figure out if that abiogenesis theory was real? I know there are tech advancements but even by both sides of hippies vs oil barrens even as recent as 20 years old wells have a but more oil in them when they go back and look

>> No.56134594

>a woman who guzzles beer is marriage material

>> No.56134599


>> No.56134603

I feel like dxy is just going to dictate things until fomc.

>> No.56134605

Not one bit of that vid is her "guzzling" anything, you fucking loser.
Maybe guzzle cum and kys??

>> No.56134608

Its at where it was back in aug, crabs are dragging it to a watery grave.

>> No.56134613

it still remains a fringe theory without strong enough evidence to support it and overrule the fossil theory

>> No.56134616

You're either trolling poorly or intentionally conflating the virgin Marxist ideas of collectivism under government control, vs the Chad union of workers banding together like true Americans to be paid their due for growing our economy, and getting enough to spend and keep that Economy alive.

>> No.56134622

You can have her. And no had several women. So, no.

Absolute worst day on EU, especially OMX. Another retardrebound. This is no fun. Sad. Imagine getting mad despite making more money than wagies. So fuckin retarded this market is.

>> No.56134623

You're both retarded and should shut up or move to Michigan and get a job building cars yourselves.

>> No.56134632


>> No.56134634
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The Economy is Fugged Luigi

>> No.56134638
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>its renewable

>> No.56134644

so she's just going to dip the fries in the head and leave the pint?
you're a fucking moron

>> No.56134646

Yeah because massive epoxy/fiberglass windmills are renewable?
Unless you're going to completely redefine the word petroleum is just as renewable as wind.

>> No.56134650
File: 102 KB, 865x853, 34567865423456io0987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad union of workers banding together to drive out competition and monopolize work in the industry like true commie scum, to demand unrealistic pay for crippling the economy and continuing It's decline by monopolizing labor in the industry.
Fixed it for you. You're welcome!

>> No.56134655

>HUT is up 5%
>MARA is literally down

>> No.56134658

>you can *only* guzzle a drink
You don't know what guzzle means, because you're ESL. Fucking kys, and stop replying to my posts.

>> No.56134661
File: 256 KB, 1816x967, 7436B04A-A752-46A1-93C0-FDF76C0E7004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m here live from Omni-City, formerly known as Detroit, where I’m pleased to share that Robocop has eliminated the last of rebellious UAW workers

>> No.56134662

>oil up
>but nrgu can't even get back to 563
It's over
Giga dump tomorrow.

>> No.56134664

That game was bs

>> No.56134670

>unrealistic pay

Nobody can afford rent let alone cars or food bro, that level of belt tightening increases debt and decreases spending, which kills the economy faster. Unions are an ultimate good for America.

>> No.56134674

I sold my brk-b puts. I'm going to wait until after the FOMC meeting to buy back in.

>> No.56134680

sure i do
it's what your mum does to nigger cum

>> No.56134681

Dude, nuclear needs more love.

>> No.56134689

If I was the president I would call up the ceos of F GM and Stellantis and offer them national guard troops to run the factories while these cry babys bitch and moan.

>> No.56134696

It might be too late for that in the West. Who knows though.

>> No.56134698


Would you sign a contract that paid you 4% less every year, for the next 3 years? Yes/no

Anybody whose job does not keep pace with the rate of inflation should quit. It's not "Free money", you are literally losing purchasing power due to inflation.

>> No.56134700

I'm not a union fan but you can't have the government intervening in stuff like that. People stop taking things seriously then.

>> No.56134708

SAVA's latest PR this morning is the funniest fucking thing if you know about biotech. They are trying their HARDEST to get shareholders to stop selling off.

>> No.56134713

Not my problem they are financially irresponsible and can't afford shit.
Unions are bad for American and are communist organizations.
If I were unsatisfied with my pay I'd just move.
Simple as.

>> No.56134714

gm was already bailed out in 2007-2009. I dont see how it would be palatable to do so again but now with all the american manufacturers. honestly let them fail for making shit products whatever survives should be making fast cheap trucks they are just too big to make innovative products bc it would destroy their market in other areas and they were retarded about making cars no one was going to buy during 2020

>> No.56134720

This strike is a threat to our national security retard. As president I would offer my full support for the corporations, including the use of the national guard to maintain production.

