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56132302 No.56132302 [Reply] [Original]

I fell for the "traveling is a meme" meme

>> No.56132309

>get on airplane
>fly 12 hours
>look at things, eat food
>fly 12 hours back home, $2000-5000 poorer

>> No.56132318

Damn always sucks to fall for memes only to realise they are memes themselves post modem

>> No.56132319

My favorite part is looking at same things and eating the same things millions of other tourists do. Makes me feel special.

>> No.56132322

Spending 3k on an holiday if you havent made it yet is retarded.
But if you have the money its not such a big meme, but still overrated.

>> No.56132324

I live 5 minutes from the beach
That's all the outside leisure that I need + it's free

>> No.56132329

More like
> get on airplane
> fly 4 or 5 hours
> spend 500 euros / month on rent
> sea, mountains, sun , air , beach , woman, anything you want and need
> travel around for 3 to 6 months ( I'm doing 10 months this ride)
> increase health 10x
> have sex
> eat quality food
> not in a wagecage

Traveling is only a meme if you are a wagie who gets 1 or 2 weeks off a year. So yeah for corporate America, travel is a indeed a meme

>> No.56132334

you're supposed to live there, not book a tour guide and eat breakfast buffets at a 3-star hotel
fucking wake up from your slumber you chronically online cattle, you don't even know what it is to be human

>> No.56132352

I fell for that one too multiple times.
I've probably spent something in the range of 15k$ in my lifespan to get drunk and eat similar food i have at home, but somewhere else.

I won't travel again if it's not for business.

>> No.56132361

Travelling fucking rules there is no better feeling that finding some awesome local scene in some far flung place and hanging out with people completely different to you. It's a wild feeling of how much there actually is to the world.

>> No.56132365

i get 4 weeks of vacation a year. i'm not "living there." i assume things are different for freelance gay4pay?

>> No.56132366

I forgot
> rent is 3 to 4 times cheaper than back home
> steak costs 1/3th
> public transportation is 10x cheaper.

I can travel for a year with 10k euros. And I mean eating steak almost every day .Seeing as I have 11 Bitcoin. I do a year long travel every two years. Enjoy waging tho and sitting in front of the computer in the basement

>> No.56132376

> get drunk and eat out like a retard. Yeah you are not traveling you are being a consumer pig

>> No.56132385

if you are a freelance and need to travel, it's the best deal, you get some few hours to see the crap tourist see, but during work hours you get paid lmao

Probably the company will pay your accommodation and flights too.

>> No.56132390

>t. Never left his 10,000 person shithole

>> No.56132391

This is why women love traveling and fine dining. It's not about the food or traveling, it's another consuming in a way that you are waited on hand and foot without having to do anything.

>> No.56132394

T.slave who thinks he "travelled" kek, 4 weeks! Ultrakek

>> No.56132397


>> No.56132400

>> increase health 10x


>> No.56132402

You never had a gf and you have never travelled. 3 weeks at some 5 star all in resort that sets you back 5k doesn't count

>> No.56132403

Traveling is only a meme if you are ugly

>> No.56132405

your net worth is 11 bitcoin. i have more money than you. i could quit my job and do what you do, but it's uninteresting, as i said here. >>56132309

>> No.56132410

>> you wear glasses cuz the computer fucked your eyes

>> No.56132418

>i could quit my job and do what you do, but it's uninteresting,
Ok then sit in the wagecage Infront of a screen everyday lmaoo.

>> No.56132427

I think its all about the experiences you get from the social aspect with friends, a gf, or your sugar baby. Running around the world just living it up seems fun.
Traveling solo, however, seems like aids.

>> No.56132435

i work from home, and home is where i want to be. how is the life you've built, your home life, so unbearable? what are you running from?

>> No.56132436

>Traveling solo, however, seems like aids.
Cause you are a social anxiety basement dweller neet. I go travel alone and meet people on the way. Do you need someone to hold your hand while you go outside into the big bad world? Lmao

>> No.56132437

ive been using the computer for over 20 years and am the only one in my family that doesnt need glasses or contacts

>> No.56132441

lets say i make about 100k take home pay and have about 40k leftover for the year from all the bullshit bills. how much is reasonable to spend on traveling per year

>> No.56132451

if you travel solo you'll get friends and gfs
2 months in a coworking place (and participating socially) will unsperg anyone

>> No.56132454
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>and then anon said, he booked a whole trip to Thailand, alone!
>omg how much of a loser is he haha, doesn't he have any friends?!?

