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56128694 No.56128694 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56128702

>Flee China and buy real estate in the major cities.
Thanks for playing chump.

>> No.56128706

seething obese amerimutt spotted

>> No.56128714
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Payouts from the state by exposing contradictions in their ideology.

>> No.56128715

>Europe shitty
It is. I’m European fiy.

>> No.56128718

Yes I’m very jealous of your 45k/yr white collar jobs that require advanced degrees and 50% tax rates

>> No.56128726

Europe has free healthcare, free education, safe and walkable cities with widely available public transportation options, social safety nets and environmental and business regulations to protect workers and the people

Name 1 better place on earth to live in

>> No.56128743

we are consious and not consuemrist pigs liek americans
but in return we get

so fuck it all, no point in saving this planet and resources for oligarchs, rather consume it to the ground

>> No.56128756
File: 321 KB, 630x665, Screenshot_20230901-061756~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those things are free, they are paid by the tax money left over after ensuring legions of bureaucrats idle in opluent luxury.

>> No.56128758
File: 202 KB, 880x460, World_map_of_median_wealth_per_adult_by_country._Credit_Suisse._2021_publication (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dont, there is literally someting wrong with you

>> No.56128765

Free healthcare you get in America by default if you just have a job or are over age 65
Free education, who cares I made 90k right out of college and paid off my student loans by 24
Social safety nets, we have that too for poor people and retards (Social Security Disability payments aka autismbux, Medicaid, food stamps, etc)
Yeah that’s why you guys have no growth or innovation at all lmao

Last time I went to Europe I got constantly harassed by pitch black sub Saharan African migrants who wanted money. And gypsies. Not comfy at all.

>> No.56128771

Nice meme faggot, but:

>free healthcare
Not free, and the “free” one is on par with the US mid-lower tier.
>free education
Not free. And even if “free”, poorfags still have problems to go to university.
>safe and walkable cities
Not safe, and who care about the walkable part.
>with widely available public transportation options
Kek. Overly expensive poor-mover ridden with niggers and mentally unstable people. Also, you are bound to their scheduling. Nice cope poorfag.
>social safety nets
If you want to encourage parassitism, we are all seeing how it’s playing out…
>and environmental and business regulations to protect workers and the people

Now kys! People like you are the reason Europe is full of soi-flavored faggotry.

>> No.56128796

These map means jackshit. I can explain it for Italy. Many people own the house. The house value is their wealth. Here your median wealth value. In fact, there are many people who have a house but can barely buy food. And if they sell the house to buy the food they remain without a roof.

>> No.56128806

>The house value is their wealth
Literally the case in most countries in the world. Including the US. Not an argument.

>> No.56128820

Embarrassing that you have that much faith in government services. Governments are inherently corrupt and will always waste; maybe if there was an open source government in a trustless society.

>> No.56128835

Canadian here. Any canucks make the move to Europe? Is the grass greener over there? I might be able to get EU passport through my ancestry.

>> No.56128850
File: 65 KB, 620x703, health-expenditure-per-capita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we get better results and pay less
find the great american healthcare

>> No.56128996

>student loans paid off by 24
you dont even have a real degree you faggot

>> No.56129238

this is really funny to me because i bet you a costco hot dog and pepsi that this same lesbian harping on about muh rights was fully in support of people losing their jobs for not taking the jew jab
i would previously have fought for these people and their “rights” but now im just laughing and getting my luxury groceries delivered and not tipping

>> No.56129256
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here's your walkable Portoguese city :)

>> No.56129258

>Europe has free healthcare
It's fucking you worse than the US healthcare
>free education
We have that in addition we have homeschooling which is free but illegal in most of Europe
> safe and walkable cities
Not anymore.

>> No.56129303

where do you live? cuz it aint europe

>> No.56129326
File: 123 KB, 1465x728, 1661781263065025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's fucking you worse than the US healthcare
Wrong. See: >>56128850
>Not anymore.
Compared to the US, its not even close

>> No.56129394

Are you even European you faggot?

>> No.56129418

Anon, you're discussing with someone who was indoctrinated by a government-supported institution and through a government-supported program. It's pretty obvious why he'll defend his government daddy.

>> No.56129433

Not an argument. See: >>56128850

>> No.56129754

>Europe has free healthcare, free education
No such thing
>safe and walkable cities
t. European

>> No.56130888

Coping you're still paying your Liberal Arts "degree" that cost $90000 and is still working at Mcdonalds flipping burgers lmao.

>> No.56131286

Implying there are no niggers in the US...