>> No.56134728

>If I were unsatisfied with my pay I'd just move.
>Simple as.
This is the reality of the situation. Competent people negotiate, slightly competent/incompetent people tend to ride on their coat tails.
Contrary to popular belief there is a labor *market* with bids and asks that come together to find a price. This is why even Junior software engineers can demand a six figure salary without a union.
If people want a union then fine I guess. I don't think it actually does anything meaningful though.

>> No.56134730
File: 3.56 MB, 512x288, 1695052803611.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a woman who guzzles beer is marriage material
Absolutely. My BUD shares are flying right now.

>> No.56134734

>Competent people negotiate
Isn't that what they are doing?

>> No.56134736

I would call the CEO of Stallantis and say "literally who is your company, again?"

>> No.56134735

If it's so important then you shouldn't go disrupting the things it depends on.

>> No.56134737


>> No.56134749


>honestly let them fail for making shit products whatever survives should be making fast cheap trucks they are just too big to make innovative products

seriously..? The current gen of Mustangs/Camaros are 35k cars that would have been classed as "super cars" in the 00s. Nobody in their right mind in the 2000s would imagine that they could be driving nearly 500 hp of sports car for as little as 35k. You can talk shit about sales or marketing, but you can't say there isn't innovation or productivity. Those cars simply don't have a large enough market share. Doesn't mean the companies are USSR-esque Lada factories.

>> No.56134756

Yup. That's the method they choose. I don't think they'd really get something they wouldn't have gotten otherwise but idk, I've never worked in a factory.
I don't think the negotiating itself is really good or bad, the two sides will find a price to agree on and that will be that.

>> No.56134765

What industry do you work in and what's your annual income?

>> No.56134774

So wtf happened with the 2yr bond earlier?

>> No.56134777

how the fuck is SAVA still alive

>> No.56134778

ITT: "owners" of companies getting mad at workers demanding more pay and actually using the means they have which is more than just saying "no"

>National guard involvement
>Catholic Jew
Yeah, no. You have not changed.

>> No.56134785
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>> No.56134784

Do you actually take baggot seriously lol

>> No.56134786
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, christmasrally.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else stoked for the rally?

>> No.56134788

No debt, regular dilutions. Same way every perpetual fraud extends its existence to infinity.

>> No.56134797

A lot of hedge funds are shorting SAVA in the box, or just long as a shitco hedge. Also SAVA has admitted no wrongdoing just yet so they're still perched on the precipice.

But just like you I'm surprised that fraud is still alive lmao

>> No.56134799
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>> No.56134806

Those are some ugly mutt kids.

>> No.56134807

>Competent people negotiate

Yeah, and smart people negotiate together. In some kind of group. A large gathering, one might say. A unity of purpose in negotiating better pay. Perhaps even a workers collective.

Like a UNION.

>> No.56134809
File: 99 KB, 500x597, AZNxMONKExMLN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my personal inflation rate is more like 3%

>> No.56134811

afaik none of those are going for 35k I thought they all have creep towards 50k? also yeah their marketing sucks they could easily make a non cheap plastic shit version doesnt even have to be luxury but not every wants to drive a "fast looking car". performance luxury sedans however might have been killed by the crossover market so Im sure there are tradeoffs

>> No.56134813

FOMC and VIXperation still have to happen. Probably going to be boring first half of the week.

>> No.56134817
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>> No.56134822

Has anybody actually made any money in the last week? Option bros I mean.
The only safe move I saw amongst all this crabbing was uranium and even that is starting to fizzle out slowly.

>> No.56134825

Pic related is also why SAVA is still alive. A lot of retards (both zooomers and boomers) buying SAVA for a squoze.

>> No.56134835

Irrelevant to the argument at hand. Unions are a product of communism. Simple as. There is a thing called the labor market and if you're competent you can demand pay, contrary to the commie need to coerce your employer for higher pay.