>> No.56132465


>> No.56132496
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Literally slave mentality, wage slave, village idiot, lack of any awareness and devoted from any joy mentality.
Back in the day people died to discover just part of this awesome world meet other cultures, expand knowledge and live one life they get and now bunch of wage incels addicted to social meda dopamine injections while they watch other ppl live life they think the somehow deserve think, actually, unironically, that traveling is "overrated".

ONLY reason to not enjoy and travel the world is if you are in money accumulation phase, and even then you need to be carefull to not wake up one day and realise its to late, you are to old consumer/wage pig to go back.

You fucking morons are 1 step from "sex is overated" cope.

>> No.56132499

>Nooooo you just have to travel and waste your money on le heckin experience or you are le slave!!!!!

kys consumer mind

>> No.56132505


it always funny when women defend sex and traveling like their life depend on it

>> No.56132506

>discovering the world

LMAO dont you have internet dumb cunt?

How about you go to some shithole in mexico run by the cartel? So nice to discover the experience! You cant find out about it online you just have to go there and experiment it!

Or go to iraq and flash your dick please experience that too

>> No.56132510

but sex is overated xDDD

>> No.56132511

Its overrated for sure, but not necessarily a bad thing. It's just like buying a new car, it feels good for a while but eventually it wears off and you lost money. I always lol at retards that claim "it changed my life bro!!!"

>> No.56132524

Travelling is a Meme and every shithole is the same.
why travel when I can just google whatever I want to see?
going anywhere is pointless and a waste of time.

>> No.56132528
File: 26 KB, 325x243, 1541586454593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>discovering the world
>LMAO don't you have internet dumb cunt?

I rest my case, literally 0 social skills, 0 culture, dead inside whit 0 prospects basements dweller mentality JFC I bet you think sex is overrated because you have internet

>> No.56132536

it will suck if you suck at planning, do what everyone else does and have no idea what you're visiting/looking at before you do

>> No.56132538

>Back in the day people died to discover just part of this awesome world meet other cultures, expand knowledge and live one life they get...

actually it was motivated by economics and material gain. you're doing the exact opposite, spending money for no economic material/gain, most likely a wage arbitrage cope because you're too dumb and lazy to compete in your homeland.

>> No.56132542

>Back in the day people died to discover just part of this awesome world meet other cultures

yeah mass tourists are modern day Magellans lmao

>> No.56132545

>literally 0 social skills
who wants to go to some shithole and socialize with shitskins?
>0 culture
culture is dead and its the same globohomo slop everywhere
>sex is overrated
Sex is a low IQ thing

>> No.56132559

>Dude just go to a 3rd world shithole where everyone is so nice and friendly!

yeah maybe because most westernerns are rich in their eyes and they dont all have aids and shit

no wonder they are nice to you! almost as if they are secretly hoping you are of good use for them huh? you fucking dumb imbecile


>> No.56132560

>dude just youtube mexico
had a fucking blast walking around mexico city with my gf (I met her while travelling btw, maybe you can youtube how it feels to be loved to relate)
its largely a shithole, but its still exciting as fuck

>> No.56132567
File: 213 KB, 645x973, soyoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a fucking blast walking around mexico city with my gf (I met her while travelling btw, maybe you can youtube how it feels to be loved to relate)
>its largely a shithole, but its still exciting as fuck

>> No.56132578

this is cope and you are an unhappy person, you know it, I know it

>> No.56132583

Yes by nation-states sponsoring it not by travel chads taking risks
You don't have to go to mass tourist palaces
Enjoy fapping on internet porn and interacting with just mother and boss you slave for for rest of your life

>> No.56132591

>anon flashes his mediocre salary in a third world shithole, attracts some gold digging brown pussy, confuses it with love
kek. truly the archetypal

>> No.56132593

Harsh but tend to agree.

I haven't even travelled that much outside the UK as an adult but I've lived at 17 plus different addresses ranging all the way from fairly posh areas to hostels where there'd be people messing around with machetes and the doors going off the hinges every week.

Have also worked in jobs ranging from welding to shelf stacking to psychiatric hospitals to pharma r&d.

It definitely expands your world experience living and working in multiple different environments with multiple different people when you compare it with spending most of your life at home or at most 3 minutes drive away.

Not all of that was fun. But even the not fun stuff is still useful / interesting experience.

