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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 661 KB, 1905x1017, 06C2A68C-8F7F-4A18-8870-86C517780598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56124753 No.56124753 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56124764

You can’t even watch it so obviously it’s going to do Jack shit to the price. Why should I care anymore?

>> No.56124774
File: 138 KB, 768x768, comfer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to care, pink ID anon, you don't even have to click these threads or write anything.
Personally I'm pumped about the 4IR and like to follow along.

>> No.56124867

This is the moment we should have all known it was over, isn't it?

>> No.56124872

>You can’t even watch it

Wtf really? Why?

>> No.56124887

I dont think there is going to be a live stream, but since Sergey is the opening speech they should upload it to the Sibos YouTube channel shortly after it happens.
At least I believe thats what they've done in prior years

>> No.56124904
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reporting in

>> No.56125017

Someone on twitter will probably tweet out live info.

>> No.56125065

based. id like to take this opportunity to thank the chainlink team the avocados and the fudders. what a strange and interesting journey this has all been

>> No.56125093

Is that outfit legit or poser autist? Seems a bit on the nose with the sneaks.

>> No.56125094
File: 765 KB, 1905x1017, Sergey Sibos v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56125104

been lurking moar and lurking longer. Still don't get avocados. Am I an Avocado?

>> No.56125106

I worry about his suit this time.
He changed sizes and may not fit into it.
Can someone send him a new suit?

>> No.56125133
File: 47 KB, 646x1159, FB_IMG_1694938028809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I have no idea are you an avocado?

I remember when life was comfy before the cringe set in like some elusive fog. pic related. damn man who knew life was so sweet back then. cold concrete underneath me surrounded by based frens.

>> No.56125176

An avocado is whoever isn't part of the Link fud cult.

>> No.56125322

Even though nothing is gonna happen I’m still super excited for the next couple of weeks with SIBOS and smartcon coming up. As a day one baggie I look forward to smartcon every year. I fucking love Chainlink and there’s nothing you niggers can do about it .

>> No.56125352
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Bit early. Isn't till this time tomorrow

>> No.56125496

checked. based king sergey is literally on panel with swift and jp morgan. i hope he wears sneakers again. In the world of High Finance people look down on you all the time, which is why they judge you by your shoes, and when he did that I had a hearty kek.

>> No.56125504

based king sergey literally had eric fucking schmidt at last smartcon and managed to only stutter himself to alpha v0.1 limited staking release leading to a price drop of 30% WHILE SMARTCON WAS STILL GOING ON.

>> No.56125532

this is literally 1.4 quadrillion times more than literally anyone else in crypto has delivered but sell the news bro thems the rules. eric schmidt is attending this smartcon let's try for 50% number go down?

>> No.56125536

it was the best life

>> No.56125901
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Looking forward to round 2 of this, rumours are it's a Whopper this year.

>> No.56126531

>SIBOS Sergey slot begins
>link starts violently pumping to $30 on insider trading
>crypto twitter going apeshit
>SIBOS video published to Youtube
>Sergey has announced that Jerome Powel is now running a node
>pump to $31
>slow bleed to $6 over the course of the next 6 months

>> No.56126541

He will say some drivel about excitement for market change in the future. Nothing will be announced, nothing new will be shown. Nothing will happen to the price.

>> No.56126544

I guess I've got to be the guy who questions the sheet of oriented strand board randomly propped up there

>> No.56126609

>SIBOS finishes
>Sirgay dumps another 1m LINK every week to pay for appearances
>slow bleeds to 3$

>> No.56126618


>> No.56126639

2 weeks

>> No.56126645

dollar sign goes before the number, homie

>> No.56126692

chainlink: great project
BAD investment
token is only peripherally needed

>> No.56126745

Bitch, that has to be recent as fuck. Every faggot in the picture has the broccoli hair. You gay.

Also, Link will be over 100 USA dollars by the end of this year.

>> No.56126763

He's an ESL nigger. Be nice.

>> No.56126775

Is this the new gigabrain fud discord talking point?

Token Is Only Partially Needed

>> No.56126781

it hits home because it's true
link token is only needed in a very minor sense, not enough to offset the constant dumping of sergey

>> No.56126872

Read the whitepaper. Dumb niggers.

>> No.56127008


>> No.56127258

hello, I hold chainlink because of dumb fud like this.

>> No.56127331

Here’s what happens;

>ANZ announces full time use of CCIP for their stable coin
>three people clap their hands
>+2.8% token appreciation
>by the end of the following day back down -4.3% from where it was before the announcement

>> No.56127367
File: 23 KB, 687x410, link-partially.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, fucking great, isn't it? Fudtards got BTFO'd so bad by CCIP they had to change the script. Can't wait to see what they change it to next.