>> No.56134839


>> No.56134841

selling ITM puts against your position when you know there is a retrace is free money. you get paid for being wrong and extra for being right. if youre wrong oh well you got profit but not as much as possible who cares

>> No.56134850

CALLS. selling ITM calls*

>> No.56134852

Yeah I'm not sure that gets people anywhere they wouldn't have gotten. Maybe the less capable people do better and the more capable people do slightly worse but on balance the results are probably the same.
I don't think it should be illegal but I think both the pros and cons get overstated.
It feels like some goofy thing caused by the early 20th century ethnic divide from the Irish immigrants. I'll bet if there was some way to see you'd find most of the pro/anti union divide is between Irish/blacks and the "heritage Americans." That's the way these sorts of things tend to break down.

At the end of the day the market can bear whatever it can bear and even you have a very successful union you just end up killing the organization everyone works for.

>> No.56134854
File: 181 KB, 1801x877, notnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not new but 8k miles on a coyote is literally nothing

>> No.56134858

Collective bargaining is based.

>> No.56134860

Unions predate Communism, disingenuous statement.
Also, your industry and background will inform of your perspective. You are anonymous and so there is no risk in answering unless you believe it will harm your argument.

So, in what industry do you work, and what is your annual income?

>> No.56134870

Unions are older than Communism as an ideology and US union membership as a percentage of the workforce peaked in the 1950s during the absolute height of the Red Scare. If unions were actually a product of Communism they would have been banned then outright.

>> No.56134875
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1611954132225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled a rabbit out of my ass with this maneuver two weeks ago but damn I can't believe that's the only decent play right now. If you're wrong twice, well.

>> No.56134876

>smart people negotiate together
lol. No.

>> No.56134900

I just closed a brk-b call position that I had open for a few days for 15% profit.
I'm going to buy back in but I want to wait out the FOMC meeting.

>> No.56134899

just bought some American semiconductor and YANG calls, and TSM puts. am I a genius?


>> No.56134904
File: 348 KB, 1426x540, precoof5liter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then. my prices were skewed since inflation really kicked in. thats not even a bad price
yeah if you are already down money and its headed down you need to be absolutely certain of the price range over the time to expirary or you sell for less and lose money. you could also do put spreads if you are unconfident of what might happen

>> No.56134909

>The Bank for International Settlements warned in its latest quarterly report on Monday that "the current build-up of leveraged short positions in US Treasury futures is a financial vulnerability worth monitoring because of the margin spirals it could potentially trigger."
>The BIS joins the FSB, SEC, and Federal Reserve in raising alarms in recent months.
Bond Bobos are gonna get tenderly squozzled and ouchied.

>> No.56134910

This car for 36k in the US?

>> No.56134919

I think it's irrelevant to the argument doesn't matter what industry I work in and my income I can quit tomorrow if I'm unsatisfied with my pay. I don't need a union to coerce my employer into paying me more.
Could be wrong on the historical timeframe and frankly I don't give a shit. Unions try to monopolize labor in the their select industry and coerce their employers for pay and other benefits which screams communism to me.

>> No.56134922

Corollas still cost $20k new. If you're going to buy a sedan I don't know why you would buy anything else.

>> No.56134932

how to build ai that trades options very effectively...
good thing im a full stack dev and can actually into this project unlike you NEET plebs

>> No.56134937

What should I do for lunch today? I was puking blood this morning so I need something kinda pussy.

>> No.56134942

Get to work. Let an algorithm lose all of your money.

>> No.56134943

>how to build ai that trades options very effectively...
My fucking software engineer dad tried doing this for a few years, every single techfag who stumbled into trading options tries doing this lol. Ur not special..unless you have a dynamic algo. Rentech fooled everyone into thinking that HMM or whatever markov chains are the key. But it's always simple linear regressions.

>> No.56134947

Most people here can program. I even have my own LLM text completion infrastructure I'm in the process of monetizing.
But if you can come up with a process for finding undervalued options you could probably do that profitably without the AI.

>> No.56134957



>> No.56134965

>posts wikipedia article about a bot that plays starcraft

>> No.56134966

I don't even really care for unions much but they're just not Communist dude, they absolutely would have been banned in the 1950s if they were rather than being allowed to grow to their absolute maximal power at that time.