>> No.56132602


Sure, but escaping to a 3rd world shithole to 'travel' for a few weeks is literally watching anime tier of escapism

>> No.56132604

Just don't fall for the
>let's go to thialand with roid raged nonces from fit

>> No.56132657

>Enjoy fapping on internet porn
I will
>and boss
HAHAHA I'm not a wagecuck you slave loser

>> No.56132684

>t. 매날 강아지의 똥공 헑헑하는 인셀

>> No.56132692

you just WANT people to waste money one useless shit, dont you?

>> No.56132710

>few weeks
my most recent itinerary: Mexico for 40 days, Korea for 40, Indonesia for 50, Japan for 60, Thailand for 30, etc.
costs slightly more than browsing 4chan in a first world country
yeah, I escapism'd my perma-desk video game lifestyle and my life finally feels good, heading to southern eu to escape again next month

>> No.56132717

based life liver

>> No.56132720

>serves Satan
>proceeds to lecture others
>doesn’t love life

>> No.56132788

I don't like most people, only rly get along with a few types. Its more fun having a few really interesting people you can get to know well than meeting 50 randoms for a night.

>> No.56132807

Faggot mindset lol

>> No.56132849

Travelling is a meme though. Imagine paying to be around normalcunts lol. Planes are just sky buses. All public transport, no matter how fancy, is pleb tier cancer. Enjoy shitskins, faggots and children ruining your peace
It's just food and views, why waste money on it you fucking pufftahs
I just dont understand what mindset it takes to enjoy travelling, its all just an anticlimactic, expensive pain in the arse. What pleasures can be gleened from it. Sex? Yeah so what, it's just pussy. Food? Grow up woman. Really don't understand the travoooooller, I can see it all for free online. Weird effeminate queers lol

>> No.56132872

love is always transactional

>> No.56132888

it makes sense if you are good-looking. but you are ugly, so you cant comprehend

>> No.56132893

>meet other cultures
You're retarded if you think this is why women love travel. They go to the major tourist attraction cities and go to the major tourist venues in those cities. Then they fuck every cock they can get their hands on. Nevermind the fact that every Western city is the fucking exact same carbon duplicate of each other now.

>> No.56132897

>thread is 2 spergs talking about eating tacos

>> No.56132902

The only valid "travel" would be hiking or backpacking in rural areas of whatever countries you're visiting. Like a minuscule amount actually do this, but this is how you would "meet other cultures". Clearly nobody gives a shit about that.

>> No.56132915

What do you even do while travelling? I'd be bored after 5 mins. How do you find it interesting? Why would you want to be somewhere where you don't know the language or have any connections? I like to be at home with my family and all my stuff. Why do you feel the need to constantly escape? Travelfags seem like really unfulfilled people aimlessly hunting for that missing something. I could understand say going to Germany to blast round the nurburgring but just aimlessly wandering and consuming, i don't get it mate

>> No.56132920

Strange cope there bud lol

>> No.56132921

true but you have common beliefs, cultural grounds, etc. with a western woman that don't exist with third world niggermonkeys. brownoids THINK in a foreign language.

>> No.56132939

>Travelfags seem like really unfulfilled people aimlessly hunting for that missing something
You're actually pretty on point. I dare someone find a travel roastie who is not on SSRIs lmao. The actual issue is that they got their education and full-time job and the reality of the 9-5 is nothing less of pure agony to them. It's just escapism.

>> No.56132962

I went to the Balears for less than 1.5k overall including all expenses
Less than half of my monthly wage for 10 days, simply because I bought cheap tickets, cheaper rent and a decent rental and went with 3 other people. Which were cheaper because I bought them 8 months before the holiday.
I’ve been to nice calas/beaches, ate food I can’t eat anywhere at home, seen beautiful women, enjoyed the sort of scenery you only see in movies (literally, places like Sa Calobra and Formentor)
Went with the paddleboards pretty far off the coast, explored some cool caves, did cannonballs from 7-8m, even caught a windy day with pretty big waves which were cash to be in.
All experiences I could never have at home + more
Btw we avoided all the tourist traps and went to restaurants locals go
Plane was 3hrs
Not even taking in account that I disconnected from everything and got back home truly relaxed
Also drank some good wine

>> No.56132974

what the worst is if you actually travel with a travelfag - you realize they do everything just to claim they travelled and take the pictures - but spend 0 time actually being in the moment in the place they trekked across the world to get to - usually already planning their next trip in their head - quite ironic really

>> No.56133008

women and men are the same globally

you will understand this one day

>> No.56133019

okay have fun raising children with a woman who grew up in a hut and moans with an accent when you're blowing out her brown pussy.