>> No.56131300

>Free healthcare you get in America by default if you just have a job or are over age 65
i can already tell you're an idiot with no life experience

>> No.56131306

suddenly the pro america shills disappeared

>> No.56131319

Europe has 0.5 year left, Screenshot this. Total unlivable muslim shithole

>> No.56131440

kys retarded faggot

t. European

>> No.56131937

how to tell me you are a poorfag from USA without telling me

EUROPE>USA always and thats not even a discussion

cope and seethe amerifags and i go fuck my 9/10 white slavic gf

>> No.56132172

no fucking shot poorland is same tier as china

>> No.56132215

islam is the only way to kill liberalism

>> No.56132233

kek literal middle eastern bazaar
whites going extinct for real kek

>> No.56132238

Canada is India 2.0
EU is Afro-Arabia 2.0

>> No.56132265

>who care about the walkable part
normal human beings? I can tell how maladjusted you are from this alone

>> No.56132676

Same anon. I’m European you faggot. Tell me how you are a welfare leech without telling me you need to kys.
>my cage at least is walkable
Maybe I’m not a city rat, you poorfag. Enjoy your concrete pod.

>> No.56132685

you either steal, scam old people or suck up enough ass in politics to make it

>> No.56132693

We realized there is no escape on this prison planet. There is nowhere to go away from the genetic parasites. The easiest thing is simply not to reproduce.

Putting people with beautiful white genetics among shitskins is just an evil crime against nature and God.

>> No.56132698

kys retarded faggot

t. European

>> No.56132704
File: 10 KB, 194x259, IMG_8469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my 9/10 white slavic gf
Picrel. So, are you a slav? You are poor by default. If not a slav, then you need to rely on foreign women because you cannot afford native one. Why? Because you are a poorfag. Nice way to reveal yourself. Besides, I agree with the ither anon. Europe is shit. B-but U— FUCK OFF!

>> No.56132706

You don't

>> No.56132731
File: 92 KB, 812x752, aeafabf63b0dfe39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70% taxes
how do germans even survive kek

>> No.56132749

how the fuck do i go about with getting a job in the US and leave this cesspool of a landmass called europe with no perspective of a bright future at least since 2008 and for the remainder of this decade?

>> No.56132810

by being frugal and using cash.
also tax fraud

>> No.56132830

I'm French, its practically impossible to get rich without cheating in some way, everything works so that almost everyone makes about the same amount of money.
Its a great country to be poor in, it's a great country to be super-rich, but if you're anywhere in the middle you only exist to get exploited

>> No.56132840

It's portugal you idiots, why are you mentioning whites?

>> No.56132870

dont you have some algerian cock to suck, Antoine?

>> No.56132874

>"free" healthcare
>"safe" cities


>> No.56133374


why don't Europoors just move to Bulgaria en masse?

>> No.56133396

Subsidized healthcare like education can be worse than publicly owned, same as education and housing.
The real solution is not to intervene at all.

>> No.56133431


>> No.56133531

>guys you can live in a pod and walk to work like a modern 13th century peasant

>> No.56133576

>normal human beings
Normal humans own their own means of transportation and move about of their own volition. They experience life beyond "walking distance from my dwelling". They do not wait for someone else to arrive to then only transport them somewhat adjacent to their destination. You are not a normal human. You are a bug person.

>> No.56133617

t. schlomo

>> No.56133632
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>free healthcare
See: >>56128850
>safe cities
Truth hurts, right?

>> No.56133661

I'm not going to talk about Europe like it's a single country.

>> No.56133931

i am 31yo virgin and i would

>> No.56133975

Cyprus it is

>> No.56133984

>IT professional

>> No.56134496
File: 188 KB, 1010x1024, coffee frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like to say that I'm European and I'm rich. I unironically think paying taxes is one of the things that gives meaning to life. Saying it only goes to shitskins, layabouts and beureaucrats is a cope for people ashamed of their egotist lack of patroitism. Folkets väl, min högsta lag.

>> No.56134545

>USA median adult wealth is between $50k and $100k
There is no way. Are they literally only considering cash in a bank account as "wealth"?

>> No.56134829

Where is this fucking free healthcare? Everywhere you go you have to pay for it.

>> No.56134865

Why wont americans move to Detroit on mass? Heard they are literaly giving free money to repair derelict real estate

>> No.56135166

Middle easterns are white, they just need less sun which will happen in europe.
Islam will lose eventually and all of them become true europeans.

>> No.56135230

Why do you retards keep simping for subverted shithole open border kike ruled societies? It’s embarrassing how much of a boot licker you fags are

>> No.56135503
File: 816 KB, 1024x1024, 327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my last $100 4 months ago into the coin who lived has kept me alive in chinada