>> No.56127503

Oracles still a good choice. I like Chainlink and SupraOracles.

>> No.56127520
File: 294 KB, 1080x1094, 1694971626420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token not needed btw

>> No.56127527

why do you keep this on your computer?

>> No.56127532

An avocado is obviously a chainlink labs community advocate 80IQanon..

>> No.56127534

be fair, it's peripherally needed

>> No.56127555

Insiders already know sibos will be a flop. Only Sergey can blow this kind of privilege.

>> No.56127578

I just like the picture. It makes me happy

>> No.56127617

why do you keep a token thats not needed in your wallet?

>> No.56127627

to let sirgay dump on them as stated in the whitepaper or something

>> No.56127631

not surprised faggot

its not in my wallet. Its being staked.

>> No.56127698

Update your playbook. It's only partially needed now, kek.

>> No.56128203

Yes it does dumb burger
Dollars 3
3 dollars
Which makes sense?

>> No.56128248

only a thirdie thinks like this

>> No.56128331

*peripherally >>56126692

>> No.56128457

GM Australia and New Zealand bros

>> No.56129199


>> No.56129250

GN based kings

>> No.56129267

Price update
>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

>September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55

>> No.56129278

Was this a year ago already?

>> No.56129322

Oof wow, LINKies uhh jeez… At least all of us bought at ICO for Pennies right?

>> No.56129340

this is a nice meme as it's leading up to link btc and eth peak in 2020 kek
but yeah that was was summer 2020 defi season when all those coins went crazy, this list of course doesn't have them listed
look at compound for example

$158 back then $38 now
then again compound is up to fuck all and chainlink has swift on board, fucked up speculative market

>> No.56129357

the one billionaire autist who attends the top global banking conference with a terribly fitting suit and autism shoes and the next year they invite him to do the opening talk, and the market still cant see how bullish this is, insane

>> No.56129676
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13 hours 42 minutes until showtime

>> No.56129712


>> No.56129787

you'll be eating crow when the price pumps 20 cents and then dumps 50 cents later :^)

>> No.56130165

if green id, then surprise announcement and pump

if pink id, nothingburger as expected

if neither, im going to have sex

>> No.56130177

I want to gouge my fucking eyes out
I want to self-cannibalize my hands
Why did nobody tell me that holding LINK would inflict mental illness to me?!?

>> No.56130284

well at least u got those sweet dubs :}

>> No.56130400

>Be ausfag
>Want to see my boy Nige on the stage with SN
>Talk starts at 11pm local time, probably no stream
I guess I'll just see you guys tomorrow.

Based. If my ID is literally any colour then we are ALL going to make it.

>> No.56130410
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I do legitimately feel we'll see the $3 range and I might actually just kms if we get there for being a retarded greedy deluded cunt for one terrible, regrettable, catastrophic year
But this tweet was pretty big if true

>> No.56130411


god thread before sibos holyyyy

>> No.56130420

Checked but rekt (by the price)

>> No.56130528
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>> No.56130597
File: 371 KB, 1374x2381, IMG_3776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy link and then become rich they said
Well…..I’m waiting

>> No.56130609
File: 18 KB, 470x350, link ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cup and handle forming bros
If we get enough of a bounce here it could lead us into another cup and handle too on the 1d.
This is what would launch us past $9
This might be it

>> No.56130718
File: 82 KB, 983x1280, FA83CE11-0814-4528-B698-40A8641CF079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did CCIP just hit mainnet?


>> No.56130917

Oh man, I remember cup and handle posting in 2018. I want to go back bros, it was so comfy back then.

>> No.56131030

kek, China is flying hundreds of aircraft around Taiwan, heed this warning war is about to break out there. What timing, but once the invasion starts, this pump will get nuked.

>> No.56131097


>> No.56131147

ccip has been on mainnet for a while but arbitrum, bnb and base have just been added

>> No.56131299

I’m in toronto but I can only livestream qnt from the parking lot.

>> No.56131347

Is this why we just randomly pumped?

>> No.56131355

There’s nothing random about it, anon.

>> No.56131395
File: 143 KB, 1012x677, image_2023-09-18_07-58-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alphakek ai tracks crypto narratives including LINK

>> No.56131615
File: 500 KB, 1200x630, 16560511371422776499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you heard about the new Nyan Cat Money token? It's going to be a literal life-changing opportunity, so don't sleep on this one. Check out the whitepaper at nyancatmoney2 and trust me on this one. Don't be the one who missed the next 100x gainer.