>> No.56133038

>cultural grounds and common beliefs

man, women are literally shape shifters. they dont have moral or cultural values. they just say what brings them the most benefits. they can be the most welcoming, open-minded person speaking with someone early in the day, and agree with racist chad's opinions in the evening.

>> No.56133052

It just sounds like you've pissed 2 weeks wages away for nothing
>muh foood
>muh scenery
You're either a bender or a hole

>> No.56133065

People aren't even the same in the next village mate, take your globalist faggotry and suck a nigger dick kike

>> No.56133077

back in the day 90% people would never set one foot outside the hill they were born in, dumbass

>> No.56133079

>le wandering and consuming
what is this existential bullshit? you think you're Socrates or some shit; what "upper hand" do you and other losers here have on people who manage to enjoy life travelling? protip: none, you just reassure each other in your misery, it is blatant cope
you can't find enjoyment in a walk or a run in a place you haven't seen? I literally just land somewhere and then I work my dayjob, walk around, sign up for activities I can find, eat interesting food - sprinkle in experiences, like playing tennis/badminton with some people you just met in a hotel, going out dancing, taking cooking courses, rent a scooter and check out waterfalls, hike in nature, rent a bike, go for a run, see a museum, and so on
you can pretend you can boil all these things down to "le consumerism and wandering", as if just describing it makes it meaningless

>> No.56133117

just because you find enjoyment in these things, doesnt mean that other people do. in the end everybody has to know for himself whats best, but i agree its annoying that traveling is so gloryfied by society, as if its necessary to be happy or some shit

>> No.56133126

It’s the experiences you dingus, shit I can’t have where I live (in a gray city with commie blocks)
>strawmanning my post

>> No.56133150

Honestly after spending a month in another country I've become twice as strong, and I've been propositioned for sex with 9 extremely attractive women that i had never spoken to before. On the street you can buy food that rivals michelin star restaurants. my hairline has also moved forward half a centimeter. This is what making it feels like. I think I might just stay.

>> No.56133156

Your life sounds empty, I live in beautiful British countryside, why would I waste money to go somewhere worse and be surrounded by browns lol. You live the life of a woman, I genuinely feel sorry for you

>> No.56133165

>Faggot mindset lol
You'd probably be ended in about 5 minutes living #hostel lyfe

Now back to larp land with you

>> No.56133172

If you saved your money rather than travelling like a fag then you'd be able to move away from your concrete shit hole and fulfilled by every day life. You've just proven that travel is a coping mechanism for miserable people

>> No.56133188

Why would I go into a hostel? I wouldn't even take a plane unless it was private. You're just a poorfaggot coping with a shit life. Keep planning you're next escape goy. I bet the depression you feel when you return to your day to day life is fucking crushing

>> No.56133211

>Why would I go into a hostel?
These aren't hostel for holiday makers, blatant basement dweller anon.

This is precisely what I mean about
>expanded world experience
Which, based on that comment, you obviously clearly lack. Along with reading comprehension, like the part where I said I'd not actually travelled much outside the UK as an adult.

>> No.56133221

most of these people are too cynical to even go for a walk, they are not happy, and they don't know how to be
you don't "need" to travel to be happy, but holy fuck does it make it easy

>> No.56133223

I fell for the "'traveling is a meme' meme" [sic] meme.

>> No.56133237

>british countryside
>nooo the browns and the wammen
maladjusted 4chan cattle thinks he can portray himself as a stoic nature enjoyer? you are miserable and everyone here knows it

>> No.56133246

What you even on about you gay cunt lol? Why would you want to expand your world experience? Everyone's a cunt unless they want your money, that's it, humans are literal garbage. I'll stay in my nice rural house working on my cars, growing food, spending time with my wife and playing instruments. You can hostel hop with penniless foreign shit while eating a chimichamga and posing on IG like a fucking tart. You'll be the bell of the ball mate, all the boys will be lining up for a go

>> No.56133252

Y so angery fren? Have I hit a nerve :)

>> No.56133267

>You can hostel hop with penniless foreign shit while eating a chimichamga and posing on IG like a fucking tart.
You're seriously missing the point on the word

But you obviously have a lot of seethe that just causes you to auto-reguritate your larp land ideas.

>imma black pilled visionary
You're a shut in. Living in imagination land.

>> No.56133275

IMO: it's worth it if you know people or have some reason to be in the country but just going somewhere to go somewhere is a dumb waste of money.