>> No.56134972

>Don't know when to sell
>Line goes down again

>> No.56134983

i want the ai to find new strategies and to exploit market participants if possible. there is much to be learned.


>> No.56134988

Biotech stocks are getting raped. Die die die die. Sell offf you shitcunts

>> No.56134997

Are thinking you'll just train an RNN/transformer on a bunch of different prices/other indicators and see if it pulls some pattern out?
Keep us posted.

>> No.56134999

>Artificial Intelligence
Algos have been trading for a long time now. You aren't going to develop something better.

>> No.56135003

you are a JEW

>> No.56135007

>Refuse to work.
>Go on strike.
>Illegal to be fired by your employer.
>Coerce him to pay you more.
>Others can't find jobs in the field because they aren't in your union.
Socialism then? Sounds pretty commie to me.

>> No.56135011
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yes. Can go lower if you just want a manual 400+ hp car

>> No.56135018

>talking to the Jews about ai

All in chuds

>> No.56135019

Your unwillingness to share your frame of reference indicates to me that you are unwilling to confront the idea that your bias may be skewing your opinion, and therefore you are unprepared to enter into a discussion.
I recommend research into the history of Unions, and the history of Communism for that matter since you appear to conflate the two. I believe you will find this information worthwhile even if you maintain your positon afterwards.

Good day.

>> No.56135025

>Tilray is a $2.4b mkt cap structurally unprofitable Canadian cannabis player diluting shareholders into oblivion
>Shares have spiked over the past two weeks on misplaced hope over marijuana rescheduling despite $TLRY having no plant-touching ops in the U.S. Rescheduling would not legalize the sale of weed for anything except FDA-approved drugs.
>Schedule 3 does nothing to help Tilray sell recreational products or THC infused drinks. None of the financial benefits of rescheduling – tax savings, exchange uplisting, progress on SAFE Banking – help TLRY, they only help Tilray’s potential US competitors.
>Borrowing a penny stock tactic, TLRY materially inflates adjusted EBITDA and free cash flow by directly paying a key supplier in large amounts of stock. Hiding behind poor disclosures, $TLRY has gone from making payments in cash in ‘21 to $100m in stock over last two yrs
>In a deliberately convoluted process, TLRY receives a bill from the weed grower, issues stock to settle it (at implied prices as low as $1.61/shr in June) and then registers those shares for resale on the open mkt – all on the exact same day
>Tilray’s claims of being different from other struggling cannabis companies which dilute shareholders to fund ops are bogus. Without its large, recurring direct payments in stock, $TLRY ’23 EBITDA would’ve been zero and cash flow would’ve been deeply negative (again).
>Tilray’s craft beer strategy is a joke. Retail sales for recently acquired brands from $BUD are in steep decline. ShockTop and Bluepoint are both down over -20% YTD and according to $BUD ex-employees the group has only 10-15% EBITDA margins, well below beer industry peers.
>Strip away the accounting tricks and $TLRY financials are deteriorating w/shareholders caught in seemingly endless dilution. By month end, we expect $TLRY will once again issue shares to fund expenses and refi converts due Oct 1. Shares sank 30% in May on the last refi.

>> No.56135026

it will have access to open orders and it will be able to analyze how its own open and filled orders affect the current market
it will take into account how it can accumulate a position without affecting price for illiquid instruments
there will be many metrics that will need to accounted for, many many many metrics

algos are not ai, tho. learn the difference, jew.

>> No.56135032

Yeah I'd classify it as a light form of Socialism but not Communism, there's still a collective aspect to it. For the record I think Communism is a miserable failed ideology and anyone supporting it is a massive fucking retard.

>> No.56135033

>>Once buzz over declining craft beers, heavily manipulated earnings, and misunderstood rescheduling benefits wears off, investors will realize $TLRY shares, trading at 40x phony EBITDA, are worth far less than the current price. Our price target is $0.90


>> No.56135036

>implying the government wasn't infiltrated by commies while Wilson and FDR were in power. Look at all the senators who are members of the communist party, and look at which side of this fight they are on?