>> No.56133276

The truth is that the vast majority of people could check their entire "life travel bucket list" in like a month or two, they just don't have the money/time to do so.
If you have money and time you can experience more "travelling" in just a month than the vast majority of people on the planet, so crying about missed experiences is ridiculous, as if riding a camel in Egypt is a fundamental life experience.

And someone capable of having a blast in third world shitholes is also able to have a blast in the most random small town near him as well, so in the end it's all about how much you need or want to be around other people

>> No.56133286

This is an extremely underrated post.
Don't fall for the brown girl meme.

>> No.56133289

>just going somewhere to go somewhere is a dumb waste of money.
Cuz you are poor and a stuck wagie slavie. Enjoy sitting Infront of the computer lmao

>> No.56133295

I have traveled, that's how I know.

>> No.56133323

Oh I'm a shut in, I don't leave my property other than to go to work or a trackday, won't argue with that mate. But I just dont get why you weird fuckers defend travelling so fervently? I have a nice house and a good life in a beautiful part of the country, I enjoy my work and my Mrs is my best friend. Why would I pay money to leave that behind for the chance to get stabbed by foreign filth? I bet you're the type of weirdo that enjoys being around other people, going to restaurants and shows etc. I'd rather fucking kill myself than spend time around other people, unless I'm getting paid. I get it you're an extrovert attention seeker, it's fine mate, we're all different. Just trento stop seething that people are happy with their lives rather than chasing the travelling dragon. You will never find true peace or happiness until your everyday becomes your vacation. But I realise, you willingly spend time around shitskins just to eat their fetid "food", you're not intelligent enough to make yourself happy. Keep travelling sister, you'll find happiness one day

>> No.56133359

The one nice thing about traveling IMO is that it highlights the things that make your home culture/country unique and that's kind of nice. Maybe it's good to do once but there's all kinds of better things to spend money on if you can only pick one.

>> No.56133446

I'm traveling for a year one month per sleeping place sometimes two. I guess you stay somewhere 2or 3 days and call it travelling. Nomad life is based. I have my Bitcoin and I go where ever the climate is comfy . But you do you sir. We need wagies in the cagies too

>> No.56133614

I've been "nomad" ing it since 2017 bullrun where I made low six figs.
SEA is the only bunch of countries where that could last me 10+ yrs since I didn't make shit the last bullrun.
First 3-4 months it was a blast, now I just sit in a rented airbnb ($150/mo) and play games all day. Basically the same shit I did back home just 10x cheaper.

>> No.56133655

>eat interesting food - sprinkle in experiences, like playing tennis/badminton with some people you just met in a hotel, going out dancing, taking cooking courses, rent a scooter and check out waterfalls, hike in nature, rent a bike, go for a run, see a museum, and so on
What is this roastie bullshit? When the fuck did normiefags infest /biz/? This is fucking disgusting to read I can't believe this.

>> No.56133664

>punch wife because the jews and the browns and traditional 4chan values or something
>play the flute
>step out of caravan home
>admire landfill

>> No.56133750

Are you the coomer poster from /trv/?

>> No.56134961

Yeah, i came back depressed after 1 year abroad because i realized the country i was in is a decaying shithole, but mine wasnt doing so much better. Also, had sinusitis and asma problems since i returned

>> No.56135006
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>renting a motorcycle to explore and get lost in northern Vietnam was pretty fun

Would do again desu

>> No.56135039


>> No.56135072

If you've ever been to 2 or 3 places, you've really been to all places.

>> No.56135123

many such cases.

>> No.56135176

I live in Europe and travel abroad to whoremonger. It's really fun planning the trip to the brothels in a foreign land.

>> No.56135207

these threads are always a bunch of people who have never travelled or been anywhere else insisting to us all that everywhere is exactly the same and there's no point.

>> No.56135214

Lmao the autists in this fucking thread holy shit. Yeah if you wanna do a contiki tour and be with 30 other faggots on someone else's schedule lmao travelling is gay

A sick car or motorcycle
A glovebox full of stogies
The open road

Riding a 90s supersport through the mountains of Japan then finishing the day with an onsen
Spending a summer on the beach in greece

You weave the tourist shit around the rest not just knock it off 1 after the other

Nothing wrong if you're a homebody type but don't shit on faggots who like to see something new.

>> No.56135253

I would say a contiki tour is probably a good bet for somebody who is in their late twenties and fell for the "travel is a meme" meme.

>> No.56135537


>> No.56135589

This is a myth

>> No.56135613
File: 75 KB, 896x876, IMG_5832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking life advice from social rejects/incels
Literally just come here to shill your bags and that’s it.