>> No.56135040

You missed an important step
>Employer refuses to grow pay with inflation
>Mistreats or otherwise ignores issues with employee treatment or working conditions

>workers, after warning that this treatment is unacceptable and seeing no change, collectively use their power as workers to simply not work, thus halting production until the issue is improved.

If my boss tells me to work in a rat infested office, I'm refusing to go into that office until the rats are removed and the office cleaned, or an acryally safe office is provided.

>> No.56135051
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>> No.56135071

Without Unions the competent people would go somewhere else and production would suffer. Management knows this so they tend to pay attention and not mistreat workers.
Unions are just ducttape for groups of people that can't think ahead well (IE blacks and Irish.) If it weren't for that you'd get to the same place without all the BS.

>> No.56135079

I have no bias learn about the market there are bids and asks. Unions lobby in government for the ability to coerce their employers and drive out competition aka non-union workers. That's a socialist policy and the goal of socialism is communism.

>> No.56135081
File: 133 KB, 527x588, 1677915384576627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI just outmicroing the guy super hard

>> No.56135093

It's been a while since I read Marx but I think you have that backwards: the goal of communism is socialism and democracy.

>> No.56135098

So when is it all crashing?

>> No.56135102

Wednesday or maybe April. No one's really sure.

>> No.56135106

>the goal of communism is socialism and democracy
Did they achieve that in the Soviet Union?
Already crashing upwards.

>> No.56135110
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>> No.56135111
File: 1.08 MB, 1074x782, Propaganda_Seceptability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no bias

Have a good day sir.

>> No.56135119

It'll crab for the next 6 god damn months.

>> No.56135120

This is 100% a dead cat bounce right

>> No.56135131

No usually communism just kills all the competent people.
Not that this is distinct from socialism which is just the idea that it's ok to share things sometimes which is something people do even in very pro-private property cultures like the US and GB.

>> No.56135137

As someone who used to work for a fintech frim that was all algo trading you just don't have access to the resources (namely data) that the big firms have. Like, my boss paiud some ungodly amount of money to have a custom internet line setup from the grid directly into our office, in the middle of Manhattan, so our trades would be a fraction of a second faster. It goes beyond just, Can you come up with an efficient AI model?

>> No.56135139

>Employer refuses to grow pay with inflation
Find a new employer. You sell your labor he buys your labor sometimes the spread between the bid and ask widens so all you have to do is find a new employer.
>Mistreats or otherwise ignores issues with employee treatment or working conditions
Find a new employer you pick what conditions you work in your employer doesn't force you to work there you can always leave.
>workers, after warning that this treatment is unacceptable and seeing no change, collectively use their power as workers to simply not work, thus halting production until the issue is improved.
Knowing that in a free market they can't lobby a government to make it legal for them to not work whilst making it illegal for their employer to fire them and pushing non-union workers out of the industry because they disagree with them. If you're not satisfied with your employer, pay and work conditions just leave.
>If my boss tells me to work in a rat infested office, I'm refusing to go into that office until the rats are removed and the office cleaned, or an acryally safe office is provided.
If my boss tells me to work in a rat infested office without adequate compensation I'll just find another employer simple as. He doesn't force me to work in a rat infested office I make the choice to work there or not.

>> No.56135145

>very pro-private property cultures like the US and GB.
How are taxes a pro-private property culture?

>> No.56135153

Which country has lower taxes than the US?

>> No.56135159

So you’re not an anti semite?
>I’m anti anti-anything
But say the words you’re not an antisemite, the joos need to hear it
All lives matter

>> No.56135160

>“The goal of Socialism is Communism.”
Take it from Lenin himself.

>> No.56135183

i dont need that deep of access
i just need level 2 really
access to open quotes would be quite ideal but it would be costly to have 100% real time data with the absolute microsecond spam of open quotes on any symbol
the speed isn't the issue here

>> No.56135185

Lenin was kind of doing his own thing. Near the end that was more nationalism than communism.

>> No.56135192

>Without Unions the competent people would go somewhere else and production would suffer. Management knows this so they tend to pay attention and not mistreat workers

>> No.56135202


>> No.56135204

>I'm a worker I have rights.
Fuck you, as we learned from the scamdemic everyone is replaceable.

>> No.56135209

I'm sorry, am I to understand that your stance is that Megacorporations do not typically mistreat or exploit workers?

>> No.56135213

alternatively, join a union and dont bother with that shit. I'm in the top 10% of compensation in my field because we have a strong union. got a 25% pay increase over the next 4 years

>> No.56135221

I think they absolutely do but I don't think unions are enough to solve it most of the time.
The market forcing tends to wash that kind of thing out.

>> No.56135226
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Commies are insufferable faggots.

>> No.56135228
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Hope so

>> No.56135229

>no idea wtf you people are talking about
>no options privileges
>no open positions
>up 3% for the day
>up 10% for the week
any other comfy /daytrade/ anons?

>> No.56135231
File: 278 KB, 900x721, The Death of Siegfried - Henry de Groux (1930).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want job
>Forced to join union
>Forced to pay dues and be brainwashed with flavor of the month shit, now wok tranny garbage
>Forced to strike if their rigged vote says so
>“Nooooo, you can’t look out for yourself and be a scab! We gave you the weekend! Solidarity comrade!”
I hope all socialists drink bleach.

>> No.56135233

Ah yes. When I think "efficient market economy" India is the first country that comes to mind.
Also their taxes are only nominally low because there's all kinds of bullshit from bribery to currency manipulation going on there. I've worked for companies that have tried to operate there (physically, not some outsourcing thing) and the real "tax" is way too expensive.

>> No.56135238

I can't wait until the health care workers strike and commarade sanders has to explain how health care is a human right while standing up for these people who are denying the boomers their access to human rights.

>> No.56135239

BASED, they should just be grateful that their employer is providing jobs to keep them from having to hunt, kill, and eat roaches every day. If they want more pay then they should work harder and impress their employer with increased productivity and profits and be rewarded. They should begin each day with a unison "THANK YOU" to their employer.

>> No.56135250

So it basically is the same as the US but with brown people?

>> No.56135255

>Run a company into the ground
>Compensate yourself massively
>Beg the government for gibs
>Fuck over shareholders
>give yourself and everyone bonuses with the government welfare you recieved
>Beg government for more money
CEOs are literally niggers these days, fuck em

>> No.56135261

What is your industry and annual income, and how much do you pay in rent?
Because we are anonymous you shouldn't have any issue answering this question.

>> No.56135262

>these days

>> No.56135263

Heath care workers won't strike because the market for health care workers is very tight.

>> No.56135268

No. (maybe this is an artifact of a nation of brown people but it is a real difference.) You can *know* what the cost (as far as tax goes anyway) of operating in the US is and plan accordingly because we have laws. You can't do that in India.

>> No.56135289

CEO compensation to employee compensation was 15:1 in 1975, today it is 243:1, so yes CEOs have become niggers only over the past 40 years. If your wondering why you can't afford a home, it's because your nigger CEO can afford 10.

>> No.56135294
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>Also their taxes are only nominally low because there's all kinds of bullshit from bribery to currency manipulation going on there.
I'd like to remind you of the US shenanigans with COMEX and the confiscation of russian assets lately.
The US is literally third world tier but with higher taxes. You just admitted that.

>> No.56135300
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>> No.56135305

I watched a video in 11th grade about opening up a business in india vs Hong Kong. Short version being india took years and Hong Kong a week. India was also filthy. This was over ten years ago. We also talked about brics in that class. It’s been ten years and india crashed a rocket on the moon but still shits in the streets.

>> No.56135307

maybe they should have just decided they wanted to be ceos instead of union members.

>> No.56135344

"Import the third world become the third world."
Yeah, we're not quite India tier yet but we're heading there faster than a lot of people would like to admit.

>> No.56135477

This post should have been at least quads.

>> No.56135706

I saw that one too, with John Stossel. Heh was your teacher "Mr. T?"

>> No.56135894
File: 62 KB, 1513x473, shit&piss500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the market beats inflation
Get a load of this goy

>> No.56136114

You think it will continue rising in price?